I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 303 Mengka Military Academy?

Dachili, in the command room of the villa.

In the absence of real-time positioning and advanced command systems, people far away in Tachilei can only rely on an extremely primitive method to understand the team's situation, that is, radio.

This method of communication is extremely inefficient and unreliable. It is believed that the commander cannot truly understand the true situation of the team and can only make judgments based on reports from the top commander on the front line.

Obviously, as long as you rely on "human" reports, there will be an element of subjective processing. This is why, in the radio era, battlefield commanders often made some mistakes that will look stupid in later generations.

For example, the two most classic Manstein rescues during World War II were superficially caused by insufficient cooperation among combat units and insufficient determination by the commanders. However, if we trace the root cause, the core problem is the "non-objectivity" of battlefield intelligence. .

In both rescues, Manstein overestimated his team's fighting will and did not fully understand the team's assembly situation. As a result, he was helpless when the reserve team was obviously insufficient, and he did not dare to concentrate all his strength on the attack. For one thing, they repeatedly used pincer offensives and conducted trials with small-scale armored units.

This ultimately resulted in the offensive not only failing to achieve the desired effect, but almost bringing in support troops.


Of course, from the perspective of the "justice" of World War II, Manstein's defeat was inevitable.

But from a pure war theory point of view, the failure of the German army is worthy of reflection and learning by all commanders.

And now, Chen Chen has learned his lesson.

Therefore, he uncharacteristically implemented strict control over the private commandos, requiring that the commander and deputy commanders must report the situation every two hours.

Repeated reporting not only greatly reduces the subjectivity of intelligence, but also allows frontline commandos to feel confident.

As long as the control of the headquarters is still there, then their mission is still there. It is impossible to paddle around and fish at will.

This strategy undoubtedly made Chen Chen even busier than when he participated in the war in person, because he had to carefully study and judge every feedback message and eliminate redundant and erroneous information.

Neither He Bangxiong nor He Bupa understood this kind of command.

In their view, it is enough for the coach to lose a goal, and the first-line commanders should be given full freedom in the rest.

Otherwise, if you do everything yourself, wouldn't it become the most taboo "battlefield micro-management" in the north?

Looking at Chen Chen who was still staring at the map, He Bangxiong couldn't help but ask:

"Brother Chen, we are commanding from the rear. Is it really necessary to be so detailed?"

"What I mean is that they are just on their way now and have not officially entered combat deployment yet."

"You've only been sleeping for a few hours on and off throughout the day, and your body can't bear it."

"What's too much to take?"

Chen Chen snorted and replied:

"When I went to the battlefield in person, the intensity was much higher than it is now."

"At least I am sitting in the command room now and only need to see the situation on paper, instead of walking in the jungle and having to guard against poisonous insects and snakes at all times."

"Then don't say anything too trivial. If your people are all of the quality of the Dongfeng Corps, I won't bother to take care of them. I can just throw them out and let them fight on their own."

"But now, isn't it possible for you guys?"

"If the front-line troops are not good enough, the commander must find a way to make up for the shortcomings."

"Finally, traveling is also very important in the entire battle, even more important than actually starting the battle."


He Bangxiong made it clear, but in fact his tone was still a bit "perfunctory".

Of course he would not question Chen Chen's ability, but he had to admit that he did feel that Chen Chen was overly sensitive.

He Bupa on the side had the same idea. The two stood next to Chen Chen, looking at the almost completely indistinguishable information stacked together, and they didn't even know the meaning of looking at it.

However, just as the two looked at each other, intending to symbolically help Chen Chen share part of the work, the latter suddenly raised his head and said:

"Commando Group 1 and 2 are now at Banchaputao? Why is this speed so abnormal?"

"They arrived in Banpiasi 10 hours ago, and there is a 9.8-kilometer straight line distance from Banpiasi to Banchaputao. Most of the distance between the two places is jungle, and there are very few trails that can be used. How can they Maybe walking that fast?”

After hearing Chen Chen's words, He Bupa thought for a moment and then replied:

"The commandos themselves do not carry many weapons and the risk of their identity being exposed is relatively low, so they may go bolder."

"Maybe they found a vehicle they could use? Or hitched a ride?"

"The entire road from Ban Piasi to Pancha Putao is a barren mountain. That is, there is a small section of rural road in Ban Piasi that Nuokang built before Nuokang. After Nuokang died, Xuan Ruanlong did not take over. This camp should be abandoned by now, where can they hitchhike?”

"This speed is definitely wrong. Contact the front line and ask them to re-report the position."

"Our weapons must arrive at the same time as them. They can be slower by a few minutes or an hour or two, but don't wait till the end. They will be slower by half a day or a whole day!"


He Bangxiong immediately ordered the communication liaison officer to confirm again. Soon, the liaison officer brought back the results, confirming that the team had arrived at Banchaputao, and also brought back the key evidence, which was the Banchaputao seen by the commando team. Village, and the name found in the village.

After receiving this news, He Bangxiong couldn't help but feel a little proud.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Brother Chen, I just said you can rest assured."

"The quality of my private soldiers is still good. At least they have undergone rigorous training."

"They are not very powerful in combat, but they basically don't make mistakes in this area."

"Look, although it takes 10 hours to walk 10 kilometers, this is also a normal speed."

"It's normal shit."

He Bupa on the side sighed, he had already reacted.

"The Banchaputao Mountain and Banchaputao Village in Laos are not the same place at all, they just have similar pronunciation in Laotian dialect."

"The Banchaputao they arrived at should be the Chapituo village near Banpiasi. Ban means village in Lao."

"Ban Piasi and Bancha Putao are actually two mountains. Forget it, they didn't reach it anyway. Chief Chen is right. They are still about 4 kilometers away from Bancha Putao."

He Bangxiong was stunned. He looked at Chen Chen with some embarrassment. At this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of Chen Chen's commanding to this level.

Indeed, if you were to take the top command this time, you would probably misjudge the team's position, causing all subsequent actions to be out of touch.

It’s a trivial matter to wait for equipment and people, but if the equipment is discovered and people get lost because of the delay, it will be a lot of fun.

Such a small intelligence error - no, it's not even an error, but just a deviation, which may cause serious uncontrollable consequences. It has to be said that He Bangxiong really feels that his knowledge has been refreshed.

At the same time, he also truly realized the gap between himself and Chen Chen.

It is definitely not just the so-called gap between tactical level and command level, but more importantly, the gap in systematic combat thinking.

Chen Chen is able to consider every detail in a battle. Those things that he has never thought of and never cared about are as obvious in his eyes as a large piece of ink on a pure white background!

And sometimes it is these details that determine the final outcome of a battle.

"I'm convinced, Brother Chen, I'm really convinced this time."

"If you fight a war, fighting with us is not the same thing at all. Can you open a class in the future? Open an army command class!"

"Really, I will definitely be the first to sign up! I'm not kidding, these things are so useful."

Have a class?

Suddenly an idea flashed in Chen Chen's mind.

This does seem like a good idea

If you want to develop and grow in Pubei or even around the world, in addition to improving your strength, the most important thing is actually to have a good relationship with various armed groups.

After all, many of them are their customers or potential allies.

And if you want to improve this relationship, you cannot just "bring them to wealth".

After all, how many Tachilei are there in this world that you can rob? This unique opportunity is gone once it is used up.

But, if you really build a school and a martial arts hall,

Wouldn't it be possible to turn many people into his direct descendants? !


Why is Chang Kaishen called the principal? It’s not because he really served as the principal of Whampoa Military Academy! ?

It was during that time that he extended his tentacles to the vast number of young officers and cultivated a large number of direct descendants, greatly expanding his influence and improving his prestige.

This is a path confirmed by historical experience.

And, not just historically.

Why are Americans so keen on engaging in IMET activities? Isn't the logic of this thing the same as that of Whampoa Military Academy?

Why does the north want Shijiazhuang Army Academy to accept so many Ni Ge students? The principle is the same.

Of course, these are still too far for Chen Chen, but even looking at the initial relationship between himself and Jackal from a close perspective, it was actually established through "preaching and receiving karma" time and time again.

Really got it going.

Although the main focus cannot be placed on this, it is okay to set up a shelf and create a virtual organization first.

What kind of Lakeside University can a capitalist build? I have thousands of people and tens of thousands of guns in my hands. Is it not too much to build a Mengka Infantry Academy?


Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"This matter can be considered, but it will definitely not be done in a short time."

"In this case, Brother He, you first set up an airs in your team."

"When I come back from Indonesia, we can try to get this thing started."

"If you can do it well, it will be a merit."

"Why do you want Indonesia to come back - ah, I understand."

He Bangxiong suddenly realized.

This time, Chen Chen felt that he really understood.

After all, I currently lack people with real experience and systematic experience. Even if I build a school, there will be no one to teach.

Only after we return from Indonesia, wait for the company to get on the right track, and let Lao Zhu recruit enough people in the name of the company, can this thing start to work.


But of course, this is all long-term planning.

The most important thing now is to capture Ruan Long Park first.

Chen Chen shook his head to drive away some messy thoughts, then lowered his head again and lay on the battle map.

"The equipment team is ready to go. Also, get the helicopter ready."

"It's only 50 kilometers from here to Huay Xai, but we have to bypass the air defense zone of Pamang Camp, so we can only go north and go around."

"It takes about 30 minutes for us to reach Houay Thay, and the helicopter's flight time is only two and a half hours."

"So, it has to appear at the most critical time and in the most critical place."

"The response team is also ready."

"Finally, control Chen Yuhu. Once we start fighting here, there is no need for him to live."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, He Bupa and He Bangxiong stood up immediately and replied at the same time:


24 hours later, near Ruan Long Park.

The captain in charge of this assault took the Recon III lent to him by the Dongfeng Corps. While observing the situation in the Ruan Long Park in the distance, he said with some emotion:

"Otherwise, they are professional soldiers, and their equipment is much better than ours."

"Thermal imaging telescope! This thing is really useful, but it's a pity that we can't afford it."

Hearing his words, the deputy on the side chuckled and replied:

"If we can win this time, we may all be rich. Then ask the brigade commander to replace us with a batch of equipment."

"But forget it, the brigade commander is willing to give up! Our bulletproof vests were all replaced by Commander Chen - don't say this to anyone else."

The captain stopped talking and continued:

"That's almost it. We're ready to attack."

"Signal Corps! Inform the rear that we will set off in 5 minutes and launch the attack in 30 minutes."

"The enemy's defense is lax and it is not expected that the use of helicopters will be needed, but it would be best to fly over to assist in the subsequent arrest and clearance work."

"Everyone gear up and prepare to fight!"


The order was quickly passed on, and two minutes later, everyone got up from the hidden jungle and walked towards the distant park.


Yes, without any tactics or formation, they just walked over.

It took them 10 minutes to walk or run the two kilometers.

The distance is actually not that far, because Nguyen Long Park is located in the suburbs of Houay Say.

This was originally for "security" considerations, but now, such a location has become the biggest unsafe factor.

The security personnel at the door were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a large-scale armed team near Huishai.

Someone came up and wanted to ask, but the captain answered directly without waiting for him to speak:

"Routine inspection!"

The security guard's expression changed, but before he could say the second sentence, the captain's gun went off.


His head exploded, and the captain continued:

"Everyone, control the main entrances and exits, shoot out the rocket launchers and cloud bombs, and destroy all their firepower points!"

"No need to save ammunition, don't let one go!"


Replies from other groups came over the walkie-talkie, and soon, in the night, intensive gunshots rang out.

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