I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 304 It has nothing to do with me

"Are you kidding me? Who's beating us?"

In the office, listening to the intensive gunshots outside the window, Xuan Ruanlong's expression looked as if he had seen a ghost.

He couldn't figure out at this time, in this place, who was so bold as to dare to attack his base camp.

Although most of his troops are scattered outside at this time to protect his huge "industry", even if it is just the "Jingan Guards", there are still close to 500 people in Ruan Long Park, okay?

The weapons of these five hundred people are not advanced, but there are more than ten heavy machine guns alone, and individual soldiers are also equipped with a small number of RPGs and a small number of rifle grenades.

Looking at the entire Huishai, there are not a few forces that can defeat him. It should be said that there are none at all!

Even the teams deployed here in the Laos Third Military Region have not reached a level that can challenge themselves.

Who can't think of it? ?

A name suddenly flashed in Xuan Ruanlong's mind, but soon, he automatically rejected it.

It can't be the Dongfeng Corps. The Dongfeng Corps doesn't have that many people, and this is definitely not their style.

If they wanted to fight, there would be no way that he would have the chance to sit here and think about "whether it's them or not."

According to their style, the first round of heavy artillery and rocket covering strikes was enough to wipe out their entire park.

There is no need for them to carry out such an attack, because they are certainly fully capable of projecting heavy firepower on themselves.

Besides that, they should have no reason to beat themselves up.

After all, Chen Yuhu is still staying with Dachili. According to his intelligence, the conflict between the coalition forces and the Dongfeng Corps has become more and more intensified. As for Chen Chen, he should first deal with his own internal problems, at least first get rid of He Bupa. Deal with it and then take care of yourself, right?

Could it be Zhao Jialiang?

It's possible. Although Zhao Jialiang was heard to be dead, his private soldiers and his team were not dead.

There is no room for people like them to survive in today's Tachilei.

Their only choice is to flee across the border to Laos and Thailand.

Then it is very likely that they will reunite as one and then find ways to make money.

How can they make money without resources, connections, or even channels?

Rob, only rob.

Thinking of this, Xuan Ruanlong couldn't help but feel a little angry, but also a little helpless.

They are angry because these people actually think that they are easy to handle and they actually take advantage of them!

And the helplessness is because, in the final analysis, this culture of grabbing money when there is no money was brought out by his Dongfeng Corps!

He robbed Nuokang, robbed the four major families, robbed Jialiang, and of course, robbed himself.

Now, everyone thinks they can really make a fortune by doing this.

But they didn't expect that not everyone was from the Dongfeng Corps.

Xuan Ruanlong took a deep breath, and then said to the adjutant:

"Notify me, everyone should be armed for me, don't be afraid of them!"

"They are just a group of defeated troops at best. No matter how strong their combat effectiveness is, they will never be much stronger, and their equipment will definitely not be able to keep up. As long as they last until their ammunition is used up, we will be sure of victory!"


The adjutant immediately turned around and rushed to the door to organize defense.

At this time, he was full of confidence, because he knew that the combat effectiveness of the Ruan Long Group's "drug trafficking armed forces" was considered elite even in the entire Laos.

Although the sudden attack does catch people off guard, but so what?

More than a dozen heavy machine guns and hundreds of rifles swept through them. Can you withstand it?

There are barricades and trenches in Ruan Long Park!

The adjutant issued orders one by one in an orderly manner, deploying all available forces.

In fact, there really aren't many good people in this park.

Even though there are jade processing factories and office buildings in the park, those who can work here are basically Xuan Ruanlong's "direct descendants".

When they put down their guns, these people can pretend to be businessmen; but when they pick up their guns, they are still serious soldiers!

Moreover, most of these people have actually experienced the battlefield.

There are quite a few people who actually have blood on their hands!

If a fight breaks out, who is afraid of whom?

Under his organization, men, women and even children armed with guns rushed out of the building and rushed to the outer barricades and trenches.

The gunfire from our own side became denser instantly, and the heavy machine guns also began to show their power.

The adjutant had a smile on his face. He had already anticipated the outcome of this battle.


However, within two minutes, his smile completely disappeared.

Explosions that sounded denser than gunshots sounded, even a little too dense.

The heavy machine gun position went silent for an instant, and fleeing security guards kept running past him. He subconsciously wanted to hold on to those people, but there were too many of them, and he couldn't hold on to any of them.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and he was defeated?

Are you kidding me?

He ran out of the bunker and poked his head to see clearly who was on the other side and what equipment they were using, but he couldn't see clearly the opponents in the darkness. Instead, he saw a scene that made him extremely frightened.

Dense smoke bombs.

Cloud bombs exploded in the room window.

A pickup truck spewing grenades.

Dense armor-piercing incendiary bombs trailing red light were being fired everywhere.

And the most terrifying thing is the fires burning everywhere.

He had no idea how those fires were ignited, but when he saw those bright yellow flames, his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

No need to think anymore, this must be the Dongfeng Corps.

They're actually here!

How could they come? !

The adjutant broke out in cold sweat. He no longer bothered to organize a defense, but turned around and ran quickly towards Xuan Ruanlong's office.

There is only one thought in his mind now, and that is to run away.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

Then they are the Dongfeng Corps!

The Dongfeng Corps is prone to arson, shows no mercy, and kills everyone!

He kicked open the door with a bang, and at this time, Xuan Ruanlong was standing in front of his desk dully with a phone in his hand.

Seeing the adjutant rushing in, he said:

"I already know."

"It's not the Dongfeng Corps, it's He Bangxiong's team."

"They are really coming. We made a mistake, they are really fighting among themselves."

"But the point of internal strife is not the so-called drug control in Tachilei, but because He Bangxiong and the Dongfeng Corps want to kill us, and He Bupa doesn't want to do that yet!"

"The Dongfeng Corps didn't come. They have to stay in Tachilei to guard against He Bupa. Only He Bangxiong's private soldiers came."

"Chen Yuhu is already communicating. Now our only chance is Bao Xiaomei!"

"Chen Yuhu is going to find Bao Xiaomei and ask her to mediate."

"Only she can save us now."

Hearing Xuan Ruanlong's words, the adjutant felt relieved.

At least not the Dongfeng Corps.

That is to say, there is still a chance to hold on.

So, he immediately said:

"That's good!"

"We have to hold on now! Boss, contact the Laotian side and ask them to come to the rescue!"

"I'll lead the defense again. We'll stay in the building. They can't get in!"

"After all, they are not the Dongfeng Corps. They are not so strong that they are unreasonable!"

"Boss, you go first and break out from behind! I'll hold them back!"

"I can't leave."

Xuan Ruanlong shook his head firmly.

"As soon as I leave, this place will inevitably collapse. This is an industry that I finally won, and I can't just give it to them."

"Hurry up and lead the team, I have my own plans!"


The adjutant turned around and left the room again. At this moment, in the air not far from Huishai, the sound of the "Firebird" flapping its wings could be heard.

Great strength.

Chen Yuhu sat timidly opposite Chen Chen, not daring to raise his head or look at the man in front of him.

Just now, he made a phone call at gunpoint, revealing a "key" but false information to his boss.

That is, only He Bangxiong's private soldiers were able to fight, and the Dongfeng Corps was not directly involved.

This news is actually extremely "credible" because a few days ago, he had already informed his boss about the internal strife between the Dongfeng Corps, He Bangxiong, and He Bupa.

In the past few days, this news has been continuously strengthened and has become a "fact" recognized by almost everyone.

In this case, the new information he delivered did not change the main premise of the internal strife, but only modified the reasons for the internal strife - it should even be said that it was not a modification, but a further improvement.

One can imagine how convinced Xuan Ruanlong would be when he heard the news.

And this kind of deep belief will bring him disaster.

Because the helicopter of the Dongfeng Corps was about to arrive, and he thought he would be safe as long as he hid in the building bunker in the park or fought his way out!

But he didn't know that the precious escape time had been consumed by his phone call.

What greeted him was only the fate of death.

Chen Yuhu's mind was in chaos. At this moment, he really felt the gap from intelligence, or from "ancient wisdom".

What seems to them to be an extremely sophisticated divorce plan may seem to them like children playing house.

All intentions and conspiracies have been exposed long ago, and they have also taken advantage of these conspiracies to push the Ruan Long Group step by step into the abyss of destruction.

Chen Yuhu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and after hearing his sigh, the man opposite actually laughed.

He asked:

"What, you realize your stupidity?"

Chen Yuhu raised his head in horror, hesitated for a few seconds and then answered:

"No, sir, you are too strong."

"No, you are just too stupid."

Chen Chen interrupted him without hesitation, and then continued:

"Now, Xuan Ruanlong's matter has been taken care of. Next, we have to deal with your matter."

"You said you are Chen Yuhu, so your relationship with Xuan Ruanlong should be very close, right?"

"If the relationship is close enough, it means you should know his business very well."

"Now, I'll give you a chance to write down everything you know and don't know. As long as you write it clearly, I'll let you go."

"To be honest, people like you are of little use to us, let alone a threat."

"Using other people's money in exchange for your own life is a very cost-effective business, right?"

Yes, of course.

Chen Yuhu even felt that this was the only truth he had heard in this period of time.

So what if I say it? So what if we give a full account?

He was not originally Xuan Ruanlong's "confidant", but just an "intelligence officer" who happened to have a similar name and was temporarily pulled over to play the role of his relative.

But that's where the problem lies.

I really don’t know the details of Xuan Ruanlong, or in other words, I really don’t fully understand him.

The only thing that I had the most contact with before was the drug trade that the Ruan Long Group had not cleaned up.

Now that I have to write everything out, where do I know where to go?


However, there is absolutely no way he would show cowardice at this time.

If you are timid, you will die.

Even if you are compiling, you must compile enough information.

Anyway, they don't have time to verify it. As long as they delay, they will still have a chance.

So, Chen Yuhu immediately replied:

"Okay! It's absolutely okay!"

"Sir, Chen Yulong and I have no feelings! I was just forced to do nothing!"

"I really don't want to sell drugs, I just want to mine. I've always been in the mining business before, so I know about gold mines!"

"Xuan Ruanlong has been prospecting recently, just over there in Houwasala!"

"They also killed two people, two northerners!"

"Sir, I can write to you one by one. As long as you give me time, I can definitely write it out."

"No need to say so much."

Chen Chen interrupted Chen Yuhu and then asked:

"I only ask you one thing."

"You said you are a mine operator, so let me ask you, where is Xuan Ruanlong's tin mine in Laos?"

Chen Yuhu was stunned for a moment, but soon he regained his composure again.

"Tin mine. I have never heard of a tin mine. I only know that there are copper and gold mines, but they only produce copper but not gold."

"Sir, I really don't remember the tin mines."

"he does not know."

Chen Chen sighed and turned to look at He Bupa.

The latter regarded Chen Yuhu as if he was nothing and asked directly:

"Xuan Ruanlong really has a tin mine?"

"Yes, but it's a small mine near Chebang. It's been there for many years."

"There was an accident in that mine, and several people died. They were all shot. The impact was relatively large - of course, I am referring to the impact within them."

"This kid doesn't even know this. He thinks I'm deceiving him. Li Gang."

Hearing Chen Chen call his name, Li Bang stepped forward with understanding. In Chen Yuhu's horrified eyes, he knocked him unconscious with the butt of his rifle.

Then, he dragged Chen Yuhu out of the door like a dead dog. A moment later, a crisp gunshot sounded outside the villa.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"It should be almost over over there in Huishai."

"Brother He, go and ask about the situation, if..."

Before Chen Chen finished speaking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that the caller was Bao Xiaomei.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoyu just walked in at the door of the living room.

Almost the same sentence sounded on the phone and in the living room.

"Laos has intervened. Some of them are asking whether the Dongfeng Corps has participated. How to answer?"

Chen Chen looked at his phone, then at Xiaoyu, and then replied:

"Huishai was beaten by He Bangxiong, and my helicopter keys were stolen by them."

"I was just trying to settle the score with him."

"But this has nothing to do with me."

"Does what Brigade 756 did have anything to do with me?"

It's restored, there are 3 chapters left before 12 o'clock tonight.

I haven't been sick for a long time.

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