I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 491 The outcome is decided

"There's no poison gas at all!"

"This is a trap! A trap!"

"They're just forcing us to show up! They're trying to get us together!"

"Retreat! Retreat immediately!"

"Everyone else can't be saved, Finch can't be saved, and Wade can't be saved either!"

"We have to leave now. Pull back now, we still have a chance!"

From the north side of the occupied building, Hobbes shouted anxiously into the radio.

At this time, there was an entire signal flag team directly opposite him. The firepower of three general-purpose machine guns caused sparks to fly from the cars scattered on the street. The team members who tried to hide in the buildings on the street were also hit by drill rocket launchers and RGs. The -6 grenade launcher was too heavy to move.

What they hit was a real fire center with a signal flag, which made them even confused for a short time.

Are you kidding me?

Shouldn't such heavy firepower be deployed near the target building?

Isn't their goal to clear out all the buildings and then force them to suffocate to death on the street?

No, judging from their actions, not only did they have no such intention, but they were trying to completely eliminate their own side as quickly as possible as soon as the two sides met.

Why do they need to do this? They are obviously wearing protective clothing and have the most powerful means of hiding the truth!

At this moment, even the most sluggish person has already reacted.

The so-called poison gas is just a scam. This thing doesn't exist at all. What they do is just using the mature conditions to spread the fog and put psychological pressure on themselves!

In fact, their strategy is very effective.

Under the continuous siege, the sense of crisis of our team has been stretched to the limit, and the originally clear and rational judgment has been disrupted. At the moment when the bomb exploded and the pungent fruit aroma appeared in the nose, everyone's first reaction was "Sarin", but they didn't expect it at all. Maybe the so-called "irritation" was just that they mixed half a bottle of Mr. Mighty in the inferior perfume!

This is definitely the pinnacle of psychological warfare. Whether it's the timing, elements, or executors, they all grasped it extremely accurately.

Hobbes even felt that even if the same conditions were to happen again, even if he already knew the situation, he might not be able to make a correct judgment!

Sure enough, it was the KGB's method. Someone must be giving guidance behind them!

Hobbes's heart was full of despair, but he had already stepped into the trap and it was too late to say anything.

At this time, among the last two teams of STS, one team was surrounded with him, and the other team attacked from the outside trying to open a gap.

However, neither team can make progress because everyone has lost their strongest support, which is the support of long-range firepower and aerial firepower!

The enemy and ourselves have been completely entangled together, turning into a sandwich.

Let alone heavy-duty aerial bombs, even if a precision-guided missile is dropped, misjudgment may occur due to the complex electromagnetic environment and the close distance between the two parties, and eventually friendly forces may be accidentally injured.

There is no way, the only choice left for them is to fight head-on!

Hobbes threw out the last grenade in his hand. By now, his carrying belt was basically empty.

The HK416 has the last two magazines left, and the M249 has the last more than a hundred rounds left in the drum.

The situation of others was not much better. Some team members had even emptied all their ammunition and picked up the weapons from the killed signal flag team members nearby.

Fortunately, the battle itself was carried out at a fast pace, and the enemy had no time to set up booby traps.

Gunfire continued, and after confirming that Finch had been killed, Hobbs took over the command and began calling for air support.

"Seagulls! We need air support! We need evacuation instructions!"

"Plan an evacuation route for me! Hurry!"

A moment later, the reply from the early warning aircraft came from his earphones.

"Break through and evacuate to the northwest."

"Coordinates transferred."

"You must distance yourself from the enemy and create conditions for air strikes."

"Understood, break out to the northwest."

In an instant, a marked point appeared on Hobbs' PDA, but when Hobbs carefully planned the evacuation route, he realized that this was an impossible task!

The only evacuation channel is in the middle of the two teams, which is the intersection defended by the interception team of Signal Flag.

This means that they must swallow up all the signal flags before they can evacuate. But the problem is that the Syrian government forces on the other side are not inferior, how could they let them pass so easily! ?

This is a complete paradox.

To obtain air support, the signal flag's firepower point must be destroyed; to destroy their firepower point, air support must be obtained.

Hobbes took a deep breath. He clearly felt that this was a turning point in his career and even his life.

There is no other way but to fight head-on.

"Team 1 opened fire with all their strength to suppress the enemy with fire."

"Two people from Team 4 hold back the enemy on the south side, while the others go north to help Team 1 open the passage!"

After thinking briefly, Hobbes gave the order.

On the radio, Seagull's instructions were open to everyone, so at this moment, everyone understood his intentions.

He wanted to open the channel and cover the evacuation of the first team at the expense of four members of the second team.

This is definitely not a "fair" order. It can even be said to be cruel.

But under the current war situation, no one can question this.

No one received a reply, but the moment the order was given, everyone took action.

"Hobbes, let's go! Leave this to me!"

The machine gunner on the side patted Hobbs on the shoulder, but Hobbes shook his head firmly.

"Ali, you lead the team to evacuate and take over the command."

"Now, don't waste time!"


The team member named Ali decisively put down the M249 in his hand. Then, holding the HK416 in his hand, he rushed towards the firepower point of the signal flag on the north side without looking back.

The distance between the two sides is actually less than a hundred meters. It can be said that the defenders and the evacuees are fighting face to face.

However, they went in opposite directions and faced completely different fates.

This is the boundary between life and death.

Hobbs emptied the M249 in his hand, and then picked up Ali's gun.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Bullets poured out, and after a round of blocking shots, the advancement of the signal flag was delayed for a moment, but then, a more ferocious counterattack due to insufficient firepower befell Hobbs.

In his last moments, he saw a grenade flying towards him.

And when he subconsciously threw himself behind the bunker, a bullet penetrated his head in the air.

"Kill to death!"

"Behind the right car, suppress fire!"

"Suppressive fire!"

"Advance! Shield goes first!"

"Follow me!"

"Keep the speed! Don't let them get away!"


On the other side, Chen Chen followed closely behind Li Bang and began to advance rapidly under the cover of signal flag fire.

The desperate suppression of the four STS members caused them considerable trouble, but fortunately they were on the verge of running out of ammunition and food. After the first round of grenade bombing, the Dongfeng Corps quickly took over the situation.

At this time, in the vision of the thermal fusion night vision device, a flash of red flashed past Chen Chen's eyes. Without hesitation, he immediately raised the gun sharply, changed the muzzle from Li Bang's right shoulder to his left shoulder, and shouted at the same time road:

"Left side!"

After receiving his order, Li Bang squatted slightly with his right foot and tilted to the right to create a narrow angle. Through this angle, Chen Chen directly found the shooting angle under his left armpit, and then the AK-74M opened fire violently. Accurately hit the enemy behind the bunker who had just found the shooting angle.

"Keep pushing! Grenade cover!"



Two grenades were thrown from behind and exploded less than 20 meters in front of Li Bang and Chen Chen.

Relying on the shield, the two men's progress was not hindered at all. In less than 10 seconds, they had already crossed the last 20 meters.

"Identify target!"

"Replenish the gun, replenish the gun!"

A series of gunshots rang out, and all four STS members in the position were identified. From the time the STS began to retreat until now, it only took them one minute to level the opponent's No. 1 position.

This speed is close to the limit of MOUT, but compared to the two STS players who have complete cover and can retreat with all their strength without hesitation, it is still too slow.

While the Dongfeng Corps and another team from Signal Flag launched an attack, they had already completed a pincer attack with another team from STS, exchanging fire with Signal Flag's defensive force at more than 30 seconds per second.

For two top special forces, 30 seconds can almost annihilate one of them.

Under the crossfire, the 6-man signal flag team had lost 3 people, and their firepower density dropped significantly. But what surprised Chen Chen was that even so, they did not choose a more conservative style of play. It was a desperate and crazy counterattack.

Wherever the bullets are coming, they will shoot theirs.

If there is a chance, they will use the weapons in their hands to take away the enemy's life; if there is no chance, they are not even afraid to exchange their own lives for the enemy's life!

In just 10 seconds when Chen Chen finally rushed to the fighting area and looked for a favorable shooting angle, another signal flag member fell under the concentrated fire of the STS, but he also threw an extremely accurate grenade at the same time. Blast an STS member out from behind cover.

At this point, there are only the last 7 people left in the STS, and with the support from the Dongfeng Corps and the signal flag team, there are still 12 people left.

In terms of numbers, they had an absolute advantage, and this time, STS finally couldn't use any other means to erase this advantage.

With equal strength and equal weapons and equipment, each additional person brings not only a change of 8-7=1, but a double advantage of 2 divided by 1=2!

Because, in a subdivided firefight on a battlefield, you can use this free man to form double suppression, and after finding a way to destroy this firepower point, it will quickly snowball, extending the firepower advantage from double to "two double"!

This is why even with just two more people, STS caused a crushing and devastating blow to the STS members defending in the middle.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps' crushing of STS has entered the absolute realm of irreversibility.

Chen Chen's team ignored the other enemies confronting the signal flag. They focused on two light machine guns, a large-caliber sniper rifle and two grenades to kill the outermost STS team members first.

Subsequently, Yang Shu quickly adjusted his target and suppressed the sniper team that had maneuvered to the second floor of the building and tried to launch an attack from the second floor to establish an "instability advantage."

As we all know, in MOUT battles, strikes from high to low make it easier to establish a field of view advantage, and it is also easier to destabilize the enemy's formation and gain fighter opportunities.

But the premise is that your high firepower point must be able to stand.

You must ensure that your sniper team can kill one or two high-value targets, forcing the enemy to choose a different fighting position and movement method than planned-this is called instability.

Obviously, STS's last ditch effort at this time did not achieve such an effect.

Their first shot did kill the shield bearer of the signal flag team. The large-caliber bullet directly penetrated the shield, and then penetrated the shield bearer's neck.

However, after he fell, the sniper's position was immediately exposed. A round of RG-6 rotating howitzers completely destroyed the window sill used by the sniper as a bunker, and his heat signature was completely exposed to the eyes of the poplar tree.

"Two enemies on the second floor on the left!"

After the enemy's position was passed on, the short PKM machine gun immediately began to show its power.

Continuous long bursts of fire, coupled with the continuous suppression of Yangshu's 9.3mm SVDK bullets, the STS sniper completely lost the chance to shoot.

Once they become incapacitated, the other team members will fall into complete isolation and passivity.

4 versus 11, there is no suspense in the ending.

30 seconds later, all four STS members on the ground were wiped out, and three of them chose to surrender after running out of ammunition.

"Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons!"

Chen Chen yelled and pointed his gun at the three team members. Under his instructions, Gang Li stepped forward and held each of them with his gun, smashing them all to the ground!

The outcome has been decided.

Neither the Dongfeng Corps nor the Signal Flag were bloodthirsty butchers, so after the other party put down their weapons, Chen Chen did not kill them all.


Of course, the real situation is that Chen Chen must use their lives to save his own. After all, the planes in the sky are still watching their position.

The action of not killing the prisoners was done for them to see.

"The last two are upstairs, please persuade them to surrender."

Chen Chen said.

Later, with the help of the captured STS members, the last two enemies walked out of the building with their hands raised.

Hirakawa immediately provided first aid to all the seriously injured people. In the end, a total of 8 STS members survived.

This number is enough.

Even if it is used as a bargaining chip, it can cost the lives of everyone in the Dongfeng Corps.

The group of people quickly retreated into the building, and at this point, the battle was completely over.

Chen Chen gasped slowly, and the severe pain in his left arm made the corners of his eyes twitch.

He looked at the STS members who had collapsed on the ground, his eyes even showing some emotion.

Damn, they are indeed T0-level special forces. With the support of a mature combat system, it is really difficult to kill them.

Even now, even though they have been captured, they can still save their lives under the protection of that country!

This is the power of hegemony, and now it is completely impossible for me to challenge their hegemony.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen took a deep breath.

Then, he stood up and said:

"Gentlemen, get up."

"Follow us."

"I'm afraid you're going to have a long summer ahead."

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