I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 295 We all have a bright future

Xiaoyu briefly introduced Pingchuan's situation to Chen Chen. From Chen Chen's perspective, Pingchuan's life was truly a legendary life.

Born in the early 1950s, he came from a privileged family. He came to Myanmar at the age of 20 and worked in the Educated Youth Brigade for many years, becoming the backbone of the 303rd Brigade Secret Service Battalion.

In the 1980s, he left the mg team and settled down in Thailand. He restarted his studies there, obtained a clinical medicine degree from Mahidol, and taught himself electronic information engineering. Although he did not actually obtain a degree, his level was definitely above the standard.

In 1984, Pingchuan married a wife and had a child; starting in 1993, Khun Sa fought a war with the Burmese army, and a large number of soldiers fled to the north, causing many murders.

At this time, life in Pingchuan was already quite stable and prosperous, but he actually left for Pubei again and participated in the Wa and Burmese governments' encirclement and suppression of Khun Sa.

After three years of fighting and the destruction of Kunsha, Pingchuan focused on new drug dealers like Nuokang, and participated in the conflicts between Mindiwu and Nuokang many times as a military doctor, but in the end he discovered that Mindiwu and the drug dealers In fact, they were the same raccoon dog, so he ran away angrily and returned to Thailand.

It wasn't until around 2003 that Pingchuan began to try to return to the north and came into contact with a certain intelligence department - Xiaoyu's department.

Since then, he has been cooperating with the North, participating in countless important missions, and has still fought some big battles, but he is much more stable than before.

By this year, 2010, he is already nearly 60 years old.

But he couldn't rest, and still stayed in Thailand and Bagan.

Through long-term operation, his family's accumulation in Thailand has already reached a very wealthy level. His two children have also started their own businesses, and he and his wife returned to the north to settle down three years ago.

He doesn't have any bitter past, and his life can even be said to be smooth. But being able to walk through things that are extremely dangerous without even looking at them is enough to show how strong this person is.

After listening to Xiaoyu's narration, Chen Chen couldn't help but be speechless.

What is this called? A born adventurer, a born activist, a born idealist warrior who is born rich but still has his true heart!

No wonder Xiaoyu said that he is a "time-tested" comrade, isn't that right?

He has not been tested for 10 years; he has been tested by his own beliefs and ideals for 40 years.

And during these 40 years, he was in a foreign country, but he never wavered.

No wonder Xiaoyu would recommend him to him. To be honest, when using such a person, he is more at ease than anyone else.

"So where did you find such talents?"

Chen Chen couldn't help but ask.

“In fact, we don’t need to spend too much thought on it.”

"Such people will take the initiative to find us. Just like you."


Chen Chen nodded slightly. At this time, the two of them had already reached the door of the villa. Only then did Chen Chen remember that he had originally planned to invite Pingchuan to have dinner with him. The conversation about Gong just now was so embarrassing that he simply forgot about it.

But it doesn’t matter, I will stay in Tachileik for a while in the future, and there will be many opportunities to contact him.

Back in the villa, it was already 7 pm. Others in the Dongfeng Corps had already ordered food and were waiting for Chen Chen to come back to start the meal.

Logically speaking, after the Dongfeng Corps won the battle, they should have a celebratory drink, but there were too many people lying in the hospital, and it was a small group to begin with, so Chen Chen simply skipped this step. , celebrate in the most straightforward, simple and crude way.

That is, split the money.

There are a total of 29 people participating in the battle. According to the standards of level 0 missions, the participants of this mission must equally distribute the benefits. However, the benefits this time are extremely special. The benefits actually obtained through combat operations are not too much. Most of them are The income earned by the Wa State and the Bao family through political mediation.

Therefore, although everyone in the Corps has expectations for the distribution, they do not have too high expectations.

However, Chen Chen's final land distribution plan surprised everyone.

".This mission can be said to be a hard battle, and all of us paid a heavy price and took major risks."

"So, according to the classification standards of level 0 tasks, we need to reasonably distribute the spoils and commissions."

"However, considering the company's subsequent demands for continued development, we cannot simply and crudely divide all profits into spoils. Instead, we must objectively regard part of the profits as opportunities for everyone to work together and not participate in the actual distribution of benefits."

"Based on this principle, our distribution plan this time is as follows."

After what Chen Chen said, everyone in the Dongfeng Corps felt a little disappointed.

After all, if the boss uses "forward earnings" to draw a picture, the benefits that are likely to be obtained on the spot will be much lower.

But having said that, according to the Dongfeng Corps' consistent operating principles, no matter how low it is, it is actually not much lower. In addition, the future development can indeed be expected, so no matter what the plan is, it is still worth listening to.


However, they never thought that the "objectivity" in Chen Chen's plan was not the same thing as the "objectivity" they expected!

"According to calculations, we will allocate US$64 million as this income distribution, and at the same time, US$35 million will be used as injury and casualty subsidies from operating expenses."

“According to this distribution plan, under even distribution, each person’s basic income will be US$2 million.”

"In addition, the US$10 million will be incentivized according to the performance bonus rules established in the early stage, and will be rewarded according to different positions, risks, and responsibilities."

"All members who participated in the Ike Nightclub street battle will receive an additional $300,000 reward."

"At the same time, members who have made significant meritorious service in battle can receive rewards ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 US dollars."

"This number is not too big compared to the basic bonus. I hope everyone can understand that this mission is a difficult mission and was completed by everyone working together. Some people have made meritorious services and some have not, but it is not that who is better than anyone else." Well, it’s just a matter of chance and luck.”

"So, we don't intend to let such a difference in luck affect fairness too much. Is it acceptable?"


Everyone answered in unison.

Is it still "acceptable"?

This is so awesome!

What is the concept of 2 million US dollars? Nearly 20 million RMB!

Not to mention in Pubei, even in developed countries, many people will not be able to earn such a large amount of money in their lifetime!

And by fighting with the Dongfeng Corps in such a battle, all his problems for the rest of his life would be solved. What else do you think?

Those who had just joined could not wait to kneel down and kowtow to Chen Chen on the spot, because compared to those mercenary captains who deducted commissions, Chen Chen's distribution was like the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva.

Seeing everyone's excited expressions, Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then he continued:

"We have a fixed proportion of casualty allowances, so I won't say more here."

"Baigou, you will be responsible for the payment of subsidies in the future. My request is just one: to ensure that this money can be used by the families of the fallen comrades, do you understand?"


Bai Gou immediately stood up and answered. After briefly confirming the subsequent distribution ratio, Chen Chen immediately asked Peng Xucheng to arrange the financial personnel to transfer the money.

Now that everyone in the Dongfeng Corps has opened a bank account in Tachilei, it is much more convenient to initiate salary payments.

After more than two hours of fussing and fussing, the distribution of the spoils was finally settled. These mercenaries were dumbfounded. After all, the last time they received "big money" was when they finished fighting for nothing.

And now?

Not only is there money, not only is it more, but the order of magnitude has gone up by one level.

From six digits to seven digits!

The whole villa was in jubilation, and Chen Chen rarely restrained them anymore. He just told them as always that they were not allowed to organize entertainment activities that exceeded the bottom line, and the mercenaries naturally agreed.

Nonsense, he has so much money, and he still plays such low-end things?

When you have money, there are plenty of legal and fun things for you to play with!

The bank transfer had not yet arrived, but most people had a lot of savings, so everyone went out happily to have fun, but all the members of the core group stayed behind tacitly.

Sitting in the hall of the villa, before Chen Chen could speak, Bai Gou said with emotion:

"This is the last time we will weigh gold and silver like this. In the future, as the company becomes more professional, we will no longer be able to do this."

"After entering the PMC period, we can no longer engage in this form of 'equity distribution'. Those below can receive high incomes, but they can no longer distribute money from the entire capital pool in proportion."

"I've been worried that you would divide all the profits from this time. If that happens, it will be a lot of fun."

"It can be said that these brats have caught up with a good time - so why do they have to go to a startup company to work?"

Hearing Bai Gou's words, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

This kid is now full of trendy jokes from the North, because he has gone the way of Jackal and started watching TV series from the North.

However, what Bai Gou said does make sense. After entering the route of a large company, the system of the mercenary group must be eliminated. Otherwise, the company's scale and business will be limited, and personnel stability will not be guaranteed.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and replied:

"I've thought about this problem for a long time, and the solution is clear."

"Peng Xucheng has already arranged the equity structure of the new company. Except for our core group, no one else will participate in the 'equity-style' distribution."

"My plan is for you to hold a controlling stake in Dongfeng PMC Group, and each of you will get 3% to 5% of the shares, and then"

"5% is too much."

Shi Dakai interrupted Chen Chen, but Chen Chen raised his hand and continued:

"5% is just Dongfeng PMC's shares. Our entire group is controlled by Dongfeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd."

"In other words, each of you holds about 1% to 2% of the entire group's shares. This share is reasonable."


"It's indeed reasonable."

Everyone nodded, and then Bai Gou continued:

"The equity incentive plan is quite good and can improve the stability of personnel to a great extent."

"I have a hunch that after the money is distributed this time, a considerable number of people will choose to quit the Dongfeng Corps for retirement, or retreat to the second line. This is good news."

"Yes, it's good news."

"Why is this good news?"

Among all the people, only Li Bang has not come back to his senses.

Hearing his question, Chen Chen smiled and replied:

"We are now expanding our team, which requires a large number of logistics and administrative personnel, as well as a large number of command and training personnel."

"Systematic training needs to be started, and someone has to do it."

"The experience gained from fighting must ultimately be passed down. Otherwise, our team's 'large-scale combat effectiveness' will never be improved."

"How about it, do you want to retreat to the second line?"

"I don't want it."

Li Gang waved his hands quickly, and Chen Chen immediately looked at Bai Gou again.

"We need a middle manager, White Dog, you can do it."

"Can't you do it with Dakai?"

"Da Kai is the battlefield commander. His position is different from yours. If we look at the future development of the company, he will be half a level higher than you."

"That's no problem, I can do it."

Bai Gou answered decisively.

"Okay, then you don't want to go to Indonesia this time. Stay in Tachileik and run this stall well."

"You can discuss personnel expansion, equipment preparation, and specific matters with Peng Xucheng and Xu You."

"Understood, I promise to complete the task!"

Bai Gou saluted, Chen Chen rolled his eyes at him, and then looked at Shi Dakai aside.

"When we go to Indonesia this time, we will not only establish a company there, but also truly establish our basic base. Subsequently, the main front-line command responsibility will be handed over to you. I will only be responsible for on-the-spot command under special circumstances."

"I understand, I can do it well."

Shi Dakai nodded calmly and said nothing more.

Immediately afterwards, there was the Li Gang.

Chen Chen looked at this man who seemed to be indifferent to the world and said:

"As Shi Dakai's deputy, you will focus on training from now on. Of course, you will also participate in battles, but the frequency will gradually decrease."

"Don't always think about rushing to the front line. We can fight, but we don't necessarily have to be on the battlefield every time. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I can train you."

Li Bang nodded obediently, while Chen Chen continued to turn to Bao Qi.

"I'll leave the technical aspects to you."

"Now there is a big five-year plan project, which is to realize the informatization and digital reform of our team."

"Xiaoyu found someone for me. His name is Pingchuan. He is a military doctor and an expert in electronic information engineering. From now on, you will cooperate with him to focus on high-tech, new equipment and modern warfare reforms."


Bao Qi's brows were filled with joy. There was no doubt that this was what he wanted to do most.

When it was Lin He's turn to make arrangements, Chen Chen actually didn't have many ideas for the time being. After all, he was still too young, and many aspects had not yet been finalized. The most prominent advantage was jungle warfare, but from the perspective of the company's grand strategy, , still relatively "narrow".

Therefore, Chen Chen temporarily arranged for him to be a mobile operator, or to put it more bluntly, a management trainee.

Play more, practice more, and learn more. He is very talented and has a very good personality. He will definitely be useful in the future.

Perhaps, it may not be the second Shi Dakai in the future.

And in the end, it’s the old pig.

Looking at this "newcomer" who had just joined, Chen Chen said with a hint of ridicule:

"Do you want me to say more? HR?"

The old pig chuckled and replied:

"No need, boss."

"I will look further ahead in the future. With a formal company, it will be easier to recruit people."

“I can also do my part to help veterans re-employ!”

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