"What? Hand over the prisoners to the Dongfeng Corps?"

"Suhail, are you serious? Have you considered the consequences of doing this?"

In the command room, facing Issam who was surprised and a little angry, Suhail calmly replied:

"Of course I gave it serious thought."

"Our interrogation has actually reached a deadlock. If we cannot obtain more effective intelligence and evidence from them, we will have no choice but to release these prisoners in accordance with the requirements of the civilian group."

"What good does this do to us? Do we really expect the move to 'free the prisoners' to give us an advantage at the negotiating table?"

"This is completely impossible. In the past few days, you have also seen the statements made by representatives of NATO and the United States at the United Nations. They have no intention of promoting peace talks at all."

"The negotiations are just a cover. We are buying time to prepare for war, and they also need time to clean up the mess caused by the Dongfeng Corps."

"Once these matters are dealt with, they will not hesitate to attack again."

"And it is simply impossible for my Tiger Corps and our airport to be deployed in a short period of time."

"What can we do then? Or are we going to risk our lives like we did in Tal Rifat?"

"We must find ways to buy more time, and the only ones who can provide us with more time are these prisoners of MI6."

Hearing Suhail's words, Isam nodded silently.

Obviously, from the bottom of his heart, he did not deny Suhail's views, but due to some pressure that he could not feel in Suhail's position, he had to consider more things.

The two looked at each other, and after a few seconds, Isam said:

"However, this does not fundamentally change the situation we face."

"Even if we can prove that MI6 is related to the previous poison gas attack, at most it will bring some relief in terms of public opinion, and for the entire war situation."

"Of course we can't achieve success in one fell swoop."

Suhail interrupted Isam and continued:

"Do you know what I learned from the Dongfeng Corps? In other words, what did I learn from the people from the north?"

"They never look at the end goal - of course, they don't forget the end goal, but they just try to do what's in front of them."

"It's very simple logic."

"Take ourselves as an example. If we want to win this war, we need to achieve 100% progress. Then, by guarding Tal Rifaat, we have already achieved 5% progress."

"Next, once we get the interrogation results from MI6, we can increase the progress by another 1%."

"Delay the negotiation time and add 1%."

“Build the Tiger Corps, 1%.”

"Built the airport, 1%."

“Achieve cooperation with the Russians, 1%.”

"Control the development of domestic terrorist organizations, 1%."

"Victory cannot be achieved overnight. What we have to focus on is the 1% one after another, isn't it?"

"Perhaps these 1% cannot be pieced together into that 100% in the end, but at least every improvement will bring us new opportunities."

"This set of logic has allowed northerners to win many wars that others thought they were losing. They can. Why can't we try?"

After the words fell, Isam could no longer refute.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke:

"Okay, you can give it a try."

"But you have to know that I will be under heavy pressure for this, and you must give me a result!"


Suhail answered without hesitation.

Looking at his expression, Isam couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He asked:

"So you really believe that the Dongfeng Corps can do things that we can't do - what is it that gives you such confidence?"

Suhail smiled after hearing Goisam's words.

He did not answer directly, but said:

"General, believe me, if you have actually fought side by side with that team, then you will definitely understand where my confidence comes from."

"The birth of their team is a miracle, and their development to this day can almost be said to be a collection of miracles."

"That is a team that is focused on everything. Their existence is to fight, to survive, and to win."

"They are pure to the extreme, and how could such a person fail?"


Isam sighed softly and continued:

"Perhaps, I should go and talk to that young man named Sunken in person."

"But now, we have to deal with those politicians first."

Isam stood up, and before Suhail could react, he had already picked up his coat, walked directly to the door, and walked into the conference room opposite the headquarters.

At this time, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Security responsible for the handover had arrived in Aleppo. They gathered in the conference room to discuss a series of plan details before and after the release of the prisoners.

They were slightly surprised by Isam's arrival. The representative of the Security Department stood up to greet him first, but what Isam said next made him freeze in place.

"Gentlemen, we have decided to suspend the prisoner handover plan."

Everyone's movements stopped, and a series of shocked gazes were cast on Issam. The latter was unmoved and just said firmly:

"We need a week to complete the remaining interrogations, and within this week the prisoners will be completely isolated."

"Any form of visitation or communication will be prohibited. After the interrogation, we will make further plans based on the results."

"I'm sorry, your mission can't be completed."

"Next, please cooperate with my work and do your best to communicate with the outside world."

"I don't care who you serve or who you are responsible for, but from today on, you must obey my command!"

"This is a life or death decision. Gentlemen, please cooperate with my work!"

As soon as the words fell, the conference room exploded.

The chaotic voice of responsibility sounded, and some even questioned that Issam wanted to use this as an excuse to seize power.

But Isam turned a deaf ear to these accusations, but when someone rushed forward and tried to get closer to him, his right hand moved to his waist at an extremely fast speed.

This action instantly scared everyone away, and he said in a cold tone:

"Gentlemen, our country is at war."

"To win this war, we must use tougher measures, both internally and externally."

"You can return to the capital and report to the president."

"But when you report back, I want you to tell Bashar one thing."

"If he has any doubts about my decision, let him come to Tal Rifat and see for himself!"

Two hours later, Istanbul.

Messier sat in MI6's office in the center of Istanbul, frowning as he listened to the news from the intelligence officers.

"Issam has fully taken control of Aleppo. He terminated the prisoner exchange plan formulated by Bashar and the civilian clique, and took a tough stance to expel the civilian representatives of the Syrian government who had arrived in Aleppo."

"His intentions are not clear yet, but what is certain is that they must further upgrade their interrogation methods and try to open a breakthrough from the captured personnel."

"This is definitely not good news for us. One of the four captured people had direct access to core intelligence. Not only did he have a few details of the plan for the gas incident, he even had contact with IS. "

"If there is a breakthrough in the other party's interrogation, we will be in a very passive situation."

"The superiors are very dissatisfied with our information isolation work. They believe that we are completely unqualified in terms of SOD for decision-makers and executives."

"To be honest, if we can't get through this crisis - I mean, no matter what information the other party has obtained, as long as the superiors confirm that the other party has indeed obtained the information, our position will basically be guaranteed to be lost."

After hearing the intelligence officer's words, Messier first sighed, then gritted his teeth viciously and said:

"Those people sitting in the office will only accuse us of not being able to do this well and that. We should really let them come and see for themselves!"

"SOD? Information isolation? What a joke!"

“If our executives don’t even know what they’re doing, how can we accomplish the desired goals?”

"Are we really using those well-trained team members as volunteers for international organizations? It's really ridiculous."

"It's them who should reflect, not us!"

"They should think carefully about why the SAS did not respond in time when we were attacked, the Royal Air Force did not provide support, and the political skills they are proud of did not have any effect!"

"No information isolation is not the problem, getting caught is the problem!"

"This is a battlefield! How much do they expect us to do without sufficient military support?"

After the words fell, the intelligence officer on the opposite side spread his hands helplessly, and then said:

"There's nothing we can do about it, things have already progressed to this point."

"The good news is that Americans are facing bigger troubles than we are. In comparison, at least we are not too embarrassed."

".a hilarious contrast."

Messier couldn't help but find it a little funny, but then he thought about it and it seemed that was indeed the case.

Yes, we have suffered a big loss, but how can the United States, known as the world's most powerful country and the leader of NATO, fare better?

At least what we lost were intelligence department operators with little combat experience. Objectively speaking, their failure was excusable when faced with unreasonable force attacks.

But what about the United States?

What the United States lost was a serious T0-level special forces force, the 24 STS that they were most proud of!

Moreover, the casualties this time were as high as more than 20 people, and 8 people were captured.

Thinking of this, Messier felt much relieved instantly. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"No matter what, since the other party has taken action, we must find a way to deal with it."

"Temporary rescue is impossible. All forces are waiting and waiting. We cannot provoke conflicts at this time."

"Then let's find a way to clean up the tail first."

"The core person you are talking about - Herbert Wells? What is his specific relationship with IS? Who is his contact person? Where is his location?"

Upon hearing this, the intelligence officer immediately replied:

"Near Hamrit in Raqqa province, the informant was a jihadist named Maurice."

"Maurice? British? Why am I not impressed?"

Messier asked in surprise.

"The previous situation was too chaotic. We didn't have time to deal with this small matter. After all, they only had contact and had not established any substantive cooperative relationship."

"but now"

"I see."

Messier interrupted the informant and continued:

"Maurice must die, find a way to kill him."

"How to do it? We can no longer send ground troops to Syria. Other international mercenary organizations are also waiting and watching. Most professional mercenary groups will not act rashly until MPRI and Academic take clear actions."

"And if you want to find those small mercenary groups, I'm worried that they won't be able to complete the task effectively. After all, Morris is not an ordinary jihadist. He once served in the special forces of the Outlaw Legion."

"GCP commando? This person's background is too complicated."

Messier frowned and continued to ask:

"Does he have any connections with the French military?"

"Who knows, maybe there is, but whether there is or not, it doesn't affect our decision-making."


Messier knocked on the table lightly, and after pondering for a long time, he suddenly said:

"Leave it to the Dongfeng Corps."

"???Are you talking about the Dongfeng Corps?!"

The intelligence officer's eyes widened in surprise.


"Didn't you notice? Their team is particularly keen on various anti-terrorist operations. They were responsible for the massacre in Lakaha Shiha Village a few days ago."

"If we can throw out clues about the 'terrorist attack', I think they will definitely not refuse to accept it."

"Well, maybe they will think that they have really resolved a crisis."

Having said this, Messier had a joking smile on his face, and the intelligence officer nodded slowly.

"Yes, this is the best solution at the moment."

"Even if the Dongfeng Corps does not participate, the Syrian government forces will not sit idly by and do nothing. This part is no problem. What will happen to Herbert?"

"Nothing to do."

Messier replied confidently:

"Herbert has undergone strict anti-interrogation training. With the Syrian side's limited interrogation methods and limited technical conditions, it is impossible for him to waver."

"Besides, you should have read his file."

"There's something wrong with his brain - I mean, there's a natural defect in the expression of the presynaptic CB1Rs protein in the ZIv-Po neural circuit in his brain."

"His sensitivity to severe pain is far lower than that of ordinary people. Even direct stimulation of nerves is almost ineffective for him."

"So, he's not very afraid of pain."

"Of course, maybe he is afraid of death, but the problem is that now he fully understands that the Syrian military cannot threaten him with death."

"That being the case, I don't believe there's any way those Syrians could pry his mouth open."

"Just wait, in another week or two, they will be desperate and put all our people back."

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