I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 487 The Firepower of Signal Flags

Explosions sounded outside Tal Rifaat, lighting up the entire night sky.

The last two Turkish helicopters supporting the Free Army crashed, and after losing low-altitude fire support, the Tiger Corps also cooperated with the 104th Airborne Brigade to stabilize their positions.

Of course, the situation remains critical.

After all, at this time, they were surrounded by nearly two thousand enemies in an open space without any bunkers. The opponent did not even need to launch any radical attacks. They only needed to advance forward step by step for the camp to swallow them all.

In this situation, the Tiger Corps' best choice is to break through the city and withdraw to an urban area where there are many bunkers and where support can be obtained.

But if they do that, their plan to disrupt the supporting troops will completely fail, and the STS's retreat route will not be cut off.

Suhail was unwilling to make such a decision because in this layout for 24 STS, his strategic goals were far from being achieved.

The STS was not completely wiped out, and the damage to the rescue forces was extremely limited.

If we give up at this time, maybe Tallifaat will not be lost, but if we let STS go, all the previous sacrifices will become a joke.

What's more, according to the intelligence he obtained from the Dongfeng Corps, the signal flag special forces from Russia have begun to attack the STS.

As long as they are given a little time, they have a chance to kill the 24 STS before the support troops arrive.

There is only one thing he has to do, and that is to continue to hold back the infantry on the periphery and not give them a chance to advance into the city.

Thinking of this, Suhail decisively gave up his plan to retreat.

The commander of the 104th Brigade gave him a look of disbelief, but after receiving his firm second confirmation, the loyal soldier finally made his choice.

"The 104th Airborne Brigade will fight side by side with you."

The commander took a deep breath and continued:

"We may all die here, but I hope that such deaths are meaningful."

"Exchange the lives of hundreds of people for the lives of more than 20 people. You'd better be sure that the lives of these enemies are valuable enough."

After hearing his words, Suhail nodded solemnly and then replied:

"I'm sure."

"They represent more than the success or failure of a special operations operation. They represent the failure of NATO's strategy of directly intervening in this insurgency."

"Believe me, as long as we kill them, NATO will definitely face heavy pressure when it wants to send ground troops into Syria."

"The Pentagon will hesitate, and their Congress will hesitate."

"This is the biggest victory we have a chance to win. For this victory, we must put all our chips in!"

"Not just your people, including you, including me, can die here."

"However, the STS cannot leave, nor can the forces trying to rescue them."

"We need to kill them first, and then block the Free Army's armored forces in the city and swallow them all up!"

"That was my -- our plan, and I was ready for it from the beginning."


The commander subconsciously clenched the rifle in his hand. After a brief silence, he spoke:

"Do what you are supposed to do."

"We will open the way for you!"

At the same time, inside the city of Tal Rifat, outside the siege area.

The signal flag team has arrived at the fighting area, and they have even been able to visually see the enemy's position. However, at this moment, they are not based on attack. Instead, they quickly hide themselves after identifying themselves as friendly forces and completing contact with the Syrian government forces, and begin their operations. Preparations before war.

Compared with the complex and sophisticated systematic combat strategy of 24 STS, they can utilize fewer resources, but this does not mean that they are a stereotypical "shooter team" composed of "reckless men" .

They did not have PDAs or early warning aircraft, but the team leader arranged for snipers to occupy the commanding heights, use individual observation equipment to monitor most of the battlefield, and report the specific enemy positions in real time through frequency hopping wireless communications.

They had no air support, but the team carried four 2B25 silent mortars and six ultra-small "drill" rocket launchers.

They were not covered by armored vehicles, but the six assaulters not only wore level 4 body armor that could withstand large-caliber armor-piercing bullets, but also carried special-shaped bulletproof shields made of lightweight alloys.

On the other hand, the individual firepower of this 36-man squad is also surprisingly strong.

There are not only AK-74M, but also 12 RPK-16 squad light machine guns used as assault rifles, 4 RG-6 individual rotating grenade guns, and an AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher.

If it were on other battlefields, relying on this firepower, this signal flag would have no problem sweeping across an ordinary light infantry force of hundreds of people.

But this time, their opponent is STS.

Therefore, even in his own "strongest form", the commander of the signal flag behaved very cautiously.

After reconfirming the enemy's distribution, he quickly formulated a combat plan and then briefed the team members.

"The STS is close to the edge of the besieged area, and the government's defense line will soon be penetrated."

"At the same time, the Free Army armored force is less than 300 meters away from the besieged area. It is expected that the STS will be able to complete the rendezvous with the armored force within two minutes after the defense zone is penetrated."

"Once they're in the vehicle, we lose all opportunity to intercept and eliminate them."

"So, our goal is simple."

"Enter the battlefield as quickly as possible, use the firepower advantage to suppress the STS, and force the opponent to retreat and hide."

"Then, we entered the combat zone in four assault formations to clear the STS."

"The support team pays attention to the location of the enemy's support team and observation team."

"If you have the chance, take out their snipers first."

“The plan is clear, let’s start taking action!”


With an order, all the members of the signal flag immediately took action.

At this time, the balance of power accumulated by the Syrian government forces based on human lives has been basically lost. The last barricade blocking the besieged area was crumbling. After the STS called for air support again and fired a Tomahawk missile at the barricade, the barricade was almost destroyed. Complete silence fell.

Sporadic gunshots were still ringing out, but every flash of fire near the barricade would lead to a fierce counterattack from the STS.

Their bullets flew like deadly poisonous snakes towards the bodies of the Syrian government soldiers who were so fragile that they did not even have body armor, and then easily tore their flesh and bones and shattered their bones.

After the last machine gunner was killed by a sniper hidden on the building, the barricade fell completely silent.

The STS team members had already seen the hope of victory. They quickly occupied the barricade bunker, prepared to establish a forward fire support point, and continued to cover the evacuation of the rear support group and observation group.

Gunfire rang out intermittently, and a new round of support from government troops had arrived.

But when they saw the corpses lying on the ground, the morale of this support force immediately fell into an unprecedented low.

No one dared to attack the barricades that had fallen into the enemy's hands. All they could do was to set up their guns from a distance and symbolically shoot in the enemy's direction.

This was completely impossible to deter STS. In just ten seconds, they had completed the deployment of the team and were even ready to continue to attack the outside.

Once they actually cross the barricade, the victory of this battle is no longer in doubt.


But at this moment, a sudden explosion sounded.


The ZVO35E explosive anti-personnel bomb carrying 1.9 kilograms of explosives fell straight into the center of the barricade, but the STS, which had just established a defense line, was completely unable to react!

You can't blame them because this shell, unlike other mortars, made almost no sound before exploding.

"Mortar! Mortar!"

On the radio of the STS team, Finch's anxious voice reached everyone's ears. Without him giving an order, the correspondent immediately began to access the drone footage to find the location of the mortar position.

But this time, things didn't go very well for him.

Because he could not find the location of the mortar position whether from the infrared lens or the ordinary optical lens!

More than ten seconds had passed, and at this time, the second round of mortar strikes had arrived.

The sound of the explosion almost covered the entire barricade, and the STS who had just entered the bunker were forced to exit again. They tried to enter the nearby buildings on both sides of the barricade to hide in an attempt to retain control of the barricade and this key retreat point. However, the problem was that the signal flag was not at all I didn't give them this chance!

After the first round of mortar attacks was completed, the AGS-30 automatic howitzer that had been set up at the window in the ruins opened fire at the same time.

Dense shells fell in the direction of the barricade like raindrops, and the explosions continued continuously. In just over ten seconds, the entire area was completely covered.

"Boom boom boom——"

The loud explosions were almost continuous, and the five STS pioneers who had just withdrawn from the barricade finally withdrew into the two-story building on the side of the street after paying the price of two team members falling to the ground.

At this moment, the team leader Finch suddenly felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

Because he had already discerned the style of this force from the "attack" that had just occurred.

"Signal flag! Signal flag is coming!"

"Shrink quickly! Requesting air support! Requesting air support!"

After the words fell, the correspondent finally locked the location of the mortar position.

Along with the transmission of coordinate information, the last air-launched Tomahawk missile carried on the F-16 quickly detached from its pylon, and then rushed towards the mortar position at an unstoppable speed!

After the loud noise, the courtyard where the mortar position was located had been blown into ruins.

But the problem is that the signal flag members operating the mortars have already moved their positions.

They abandoned the gun barrels that had produced obvious heat signals after being fired as bait, and continued to carry drill-type rocket launchers to launch artillery attacks on the vanguard of the second echelon of STS.

The figure in desert camouflage flashed past the street corner, and then, six rockets crossed a distance of hundreds of meters at almost the same time and exploded directly in front of the second STS team!

Debris flew like iron rain, and the two STS members who had no time to react were instantly knocked down.

The other team members quickly dragged them back, and at the same time, a methodical counterattack finally started.

Light machine guns suppressed, smoke grenades obscured the battlefield, and aerial fire strikes blocked and divided the enemy.

A set of standard procedures came down, and the offensive of signal flags stalled.

"Group 1, Group 1 hasn't been withdrawn yet!"

The already distraught Wade shouted on the radio, but now, Finch had no way to launch a rescue.

Because he knew that the signal flag came prepared.

They were like well-trained boxers, throwing out a whole set of combination punches. This was when they were at their strongest. If they blindly confront them head-on, STS would have to pay a heavy price.

Their only option is to abandon the "cut off" Pioneer Group 1, return to the safe zone to regroup, and then launch an attack after the signal flag offensive is interrupted, using their own situational awareness and firepower advantages to annihilate them.

This is definitely a cruel tactic, but on the battlefield, when everyone's lives are threatened, he can only make such a choice without any leeway.

For a time, the STS retreated completely, but the signal flag began to attack aggressively.

The assault group began to enter the scene. The assault group holding Vant-BM shields was at the forefront. They cut in from the side at lightning speed and quickly surrounded the building where the STS vanguard was located.

"Grenade on!"

The leader of the assault team had no intention of entering the building. Relying on the thick shield, they blocked the bullets fired from the window, and the body of the burly team member behind the shield did not even sway in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, two RG-6 revolving grenade guns stretched out from behind the shields, the triggers were pulled continuously, and the grenades were shot into the building window, and then exploded the moment they hit the ground.


Explosions came one after another, and within 15 seconds, the two men emptied the grenades in their hands, dropped the grenade launcher without hesitation, tapped the shield hand on the shoulder, and began to advance forward.

Two shock bombs were thrown, and the assaulter literally stepped on the explosion of the shock bombs to enter the room.

They didn't use any CQB tactics, just took advantage of the shield and started clearing the room.


In fact, this advantage is really too great.

From the perspective of the defending STS members, the exposed part of the assaulter 10 meters away is not even as big as a coin, but the assaulter behind the shield already has all the aiming conditions.

Both sides fired almost at the same time. The STS team member's bullet hit the shield and the wall, while the signal flag bullet accurately hit the STS team member's face.

The battle ended within 30 seconds, and all five STS members, including the two wounded, were declared dead.

Immediately afterwards, the assault team walked out from behind the building without stopping and quickly entered the next adjacent building.

The air support Finch called for had arrived, an F-15 fighter jet temporarily transferred from the Turkish Air Force.

But it lost the opportunity to attack the signal flag assault group, because at this time the two warring parties were already entangled at close range.

The fighter jets roared past carrying sonic booms, and the attacking signal flags on the ground didn't even look up at it.

Their eyes have been fixed on the deeper parts of the besieged area.

There, there are nearly 20 "haters" waiting to be dealt with

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