I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 324 Not an opponent of the same level

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with your current equipment?"

In the office, Chen Chen held a phone in his hand, and on the other end of the phone was undoubtedly the "big financier" of this trip to Indonesia, Xiaoyu.

Hearing her question, Chen Chen laughed and replied:

"You may say you are satisfied, but in fact you are not satisfied either. After all, there are no cloud bombs or heavy weapons, and the rifle grenades we were promised before were not given to us."

"But I have to say that I am not satisfied. In fact, it is not bad. After all, there are reconnaissance vehicles, drones and remote-controlled machine guns. The technology has been greatly improved."

"But to be honest, the more equipment you give me, the less I understand your thoughts."

"Do you need us to keep the Qingshan Group and Sulawesi's basic base, or do you need us to completely replace Task Force 88?"

"Have you already thought of this?"

The Xiaoyu opposite was a little surprised. She asked subconsciously, but she soon realized that her question was inappropriate.

So, she turned and said:

"No matter from which perspective, your task is only to protect the safety of Qingshan Group."

"But you also know that the security threats faced by Qingshan Group are not just harassment of the park and attacks on personnel and transportation."

"Certain JD elements have no bottom line, such as poisoning, bombing, and kidnapping. They dare to do anything and can do anything."

"In this case, it is reasonable for you to adopt a passive defensive strategy, but if you take the initiative, there is no big problem."

"As for how far you want to take the initiative, it depends on your ability and willingness."


Chen Chen nodded understandingly.

Although Xiaoyu's words were cryptic, in fact, he had made his meaning clear.

Protect Qingshan Group, this is the first level.

Combating jdism, this is the second level.

Checking and balancing a certain force is the third level.

As for what the fourth level is, she can't say it, and Chen Chen can't mention it. She can only "understand" it.

It has to be said that Xiaoyu's expectations for Chen Chen are really high.

After all, with Pubei's affairs at the forefront, she probably felt that Chen Chen was naturally someone capable of doing great things, so she also hoped to use his power to integrate some resources and open up some roads.

To achieve this, her support for Chen Chen must no longer be as "weak" as Pubei's.

Fortunately, Indonesia is a relatively open place, and painting on this canvas is less difficult than in Pubei.

As a result, the two hit it off immediately. Although neither party mentioned any real "work"-related topics, in fact, many things had been settled in the silence that both parties knew well.

"If this is the case, then our subsequent actions may be relatively aggressive."

"We just killed an important leader of JIS, and they have already become enemies with us."

"In the coming time, I plan to sort out the JIS forces in Sulawesi and see if I can get rid of them in one fell swoop."

"I need your intelligence support in this regard - that should be okay, right?"

"no problem."

Xiaoyu replied decisively:

"But only between us."

"I do not want this intelligence to be used for any other purpose, nor do I want it to be leaked to any unrelated third party."

"Do you get me?"

"Understood. When will you give me the first batch of information?"

"what do you need?"

"I need all the information about Bazlen's contacts - at the same time, I also need to know the movements of these contacts."

"If nothing else, if someone related to Bazren flies to Sulawesi and lands at Sultan Hassandin Airport, I at least need to know in advance."

"No problem, we can set up a group for you to share information in real time."

Hearing this, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The problem is basically solved.

Then the next step is to launch an investigation in Sulawesi according to the plan and prepare for the possible impact.

At the same time, inside the Makassar police station.

In the office of the Makassar branch of Task Force 88, Buck, who had just flown from Krivoen, was sitting opposite Regional Chief Ali. While drinking coffee, he said:

"What happened this time is really big. Our work may be quite hard in the future."

"The recent three incidents related to JD elements, it can now be basically confirmed that all of them are related to the PMC called EW."

"I have received instructions from the command, and I am fully responsible for tracking and monitoring the other party's movements and being alert to possible subsequent conflicts."

"I hope you can support my work and provide me with the necessary assistance."

"At the same time, I also hope that we can communicate openly and honestly, and abandon those stupid regional prejudices - I will not think that you are in vain with the local jd elements, and you also should not think that I am just a gold-plated customer who comes here to gain qualifications. How can I keep it?"

After hearing his words, Ali nodded solemnly and replied:

"There is absolutely no problem. JIS is our common enemy and the biggest enemy at this stage."

"I will never do anything stupid on this issue."

"However, if we want to cooperate, I must at least know one thing first, that is, who is our enemy?"

"JIS, didn't I say that?"

Buck asked in confusion, while Ali shook his head and explained:

"I don't mean JIS, but EW."

"No, no, no. Don't get me wrong, EW is not our enemy."

There was a moment of panic on Buck's face, but he quickly calmed down and said:

"I never said from beginning to end that EW is our enemy. They are just employees of a PMC."

"They have very different positions from ours, but in a sense, they also share common interests and demands with us."

"At least for now."

"So, in the near future, our operations against them are mainly based on observation and surveillance."

"Don't rush in, and don't provoke them. They don't follow the rules."

"Seriously, I don't want to see you buried with a pig."

Hearing this, Ali had a look of astonishment on his face.

He subconsciously asked:

"Buried with pigs? What do you mean?"

"Don't you know yet?"

".I have no idea."

Buck smiled and shook his head and explained to Ali:

"Based on the available intelligence and evidence, it is speculated that the people from EW Company are likely to be the real 'murderers' of Bazlen's murder."

"It took them seven hours to fly all the way from Jakarta to Kriwarne and then abduct Bazren from the Riyadh Cathedral."

"On the outskirts of Clevern, they robbed, or rather forcibly bought, a piglet, and cut off a piece of its skin."

"We speculate that they wanted to sew the pigskin onto Bazren's body, because a large piece of skin was also missing from Bazren's body."

"Then, after using this method to get the information they needed, they executed Bazlen and buried his body with the poor little pig. How about feeling the horror of this team? Yet?"

"felt it."

Ali nodded heavily and continued:

"But it's not because of the pigs, it's because of their terrible execution."

"Yeah, that's the key."

"So, we should be lucky that they are not coming for us."

"No, are we still afraid of them?"

Ali asked in surprise, and then said:

"I mean, even if we don't consider the official situation, we still have... you know."

Buck sneered and replied:

"Who? Who do you want to say? CIA? DSS? FBI? Or MPRI, who has the closest contact with us at present?"

"Stop it, do you think EW is some kind of pheasant PMC?"

"You understand, they just penetrated the entire Pubei! It only took about twenty people!"

"The Shadow Corps deployed by MPRI in Pubei was directly defeated, the CIA's safe house was ransacked, and the Americans have not yet organized a strong counterattack."

"EW is not on the same level as us."

"Of course, we are not afraid of them. I just say, don't cause trouble when you shouldn't cause trouble."

"Okay, there's no need to discuss this issue, let's..."

"Bang bang bang!"

However, before Buck could finish his words, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Then, an intelligence agent from Task Force 88 appeared at the door and said:

"There's an emergency."

"La Botta Police Station reported a large gathering of people at the local Darul Jihad Mosque and that several persons were armed."

"They seem to be preparing to attack Qingshan Industrial Park, and the informant reported that it is related to EIM."

"Captain, do we want it?"

"Look, the opportunity has come."

Buck turned back to Ali and said:

"Don't worry about anything and let them make trouble."

"You can see for yourself how strong this EW mercenary group can be."

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