I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 494 Customized Ammunition

After finishing the operation in Hashiha Village, Chen Chen did not waste any time, let alone return to Telerifaat. Instead, he plunged directly east into the Euphrates River and drifted southward along the Euphrates River to the east of Aleppo and headed ashore. , out of the control of the Raqqa JD elements.

The number of people they participated in this operation was not large. Including the temporarily trained gas tank cannon operators, there were only 24 people in total. Therefore, the retreat was extremely fast, and there were no terrorists who were captured. Bit the tail.

Of course, on the other hand, it is also because the JD elements who want to bite them have basically been burned out.

16 artillery shells filled with picric acid, if calculated in terms of yield, aggregated and detonated in the form of an IED, would almost level the entire village of Hashiha.

There may be a few terrorists who survive, but the number will never exceed double digits.

There is no doubt that this is a huge win.

On the way from the Euphrates River to Aleppo, Suhail Hassan, who has become the commander of the Tiger Corps, was very excited all the way.

The reason is simple. From the Dongfeng Corps' combat method, he saw possibilities that were completely different from his previous perceptions.

Out of equipment?

There are many things, even if they are backward equipment, they can still produce effects!

The gas tank cannon is a typical example. Before this, who would have thought that a combination of ordinary things could achieve such astonishing lethality?

Gas tank? Steel Pipe? Everywhere.

Picric acid synthesis? Any earthen workshop will do.

This was more than just an "equipment display". To a certain extent, Suhail realized a truth that had never been touched before:

Syria's industrial base is far from being squeezed to the limit. Even if the economy cannot recover for a long time, they can rely on the most basic and bottom-line industrial capabilities to maintain a relatively high combat effectiveness!

And this is what Syria needs most.

Looking at the entire battlefield in the Middle East, all the wars the United States has intervened in have not been victories of the "fortifying the wall and clearing the field" style.

They often use high-tech advantages to suppress a country's economic and industrial system to an extremely low level, thereby forcing the government to go bankrupt and the country to surrender.

Well now, a new possibility is born.

Even if you can reduce my industrial level from 100% to 10%, what if I can use this 10% level to maintain 40% or even 30% combat effectiveness?

This would be a complete failure for the United States and for NATO.

Unless they plan to send ground troops to end the battle in person, with this 30%, the Syrian government forces will be enough to hang up and beat the rebels in the territory!

The road to victory has slowly unfolded in front of Suhail, and after seeing the road ahead clearly, his respect for the Dongfeng Corps has risen even further.

".You are the best choice I have made in recent years."

He said solemnly to Chen Chen beside him.

".you flatter me."

Chen Chen answered with some embarrassment, but Suhaier was completely unaware of the hint of "something wrong" in his stiff English, and just continued on his own:

"Just the first time I cooperated with you, I can clearly feel the improvement in my tactical thinking."

"This is not a joke. I have read many classic battle cases from you on paper, such as Shangganling, Tashan, and Sidu Chishui. But these things are too shallow in the textbooks."

"In fact, I have never understood the core of these war cases - of course, most people, perhaps including yourselves, have not understood it."

"The soldiers' fighting will, determination in command and dispatch, and spirit of sacrifice. This may be important, but it is not everything."

"The real key to victory or defeat is your cognition."

"You know you are at a disadvantage, but you are not obsessed with obtaining equipment that is equivalent to the enemy. Instead, you find ways to squeeze what you have to the limit."

"This is called asymmetric warfare. You made it too complicated to describe something that can be said in one word."

Chen Chen interrupted Suhail, who was stunned for a moment, then suddenly showed a relieved smile.


"But all in all, you are a very good combat consultant."

"How about it? Are you interested in coming to my place for development?"

After the words fell, before Chen Chen could answer, Suhail seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his statement, so he quickly made up for it and said:

"I mean, part-time."

"I can provide you with a consultant position, and of course, you will receive corresponding rewards."

"Your mercenary group is in a critical period of expansion, and just in time, we can provide you with all the resources you need."

"Let's solve the problems you are facing first."

Chen Chen shook his head noncommittally and continued:

"Of course, I will not refuse any form of cooperation, but obviously, what you can offer me is too little."

"But I have money."

Suhail said seriously.

".How much money do you have? You don't even have much oil, okay?"

"You don't need that much money! At least with your current size, not to mention my influence in the military and political circles, my family alone is definitely your big customer."


Chen Chen nodded slightly and did not answer immediately.

Suhail's attitude made him realize that he had finally received his unexpected first opportunity during this trip to Syria.

Are family ties valuable?

Maybe not worth the money.

But what if this family, like then-President Bashar al-Assad, also belongs to the sparse Alawite sect?

From this perspective, there is huge room for imagination in establishing a friendship with the Suhail family.

Once a solid cooperative relationship can be formed, the benefits that Dongfeng Group can obtain will definitely be more than what Xiaoyu once promised him.

And what’s more worth looking forward to is that such cooperation does not run counter to the interests of a large northern country. It can be regarded as a small side job in addition to the “main mission”.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"What kind of services do you need?"

"Training, security, equipment, whatever you can provide, we need it all."

"Even if we don't need it now, we may need it."


Chen Chen asked cautiously.

"Even if I can't become you, at least I can imitate you."

Suhail's answer was quite vague, but Chen Chen had already heard the implication.

What he really needs is not just the professional services provided by the Dongfeng Corps, nor does he necessarily need to use the "background" of the Dongfeng Corps to fake the tiger's power. What he wants is to turn the Tiger Corps into the second Dongfeng Corps.

A Tiger Corps that is independent of the Syrian government forces and can cooperate with those they want to cooperate in a more flexible way!


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and then said:

"I think our cooperation will be quite pleasant."

"However, it will take a while before that."

Suhail nodded and agreed:

"Yes, it will take some time."

Two hours later, when it was just dawn, the Dongfeng Corps finally evacuated to Aleppo.

Different from Chen Chen's stereotype of Aleppo in his previous life, because the Free Army was blocked in Tal Rifaat, the city has not been "baptized" by artillery fire yet.

It is not very prosperous, but the buildings full of Arab characteristics create a unique exotic style, and the gray-white exterior walls of the buildings amplify the weight of history. For a few moments, Chen Chen even felt that he had not entered a city. Instead, one enters a “living mausoleum.”

This statement sounds a bit scary, but Chen Chen feels that there is really no more suitable adjective than this.

That slightly gloomy atmosphere, that special beauty that has been carefully crafted by man, that incomparably restrained and quiet atmosphere.

When all this was displayed in front of him, it was really difficult for him to connect it with the ruins in his mind.

Similarly, the other three people with him also showed great interest in this ancient city. Lin He even whispered to Yang Shu to see if the ancient city wall was really the same as what they had seen online before. They saw the same buried bones, but this idea quickly disappeared under Chen Chen's fierce eyes, and everyone arrived at Suhail's preset pick-up location without incident.

After completing the handover, Suhail arranged for a special car to send the four Dongfeng Corps members to their temporary hotel. After waiting in the hotel for two hours, Chen Chen finally met the final target of their trip.

Contact person for the intelligence services.

Xia Xing, and a man nicknamed Luotuo who was very unfamiliar to Chen Chen but very familiar to him.

The first time he saw Chen Chen, Luo Tuo extended his hand to Chen Chen.

Then, he said:

"On a personal note, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

"At the same time, on behalf of the families of our fallen comrades, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

As soon as these two sentences came out, Chen Chen immediately realized that this person's identity was unusual.

You know, the intelligence department is somewhat within the system. It can "represent" some people when speaking, which really speaks volumes.

What's more, he represents the families of the victims.

Obviously, even if he is not the top person in charge of the intelligence office in the entire Middle East, he should be close to it.

So, Chen Chen immediately nodded and replied:

"You're welcome, that's what we do."

"I understand, but it's still hard work."

Luo Tuo was very satisfied with Chen Chen's answer. After the two briefly exchanged greetings, Luo Tuo got to the point directly.

Subsequent footholds and safe houses, task schedules, cashing of "commissions" from early cooperation, medical and repair sites, resources that can be applied for, and permissions.

Everything was explained clearly in just 10 minutes, without any nonsense words or any redundant information.

Immediately afterwards, Luotuo arranged the vehicles, and the group left the hotel and took a detour to the safe house in three groups.

There is no green zone in Aleppo, and vehicles moved extremely cautiously. It took a full hour for everyone to finally reach their destination.

It was a rather inconspicuous house, no different from any other house in Aleppo.

However, when Chen Chen saw the location of the residence, he remembered General Su Yu's classic joke.

"A machine gun mounted in a cafe can block an entire street."

The strategically advantageous position of this building can be described by this joke.

Chen Chen was quite satisfied with this, but something that made him even more satisfied was yet to come.

After opening the door, under the leadership of Xia Xing, everyone walked straight to the basement. After passing through the narrow passage, Chen Chen's eyes suddenly opened up.

A huge space unfolded in front of him. There were no physical separation walls in the entire space, but the differentiation of functional areas was completed through various facilities.

The medical area is equipped with an independent cabin-type sterile operating room, which immediately made Pingchuan, who had been suffering from insufficient medical equipment, excited.

He couldn't wait to step forward to check, and then discovered that all the wounded from the Dongfeng Corps were arranged here.

"The medical area is arranged according to the standards of a modern field hospital. At the same time, according to the boss's instructions, we have specially added a batch of advanced equipment and medicines."

"At least 12 injured people can be hospitalized here at the same time, and the sterile operating room can complete difficult operations including craniotomy."

The camel on the side opened his mouth to introduce, and after briefly greeting the wounded, Chen Chen's eyes turned to the combat equipment area on the other side.

Different from the medical area, most of the equipment here has not been unfolded, but is densely placed on the ground in the form of sealed boxes.

Chen Chen did not rush to take action, but turned to Luo Tuo and asked:

"What's there?"

"I don't need to introduce you to the ordinary equipment. We have all the weapons and equipment you are used to."

"I only pick out the special ones."

"Avangard-12, there are 12."

Chen Chen's eyes lit up instantly.

"Are you sure it's Avant-12?!"

"It's a vanguard-2, it can only be an avant-garde-2."

"I see!"

Chen Chen nodded sharply, and then continued to ask:

"anything else?"

"The total number of cloud explosive bombs of various types is 46, and more will be added later."

"It's enough for now."

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"A batch of customized ammunition."

"Customized ammunition? What the hell?"

"Tungsten steel armor-piercing bullets, ranging from 7 to 8.6 mm."

"??? How did you come up with the idea of ​​making this?!"

Chen Chen was shocked.

You know, the use of tungsten steel armor-piercing bullets on small-caliber rifles, if you don’t mention the XM1158 rifle bullet that has not yet been released, it has to be traced back to the 1993 armor-piercing bullet.

Although the north currently uses 5.8mm steel-core bullets, compared with tungsten steel armor-piercing bullets, the gap is still quite large.

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, Luo Tuo smiled slightly and replied:

"Wherever there is a need, there will be supply. At this stage, it has become a fact that small-caliber rifles have insufficient armor-piercing capabilities. We should also make some improvements."

".How to do gun adaptation?"


The camel waved his hand and continued:

"These guns have been specifically modified for heat dissipation, copper mounting, and high chamber pressure. It can be said that for every gun here, you can't find another one in the world."

"Of course, their lifespan is more limited."

"So, we have prepared 3 copies for you."

"Have a good heart"

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, he finally felt for the first time that his mercenary group was valued.

And this kind of "attention" can definitely not be matched by giving some advanced equipment.

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