"The casualties of government forces have exceeded 100, and the gap is almost unblockable."

"We can't provide support to them because the other party's fire suppression is too strong."

"The anti-aircraft firepower has completely failed. There must be growlers flying in the sky."

"It is impossible for Sam to have another launch opportunity. The shooting down this time is almost exactly the same as the previous shooting down of the F-117 in Kosovo. It was a stroke of luck and caught up with the electromagnetic interference blind spot. Such luck cannot happen again. Second-rate."

"Next, the government forces will have to fight with the complete loss of air supremacy."

"The situation is very bad. Now they can only use human lives to fill the gap. We have to find ways to help them."

Outside the besieged area, looking at the increasingly fierce battle situation, Chen Chen frowned and observed the battlefield through the telescope while speaking softly to analyze the current situation.

Besides Li Bang, there was also Suhail who had just reached an agreement with him. The latter's expression was extremely solemn, because even he did not expect that 24 STS could move so fast.

It was obvious that we had just formulated a plan to strangle them, and before we even had time to implement it, they had already started their breakout!

Moreover, judging from their tactical arrangements and the determination of the battle, they are really determined to mobilize the power of the entire system to launch a breakout this time, and have even reached the point of "regardless of casualties"!

Thinking of this, Suhail couldn't help but sigh, and then said:

"They are really strong. I have imagined fighting with them many times and made many plans, but I never expected that the battle would start in this way and end in a stalemate in this way."

"Air, ground, long-range artillery. This is three-dimensional warfare."

"And what we are facing now is just a special operations team."

"I can't imagine how suppressed we will be if one day they really start a full-scale war against us."

"Isn't Operation Desert Storm already very illustrative?"

Hearing Suhail's words, Chen Chen shook his head gently and then said:

"The 24 STS are not toothless tigers. They represent the ceiling for all combatants in the world."

"The ceiling of tactics, the ceiling of technology, the ceiling of resources."

"No force can take advantage of them in a head-on confrontation. There is only one reason why the government forces can persist until now."

"That is, you have enough people, but they have too few people, so they can't kill or break through."

"However, this stalemate will soon end."

"The second round of air strikes has ended and most of the obstacles have been cleared."

"Next, they will definitely launch a round of precision air strikes against the armored forces, completely interrupting your support dispatch, and then allowing the 24 STS member to escape the besieged area."

"As soon as they enter a wider urban area, they have actually escaped."

"Whether it is using a helicopter to respond in the air, or breaking out from the inside and outside and then relying on a convoy to respond, both are options with a very high success rate."

"We can no longer trap them in the city. Likewise, we can't fight them."

"Let other government troops use their lives to fill the battle in the city. We have to change our opponents!"

"Change your opponent?"

Suhail repeated it doubtfully, and then asked:

"You mean, we're going to fight their support troops?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded and then continued:

"It doesn't have to be a support force, but we have to look around the frontal battlefield for opportunities."

"If the connection between the Free Army infantry and armor can be cut off, then even if their armor can merge with the STS, it will not be able to cover their withdrawal."

"It's too late to hesitate. Take all your men and we will leave the city directly!"

"Observe the movements of the Free Army. To cover the evacuation of 24 STS, they must launch a wave of advancement regardless of the cost."

"Whichever direction has the strongest attack will be their evacuation direction."

"Bring your anti-aircraft guns. Whether they use helicopters or armored vehicles, we have to stop them!"

"no problem."

Suhail answered decisively, and then quickly issued orders to the first batch of soldiers of the "Tiger Corps" who were waiting aside.

Two minutes later, the team, which numbered over a hundred people, all boarded the bus and began maneuvering toward the outskirts of the city.

At this time, just as Chen Chen expected, the Free Army also began to conduct an organized single-point breakthrough attack on Tallifat.

A large number of armored units gathered together and drove into the city from the west under the cover of air fire.

The 104th Armored Brigade of the government army attacked, but in the absence of air superiority, they simply did not have the capital to confront the Free Army.

Yes, the A-10 attack plane in the sky has been shot down.

But the F-16s are still there, and so are the early warning aircraft in the sky!

In just a few minutes of fighting, the 104th Brigade had already lost a number of armored vehicles and tanks, which forced them to retreat into the city and use building cover to defend.

The highly mobile armored forces were turned into "mobile barricades", and even so, their effect was not even half of what was expected!

The wreckage of the vehicle twisted and burned in the flames. The shocking battle damage ratio even made Chen Chen lose confidence in this battle at a certain moment.

But fortunately, the one who only knows the 104th Armored Brigade is Issam himself.

He may not have many reserve resources to utilize, nor too advanced technology, but under his leadership, this armored brigade is obviously ready to "marty the country."

Even though the tracks had been hit and exposed to the sight of air strikes, the soldiers in the tank had no intention of escaping or retreating.

They just stood firm and fired the last shell in the gun barrel at the most vulnerable vehicle in the Free Army's armored team.

Immediately afterwards, a round of concentrated fire caused the incapacitated tank to explode instantly, but its remains were still blocking the narrow road, buying other armored units precious tens of seconds.

The battle on the frontal battlefield was tragic, but it was definitely not something that Chen Chen could interfere with.

It is still unknown whether Issam can hold Tal Rifaat, or whether the Free Army will "incidentally" capture the city under the cover of this round of air strikes.

What Chen Chen wants to do is to lead the Dongfeng Corps and Suhail's Tiger Corps to bypass the main frontal battlefield, go behind the enemy, and cut off the connection between the main attacking troops and the supporting troops!

As for 24 STS

Someone will deal with them.

The signal flag was already on the way. When the Free Army's large forces were still close to 600 meters away from the besieged area, and when they had not yet been able to open the STS's evacuation route, the "KGB" that regarded the special forces commanded by the CIA as its mortal enemy Sword" has arrived at the outskirts of the besieged area.

They were less than two hundred meters away from the fighting zone.

As long as the government troops can survive the two hundred meters with human lives, the signal flag will definitely be able to stop the STS.

Chen Chen didn't have the slightest doubt about this.

The convoy continued to move forward, and the Tiger Corps had traveled nearly two kilometers south.

At this time, the Free Army's positions outside the city had discovered traces of the convoy, but before they launched the attack, the Tiger Corps suddenly turned westward and pounced directly on the infantry following the Free Army's armored forces!

The battle started instantly.

When the distance was reduced to 500 meters, the heavy machine gun on the pickup truck began to spit out flames.

A hail of bullets swept across the barren land, blasting the sand and gravel into a series of dense dust clouds.

Immediately afterwards, under the cover of heavy machine guns, this hundred-man team quickly deployed. Without Chen Chen having to speak, Suhail immediately ordered:

"Spread out! Spread out!"

"Bazooka ready!"

"Prioritize the destruction of lightly armored targets!"

"Machine gunner, prepare to block and fire one round!"

"Watch out for helicopters!"

"Search for cover and hold them back!"

After the words fell, everyone in this team quickly completed the deployment at an astonishing speed. They poured out ferocious firepower at the enemy infantry. Two armored personnel carriers were destroyed, and they had already formed an infantry formation with the armored troops. The light infantry fighting in tandem with the tanks also experienced a brief disconnect.

this is a good chance.

Without any hesitation, Chen Chen began to direct the Dongfeng Corps' small team to maneuver sideways and break away from the cover of the large army.

His purpose in doing so was to avoid the next round of possible air strikes while providing adequate fire support as much as possible.


Certainly not the F-16 bombing.

In fact, on the open ground, unless it is a big killer like an "air gunship", even the A-10 has extremely limited lethality against loosely formed infantry.

What he really wants to guard against is an armed helicopter that has never appeared before!

The trump card always has to be hidden and activated at the last minute, and now, the six-man team of the Dongfeng Corps has this trump card.

They quietly broke away from the team, quietly hid themselves behind the sand dunes, and quickly spread out the camouflage net they had prepared long ago, covering the two pickup trucks and the anti-aircraft machine guns on the pickup trucks.

Next, all they have to do is wait.

Without exposing your position, use the entire Tiger Corps as bait and wait!

The infantry battle has entered a fever pitch, and the soldiers carefully selected by Suhail have demonstrated a combat effectiveness that far exceeds the average level of the Syrian government forces.

At a fighting distance of less than 200 meters, they pulled the trigger calmly and calmly, not blindly pursuing kills, but trying to cut off the connection between infantry and armored units.

This strategy worked quickly, and after the first disjunction occurred, fewer and fewer infantrymen were able to keep up with the armored forces.

After all, the Free Army is still facing pressure from the 104th Armored Brigade. It is impossible for them to wait where they are after entering the city, or turn around and return to support the infantry.

The rhythm of the frontal battlefield attack was interrupted. At this time, the commanders of both sides realized that the focus of this "rescue battle" had temporarily shifted from inside the city to outside the city.

With the support of super battlefield situational awareness, the attacker took the lead in making arrangements.

The last two MK84 bombs were thrown at the temporary position of the Tiger Corps. After the huge explosion, although the casualties were not many, the position of the position was completely exposed in the darkness.

For a time, the Tiger Corps became the target of public criticism.

Both the offensive forces whose rhythm was interrupted and the defensive forces still on guard at the periphery began to project firepower in their direction.

Heavy machine guns, mortars, rocket launchers, and even a round of heavy artillery bombing that took some time out of the busy schedule

The sand dunes they were on had become visibly flattened, and the blood of the fallen soldiers had dyed the sand red and solidified the sand into a hard compact.

The situation was extremely critical, but Chen Chen had no intention of rescuing him.

At this time, both sides of the battle are playing a psychological game. The defender is trying to delay time, while the attacker is using the Tiger Corps as bait in addition to attacking, hoping to attract more support and cover and cause as much damage as possible. Maximum damage.


In this round of the game, the attacker won.

With radio communications completely suppressed, troops inside and outside Tal Rifaat were virtually completely disconnected.

After noticing the fighting at the location of the Tiger Corps, the soldiers of the 104th Airborne Brigade on the periphery had guessed their intentions and made a reckless decision in a tense environment.

They penetrated the outer security defense line and began to advance towards the Tiger Corps to support them.

In an instant, the crumbling position stabilized, and even with the small amount of heavy weapons they carried, the intensity of the enemy's artillery fire began to decrease.

But this is just an illusion.

Just when the 104th Airborne Brigade had just arrived at the position and had not had time to fully deploy, the most terrifying death on the battlefield for infantry without air defense capabilities finally arrived.

Two T-129 armed helicopters penetrated the defense at low altitude, and rockets and onboard heavy machine guns completely covered the entire temporary position.

After a round of fire strikes, the direct casualties of the 104th Airborne Brigade on the position exceeded 20%, but none of the rocket launchers and individual anti-aircraft missiles they fired hit the target!

The threat was almost eliminated, and the two helicopters were free to start circling and harvesting.

Through the night vision device, Chen Chen saw this desperate scene.

The two helicopters spit out tongues of fire, and the infantry on the ground were crushed like ants.

They desperately raised their guns and fired into the air, but small-caliber bullets did not pose much of a threat to the helicopter, and the rocket launchers could not hit the target at all.

"That's it now."

Chen Chen spoke in a low voice.

Then, without the need for explicit orders, the six-man Dongfeng Corps sprang into action.

They jumped up from the pile of sand that buried them, and in the blink of an eye they had lifted off the camouflage net on the anti-aircraft machine gun.

The ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun, which has become a waste in the Middle East, revealed its true appearance. Then, the muzzle of the twin-mounted artillery was aimed at the helicopter flying at low altitude.


Chen Chen gave an order.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

With a rate of fire of nearly a thousand rounds per minute, the 23mm caliber shells rushed towards the helicopter in the air like a storm.

In just ten seconds, an unprepared helicopter exploded and burst into flames. At the same time, the anti-aircraft artillery position that had been exposed had been locked by the last helicopter.

"Don't be afraid."

"The T129's fire control is rubbish."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and said.

Head-to-head confrontation.

The rocket exploded 10 meters away from the side of the anti-aircraft gun, and the 23mm shell shattered the helicopter's cab.

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