"Are you kidding me? Are you going to release sarin gas into the city?"

On the phone, Xiaoyu's voice was extremely shocked.

She never expected that Chen Chen would come up with such a plan in order to completely kill the 24 STS members.

On this end, Chen Chen's voice seemed quite calm.

"There is no other way. The situation in the city is quite chaotic now. The Free Army's offensive is very fierce. The next round of air strikes is coming soon."

"Don't talk about us, the signal flag attack also failed in fact. They did block the STS, but they failed to kill them in one go."

"In this case, do you think we have any other options?"

"We have to give them a little more intensity - and I have to correct you, I have no intention of releasing sarin gas into the city."

"What I'm saying is, I'm going to make them think I've put sarin gas in the city."

"What's the difference between the two?"

Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen and then said:

"The characteristics of sarin gas are very special. No known non-lethal gas can simulate the effects of sarin gas."

"Colorless and odorless, irritating, but also "

"Who said I was going to simulate its effects?"

Before Xiaoyu could finish speaking, Chen Chen continued:

"I just had to simulate the smell of sarin gas."

"I said, what I want is not killing. In fact, even if I really release sarin gas, will it be able to cause damage to the STS?"

"They have many ways to hide, but in the end they have to rely on close-range attacks to clear them one by one."

"So, the point is not to kill them directly with poison gas, but to use poison gas to lock their location."

"Didn't you notice? Most of the entire besieged area has been destroyed, and there are almost no sealed places that can be used for hiding."

"Even now, I can name a few hiding places."

"So, the key to victory or defeat is not the poison gas itself, but their positioning restricted by the poison gas."

"Do you know what is the most important thing? The most important thing is that they must ensure that the remaining shelters are available. That is to say, even when they use air support, they will have very few - because those glass can no longer be broken. ”

"This was our only chance to win quickly and I had to give it a try."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu on the opposite side fell silent for a moment.

After a few seconds, she continued:

"It's not up to you to do this."

"Of course it can't be done by me."

Chen Chen said without hesitation:

"That's why I need to communicate with SVR - honestly, they are the most familiar with this kind of thing."

"You are more familiar with FSB, right?"

"It's all the same. How about it? Can you do it?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu sighed, and then said:

"Give me some time to communicate."

"This matter has gone beyond the scope of authority of our colleagues in the Middle East, and communication must be initiated from a higher level."

"Oh? Now you have this authority?"

Chen Chen asked casually while he was busy, but Xiaoyu opposite him didn't answer at all, but continued:

"If this thing can't be done, then you continue to wait."

"There is news that the United States has begun to contact the Free Army, and they are likely to exchange STS out through certain trading methods. If this deal can be concluded, it will be considered another success."

"Did they give in?"

Chen Chen asked in surprise.

"How can it be!"

"This is just a temporary 'downgrade'. A war cannot maintain a tight rhythm all the time, and it must relax occasionally."

"STS is a good excuse, or opportunity."

"Anyway, just do your own thing well."

"As soon as this STS incident is over, no matter what, you must evacuate to Aleppo immediately."

"To be honest, you haven't done any of the main tasks we planned for you. Instead, you have caused a lot of big things on your own. If you were in the system, you would have been fired."

"But don't you just need my style?"

Chen Chen chuckled and said quibly:

"This is called subjective initiative."

"Okay, just take it as such. The results will be given to you in half an hour. Within this half hour, you first think of ways to make all preparations."

"no problem."

With a bang, the phone was hung up, but Chen Chen didn't hesitate and immediately called Xia Xing again, who was always on call.

"I need a few things."

"First, enough medical protective clothing and gas masks. If possible, military chemical protective clothing is better."

"Second, I need a batch of solutions that can produce fruity smells, including tert-butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, etc. If not, you can also use industrial products containing such substances."

"Third, I need a decent-looking delivery device, preferably a mortar or rocket launcher as a delivery platform."

"I want these three things within half an hour. Any questions?"

"No problem -- you're going to fake a sarin gas attack?"

"Yes, I have to find a way to scare those rats out of the STS."

"Okay, I'll go get ready, give me half an hour."

Xia Xing answered decisively and hung up the phone again. Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and raised his telescope again to look at the besieged area in the distance.

At this time, the entire besieged area had become calm. The peripheral Free Army armored forces finally established a defense line with the help of a small number of infantry who broke through the 104th Airborne Brigade defense line. Once the defense line was established, the government troops were temporarily unable to break through. The entire battlefield situation instantly It's back to a stalemate.

Only this time, the Free Army has encroached on more than a quarter of the city, and the government forces' living and activity space has once again been compressed.

"I thought you were going to actually release sarin gas."

Li Bang on the side said.

"That was my intention, but obviously, for various reasons, we can't do it."


Li Bang nodded slightly, and then continued to ask:

"So, what should we do next?"

"It's very simple."

"Put fake sarin gas in, put on protective clothing and enter the site in front of them, and then shoot at the windows of all buildings."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Chen Chen nodded and replied:

"As soon as our offensive starts, they only have two options left."

"Either raise your hands and surrender; or rush out and fight to the death."

"No matter which choice it is, we are on the absolutely favorable side."

"What if the other party doesn't fall for it?"

Yang Shu, who first proposed the fire attack strategy, asked.

"Then there is no other way but to see what the little fish does next."

"However, the possibility of them being fooled is very high."

"Psychological warfare on the battlefield also requires timing. Now, we have almost pushed them to a dead end, and they are under tremendous psychological pressure."

"In addition, their rescue operations have failed twice in a row. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for them to maintain confidence in friendly forces."

"Launching psychological warfare at this time will be a fatal blow to them."

"Of course, if this play is to be performed truly, the focus is not on us, but on SVR."

"Whether they can convince Americans depends on their performance."

"Anyway, let's wait and see."

"I have a hunch that it is really possible for us to capture all these STS this time."

Half an hour later, Xiaoyu did not disappoint Chen Chen.

She successfully obtained the authorization and established contact with SVR.

For this strategy, SVR has been quite active.

They don't care whether they will be the one taking the blame - after all, in many incidents, whether they did it or not, sooner or later they will be the one taking the blame.

They have already been psychologically prepared for their notorious image. If this is the case, why not make good use of the "terrible image" they have established for a long time?

As a result, the plan was successfully passed, and at the same time, Xia Xing's preparations were completed.

The 200 sets of military chemical protective clothing and medical protective clothing were directly transferred from the government army, or even directly ripped off from the pieced together chemical defense troops.

A full 60 kilograms of industrial cleaning agents containing aromatic hydrocarbons were put into special containers, and the rocket launchers were bundled in the same way as the previous MI6.

These items were quickly transported to the front line, bypassing the surveillance of aerial drones, and deployed in hidden corners.

Subsequently, protective clothing was collected and distributed.

The signal flag team, which had received the news, sent its members to take turns to go to the material distribution point and put on chemical protective suits. The six members of the Dongfeng Corps were no exception. The remaining protective suits were transported to the 104th Armored Corps that was confronting the Free Army. On the brigade's position.

Immediately afterwards, two members of the signal flag team intentionally made a "mistake" and were exposed in the open area.

Their whereabouts were immediately locked by drones, and they suffered a precise strike from the air.

However, such a strike did not pose much of a threat to the two scattered infantrymen. Relying on the cover of the building, they quickly left the air attack area and hid their whereabouts again.

At this point, Chen Chen's plan was officially launched.

The six-man team of the Eastern Corps successfully entered the besieged area. Like the signal flag team, they began to advance step by step towards the central area with the help of the cover of roofed buildings.

All guns had been fitted with silencers, but the team did not use them arbitrarily.

Hidden in a dark corner, Chen Chen pointed to the clinic in the distance and said to Li Gang:

"Did you see that clinic? Look at the position of the window over there."

"When it explodes later, you immediately throw rocks to break the window, and then we move immediately, do you understand?"


Li Bang answered immediately, already holding the prepared bricks of appropriate weight in his hands.

At this moment, the peripheral government troops had already started taking action.

The wind direction turned to a perfect northeasterly wind, and six rocket launchers were ignited at the same time. The small rockets took off, and then exploded with loud noises at multiple random locations in the besieged area!


The nearest landing point was more than a hundred meters in front of the Dongfeng Corps. Chen Chen watched helplessly as the gray-white smoke rose into the sky, and was quickly blown away by the wind.

This scene is exactly the same as that of all chemical weapons explosions, and immediately afterwards, in order to coordinate with the performance, government troops also began their mobilization.

The 104th Armored Brigade, which was originally confronting the Free Army, quickly launched an attack, relying on the sudden heavy firepower to catch the Free Army off guard. Their purpose was to force the Free Army in the direction of the so-called poison gas spread!

Yes, according to the current wind direction, the poisonous gas will only cover most of the besieged area of ​​Telerifat from northeast to southwest, and this is exactly the result Chen Chen wants!

The commanders of the Free Army were not clear about the situation at the beginning, but with the transmission of intelligence from the rear, they suddenly realized their situation.

Government troops actually released sarin gas? !

This time it’s not the self-directed and self-acted scam before, this time the other party is serious!

And judging from the opponent's offensive, they clearly want to push their own side into the poisonous gas diffusion area, and they clearly want to use this method to wipe out all of their own sides!

For a time, the Free Army that had already invaded the city was in a desperate situation, and their fighting will was fully aroused at this moment.

Driven by the northeast wind, the fighting between the two sides became more intense than ever. They probably thought that they were fighting desperately to stay alive.

But on the Dongfeng Corps side, Chen Chen looked relaxed.

"Start taking action. Li Gang, take action!"

With an order, Gang Li immediately released the bricks in his hands.


After a crisp sound, the glass shattered and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the group of six quickly moved and started running towards their next target.

They did not try to find traces of STS at all, nor did they plan to attack targets in any buildings. There was only one thing they had to do:

Break the glass!

In just five minutes, the Dongfeng Corps had crossed most of the besieged area and shattered the windows of six target buildings.

Up until this point, they had not been attacked by any STS.

It's not that the STS has given up resistance.

It's because the signal flag helped them do this more dangerous thing.

On the other side of the besieged area, fierce fighting has begun.

In order to compete for a bunker near the explosion point, six scattered STS members fought fiercely with the six-man team of the signal flag.

But in the end, relying on powerful firepower and air support at every opportunity, the STS gained the upper hand.

After paying the price of two people being seriously injured and one person killed, they killed and wounded five signal flags and successfully evacuated into the building.

At this time, the "poisonous gas" with the aroma of fruit had begun to spread. As soon as they established the defense line, they immediately began to seal all the gaps.

"We've got the rat stuck!"

On the radio, Chen Chen received a signal from the signal flag commander.


He asked briefly in Russian, and the other person immediately answered:

"In the basement, they're finished!"

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief.

He knew that regardless of whether the poison gas attack deceived higher-level US commanders, at least the STS on the front line believed it.

And as soon as they enter the basement, they have completely lost the chance to resist!

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