"24 STS have been destroyed, eight people have been captured, the Free Army has withdrawn, and our offensive in Tal Rifat has been completely dismantled."

"Signal Flag's performance was more resolute than we expected, and they paid a price of more than 20 casualties, which was almost half of all the forces they could mobilize in Syria."

"We have reached communication with the Syrian government forces through the Free Army, but it is very likely that the subsequent negotiations will not go smoothly."

"The presence or absence of people in their hands represents two completely different situations."

"Our actions are still too slow, or in other words, not resolute enough."

"In short, there are not many retreat options now. If we want to rescue our eight team members, we must give in temporarily."

In the JSOC office, the adjutant looked a little depressed. He lowered his eyes and finished introducing the situation to McRaven, but to his surprise, the other party's reaction was more restrained, or much calmer than he expected.

"What about the losses of the Dongfeng Corps?"

McRaven asked.

When the battle reached this point, he actually no longer cared about the so-called "win or lose".

If the stinger can be completely pulled out and the Dongfeng Corps' organizational structure can be completely broken up in this battle, then no matter how high the price is, it will actually be worth it.

But unfortunately, his expectations were dashed.

"The Eastern Corps has suffered heavy losses. Eight of the 12 people they initially sent to Istanbul have lost their combat effectiveness."

"During this final battle, two mercenaries were allegedly injured, but not fatally."

"But after this, they should not participate in subsequent battles."

"In other words, they only have 4 people left, a reduction of two-thirds."

"Reduction by two-thirds?"

McRaven couldn't help but sneered, and then said:

“That’s a really good result for us.”

"Perhaps some experts who make assessments will never see that they relied on this so-called 'two-thirds' to almost destroy our and MI6's layout in Syria, and by the way, they also killed one of our An elite special forces unit!"

"Our system seems a little too fragile in front of their system. Sometimes I don't even know how they do it."

"It's a matter of poor information."

The adjutant took over and explained:

"At the beginning, we did not expect that Russia would end directly. At the same time, we also did not expect that they would attack third-party neutral organizations at any cost."

"This is a key point in the plan and they are really sharp enough."

"But on the other hand, we are always confronting them within a limited scope. Regardless of military strength, the amount of resources they invest is actually several times that of ours."

"Including military, diplomatic, and economic fields, they used many things to achieve this result."

"So objectively speaking, we are actually not at a loss."

"Yes, it's not a loss at all."

McRaven shook his head mockingly, and then said:

"You know, just the fact that the Syrian government stabilized the situation is enough to recoup everything they paid."

"So, don't make excuses, the fact is simple, we paid the price for underestimating the enemy."

"Next, we have to pay several times the cost to bring the situation back to normal."

"But the funny thing is that even if we want to invest, we have to go through Türkiye."

"The aftermath of the MSL incident in Turkey has not yet passed, and their government has doubts about further expanding cooperation."

"Anyway, the opponent threw a combination of punches."

"They may not be able to change the final result, but at least they have slowed down the process for more than two months."

"Two months. Do you know how much things can change?"

"I know."

The adjutant nodded slowly, sighed and said:

"But unfortunately, those in Congress probably don't know that."

"Yeah, they don't know."

"They didn't even approve our application to increase air strikes. We shouldn't talk about this."

"Back to the topic, let's get our own people back first."

"I'm afraid this should be put into the second step."

The adjutant said solemnly:

“We need to address the media first.”

"Media problem? You mean poison gas? What does this have to do with us?"

"The poison gas is fake, but the news has been released, and now, SVR has released evidence proving that the poison gas is fake."

"USAGM has nothing to do about this. They hope the military can issue a report explaining the special nature of the situation at that time and the rationality of the positive misjudgment."

"In this way, they can at least ensure that their credibility is not reduced."

"Let us take the blame?!"

McRaven was stunned.

This is the first time he has heard such a request since the establishment of JSOC.

"Yes, we must admit that we misled USAGM and the media - of course, they gave us a reasonably reasonable caliber."

"What caliber?"

"We can say, 'We will not allow our pro-democracy fighters to face any inhumane conditions, so we are overly sensitive on the issue of poison gas'."


McRaven couldn't believe the ridiculous rhetoric he heard, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt it was extremely reasonable.

That's right, USAGM's style has always been like this. They can always find extremely glorious, great, and correct reasons in various failures.

Democracy and freedom, aren’t these the rhetoric they often use?

I don’t know if they really believe in this, but at least for McRaven himself and as a professional soldier, he knows very well what the purpose of what he is doing is.

Profit, profit is the only reason for war.

Thinking of this, McRaven sighed, and then asked:

"What do they want?"

"You are required to publicly explain the details of this combat operation - including the purpose of the operation."

The adjutant coughed and continued:

"This is not too much. The actions of 24 STS are inherently well-founded. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can also explain clearly their appearance in Tallifat."

"Then let's do it."

McRaven waved his hand in disinterest, losing interest in continuing the conversation.

He recalled in a daze that not long ago, he had said with high spirits that he wanted to see the corpses of everyone in the mercenary group.

But obviously, in the short term, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it anymore.

On the contrary, if the negotiations with the government forces can proceed smoothly, it won't be long before I see the bodies of the soldiers of the 24th STS being transported back to the country in coffins draped with national flags.

On the other side, Tyler Rifat.

After everything was over, the Dongfeng Corps returned to their temporary stronghold. This time, they could finally be said to have won a long-lost victory.

Xia Xing, who had arranged all the logistical work in an orderly manner, had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Chen Chen helping the injured Li Bang and Banjie into the room, the military doctor "robbed" from the government troops had already opened the medical treatment that had been airdropped. supplies.

Pingchuan immediately treated the wounds of Li Bang and Banjie. Their injuries were not serious. After debridement, suturing and blood transfusion, a set of procedures were followed and their conditions were completely stable.

Li Bang, who had been in a coma, woke up and looked at his calf that had been bandaged. He said with some emotion:

"Future body armor should consider leg protection, otherwise everyone's muzzle will always be lower and lower."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny, but after thinking about it, he realized that his judgment was indeed correct.

In the final stage of the battle, Li Bang, who was holding a shield in his hand, had almost no blind spots in his body. Just as Li Bang said, the STS attacks were more and more ground-oriented, and finally hit Li Bang with a ricochet. The calf caused him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

If Chen Chen hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have immediately become a target while hiding behind the shield.

Of course, no matter the process, the end result is good.

From arriving in Istanbul, entering Tal Rifaat, and then completely killing the STS, they spent a lot of time and paid heavy casualties, but in the end, they won.

What they have to do next is to evacuate to Aleppo under the cover of government forces, then wait for support to arrive, regroup, and then carry out the next stage of the mission.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Weeks of tightness had almost reached his physical and mental limits, and at this moment, the sudden relaxation even caused him to lose some of his strength.

Xia Xing, who was on the side, noticed Chen Chen's state. After handing over a bottle of glucose, she asked:

"What should we do with the prisoners of STS now?"

"In Isam's hands."

Chen Chen bit open the package of glucose solution, swallowed two mouthfuls, and continued to answer:

"The government forces have started preliminary communication with the Free Army, and the bargaining chip for their communication includes these eight STS members."

"For some time to come, the two sides will maintain a ceasefire, and NATO and the United States will also suspend air strikes."

"We have plenty of time to evacuate to Aleppo - of course, I said plenty, probably within a week."

"The United States' retaliation against us will not stop, especially after this incident."

"Next, our activities must shift from above ground to underground. I'm afraid the pressure on your intelligence department will increase a lot."

"I see."

Xia Xing nodded solemnly, and after hesitating for a moment, he suddenly spoke again:

"So, in the next period of time, you will mainly stay in hiding and rest?"

"Here's the plan."

Chen Chen answered casually and then said:

"I need you to help me with many things, including new equipment, personnel arrangements, safe houses, and the assistance Suhail needs."

"These problems must be solved one by one to provide us with sufficient combat effectiveness-wait, do you have a new mission in hand?"

Halfway through his words, Chen Chen suddenly realized that there was something in Xia Xing's words.

It was impossible for her not to know the Dongfeng Corps' plan. To put it another way, even if she really didn't have any intelligence or information, after watching the Dongfeng Corps go through such a battle, anyone with a brain would You should know that they should take a rest.

But Xia Xing is asking questions knowingly, which shows that she may have something in her hands that the Dongfeng Corps must do, but she can't talk about it at this point in time.

And sure enough, after hearing Chen Chen's words, Xia Xing nodded slightly embarrassed.

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke:

"To be honest, this is not a necessary mission."

"We were supposed to handle it ourselves, but after this round of chaos, we are completely outmanned."

"From Istanbul to Aleppo, to Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran, and even Riyadh, we have mobilized all the forces we can mobilize, but we are still far from the manpower needed for this situation."

"So, some things have to be put on hold."

"If you can't."

"Speak directly, don't nag me."

Chen Chen interrupted Xia Xing and then said:

“I don’t want to lay things out in my work, I want to get the message straight.”


Xia Xing nodded immediately and then said:

"We have found the perpetrator of the Istanbul attack, but he is no longer in Istanbul. He is now in Hashiha, a small village in the northwest of Raqqa province."

"We have evidence that he is an Islamic State terrorist funded by certain forces in the United States. He entered Istanbul as late as eight months or as early as a few years in order to carry out assassinations for the CIA that were inconvenient for them in exchange for exchange for The U.S. or SSF’s support for the Islamic State.”

"Or to be more precise, you have actually dealt with the organization this person belongs to before."


Chen Chen asked coldly.

"Yes, IS-K, not pure IS-K."

"I understand, kill him or capture him alive?"

"Get rid of it."

"What's the difficulty?"

".Hashiha is one of the strongholds of ISIS and it is full of terrorists."

"how many people?"

"Close to 60."

"How many children?"

"There are no children in the armed training camp. Intelligence shows that women and children are basically gathered in the village of Midel, 4 kilometers away, and have no contact with the terrorists in Hashiha."

"Is this considered difficult?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

In his opinion, this was a perfect condition.

60 people, all terrorists, there is no possibility of accidental injury, and there is no need to worry about any "humanitarian" factors. Why don't you just let your hands and feet go wild? ?

Even if there are only 4 people, Chen Chen is confident to complete this extremely difficult beheading task.

Because he had no intention of "beheading" at all.

How can there be a good person in IS-K?

Why do we have to behead him?

There is no situation where "implication" is more applicable than this.

Chen Chen did not believe that a terrorist who could evacuate to Raqqa would not be aware of what he was doing.

If that's the case, what's the point of talking to them?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:


"Let's make conditions."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xia Xing raised his head in surprise, and then said:

"Are you sure? There is really no other support this time, and it is impossible for the Syrian government forces to provide assistance. The negotiations have not ended yet, and they must remain calm for the time being."

"No need for them, I'm looking for Suhail."

Chen Chen interrupted Xia Xing and then said:

"Also, get me some gas cans."

"This time, I'm going to use picric acid."

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