Chen Chen had no idea why Jackal suddenly decided to come to Syria, but judging from his status, any actions taken by the other party should have been approved by Chaisli.

Under the premise that the current situation in Syria is so chaotic, Chaisri's decision to dispatch manpower to the local area has already shown a quite radical intention.

After all, they are a commercial company. Although they are largely dependent on the Thai royal family, due to the particularity of Thailand's political situation, Chai Sri still has considerable freedom to operate independently.

Pursuing profits is their only purpose, and currently, the benefits that Syria can provide them

Chen Chen couldn't guess what it was.

If you talk about selling equipment, the few armored vehicles and light weapons that Chaisili can provide are completely insufficient for the Syrian government military; if you talk about selling security services, it is impossible for Chaisili’s security team, which has not been baptized by the fire of war, to cope with the current situation in Syria. High intensity conflict.

After thinking about it, an idea suddenly came to Chen Chen's mind that he couldn't believe.

Could it be that the airport he was about to get had something to do with them?


This shouldn't be the case either.

For such a confidential project, let alone Chaisli, it is impossible for other forces to participate except Beifang, Maozi and Syrian officials.

Chen Chen frowned, but he vaguely felt that even if Jackal's purpose had nothing to do with the airport, it should be similar.

Thinking of this, he immediately dialed Jackal's number, but to his surprise, Jackal didn't answer the phone.

Chen Chen turned around and asked Peng Xucheng again. After the latter sent someone to check, he realized that Jackal had left.

Is the trip in such a hurry?

So rushed that you didn't even have time to say hello to Peng Xucheng and Shi Dakai?

The doubts in Chen Chen's heart are getting deeper and deeper, but under the current circumstances, he has no way to ask clearly, so he can only put it aside until he arrives.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for Jackals not to contact themselves once they come to Syria.

When the time comes, he won’t be able to hide what he’s going to do specifically from himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen threw away his phone and lay back on the bed.

But before he could rest for long, another cell phone he used exclusively for internal communications in Syria rang again.

The caller was Suhaier, who brought several bad news to Chen Chen.

First, two of the eight STS members died, which instantly reduced their bargaining chips by half.


Yes, the weight of bargaining chips is not calculated based on the number of people alive. As long as someone dies in your hands, the United States will think that you are suspected of confrontation, and will seize this point to exert force and lower the price in the negotiation.

Originally, the two sides had even begun to communicate on the schedule for the next peace talks and mediation, but with the death of these two people, the hope of holding a peace talks meeting had basically been dashed.

"We never expected to truly reach reconciliation with the rebels. This war must end with the complete defeat of one side."

"However, the peace talks could have bought us at least a month of breathing space, but now, this time will no longer exist."

"We can only use the existing 'quid pro quo' negotiations to pull, and the breathing time we can win has been reduced to less than two weeks."

"That's not good news - you know, it's going to be at least three weeks before our airports are fully deployed."

Hearing Suhail's words, Chen Chen frowned tightly.

Although the possibility of intelligence leakage is very low, Lao America's response this time hit Suhail right on target.

If the deployment of the airport cannot be completed as planned, their disadvantage will be further expanded in the subsequent confrontation, and they will eventually return to a situation of being completely suppressed.

"What do you need me to do?"

Chen Chen asked.

"You don't need to do anything - we have no way to do anything now, we can only take it one step at a time and try to speed up the deployment of the airport as much as possible."

"I'm just informing you in advance so that you can be prepared."

Having said this, Suhail paused for a moment, and then continued:

"In addition, we had no way to deal with those MI6 agents we captured before."

"We couldn't pry anything out of their mouths. It was like their mouths were welded shut and they wouldn't speak at all."

"They didn't say a single word other than 'We are a humanitarian relief organization.'"

"I know they have a problem, but there is no way to take advantage of it. Issam has decided to release them, and it will be implemented in three days."

"Can't we just kill them?! We've come this far and let them go?"

Chen Chen was stunned.

He couldn't understand Isam's thinking at all. In his impression, this old man should be a very tough person. How could he compromise on this issue so easily?

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Suhail also sighed.

Then he replied:

"This matter is not Issam's responsibility. In fact, someone wants to use these 'innocent people' as bargaining chips in exchange for space for further negotiations."

"He has no choice. After all, he is just a general, not a real person in power."


Chen Chen sighed helplessly. At this moment, he finally understood why in many wars, the presence of politicians not only failed to play a positive role, but actually weakened the resistance.

After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"Can you confirm their identities? I mean, can you get any valid clues from the previous interrogations?"

"No, but I'm sure there's something wrong with them."

Suhail replied firmly.


"Because no one can withstand our interrogation without speaking, we have used all the means at our disposal."

"What means?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"Waterboarding, electric shock, blunt force blows. In short, all torture methods that do not cause obvious wounds have been tried."

"Isn't this too primitive? Your interrogation methods are still at this level?"

Chen Chen asked in disbelief.

".This is the limit of what we can do."

"Then leave it to me."

Chen Chen spoke decisively, and then continued:

"But it can't be three days, I need at least a week."

"Give me 24 hours to prepare. After a week, if I still can't pry them open, I will carry out the original plan."

"Are you sure?"

"Half and half."

"That's enough!"

Suhail answered immediately and then asked:

“What kind of support do you need from me?”

"A lot - but don't worry, what I want is actually not complicated."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen immediately started preparing the materials needed for the interrogation.

In fact, this interrogation was quite clear both in terms of conditions and purpose.

First of all, he cannot leave any obvious injuries on the interrogated person, because that will make it difficult to end the case after releasing the hostages later.

Once MI6 obtains evidence of torture and confessions, the government forces will easily fall into a further disadvantage in terms of public opinion.

Of course, Chen Chen is not "afraid" of such disadvantages, but if there are ways to avoid them, there is no need for him to pay any unnecessary costs.

Secondly, the means used against the interrogated person must be beyond the opponent's training, or can exceed the limit of the opponent's counter-interrogation training.

That means that the interrogation method he chose was either born after 2011, or it is of super high intensity that "cannot be circumvented by training."

Apart from these two conditions, the purpose of the interrogation is equally clear.

If you want these MI6 agents to confess enough information to be used by your own side, you must not just focus on the single goal of "getting them to talk."

It is necessary to completely destroy the other party's psychological defense line to the extent of "answering what is asked."

Therefore, based on these constraints, Chen Chen's plan is very simple.

He is going to do something in Syria that the Americans themselves have done:

Sensory deprivation interrogation.

This technology actually originated from an experiment in 1954.

At the time, psychologists Bexton, Herron, and Scott hired a group of students and exposed them to a stimulating environment.

At the beginning of the experiment, the subjects behaved quite normally, and their psychological and physiological states did not show any fluctuations. For a time, the experiment initiator even thought that the experiment had failed.

However, three days after the start of the experiment, the subject's performance began to deteriorate precipitously. Severe anxiety was the least severe reaction. Distraction, disordered thinking, auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and even a strong tendency to self-harm began to appear.

On the seventh day of the experiment, the experiment was urgently stopped because the subject's condition deteriorated to a critical point.

Afterwards, all the subjects received lengthy psychological treatment, and most of them recovered. However, a few people developed mental and psychological problems of varying degrees and had to rely on long-term medication to alleviate them.

This experiment laid the foundation for "sensory deprivation" interrogation methods, which continued to develop in the following decades until reaching its peak in the 21st century.

This interrogation method cannot be cracked or circumvented. It is especially suitable for targets who have received professional training. It just so happens that it can also meet Chen Chen's needs.

However, Chen Chen plans to go further. He will not be satisfied with the "coffin-style" sensory deprivation method.

He wanted to turn the entire underground safe house into a large, empty interrogation room.

Picking up the phone, Chen Chen dialed Xia Xing's number and asked her to a safe house.

Then, he wrote a long list on paper, and after meeting Xia Xing, he handed the list directly into her hands.

"What's this?"

Xia Xing asked doubtfully.

"Materials and equipment required for an interrogation room."

Chen Chen answered calmly.

"Are you going to accept interrogation work at the hands of Issam?"

Xia Xing frowned slightly and continued:

"It's not easy to do, and they asked us for help, but the problem is that it's too difficult and too sensitive, and we don't want to get involved."

"So it's up to me and I don't have to worry about sensitivities."


Xia Xing stopped asking and looked down at the list in his hand.

After seeing the materials listed above clearly, she suddenly raised her head again.

"Sensory deprivation?"

"Sensory deprivation."

Chen Chen corrected the flaw in her wording, and the latter bared his teeth slightly, gritted his teeth subconsciously and said:

"Soundproof cotton, non-woven fabrics, air filters, air conditioners. No restrictions?"

"No restraints."

"It's a bit difficult to build, it will take at least ten hours - potatoes? Captopril? What is this used for?"

"Suppression of taste and smell."

".It's better to use CA-125."

"Do you have any?"

Chen Chen asked in surprise.

"No, but the preparation of this extract is not difficult. The only problem is that it has relatively large side effects and can easily cause irreversible reactions. Is touch-suppressing poison necessary?"

"No, tactile suppression has no positive effect on sensory deprivation."


This time it was Xia Xing's turn to be surprised.

In fact, as an intelligence officer, she may not understand all the details of the interrogation process, but after receiving corresponding training, she at least has a basic concept.

At this point in 2011, most thought was that tactile suppression could help speed up mental breakdown.

This is just a misunderstanding in the process of technological development. After more than ten years of "repeated experiments", facts have shown that in dark environments, touch plays an irreplaceable role in amplifying fear and creating mental stress.

Therefore, Chen Chen needs to suppress the taste, smell, vision, and hearing of the interrogated person, but retain their touch.

However, Chen Shen couldn't convince Xia Xing with "technical" reasons, so his answer was just one sentence:

"Do as I ask. When will it be ready?"

".18 hours, I'll do it as soon as possible. How big is the space?"

Knowing that Chen Chen did not intend to use the "coffin box" strategy, Xia Xing cautiously asked Chen Chen about his needs.

“The bigger the better, don’t put any obstacles inside and deprive the perception of space as much as possible.”

"I originally wanted to design a movable interrogation room so that he could never touch the walls, but the space in the underground parking lot was obviously not enough, so I forgot about it."

"There is really no way, but it can be improved in the future."

Xia Xing took a breath. From Chen Chen's simple words, she could already feel the great fear.

Imagine that you are walking blindly in a void space, deprived of all perception. You can never touch the walls and you don't know where you are.

You may think you are dead, but you know clearly that you are still alive.

The darkness won't swallow you, but it'll be enough to break you

Who can survive it?

Maybe within a few days, the people involved will completely collapse.

Xia Xing raised his head and looked at Chen Chen, and couldn't help but said:

"If the mobile interrogation room you mentioned is really created, I think you will be regarded as a devil by many people."

"That's hell. Well, you made it with your own hands."

Hearing Xia Xing's words, Chen Chen laughed and then replied:


"But having said that, it would be perfect to use this kind of hell on them."

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