"We are under attack! Requesting support! Requesting support!"

"They released sarin gas! We confirmed it smelled like fruit! Now we're starting to experience a burning sensation in the respiratory tract!"

"The signal flags are already surrounding us, and they have chemical protective suits!"

"We can still hold on for 10 minutes, we need support! Repeat! We need support!"

In the basement of the abandoned building, Wade shouted at the radio at the top of his lungs.

In the high-intensity battle just now, his healed wound burst open again. The severe pain and the sticky feeling caused by the continuous gush of blood made him almost crazy, but even so, he still led his team to complete the signal processing Flag's counterattack.

After paying the price of three deaths, they successfully withdrew into the underground bunker, which gave them a chance to breathe, but Wade knew better than anyone else that in the face of Signal Flag's gang of desperate KGB killers, their own The countdown to life has begun to count in minutes.

Once they enter the same building and lose the advantage of aerial fire cover, in a CQB duel where there is no possibility of opportunism, the party located indoors must be at an absolute disadvantage.

Because the attacker has many means at his disposal, but the defender's counterattack is severely limited by the bottom line!

At this time, Finch's voice in the headphones was equally urgent.

"We're heading in your direction!"

"Hold on for two minutes!"

"The poisonous gas has not spread yet, you can try to escape!"

After the words fell, the expression on Wade's face immediately became extremely angry.

"WTF! Do you know what you're talking about? That's sarin gas! We don't have chemical protective suits!"

"I won't get out! These Syrians are crazy! If you can't get over, I will surrender directly!"

After hearing his words, Finch, the team leader, was also speechless.

Yes, in this almost desperate situation, he couldn't ask his team members to fight to the death.

Because their fight is actually meaningless.

24 The most important reason why STS wanted to enter Tallifaat was to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against the Dongfeng Corps and to "bring to justice" the murderer of Andrea.

But now, this mission has actually failed. Instead of having any chance of a head-on confrontation with the Dongfeng Corps, they have been trapped in it and been surrounded for several days.

But now, the signal flag has been added, and the government forces have even used chemical weapons unscrupulously, so what else does our side have to struggle with?

Maybe it's true that surrender is the only way out.

This year flashed through Finch's mind, but at the same time, he felt a little confused.

How dare the other party do that? !

Are the Syrian government forces really so broken?

Thinking about it, the big pot has been placed on their heads anyway, and no matter what they do, they will not make their image worse.

This principle is the same as Project Prism. After the plan was exposed, didn't the National Security Agency not only fail to restrain itself, but instead strengthened its internal audits and monitoring of "suspicious elements"?

At this time, Finch did not realize that the "burning sensation" in his respiratory tract was actually caused by a small amount of chloride or other impurities in industrial detergents. He thought it was the inhalation of trace amounts of sarin gas. The subsequent pathological reaction did not doubt the authenticity of the poison gas attack.

On the contrary, the focus of his current thinking has been on another issue:

If the Syrian government forces have reached this level, is it possible that they will further escalate their methods?

The lethality rate of sarin gas is still too low, especially in open spaces. If the wind direction is appropriate and the wind force is strong enough, as long as the central area of ​​the explosion is principled, the possibility of direct death in a short period of time is actually not too great. Subsequent follow-up Chronic injuries are more troublesome.

But what if it is VX, Soman, etc.?

Who knows if they have such a thing!

Therefore, you must move quickly.

It is necessary to rescue the trapped team members as soon as possible and lead the team to evacuate or lead the team to surrender as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether this retreat is successful or not, it is already a last ditch effort!

Thinking of this, Finch quickened his pace and quickly rushed through the ruins in the direction of Wade.

In fact, in order to avoid being surrounded and captured in one fell swoop, several teams were indeed separated by a certain distance, but this distance was not too far.

In less than a minute, they had arrived near the target building.

He didn't use any of the MOUT tactics that are common in urban street fighting because he didn't have time.

The poison gas is chasing them, the signal flag is also chasing them, and the ghost-like Dongfeng Corps is lurking in no corner!

All he could do was maneuver quickly regardless of the cost, take risks to complete the rendezvous with Wade's team, and then consider subsequent evacuation strategies after establishing a defense line.

Fortunately, this tactical choice did give him the advantage.

When he led the team to arrive, the other teams of Signal Flag had not arrived yet. He quickly organized his team members to suppress the only two enemies left here, and then quickly rushed to the bodies of the two Signal Flag members lying on the ground. He grabbed the corpse's arm with one hand and started dragging it toward the building.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Enter the building!"

"Take their masks off! Take their masks off!"

A series of orders were issued, and the team led by Finch quickly retreated into the building.

At this time, his mind was spinning faster than ever, and a series of tactical actions had almost become instinctive.

Throw out the smoke bomb, suppress the shooting with one hand, put on the mask handed to you by the team members, and then immediately direct other unprotected team members to retreat to a more closed room inside the building.

However, the moment he put on the mask, an ominous premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

The sealing of this thing is a bit too poor.

It should be said that this is a completely substandard product. When wearing this kind of thing to fight, you have no way to resist the penetration of sarin gas, so it can only be regarded as a psychological comfort!

At this moment, Finch was ready to sacrifice for his teammates.

He planned to conceal the truth and organize a defense line on the outside to buy time for other team members and also buy time for his own support.

Maybe he will die from the poison gas, maybe he will die from the signal flag's bullet, but...


Those members of the signal flag team clearly had enough time to prepare. Did they directly enter the poison area and launch the attack without checking the sealing of the gas masks? !

Finch's mind suddenly roared like thunder.

He opened his mouth subconsciously, intending to report the situation to other team members, but at this moment, a bullet hit him in the chest.

The large-caliber 12.7mm bullet penetrated the front panel of the body armor and then embedded deeply into his lungs.

He still wanted to speak, but at this time, all that came out of his mouth were muffled gasps and moans.

Meanwhile, the building perimeter.

At this critical moment of the decisive battle, the Dongfeng Corps finally merged with the signal flag.

Looking at the 24 STS members who were stubbornly resisting, Chen Chen quickly looked for cover and kept giving orders:

"Push forward quickly! Advance quickly!"

"Pay attention to suppressing enemy firepower points and don't stay on the streets!"

"After entering, establish a defense line on the spot, don't rush to attack!"

"Wait for the signal flag and charge first! They have a shield and have an advantage over us in fighting CQB!"


The team members' responses came one after another, and then the 6-person team quickly threw smoke bombs. After passing through the last street adjacent to the 4-story building, they quickly completed the deployment behind the outer wall of the building.

At this time, there was only a wall between them and the internal building, but they were not in a hurry to enter. Instead, they waited for the signal flag to move after continuing to suppress the building.

Signal flag members who came from several different surveillance points have surrounded the small courtyard where the building is located, but similarly, they cannot immediately launch an attack on this "core building" because their two teams, It must also deal with attacks from other STS teams from the side.

"You! Follow me! Cover us!"

The leader of the signal flag noticed Chen Chen who was shooting suppressively. He shouted in blunt English, but Chen Chen nodded immediately and then said:

"The vanguard goes first! Rockets!"


As soon as the words fell, two signal flag team members flashed out from behind the leader, and then, two rockets were launched at lightning speed, exploding on the wall of the 4-story building!

"Go! Go! Go!"

The four signal flag team members rushed out of the bunker and, under the cover of a shield bearer, maneuvered towards the gap opened by the rocket.

This is a very common tactic in urban CQB and MOUT tactics. When attacking a building, you give up entering through the door and instead directly blast the wall to obtain maximum safety.

At the same time, the huge smoke generated by the explosion will also confuse the enemies who are defending inside, thus having the effect of catching the enemy by surprise.

And clearly, the signal flag strategy is very effective.

After entering the building, although the STS team members originally guarding the door responded quickly, the shock wave of the explosion still slowed their movements for a second or two.

It was the gap of one or two seconds that turned this breakthrough into a one-sided crushing victory.

The three STS members in the building on the first floor were eliminated. Immediately afterwards, the signal flag leader sent a follow-up signal to Chen Chen.

"Keep the pressure, alternate cover and move in!"


After receiving Yang Shu's response, Li Bang and Chen Chen turned over and crossed the wall. Chen Chen tapped Li Bang on the shoulder to signal him to go ahead, while Chen Chen walked closely behind him.

After a while, the two arrived inside the building.

At this time, the four members of the signal flag had completed deployment on the first floor. Two members were aiming at the upward passage, and the other two were locking the stairs leading to the basement.


Mao Zi's voice echoed in the room, and Chen Chen couldn't tell for a moment whether he meant throwing a grenade or discovering an enemy grenade.

But then, a loud bang that exploded in the room gave him his answer.

Under the huge dizziness, Chen Chen's body fell backward subconsciously, and at this moment, the STS members who were originally lurking in the basement and other members who had gone upstairs launched an attack at the same time!

Several grenades were dropped like bombs, and huge explosions were heard one after another near the stairs.

In just a moment, two members of the signal flag team fell to the ground due to the explosion, and the STS team members upstairs also quickly rushed down the stairs under suppressed fire.

Gunfire flashed continuously in the dim room. More than 12 armed men wearing heavy body armor were crowded in the originally not spacious first-floor space.

This is like a firefight scene in a Johnnie To-style gangster movie. Every shot is a close encounter, and every face-to-face encounter has no chance of evasion.

The AK-74M in Chen Chen's hand was empty of bullets within 10 seconds after the explosion. The front panel was hit by at least three shots, and the most vulnerable side panel was also hit by one shot.

But fortunately, none of the bullets penetrated his bulletproof plate, and none of the bullets fell outside the protective position of the body armor.

Ten seconds after the exchange of fire began, the originally intensive gunfire suddenly became frustrated. There was no doubt that everyone had emptied the magazines of their automatic weapons and began to draw their pistols and shoot.

However, handgun bullets cannot penetrate body armor.

A few seconds later, automatic weapons fire rang out again.

This time, the intensity of the gunfire has dropped by a level.

Because half of them had completely lost their breath in the firefight just now.

"Bang Li! Get the shield!"

"I am here!"

A reassuring voice sounded, and a figure rolled forward and lifted up the heavy shield that fell to the ground, lying in front of Chen Chen like a wall.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen raised his gun over his shoulder and pulled the trigger at an enemy on the stairs.

"Bang bang bang——"

The bullet accurately hit the enemy's neck. Chen Chen quickly pulled the muzzle of the gun horizontally and pointed it at the last enemy who came out of the basement.

But his movement was a step too slow after all, and bullets from the general-purpose machine gun rained down on the shield, causing him to lose the opportunity to take the lead.

At this time, the last enemy upstairs also appeared again. The muzzle of the M107 anti-material sniper rifle he held locked the position of the two people like a poisonous snake.

This is a desperate situation.


Unless a third person breaks the deadlock.

And this third person is the leader of the signal flag who has fallen to the ground.


A pistol bullet hit the STS sniper's face like an enemy-seeking missile. His entire face quickly collapsed, and his body fell down the stairs.

Immediately afterwards, before Chen Chen could react, the second bullet hit the face of the enemy who was suppressing it with a general-purpose machine gun.

The gunshots stopped momentarily, but Chen Chen's movements did not stop.



Li Gang and Chen Chen acted at the same time, throwing two grenades into the basement and the second floor respectively.



After the explosion, everything calmed down.

"Yang Shu is on alert, Lin He is on the alert, coming in for support!"


The cover personnel waiting outside the house immediately entered the scene, and at this time, more than 10 STS members in the building had all fallen to the ground.

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