"Absurd! Outrageous! Disgusting! Despicable!"

"How could they directly attack our safe house!"

"This is completely against the rules and a serious violation of the rules!"

"6 people! 6 senior agents!"

"There are two more GRS mercenaries!"

"How dare they!?"

"This is Istanbul, not Chechnya!"

"Contact SVR immediately and go directly to their person in charge! Yes, go to Alexei!"

"He must give me an explanation, and he must explain clearly the purpose of doing this!"

Istanbul, in a remote staff dormitory at Istanbul University, a man with gray hair and a cold face was losing his temper angrily.

Opposite him were several frightened DO department agents, and when faced with his anger, these people had no intention of defending themselves.

There is no way, this man is too powerful.

As the CIA's head of Iran and surrounding areas, this man named Andrea is actually the CIA's supreme commander in the entire Middle East.

He planned countless successful operations and established a large territory for the CIA in the Middle East.

He almost never made mistakes and almost never experienced disastrous defeats. But this time, while he was still staying in Istanbul, his men actually killed 6 people at once!

This is undoubtedly a "big rout", and in the face of such a big rout, no matter how extreme his reaction is, it is completely understandable.


At least, it was completely understandable to his men.

Looking at the silent detective, Andrea punched the table hard. After scanning his eyes, one of them immediately turned around and left, as if he wanted to communicate.

But of course, this person was just looking for a chance to avoid the spotlight.

It was impossible for him to really contact Alexei from the Maozi Intelligence Department, because he knew that the consequences of rash negotiations might be more serious than doing nothing.

My commander is just losing his temper.

As a subordinate, it would be the stupidest thing to take the words of your superior when he loses his temper seriously!

Give him some time. At least now, you don't have to suffer with other colleagues.

Seeing the man turn around and leave the office, Andrea's anger seemed to have finally dissipated a bit.

Looking at the remaining people, he said:

"Give me a specific report, the most specific one!"

After hearing his words, the agent standing on the far left immediately spoke and replied:

"Judging from the sounds and images captured by the surveillance facilities we left in the safe house, the other party should be a group of well-trained armed men."

"They spoke Arabic with a few words of Russian mixed in."

"Their conversations were very simple, almost consisting of single words. In addition, they all wore masks and their voices were vague. Linguistic analysis failed to find flaws and there was no way to confirm whether they were Russians or Syrians."

"However, they deliberately left clues before detonating the explosives. This behavior is rather suspicious and may be to interfere with our investigation."

"Don't worry about this for now, I want to hear the battlefield situation report!"

Andrea shrewdly avoided the easiest topics to get into, and pointed directly to the essence of the problem.

The interrupted detective coughed and then said:

"From a combat perspective, they are in a state between professional and unprofessional."

"They were very decisive, their marksmanship was accurate, and they acted very quickly."

"However, they basically did not use too many complex tactical moves."

"Judging from the surveillance, they lurked close to and killed several agents on guard duty, then rushed in, shooting and moving quickly, and wiped out the entire clinic in a very short time."

"It seems that they have no real CQB experience at all, and they just attack, defend and cover based on their fighting instincts."

"But unfortunately, this strategy is very effective when targeting safe houses that do not have heavy firepower and elite armed defenses."

"Be careful!"

Andrea interrupted again:

"I need to know a few questions."

"First, did they use projectiles."

"Second, did they use gestures to communicate."

"Third, did they leave any magazines at the scene."

"Tell me the answers to these three questions, right now!"

"No projectiles were used, gestures were used to communicate, and no magazines were left behind!"

"Isn't that obvious?!"

Andrea's voice suddenly became louder.

"Have you ever seen any JD elements communicating using tactical gestures? Are they engaging in some kind of latent infiltration operation? They are sabotaging! They are attacking!"

"They don't want to reveal their identity, but they don't speak Arabic!"

"How many times did they speak Russian?!"

".Only one time."

"That's right, someone screwed up!"

Andrea breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"This is clearly retaliation for our actions in Syria."

"They lost a lot of people. I had already guessed that they would take direct revenge, but I didn't expect that they would be so reckless."

"This is Istanbul, not Damascus!"

"To attack us here would be to completely tear up the agreement we reached."

"It seems that we must be prepared."

"Before we go to Syria, we have to catch all the rats that have gotten into Istanbul."

"Contact the Istanbul police - they should already know how serious the situation is."

"Also, call Alexei."


Andrea's tone was extremely calm, and at this moment, everyone knew that he had truly given the order.

So, the man turned around and walked out of the office. Two minutes later, he handed the connected phone to Andrea's hand.

"Alexei, do you want to personally start a war?"

Andrea spoke suddenly, her voice cold.

The reaction of the person opposite seemed to be completely within his expectations. He only listened for a few seconds before losing his patience.

"Alexei, shut up."

"I'm not here to declare war on you."

"I just want to tell you that your behavior has gone too far!"

"I know you won't admit it. If it were me, I wouldn't admit it either."

"But the truth is out there and we will find the evidence."

"I hope you've thought it through."

"Before I submit the investigation power of this matter to the EO, we still have room for discussion."

"But once this matter reaches the EO and Congress, there will be no retreat for both of us!"

"You will definitely fail, and the consequences of failure are definitely not something you can bear!"

"Okay, that's it!"

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Andrea was silent for a few seconds and then said:

"Alexei doesn't seem to be lying."

"This may not be an SVR operation."

"Things are in trouble. There seems to be something wrong within them."

".No matter what, stay vigilant."

"The enemy's attack has just begun, we cannot lose any more agents!"

Meanwhile, outside Istanbul, Sultanbeli.

After landing from the Golden Horn Bay, the Dongfeng Corps did not stop for a second. They crossed the sea directly from the Martyrs Bridge and spent an hour and a half on a forced march of 11 kilometers to the vicinity of Sharon Park. They completed the rendezvous with Xia Xing who was already waiting there. It took another 20 minutes to drive to Sultan Bailey.

This is the largest slum near Istanbul, and its conditions are no different from any in the world.

It is a mixed bag of good and bad, with a large population and even more illegal residents.

In theory, hiding in a slum is the safest option.

However, Chen Chen did not choose to enter the slums, but directly entered the Edis Forest south of Sudan Bailey after bypassing Sudan Bailey.

The vehicle was abandoned on a wasteland in Sultanbeli, as if it were a deliberate signal.

At this time, it was only 8 o'clock in the morning, and the 11 people of the Dongfeng Corps were exhausted after a whole night of high-intensity fighting and marching.

Sitting in the open space in the dense jungle, everyone was devouring the food brought by Xia Xing, trying to quickly recover their strength in the shortest possible time.

Sitting next to Chen Chen, Xia Xing swallowed the protein-rich grilled sausage like everyone else, while she opened her mouth to report to Chen Chen what she had done after leaving.

".All food and water were purchased separately and without attention."

"According to your request, the car is stolen. It will not be long before it is discovered and tracked."

"I have set a timed detonation device in the car. In two hours, whether the other party is found or not, the car will be blown up."

"In addition, I contacted the arms dealer again and asked him about the contents of the rocket launcher, and he really did have it."

"He has given clear feedback that he can get the night vision device you want. It will be delivered tonight. The delivery location will be notified when the time comes."

"But this time, I don't recommend you to pick up the goods again."

"Underground arms dealers are the focus of CIA surveillance, and we have no way to guarantee their professional ethics."

"I understand, of course I can't mention it."

Chen Chen swallowed the last bite of bread in his hand, took a sip of water and said:

"You're doing great. You're calmer than I thought."

"Thankfully I have you this time, otherwise it would still be a lot more troublesome to deal with many problems."

There was an obvious and deliberate compliment in Chen Chen's words, but on the other hand, it was indeed recognition of Xia Xing.

After hearing his words, Xia Xing shook his head helplessly and continued:

"Actually, I'm not that useful - I finally understand that according to your plan, you may indeed not need me at all."

"You are really just a bunch of wild wolves. I guess if I didn't provide you with a vehicle, you would just grab it, right?"

"of course."

Chen Chen nodded calmly and replied:

"In front of the mission, nothing else matters."


Xia Xing answered noncommittally, then continued to ask:

"But I don't understand. If you want to return to Istanbul city, why do you have to go to Sultanbeli to go out of the city first?"

"You can arrange for me to drive over and drop you off somewhere, and then..."

"Don't underestimate the power that the CIA can mobilize."

Chen Chen smiled and then said:

"Probably because you have no direct conflict experience with them, you underestimate their organizational capabilities in extreme situations."

"In fact, it's not just the CIA's own team. When things develop to this point, it is very likely that the entire police and military forces in Istanbul are already cooperating with the CIA's actions."

"Every inch of Istanbul's urban areas will be turned over and all possible hiding spots will be raided."

"Parks, bridges, cemeteries, stations. The only places we can hide are in private houses."

"However, as long as you come into contact with people, you will definitely leave clues and loopholes."

"That's the last thing we want to see."

"So, instead of staying in the city and taking risks, it's better to run out first, wait until you find an opportunity, and then go back again."

"We can set the time at noon."

"There is no point in carrying out late-night raids anymore. If we seize the time at noon when all the police are resting, we will have a chance."

"But you probably won't be able to go back."

Xia Xing frowned slightly and said:

"They will definitely block all the bridges. How will you get across?"

"Swim over."

"Tonight, we launched from the water near Moda Lighthouse, swam 7 kilometers with arms, and disembarked from Mustafa Park."

"Recover for a few hours and then launch a raid on the tobacco shop at noon."

"7 km?!"

Xia Xing was stunned.

"Can you swim through it?"

“Aren’t there so many plastic bottles?”

Chen Chen replied calmly:

"The Sea of ​​Marmara is basically calm every day, and the 7-kilometer swim is actually not too difficult."

"Apart from the relatively low temperature, all we need is time."

"I need you to be prepared to respond. After we go ashore, we are likely to face hypothermia."

"We need a reliable resting place - remember, it must be one that the other party has already searched."


Xia Xing nodded decisively. At this moment, she had a new understanding of the mobility of this mercenary group.

7km of armed swimming.

She had received basic military training, so she knew exactly what this meant.

Admittedly, for some front-line special operations troops, this is not a feat. After all, those people often have to tie their hands and feet for five kilometers. It is not too difficult for them to swim seven kilometers without restraints.

But to dare to take risks and engage in such tactics in continuous high-intensity battles is enough to prove that the man in front of him has confidence in himself and the abilities of his team members to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Xia Xing spoke again:

"I'm leaving now and I'll help you prepare everything you need."

"It's 8 o'clock now. What time do you leave?"

"8 o'clock tonight."

"Then...see you tomorrow morning."

"It's not tomorrow morning, it's midnight."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and corrected:

"We will arrive before two o'clock tomorrow morning. You must prepare everything within these 18 hours!"


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