Although Chen Chen lives in Indonesia, as he said, his base is still in Pubei.

Therefore, the operation of Pubei will not end, but will increase in scale as the Dongfeng Corps launches its operations in Indonesia.

The most intuitive thing is that after the official establishment of PMC, Lao Zhu’s recruitment plan became much smoother.

After all, if you posted an advertisement recruiting mercenaries in the north, most people would be wary.

However, if you say that we are recruiting "private force solution executives who are responsible for providing the most professional security, threat elimination, goal achievement and other package solutions to our customers around the world," then everyone will think, This thing is quite reliable.

And precisely because of this "formal compliance" shell, Lao Zhu's recruitment work went very smoothly. When Chen Chen called him on the phone, he even sounded a little excited when he spoke.

"Captain. No, boss! The plan went smoothly!"

"I have 6 people here already, we have organized the preliminary interviews, and the situation is better than we thought!"

"The average age of this group of people is only 30 years old, and they are all elites!"

"Two of them said they had won rankings in martial arts competitions, one had made meritorious deeds, and although the other three had no honors, their basic skills were very solid."

"I've tested it, and they can easily score over 90 rings on the 100-meter target. The 200-meter target is basically around 80 rings. It's really strong."

"Furthermore, his physical fitness is also quite good - Jackal has already built the obstacle course facilities you want, and all tests show that they are at an excellent level."

"Boss, I think there is no need for any more adaptive training. What they lack now is actual combat."

"How about I send him over first, and you can practice while fighting?"

After hearing what Lao Zhu said, Chen Chen couldn't help but hesitate.

In fact, according to the original plan, he originally planned to let these "new recruits" fight a dozen in Pubei, and first go out on a small mission to help the Bao family fight a dozen bulk chemical drug dealers.

After all, Pubei is a novice village, where you can practice leveling and adapt to the battlefield, which is also good for the subsequent running-in of large teams.

But the problem is that now he really lacks people, and he really needs new strength.

In this case, it seems that it is not feasible to practice while playing?

Perhaps the only problem is that fighting against JD elements and security wars in Indonesia may result in higher casualties than fighting militias and drug traffickers in Pubei. If not handled properly, it can easily lead to a catastrophic collapse of morale.

The old pig opposite was still chattering about the newly found six people. Chen Chen himself came from the same team. With the help of some "fragmented" information, he could basically piece together the life experiences of these people.

They are all serious veterans, even the kind of characters who have been practicing and preparing for war for so long that they cannot adapt to "normal social life."

Such people are most suitable for fighting, because they have a natural fanaticism for fighting. In Chen Chen's own words, he gets excited when he smells the smell of gun oil, and when he smells gunpowder, he simply rises to the sky. .

if it is like this.

Chen Chen finally made a decision and said:

"Arrange for them to get passports as soon as possible and send them over!"

"I will ask the company to issue a job invitation letter, and you can use it to apply for a visa."

"By the way, if possible, try to set up an office in Yunnan - in the name of Huamei Company."

"This company is responsible for liaison with the north. If we want to recruit people in the future, we will send them directly from there!"


Lao Zhu answered immediately, and then Chen Chen asked about the equipment preparation.

Lao Zhu didn't understand this, so he handed the phone to Peng Xucheng, who happened to be nearby. Peng Xucheng's first words made Chen Chen feel relieved.

"Basically, the equipment to be purchased in the early stage has been planned."

"For tanks, we have found sources of supply in both Tanzania and Ethiopia. The quotations are very suitable. The only difference is the transportation."

"No matter where they are imported from, the tanks must be dismantled and transported as scrap products, and the logistics difficulty in Ethiopia is lower than that in Tanzania."

"However, Ethiopia's customs management system is also stricter. To be precise, the local department is more corrupt."

"This is still quite difficult. We don't have anyone there. All actions must be completed through a third party. They also have to pump water in the middle. Boss, what do you say? Should we go to Tanzania or Ethiopia?"

"Let's go Esai."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation.

The situation in Ethiopia is indeed what Peng Xucheng said. Local officials are corrupt and the hidden costs are extremely high. But the problem is that where the hidden costs are higher, there is more room for negotiation.

What you are doing is arms trading, and you are already unruly enough. Are you still worried about others not following the rules?

The less disciplined a place is, the more loopholes can be exploited.

Moreover, there is another very important point in choosing Ethiopia, that is, this country will be the focus of northern operations in the next ten years.

If I can lay out my plate in advance and catch this express train, then the development of Dongfeng Group will obviously be able to reach a higher level.

"I understand, then I'll leave for Ethiopia."

"By the way, there's one more thing. A piece of good news."

"What good news?"

Chen Chen asked in confusion, and Peng Xucheng replied:

"The route to Taunggyi has been opened."

"so fast?!"

"Yes, at least road transportation has been opened now."

“Next, I will find a way to open up the route from Taunggyi to Kyaukphyu.”

"If all the relationships can be sorted out, then in the future, our 'goods' can not only come in from Kyaukphyu, but also go out from Kyaukphyu."

"Aren't you short of equipment in Indonesia? We can send it directly from here."

Damn, the logistics route is about to be opened?


No, to open up the logistics route, the most important thing is not Pubei, but Indonesia.

Only when the problem of Indonesian entrance is solved can it be truly solved.

It seems that Dongfeng PMC has one more job in Indonesia.

However, to achieve this, the Dongfeng Corps' "position" in Indonesia must be quickly established.

At least we need to gain the right to speak before we can have the capital to negotiate with Indonesian officials.

And this must be found from those jd elements.

My thoughts are clearer.

Clean Sulawesi first, then drag the president down!

Don't you want to fight against JD elements but also worry about losing your tail?

Okay, I'll do this job for you!

Chen Chen showed a satisfied smile, and then he said:

"Be prepared on your side, and on the Indonesian side, I will advance at the same time."

"Give me a month. Once we have established a foothold in Sulawesi, the shipping routes on both sides can basically be opened up."

Peng Xucheng's route has not yet been opened up, but Xiaoyu's route has already been formed.

The day after arriving in Sulawesi, the equipment Chen Chen wanted was delivered on the Qingshan Group's cargo ship.

Without any cover-up, the equipment completed customs clearance and was delivered to Chen Chen like all other normal goods.

In the Dongfeng Corps' own warehouse, Chen Chen dismantled the cargo boxes used for transportation, took out the contents one by one, and inspected them one by one.

“HK416 is still brand new, and it’s really not bad.”

"There is no M82A1, but it is pretty good with the L115A3."

"M249, and M240, okay."

"The sights are a little less interesting, they only have ACOG."

"I told them before that I wanted M553 to connect AN/PVS-14 in series, but I guess they didn't get it either. I'll just make do with it."

"The four-eye night vision device is standard, but the quality is really bad. Did you just buy it from eBay?"

"The body armor is from the north and is acceptable."

"Bullets and incendiary bullets, yes."

"Thermal imaging telescope, goggles, carrying gear, silencer"

"Grenade, smoke bomb, flash bomb"

"The big crow has also arrived. It seems that Peng Xucheng communicated well with them."

Containers were opened one after another, and Chen Chen also felt the pleasure of opening blind boxes.

However, the first few larger cargo boxes did not bring him much surprise. After all, he had specified everything he needed.

After Chen Chen sorted out all the complete sets of equipment, he suddenly discovered that there were still several large boxes that had not been opened.

At this time, the individual equipment commonly used by the Dongfeng Corps was already complete.

From body armor to guns and ammunition, from projectiles to carrying equipment, from night vision scopes to drones

Although it does not have the "heavy firepower" of two barrels per capita like before, in Indonesia, this equipment is completely enough to fight CQB security warfare.

In the few remaining boxes.

what exactly is it?

Chen Chen couldn't help but look forward to it. He directed everyone to unpack all the boxes, and then looked at them one by one from left to right.


And when he saw clearly what was in the first box, he couldn't help but scream.

"What the hell, turning gun!?"

"What the hell?"

Everyone quickly gathered together, and Chen Chen had already picked up the gun in the box and studied it carefully.

He is very familiar with CS/LW9.

In fact, of course, the so-called turning gun does not achieve the turning effect by swinging the gun as described in some movies and some dramas. Instead, it uses a mechanical structure and a variable periscope aiming system to achieve the turning effect of personnel. The angular deviation from the direction of the bullet.

To put it simply, this is a right-angle gun with a targeting system. The user can hide behind the wall and stick the gun out of the wall to kill the target.

Such characteristics make Chen Chen always feel that the so-called corner gun is more suitable to be called a "probe gun", because what this thing solves is actually the problem of angle observation.

What is a T-shaped corner and what is an L-shaped corner?

I can't bend at all, I lean against a wall, stick out the muzzle of my gun and shoot you!

It has to be said that this thing is quite rogue, but its flaw is also very obvious, that is, the only weapon this system can carry is a pistol. If the enemy has protective equipment, it is still difficult to kill quickly. .


However, it is impossible to defeat MPRI, but it is more appropriate to defeat JD elements.

Chen Chen briefly introduced the use of this system to everyone, and Bao Qi couldn't help but use it to make gestures everywhere.

Chen Chen ignored him and continued to look at the second box.

And what was in this box made him even more stunned.

Miniature remote control reconnaissance vehicle.

It is no more than 30 centimeters in length, carries an active infrared camera, has a variable track design, and does not have any markings on the body.

This thing is very similar to the XD-S remote-controlled reconnaissance vehicle that Chen Chen saw in his previous life, but it obviously does not reach the height of that vehicle's integrated detection and combat capabilities. It is just a relatively crude "prototype".

However, even a prototype is quite sufficient!

Chen Chen couldn't wait to take out the remote control car, install the battery and start testing. During this test, he also discovered several problems with the car.

The working noise is a bit loud and not suitable for sneak combat reconnaissance.

The obstacle-crossing ability can only be described as passable. Climbing a 20cm threshold is very difficult, and climbing up continuous stairs is an almost impossible task.

After all, this thing can only be adapted to two-dimensional reconnaissance missions, and cannot conduct three-dimensional reconnaissance.

But no matter what, it's better than nothing.

If you bring this thing with you, if you want to attack enemies in the building in the future, you will not only be able to throw projectiles wildly in, but you can also do something precise after the investigation is completed.

Tactical options are greatly expanded, and security is greatly improved.

I have to say that Xiaoyu is really attentive.


Of course, there is also a possibility that they regard the Dongfeng Corps as a guinea pig to test the actual combat effectiveness of new weapons.

After all, the technical difficulty of this thing is really not high, and what needs to be optimized are only some "practical" functions. It is really reasonable to give it to the Eastern Corps for testing.

Chen Chen put down the remote control car in his hand, and the others couldn't wait to start playing with it.

It has to be said that men’s passion for toys will never fade no matter how old they are.

There was a buzz in the dormitory. Chen Chen opened the second to last box, and this time, the contents inside were a bit disappointing.

Just two machine guns, the disassembled Type 85 heavy machine gun.

Useful, but no surprise.

Chen Chen scratched his head and finally looked at the last box.

And when the box was opened, others were stunned.

He finally knows what those two heavy machine guns are for.

Because the last box contains two sets of remote-controlled machine gun stations.

No, of course it couldn't be a remote-controlled weapon station. The technical secret level of that thing was too high, and it was impossible to give it to Chen Chen in any case.

But the beggar’s version of the remote-controlled machine gun station is completely sufficient!

The horizontal firing range is 360 degrees, the vertical firing range is plus 75 and minus 45 degrees. There is no fire control radar, but it can be remotely controlled through reflective sights + video transmission.

The existence of this thing can be said to have brought a new way of thinking to Dongfeng Group's defense.

What do JD activists fear most?

A suicide attack!

However, if I pull out a remote-controlled heavy machine gun fire point with my backhand, how are you going to respond?

Moreover, if there is a first batch, there must be a second batch. When Xiaoyu sent this thing, his intention was actually very obvious.

The Dongfeng Corps can let go and focus on the outside world.

As for the issue of internal defense.

Just rely on equipment to solve it!

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