I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 493 Definitely next time

3 days later, at 11 o'clock at night, near Hashiha.

Chen Chen took Lin He, Pingchuan and Yang Shu to lurk on the sand dunes one kilometer east of the village, observing the movements in the village with telescopes.

The dry wind in the desert had cracked his lips, and the salt-stained combat uniform also made him feel quite uncomfortable, but at this moment, his mood was quite high.

Because, just two minutes ago, after lurking for 12 hours, he finally caught the traces of the terrorist who carried out the attack.

The latter entered the village of Hashiha in a dilapidated Hilux pickup truck at night and brought a large amount of supplies to the terrorists in the village.

From his movements, Chen Chen could easily tell that he was definitely relaxed at this time.

After all, for him, the chaos in Istanbul and the war in Syria have nothing to do with him. He just completed the tasks assigned by the funder and obtained benefits for his "MSL brothers". .

His status must have been greatly improved, which can be seen from the kind and respectful attitude of others towards him.

However, he may never have imagined that he has been targeted by a poisonous snake that is more insidious, cunning and deadly than the CIA, and is about to bring disaster to his brothers.

Looking at the man's free and easy movements in the telescope, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Chen's mouth.

He didn't have time to speculate on the other party's psychological activities. At this moment, he only cared about one thing -

"When will the convoy arrive?"

As soon as the words fell, Suhail's reply came over the radio.

"It will arrive at the Badria Mosque in six minutes and the scheduled deployment location in nine minutes."

"We need at least 3 minutes to complete the deployment. The militants here are very cautious. Are you sure we have to get closer to within 600 meters?"

"It must be within six hundred meters."

Chen Chen answered without any doubt, and then continued to add:

"Suhail, I respect you at all times, but I am the commander of this operation, and you must obey my orders, do you understand?"


Suhail on the other end of the radio answered briefly, and then reported again:

"We have reached evacuation point 1 and the convoy has begun to separate."

"Understood, the convoy is separated. Yang Shulin River, prepare for attack, Pingchuan."

"Roger, I'm in position."

After the words fell, Chen Chen took a deep breath, and then tightened his grip on the PKM general machine gun in his hand.

At this time, the straight-line distance between the team he led and Haxiha Village was about 1,100 meters. No matter from any angle, launching an attack at this distance seemed too "casual".

Not to mention light machine guns, even heavy machine guns used for suppression, even large-caliber sniper rifles, cannot guarantee hitting the target at this distance.


But fortunately, Chen Chen's goal is not to "hit the target."

Their team of four was just a bait, a tool to attract the attention of the militants in Haxiha Village.

Or to be more precise, they are just alarm clocks that wake up these terrorists.

Keeping an eye on the target's movements, Chen Chen's finger outside the trigger circle slowly moved to the trigger.

At this moment, Suhail's voice came from the earphones again.

"The planned deployment position will be reached after 200 meters."

"Understood. Group 1, attack!"

The order was given, and Chen Chen's fingers immediately clicked.

Immediately afterwards, violent gunfire rang out from four directions at the same time!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

PKM's unique gunfire penetrated the entire night sky. Bullets fell one after another towards the village a full kilometer away, sending clouds of smoke and dust out of the ground and building walls. Under the intensive firepower, the entire village was immediately awakened.

In the high-magnification scope, Chen Chen saw the target figure quickly hiding behind the bunker with other terrorists, and there was a hint of panic in his staggering movements.

They don't seem to understand where the attack is coming from or why they are being attacked.

They subconsciously raised their guns to fight back, but they didn't even have a target!

It took a full minute for the first terrorist to determine the location of the Dongfeng Corps from the direction in which the bullets were flying, but they immediately discovered that the enemy's position was actually a full kilometer away!

There were no close-range raids, no artillery attacks, just bullets that kept flying and seemed to not cause much casualties.

It was more of a provocation than an offense - one they had to deal with.

They must make this provocateur pay the price and show their inviolable strength.

The large-caliber machine gun installed on the roof took off its camouflage, and the sniper knelt on the ground and began to search for the enemy's position. As the first round of bullets with tracer bullets was fired, everyone in the village woke up in a very short period of time. .

Bullets flew over Chen Chen's head like locusts, but at this moment, he did not panic at all.

Because he knows that the final judgment is coming soon.

"I'm done unfolding and ready to launch."

Suhail's voice came from the radio. Chen Chen released the trigger in his hand, and then replied:

"Understood, start placing."

The next second.

Six hundred meters southwest of Hashiha, dazzling flames erupted from the backs of eight trucks that had taken off their camouflage.

Driven by modern propellants, eight gas tank bombs with welded tails rose into the air and fell towards the direction of Hashiha Village.

The militants in the village did not notice the abnormality in the southwest at all. Their attention was completely attracted by the bullets from the northeast.

A few seconds later, accompanied by a loud bang, the falling gas tank exploded over the village.


The dazzling flames rose into the sky, bringing a visual feast completely different from conventional explosives.

"Adjust the parameters, and the second round of shelling begins."

On the radio, Suhail's voice, which was originally a little nervous, has become extremely stable.

Then, just 30 seconds later, the second round of shells arrived as expected.

This time, the landing point of the shells was much more accurate.

Six of the eight shells fell within the range of the village, and these six shells carried a full 20 kilograms of picric acid!

After the initial explosion, the unreacted explosives were splashed all over the village, accompanied by black smoke rising into the sky, and the flames burned like hellfire.

The area of ​​this village, or this armed camp, is only 200 meters in length and width, and at this time, the flames have almost completely engulfed it.

The thermal imaging night vision device has lost its function, but even through the optical lens, Chen Chen can clearly see that the murderer who once committed a bloody crime in Istanbul is twisting and deforming in the flames, and then collapses to the ground like a burnt dead tree.

There is no need to continue the assault to make the final harvest. With just one round of artillery fire, Chen Chen's mission has been completed.

He dropped the PKM in his hand and said to the radio:

"Prepare to retreat, the convoy will come to support."


Suhail's voice was extremely solemn. After a long silence, he suddenly said:

"I thought the purpose of your team was to help us attract attention, but you just wanted to wake them up."


Chen Chen answered without comment, and then stood up from the sand dune.

At this time, the gunfire from Hashiha Village had completely stopped, and those who were most afraid of "Hellfire" were struggling in Hellfire.

The flickering flames illuminated the entire night sky, and the sins that were burned were blown away by the wind over the desert like the black smoke from burning picric acid.

Chen Chen took a last look at the village behind him, and then said to himself:

"I will definitely use napalm next time."

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