I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 496 The jackal is coming

For the next two days, Chen Chen stayed in the safe house without leaving.

This is of course not because of the strict "no-foot order" imposed on the Dongfeng Corps. In fact, under the arrangement of Xia Xing and the cover of Suhail, other members who were still able to move, including Lin Chenming, also walked out of the room. We walked around the ancient city of Aleppo which is quite complete.

There was only one reason why he didn't go.

There is so much to deal with.

From the moment he arrived in Istanbul, almost every day of his life was filled with high-intensity and high-density fighting, without a day of respite or any room for distraction.

Under this circumstance, a large amount of group operation work has been piled up. In addition to "battle", there are also many things waiting for him to deal with on the business side.

Among them, the first one to bear the brunt is the delivery of other support forces of the Dongfeng Corps.

Although Xiaoyu has already arranged most of the links, after the personnel arrive in Cyprus, the intelligence ports in the two areas need to be handed over, the land transportation channels need to be opened, how to bypass the Free Army inspections after arriving in Syria, and how to Before keeping secret, contacting the government forces and how to enter Aleppo are also issues that Chen Chen needs to consider and arrange.

He spent several hours finalizing the plan with the white dog who was going to lead the team, and also finalized the personnel arrangements.

A total of 50 people will depart in two days and arrive within 4 days at the latest.

These people will bring huge help to the Dongfeng Corps and give Chen Chen the confidence to continue to "make money" in Syria.

In addition to personnel arrangements, Peng Xucheng's business expansion also requires Chen Chen's decision.

The land transportation line from Tachileik to Myitkyina has been completely connected, and Dongfeng Group's logistics business has achieved unprecedented development.

It was not until this moment that others finally understood why Chen Chen had chosen the "logistics" cake without hesitation.

However, business development brings not only opportunities, but also greater challenges.

It requires more equipment, more manpower, a better management system, and a stronger background.

If it were not for the presence of several armed forces and the strong strength of the Dongfeng Corps, it would be a big problem whether safety could be guaranteed, let alone expand the logistics business.

After discussing with Peng Xucheng, Chen Chen finally decided not to use the original system of Wanfeng Group, but to completely separate the logistics business into a completely legal and completely clean formal company.

It will no longer have any armed forces and will rely entirely on the security services provided by the Dongfeng Corps to ensure safety.

Compared with Wanfeng Group's model, the advantage of this system is that Dongfeng Corps does not need to actually provide security services.

As long as the logistics company hangs the flag of Dongfeng Corps, it can ensure unimpeded traffic throughout Pubei.

What? Are you saying someone is trying to rob you?

The dozen tanks and armored vehicles in my base are no joke to you.

At this point, Chen Chen has finally turned Dongfeng Group into a large insurance company. Perhaps it should be called "Ping An Group" according to the original idea.

After solving the logistics business problem, Peng Xucheng also asked for opinions on the Indonesian business. Chen Chen was fairly familiar with the situation there, but after finalizing a few principles, he stopped interfering too much.

Let professional people do professional things, this is the principle he has always believed in.

And this principle really paid off for him.


Dongfeng Group's financial report for the first quarter of 2011, or the first financial report since the establishment of Dongfeng Group, has been compiled, and the results are quite gratifying.

Without taking into account the potential revenue from the Syrian mission, Dongfeng Group's revenue in the first quarter reached US$140 million and net profit was US$65 million.

Although the negative cash flow is quite large, most of the cash flow has been converted into available manpower and equipment, and the overall situation is very healthy.

Peng Xucheng's next goal is to increase Dongfeng Group's annual revenue to more than US$500 million and net profit to US$300 million within the scope of "compliance operations."

In this way, the entire group has a solid moat. Even if one day, Chen Chen decides not to participate in certain "large projects", the group can still rely on existing resources to develop stably.

It has to be said that Peng Xucheng's business vision is quite reliable.

He was keenly aware of the shortcomings of the entire group's current business model and proposed his own solutions.

Chen Chen quite approved of his plan.

After all, you can't live your whole life licking blood from a knife's edge. In the early stages of development, you can do it again and again, and risk your life again and again. But in the later stages, you have to seek stability.

At the end of the exchange with Peng Xucheng, he brought a new piece of news to Chen Chen.

Jiang He's intelligence network in Pubei has basically been completed - or to put it another way, the business territory of his "Tonglian Telecom" has been rolled out and is spreading throughout Southeast Asia.

Generally speaking, the amount of funds required for this thing is very small. After all, MS service is essentially a labor-intensive service and does not cost much.

However, its penetration is quite amazing.

Because in order to develop this business, you must maintain close contact with various local forces. Whether in business or politics, you have the opportunity to get close to information.

What Jiang He has to do next is to ensure continued operations, ensure continuous acquisition of intelligence, pay real-time attention to changes in the situation in Pubei, and provide support for the actions of the Dongfeng Corps.

After learning about this situation, Chen Chen thought for a moment and asked Peng Xucheng a question.

"What does he think about revenge?"

Peng Xucheng seemed to have already guessed that Chen Chen would ask this question, and answered without any hesitation.

"Jiang He is relatively stable now. He is not eager for revenge, but this matter must be resolved eventually. Otherwise, he cannot be completely trustworthy."

Hearing Peng Xucheng's words, Chen Chen frowned and nodded, then asked:

"Do you think now is the right opportunity?"

"Just wait. If the opportunity is right, Jiang He will propose it himself."

"Okay, then just wait."

"However, you have to make it clear to him that even if there is a chance, he does not need to do things by himself."

"Let's talk to Bao Xiaomei and see how well she cultivates the Ning Ming card."

"With this person's personality, it is actually appropriate to do this kind of thing."

"I understand, I will make it clear to Jiang He."

"That's good."

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and after a brief chat, he planned to hang up the phone.

But at this moment, Peng Xucheng suddenly asked again:

"Jackal is taking Chaisili's route this time. He can bring some special equipment. What do you think? Do you want him to bring you something by the way?"

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked subconsciously:

"Where is he going? Syria?!"

At this time, Peng Xucheng was also stunned.

"you do not know?!"

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and replied:

"I really don't know, what's going on?"

"You don't even know, how could I know? I just know he's going."

"You'd better call him and ask. I always feel that he is going to do big things."

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