On the other side, the second floor of the dental clinic.

Lawrence Friedman sat leisurely in his office, and opposite him was a young and beautiful assistant.

Both of them were holding coffee cups in their hands. The coffee in the cups was slightly steaming in the cold air at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Lawrence took a sip of the bitter Americano along the edge of the cup and said:

"These past few days have been really leisurely, so leisurely that I feel a little abnormal."

"The battle situation on the front line has become so intense that everyone can't sit still, but we are getting more and more relaxed."

"Tell me, why is this?"

“Is it because we’re not important, or is it because we’re too important?”

Hearing his words, the assistant smiled slightly and replied:

"Maybe it's because we've done everything we need to do."

"The war in Syria is a foregone conclusion. Next, the work should be left to the DO to complete."

"As for us, maybe in a few days, the EO (headquarters) will let us evacuate directly."

"After all, our work content is too advanced. After entering the execution stage, it is difficult to say what role it will play."

"The cost of our stationing here is not low. Congress has no money, and the EO is also stretched."

"Didn't you hear? They have already started to get involved in the arms trade in Peshawar."

"In the past, they would have looked down upon these petty profits."


Lawrence sighed, nodded slowly and said:

"In the past two years, EO has basically made no mistakes in the general direction, but some small problems have emerged one after another."

"Indonesia, Pubei. Yes, the special operation in Pubei just failed. Six seconded SOCOM members from DO were killed in action."

"This is a big deal, but it seems that EO has no reaction?"

After the words fell, the assistant frowned subconsciously and replied:

"It really baffles me - but given my authority, I have no idea what's going on there."

"All in all, this should be a significant loss, but it's exactly what we can afford."

"Forget about Pubei, didn't SOCOM lose a lot of people in Indonesia and Libya?"

"You see, they are not willing to cooperate with us now. The newly recruited PMOs this time are all Rangers. People from GRS also said that retired SOCOM personnel are not willing to work for them."

"The death rate is too high. Under such high risks, they might as well find a PMC to join them."

“The situation is difficult”

Lawrence sighed and put down his coffee cup.

"But it has nothing to do with us."

"At least our mission is completed."

"Now that the intelligence agent from the North is dead, those pesky Yankees will start to understand."

"This is not something they can participate in at all. Even if Maozi comes to intervene, they actually want to cause trouble?"

"Why? Just their intelligence agents who may not even be able to fire a gun?"

"How ridiculous."

The expression on Lawrence's face was obviously sarcastic, and after hearing his words, the assistant opposite also nodded thoughtfully.

"So, there is a lesson we can learn from them."

"Intelligence and operations cannot be separated. In a sense, they are inherently integrated."

"There are already signs of separation within us - for example, now, we already have you know what I mean, right?"

"I see."

Lawrence's voice became a little deeper, he shook his head helplessly and continued:

"I don't have anything to do about this situation now, but I heard that in EO, some people have already started to push for reforms."

"Next step, they may merge DI and DO, and then split all manpower into projects one by one."

"If this plan can really be implemented, we will have more opportunities to participate in the entire process of the mission, which is definitely a good thing for us."

“The higher the risk, the higher the reward, right?”

"That's right."

The assistant nodded in agreement, the two looked at each other and smiled, and fell silent for a while.

Time passed by minute by second, and when he saw that the clock on the wall had reached 5:15, and the coffee in their cups had been finished, Lawrence stood up bored, walked to the far cabinet and pulled out a cigar, Then he said:

"I can't do this kind of boring job anymore. I hope this rotation will start as soon as possible."

"Look, we know that no one will come looking for us, we know that no one will be hurt, yet we are still waiting here, as if we can really play any role."

"Honestly, sometimes I really wish there could be a gunfight here. In that case, at least I can still"


Before Lawrence could finish his words, a crisp explosion suddenly came from outside the clinic.

His movements immediately stopped, and his hand instantly reached under the table.

"Is that gunfire?"

Lawrence asked subconsciously.

"It should be gunfire, but it doesn't look like it. No, it's an AK-74!"

The assistant's expression became extremely frightened. She knew very well what the sound of gunshots from Russian weapons meant in a place like this.

It is absolutely impossible for this person to be one of our own, and it is also unlikely to be some unorganized armed elements. With a very high probability, this is a Russian agent!


Whoever it is, they're here for revenge!

That's right, only they can accurately find their own safe house, and then open fire in the city of Istanbul without any scruples!

The two looked at each other, and then moved neatly towards the closet where the equipment was kept.

Lawrence hurriedly put on his body armor. At this moment, he could no longer care about any gentlemanly manners.

"Gun! Rifle!"

"At this!"

The assistant immediately threw an M4A1 over. Lawrence pulled the bolt and checked the magazine. Then he bent down and inserted spare magazines into the body armor.

His actions were extremely skillful, and it was exactly what he said. As an intelligence officer in the DI department, he implemented the principle of "intelligence and operations" being inseparable.

In just thirty seconds, the two were ready to fight.

At this time, there was no more gunshots coming from the door.

"The entire periphery was wiped out?"

"It should be all wiped out. All three sentry posts have no response! The security downstairs is still there!"

"Call for reinforcements?"

"A warning has been issued. GRS will arrive in 45 seconds and PMO will arrive in two minutes!"

"Prepare to fight, guard the door, and go behind the door of Clinic No. 1!"


The assistant moved quickly, and as she headed to the intended ambush site, Lawrence followed her out of the office.

But instead of heading toward the consulting room, he walked all the way back along the aisle and lurked in the fire escape at the end of the aisle.

Logically speaking, they can start to retreat now.

After all, the security personnel deployed by the peripheral DO have stopped moving, and this safe house has effectively lost its ability to protect itself.

If he evacuates at this time, no one can hold him accountable.

But he still wanted to take a gamble.

What if? What if I can hold on until support arrives?

Once the support comes, it will be possible for him to keep all these unfathomable beasts here, and that will be a huge military achievement.

Whether he can continue to rise may depend on this opportunity.


Even if it really doesn't work, he still has time to evacuate.

After all, his assistant is in front.

She is a bait and an alarm

Lawrence's thoughts were spinning, and at this moment, more intensive gunfire sounded.

At this time, the clinic is downstairs.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

After a series of gunshots, both gun-wielding security guards in the clinic lobby were knocked down. Chen Chen and Li Gang led the way and rushed towards the last target behind the front desk.

It was a trembling woman. She screamed and crawled under the table, shouting for mercy.

On the surface, this was an unrelated "innocent". Even Chen Chen couldn't confirm her identity immediately.

However, there is no way to confirm the identity, it is just based on the general premise that "her identity needs to be confirmed."

Now, the premise of the Dongfeng Corps' operation is that this clinic is 100% a safe house for the CIA!

Since it is a safe house, no innocent people can appear here!

Because the CIA's safe house is essentially different from the so-called "liaison station".

It does not need to hide for a long time or maintain its existence. It only has two functions.

First, provide a place for daily office work and equipment storage.

Second, provide assistance for the evacuation of key players.

These two functions determine an important feature of the safe house.

No matter what it is disguised as, once it is actually used once, it will be completely abandoned.

So, no matter how many people are deployed in the safe house, one thing is certain.

That is, everyone here exists for the task and only exists for the task.

The AK-74 in Chen Chen's hand was already pointed at the woman's head. The moment he was about to pull the trigger, the woman seemed to understand the murderous intent in his eyes.

Then, the woman's hand reached under the table at the front desk, as if she wanted to take something out from there.

But Chen Chen didn't give her a chance. His finger had completely pressed the trigger. The woman's forehead exploded instantly, and then hit the ground hard.

Blood mixed with broken bones scattered on the ground. Chen Chen made a gesture, and Li Bang stepped forward quickly and walked towards the stairs behind the clinic.

This is a glass staircase with a suspended structure. Li Bang was very fast. After Chen Chen reached the cover position, he was already standing at the door of the first clinic on the second floor.

Chen Chen aimed his gun at the corridor parallel to the stairs, while Li Bang aimed at the half-open door of the consulting room and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

The familiar PKM gunfire sounded, and the door of the consulting room was torn to pieces.

Behind the door, a corpse that had no chance of shooting slowly fell to the ground.

"Keep pushing."

Chen Chen made a gesture, and Li Bang continued to move forward without hesitation.

At the same time, Lin He and Shortfoot had also followed, and the four of them moved forward quickly along the side of the corridor in a standard Hellfire formation.

After 20 seconds, the entire corridor was completely cleared, and when they walked to the end, they saw an open fire door and a downward fire escape.

Someone jumped out of the window and escaped, but Chen Chen had no way to chase him.

Their goal has been achieved, what they have to do now is to blow up this clinic!

"Place a bomb."

Chen Chen made another gesture, and the four-person team evacuated to the first floor of the clinic.

At the same time, the following demolition team had completed the deployment of homemade explosives and made hand signals to indicate the 20-second detonation information.


Chen Chen gave the order decisively, and then shouted:

“Allahu ah qa!”

For a while, the sounds of shouting followed him one after another.

Everyone evacuated the clinic in an orderly manner. When they ran to the street, the explosion in the clinic happened to be heard.


"Evacuate as planned!"

Chen Chen finally spoke, and at this time, police sirens were already ringing a few streets away.

The police cars were already so close, so of course the CIASAD people were even closer.

Without any hesitation, Chen Chen led the team towards the escape route that had been set long ago.

After turning two corners, they will climb over a low wall along the alley and return to the overpass. Then they will swim down the river on the west side of the overpass and swim 400 meters to the Golden Horn Bay, near the Golden Horn Bay. Go ashore and take cover.

This evacuation route can evade almost all tracking methods, even police dogs can't keep up with them.

The only problem is that the enemy is also very fast!

Someone must intercept the approaching GRS at the first street corner, otherwise their evacuation route will be fully exposed!

"Linhe and Li help cover!"


In an instant, the two stopped, turned around and turned their guns towards the corner of the street.

At this time, the following GRS had already set up their guns on the street corner. Even if they were given just one more second, they would be able to shoot from behind and hold back the evacuating Dongfeng Corps!

However, the Dongfeng Corps did not give them this opportunity.

The firepower of the two PKMs instantly suppressed the quick reaction team members who only had rifles in their hands. The machine gun bullets hit the bulletproof vehicle used as a bunker like hail. Ricochets flew everywhere. The opponent tried to throw smoke grenades, but they were already killed. How can the crazy Li Gang care about "sight"?

After the fire lasted for twenty seconds, the bullet from Chen Chen passed over their heads and entered the smoke.

Without any extra instructions, Li Bang and Lin He quickly evacuated.

This is a standard version of the central stripping tactical evacuation, and with the Hellfire fire mode, the Dongfeng Corps' evacuation speed has simply reached the limit of what a tactical team can achieve.

30 seconds later, all 11 people retreated to the second street corner.

From here, they will create the first "selection trap" for the enemy.

One minute later, everyone went to meet Xia Xing under the overpass, but this time, they did not take Xia Xing with them, but agreed with her on a new meeting place.

Subsequently, 11 people jumped into the water.

The sun still hadn't risen, and it was dark over the water.

Only 3 minutes and 45 seconds had passed since the Dongfeng Corps launched its attack on the clinic.

But within these four minutes, they had already caused the CIA the biggest loss in Turkey in the past three years.

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