The safe house provided by Camel brought quite a surprise to Chen Chen. This was not just because of the equipment itself, but more importantly, the fact that these equipment fully met the needs of the Dongfeng Corps also showed the attitude of the north to a certain extent. .

From being able to pick up some scrap equipment, to providing support when needed, and now, it has begun to provide customized weapons and equipment according to the combat nature of the Dongfeng Corps. It must be said that the support from the north is increasing step by step. of.

Although Chen Chen could not say he was grateful that the Dongfeng Corps had sacrificed his life little by little, the closer cooperation still gave him a sense of security.

After looking at the equipment, Chen Chen already had a preliminary understanding of this so-called "safe house".

According to Camel, this safe house was originally an underground parking lot built by a construction company in Aleppo. It had been abandoned for more than five years. The intelligence office took over the parking lot three years ago, but it has never been used.

It wasn't until a few months ago that the Syrian civil war began to break out that they began to improve the safe house in accordance with the emergency plan they had designed long ago.

This is also the reason why although the internal facilities Chen Chen saw were advanced and complete, they were still quite rough overall.

"All the original entrances and exits of the safe house have been permanently sealed, and there are now a total of four new emergency exits connected to the underground passage system."

"In addition to the main passage we just entered, there are two more passages connected to the sewer, and one passage leads to the emergency escape exit."

"Currently, the construction of this safe house is still very rudimentary, and it cannot be used as a long-term, functional office space, so my suggestion is, do not enter unless necessary."

"The houses on the ground are your main place to stay. Before the mission begins, you will wait there. Do you understand?"


Chen Chen nodded slowly and had a deeper understanding of the positioning of this safe house.

Obviously, in the plan, this safe house was to be operated as a permanent place, but due to time constraints, its construction work has not been completed, and it can only serve as a "functional warehouse" for the time being.

However, even if it is just a functional warehouse, it is enough for the Dongfeng Corps at this stage.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen asked:

"What happens to the wounded? Do they stay underground?"

"They can be transferred to the ground. The reason why they stayed underground before was because most of them had just completed their transfer, and we did not have sufficient security forces. They are safer underground than on the ground."

"But now that you are here, with safety guaranteed, the environment above ground is more comfortable."


Luo Tuo was very considerate and Chen Chen could not find any fault. After a few brief conversations, all the precautions were explained and Chen Chen finally asked about the follow-up tasks.

However, Camel's answer surprised him.

"You don't need to perform any tasks within a week."

"If there is a mission, it is to wait for your support forces to arrive and then help them complete adaptive training."

"You also know that from Istanbul to Tal Rifaat, what you have done has had a huge impact."

"The game on the battlefield is over, but the game in politics has just begun."

"Just a few hours ago, the Syrian ambassador to the United Nations made a statement at the United Nations meeting, and it was not very effective."

"This means that the negotiations between the Syrian government forces, the Free Army, and NATO are not going smoothly."

"Did representatives from other countries leave early?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

The key word "Syrian Ambassador" was too impressive to Chen Chen, so when he heard Luo Tuo's words, Chen Chen's mind immediately showed up with the "world-famous" photo as an instinctive reaction.

"Leaving? Not really."

"However, many NATO countries, including the United States, were extremely cold towards his speech and seemed not to intend to show weakness in any public forum."

"This further complicates the situation, and coupled with the eight captured STS members, we expect that the entire situation in Syria will usher in a calm period for at least two weeks."

"We can make good use of this cycle and prepare for subsequent amplification of events."

"Will the situation escalate further?"

Chen Chen asked knowingly.

It's not that he doesn't know the follow-up development path of the Syrian war, he just wants to know how the north predicts this.

Understanding their thoughts will also be of great help to you in adjusting the strategy of the Dongfeng Corps in a timely manner.

"It will definitely expand further."

The camel nodded solemnly and then said:

"However, unlike what most people think, the possibility of the United States sending the Army to take action personally is infinitely close to zero."

"We judge that they are likely to foster new rebel forces in northeastern Syria, especially in the Raqqa area."

"It's even possible that they will move the mess in Iraq to Syria."

"Islamic State."

"Yes, ISIS."

Having said this, Luo Tuo sighed softly, hesitated for a moment, and then continued:

"Al-Qaeda's recent movements have been very intensive. Starting from the end of 2010, ISI entered Syria from Iraq on a large scale. You have also seen that they have even begun to take advantage of the chaos to control part of Raqqa Province."

"We judge that this trend will continue because the Syrian government forces simply cannot spare their time to deal with them."

It's not like I can't make a move.

Chen Chen secretly cursed in his heart.

In fact, most people's understanding of ISIS is at the level of "knowledge". They basically don't know the origins of this JD organization, nor how they develop and grow.

According to the experience of the previous life, the initial organization of IS was born in 2004. At that time, they were called JTJ. A few months after its establishment, they changed their name to TQJBR (Al Qaeda in Two Rivers), and were also called AQI by the outside world until 2006. In 2000, the name IS was officially used by them, called ISI.

Subsequently, under this name, this organization spawned quite a few variants and "sub-groups", including JIS, which Chen Chen fought before, and EIM, which is active in Indonesia, and of course IS-K.

However, ISI at this stage is still essentially a small-scale operation, and the terrorist organization's right to speak is still in the hands of the base.

By 2011, after the Syrian civil war broke out, a large number of ISI entered Syria from Iraq and took advantage of the empty defense in northern Syria. They established the so-called "regime" here and established the Nusra Front organization.

Then, in 2013, when their organizational power developed to a certain extent, ISI merged with the Nusra Front, and the last S of ISIS was finally added to their name, and from this day on, they developed The speed of growth has also reached an unprecedented level.

So in general, the United States and NATO must bear responsibility for the development of this terrorist organization that later shocked the world.

Or from a more "conspiracy theory" perspective, who knows if they did it on purpose?


At least judging from the implication of Luotuo's words, the element of intentionality is quite high.

It's no wonder that Luo Tuo is so wary of the development and growth of JD organizations in northern Syria. He probably does have some intelligence in his hands that Chen Chen cannot access, and that intelligence does hide some darker facts.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen asked:

"So, our main mission in the future is to deal with extremist organizations in northern Syria?"

"It's possible."

Luotuo's answer was quite conservative, but Chen Chen didn't take it seriously either.

Who is not to be beaten? To fight terrorists, I have no psychological pressure, so I can use any insidious means.

"I understand, let's just stay together during this period."

"Yes, just stay well."

The camel nodded slightly and then said:

"I won't stress the discipline matters to you anymore. Xia Xing will tell you again."

"Don't reveal your identity, don't go out casually, and wait for orders at any time. By the way, I almost forgot."

As he spoke, Luo Tuo took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Chen Chen's hand.

Chen Chen took it and saw that it was actually a transfer voucher.

Of course it was not the original, but the amount on it surprised Chen Chen.

$1.2 billion!

Is this a commission?

A bit too exaggerated.

After all, Blackwater's annual security service charge back then was only US$150 to US$200 million.

He raised his head and looked at the camel, who noticed his expression and explained:

"This is a loan allocated by us, and the money has already arrived in Dongfeng Group's account."

"You may not have time to manage the rear during this period, but we have still solved some problems for you as agreed."

"This money must be used for several designated projects in your subsequent development process, including equipment updates, personnel salaries, base construction, logistics and transportation, etc."

"There will be professional auditing companies to review the use of funds and regularly issue due diligence reports."

Good guy.

Are they forcing Dongfeng Group to move towards professionalism?

But the problem is that the uses mentioned by Camel are a bit too childish.

Obviously, the so-called professional audit is just a cover.

If you want to really know where the money needs to be spent, I'm afraid you have to go to Xiaoyu to find the answer.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen no longer asked too much, but handed the voucher back to Luo Tuo after reading it.

Afterwards, the two walked out of the basement and arranged for personnel to move the wounded and arrange rooms. More than an hour later, all the facilities were put in place, and the Dongfeng Corps finally settled in Aleppo.

Chen Chen fell down on the bed, feeling the long-lost comfort of the soft pillow. But before he could rest for a long time, Pingchuan pulled him up again and wanted to operate on his injured left hand.

Chen Chen almost forgot about this, but after taking the X-ray, he realized that the healing trend of the bone fracture in his left arm was not good. If not treated in time, the hyperplastic tissue caused by continuous high-intensity exercise is likely to Covering the bone sutures in a deformed form, ultimately affecting the function of the left arm.

There was no other way but to break it open and perform stretching and reduction again. Needless to say, the severe pain in the process was so painful. When Chen Chen returned to bed again, his clothes had already been soaked with cold sweat.

After waiting for a full 10 minutes, he finally struggled to pick up the phone and broadcast the number he had been thinking about.


"I am here."

Xiaoyu's voice came from the receiver, and Chen Chen didn't talk nonsense, but asked directly:

"What is 1.2 billion used for? Why send money directly without me?"

After hearing Chen Chen's question, Xiaoyu answered:

"I arranged the money. It's not for you. It's the cost of buying the airport."

“Buy an airport?!”

Chen Chen suddenly sat up from the bed, grinning from the pain in his left arm.

"Why do you need to buy an airport?"

"You don't want a fighter jet?"

Chen Chen was stunned.


"Really, negotiations with the 104th Brigade are already in progress."

"We will provide the money, Issam will provide the land, Maozi will provide the plane, and Suhail will provide the money. You just use it."

"What model?"

Chen Chen asked impatiently.

"MiG-29, there will be a small number of Su-27, Mi-171, and maybe some female deer in the future, but the female deer will not belong to you, it will be borrowed by Maozi to park at the airport."

"??? Why does it sound like we paid for Maozi to build an air force base??"

"Don't you think this is the best way to deal with it? It's only 1.2 billion. Do you really want to build our own base?"


Chen Chen woke up instantly.

To deploy an air force base in Syria, the price the north has to pay is indeed too high.

And if we can involve multiple parties like now, build a "public nature" airport, provide timely air support to all parties, and at the same time bypass the sensitive points of certain countries and organizations, it will indeed be an expedient measure. Best choice.

As for how many twists and turns there are, Chen Chen doesn't care and can't care.

He only knew that one thing was certain, and that was:

The power that the Eastern Corps can call upon has finally expanded from the ground to the sky.

It's not a helicopter that flies close to the ground, it's a serious fighter jet!

Chen Chen immediately became happy, and then asked:

"Can you discuss with Maozi and get me some new anti-aircraft missiles?"

"Those old-fashioned things like Sam-3 are really far behind the times."

"Let's talk about this, at least there is no way to solve it now."

"Okay. Where's the T-50?"

".What do you want that thing for? It would be great if it can fly!"

Xiaoyu rarely followed Chen Chen's words and became angry. Listening to her confident tone, Chen Chen was a little bit dumbfounded.

The fourth generation phones are different when they come out. Even Sophie Ultra Slim can’t stand it.

After a brief chat, Chen Chen didn't talk much to Xiao Yu.

After confirming the follow-up arrangements for the airport plan, he hung up the phone.

Looking out the window at the pale white clouds over the ancient city of Aleppo, Chen Chen suddenly had an idea.

In this life, if there is a chance, I might be able to drive a fighter jet and fly in the sky.

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