"The first round of air strikes will arrive in 4 minutes. Everyone, be ready for a breakout."

"Understood, I'm in position."

"The drone has been deployed and real-time images of the battlefield are being transmitted."

"The strike location is being marked, all units pay attention to PDA signals."

"Strike location information received, safe."

"Confirm safety. Assault team in place."

"The convoy will arrive at the scheduled evacuation point in 16 minutes, please check your watch."

"Time synchronization. GPS location information synchronization, confirm the location information is correct."

"The location information is correct and is being calibrated."

"The location of the enemy's main target has been updated, and all units will check it."

"Confirmed, the data link update is normal."

"Infrared guidance test, Tie Yan, report on guidance signal reception."

"Signal reception is normal, green light."

"Roger, green light. Seagull, report the target location in the defense zone."

"Airspace clear, Warthog ready to enter, green light."

"Green light. GO! GO! GO!"

At 10 o'clock at night, in the besieged area of ​​​​Tal Rifat, a series of orders were issued, and the 24 STS, which had been lurking for many days, finally launched their first active attack.

Following Finch's order, the 20-person team that had completed enemy reconnaissance half an hour ago and shifted from a dispersed and concealed defensive formation to a contracted breakthrough formation took action.

In the night, they used the support of night vision equipment to quickly shuttle between buildings. It only took 30 seconds for the commandos to reach the predetermined combat position.

At this time, the vanguard of the team was only 120 meters away from the government troops deployed on the perimeter, but under the cover of the building, their whereabouts were not exposed.

It was the last moment of silence before the attack. Command passed from Finch to the vanguard, and after a quick round of observations, the vanguard issued the last instructions before the battle began.

"Prepare to attack and start electromagnetic suppression."

"Haimao received it and started electromagnetic suppression."

The radio signal was transmitted to high altitude across a distance of several thousand meters, and in an unknown corner of the sky, an EA18G electronic countermeasures pod began to operate.

The computer began to calculate the spectrum range of terrestrial wireless communication signals. After just two seconds, the calculation was completed and noise began to be injected.

At this time, the government troops who were still communicating through radio suddenly found that the radio stations in their hands had turned into bricks. The keen soldiers and commanders immediately discovered the anomaly, but even though they responded quickly, they had already lost the first move!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

The sound of general-purpose machine guns sounded instantly, and at the same time, large-caliber sniper rifles set up on the roof of the building fired simultaneously.


The 12.7mm caliber bullet instantly penetrated the car used as a bunker on the outside of the barricade, cutting off the soldiers hiding behind who had not had time to react.

"Enemies! There are enemies!"

Frightened and panicked shouts rang out, and after this gunshot, the 24 STS breakout officially began!

No order is needed. While the ground units are firing, the "Iron Goose" F-16, which has been on standby in the air for a long time, has read the heat signal information transmitted by the early warning aircraft "Seagull" through the data link, and completed the identification of friend or foe and adjustment. direction of the extension of the bombing zone.

Then, the explosion sounded a few seconds later, as if a sniper's bullet had a devastating effect!


MK-82 bombs were dropped one after another, and the streets only 200 meters along the breakout route instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Immediately afterwards, the Tomahawk missile on another "Iron Goose" also broke away from the launcher. After a short flight, it penetrated four buildings along the street at an amazing angle!

After the violent explosion, smoke and dust filled the building windows.

In the brief calm, groans and shouts came one after another. In just 30 seconds, the 24 STS killed more than 50 government troops! ——

Compared with the firepower they invested, this number of kills does not seem surprising.

However, on the modern battlefield, being able to achieve such killing efficiency in such an environment is definitely a Zentraedi-level existence in the human world!

However, their attack is not over yet.

At the same time as the MK82 echelon exploded, the vanguard team had already begun their operations.

Six team members armed with HK416 rifles and M249 squad machine guns quickly moved forward under the cover of smoke grenades and attacked the first barricade of the government troops.

At this time, dozens of government soldiers had suffered more than 30% casualties, and the remaining soldiers were unable to stop the fire suppression. In just 20 seconds, the six commandos relied on their strong vitality and extremely keen battlefield perception. Ability builds advantage!

"Machine gun fire was found in the building window on the right!"

"Sniper suppression!"

"Knock it down! Keep going!"

"Barricade! RPG!"

"knock down!"

"Grenade throw!"


After the huge explosion, the enemies inside the barricade finally launched their first round of counterattack.

The heavy machine gun hidden behind a pile of seemingly normal ruins was suddenly lifted out. In just a few seconds, the heavy machine gun completed its deployment and unleashed its first round of firepower output!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

The gunfire sounded like cracking silk, and the large-caliber bullets penetrated the smoke and accurately pounced on the vanguard team that had marched to the front of the barricade!

In an instant, the bodies of the two team members were penetrated and knocked away. Even though the snipers in the distance had tried their best to suppress them, the heavy machine gun still played its role.

The vanguard group's offensive momentum was interrupted, and the remaining four assaulters were forced to retreat to the bunker on the side of the building.

"Cover! Team 2 follows!"

"Group 2 is suppressing!"

While the sniper knocked down the heavy machine gun, the support team's ground guidance was finally completed.

Under the guidance of laser infrared, the Warthog accurately identified the location of the enemy skirmishers. Then, a round of machine guns swept indiscriminately at the government troops who were still running around trying to establish a defense line.


A dull explosion sounded, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

At this point, the assault team has established a complete firepower advantage. From Finch's perspective, this breakout has even been more than half successful!


However, at this time, a sudden change occurred.

Two S-125 missiles rose into the sky from places where they could never have appeared, and like the bullets of a patient hunter, they were fired at the warthog in the sky.

After a loud bang, the warthog fell towards the ground.

Huge flames soared into the sky, and this scene even made everyone pause subconsciously for a second.

"We confirm we have lost the warthog!"

"Continue to advance!"

The biggest losses in this battle so far have occurred, but the 24 STS's breakout has not stopped.

The artillery fire of the Free Army had begun to cover the city, and after the two vanguard groups merged, their killing efficiency reached an extremely astonishing level.

In just one face-to-face encounter, most of the 50-man government army team that came to support was wiped out.

After that "heavy machine gun sneak attack", the government forces failed to cause any casualties to them.

The differences in tactics, strategy, equipment, and technology are clearly reflected at this moment.

This terrifying team, which had been suppressed and dormant for so long that some people had even forgotten about them, finally showed its fangs.

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