I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 499 Disrupting the Timing

Aleppo, inside the Eastern Corps safe house.

Herbert was finally taken off the blindfold he had worn for several hours, and the dazzling light entered his eyes. It took him several seconds to finally adapt to the light and see clearly what was in front of him.

He originally thought that the other party would take him to a more cruel interrogation room this time, or directly to the execution ground, but what he didn't expect was that what he saw in front of him was just an ordinary room.

There was a dining table and two chairs. In the corner of the room stood a guard with a loaded gun and a weapon in his hand. Behind the dining table sat a man whom he had never seen before but whose identity he knew at a glance.

Herbert's handcuffs were unlocked, and a smile appeared on his face. Then, without anyone's greeting, he walked straight to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Food was already placed on the table. Chen Chen across from him coughed and then said in English:

"Given the meager cuisine of your country, I prepared Italian food for you."

“Salt-baked escargot, Sardinian pasta, veal in tuna sauce, and sirloin steak with cannelloni.”

"Those things are hard to come by here, so there are no appetizers and no desserts."

"Let's do it, I hope you like it."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Herbert nodded slightly.

Even after experiencing cruel punishment, he still maintained the demeanor that an English gentleman should have.

He carefully folded the handkerchief, clamped his arms, picked up the cutlery and divided the steak carefully. After cutting the whole loin into small pieces, he finally forked a piece and put it into his mouth.

After chewing slowly, he took a sip of ice-cold soda water, then nodded to Chen Chen and said:

“Cooked just right and delicious.”

"You want to talk?"

Chen Chen smiled slightly and replied:

"Given the current situation between you and me, we really have nothing to talk about."

Hearing Chen Chen's haul, a look of surprise appeared in Herbert's eyes.

But he soon regained his composure and replied:


"As a member of a neutral organization who was innocently attacked, I really can't provide you with the information you want."

"But to be honest, although I don't know who you are, your attitude is at least much better than those barbaric Syrians."

"I was thinking maybe you'd like to hear my thoughts?"

"I do not want to."

Chen Chen shook his head without hesitation, and then asked:

"Don't you know who I am?"

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Herbert slowly shook his head.

"I don't know, but you are East Asian and everyone can tell."

"For an East Asian to appear here and see me in this way, your identity is actually obvious."

"I've heard some rumors about the Dongfeng Corps."

"That mercenary group carried out many horrific attacks in Istanbul, but I think the truth may not be as simple as some media reports."

"Because, from the news, the only ones injured were the spies placed there by the United States."

"I think there is a high probability that it is not an attack, but a war."

"And there is no reason for war - you know, I will never judge both sides of the war, I will only provide the help that I can."

"So, that's why I thought you'd want to listen to me."

"Essentially, we are all the same. We are not really participants in the war, are we?"

Herbert's words were extremely confusing. On the surface, he was trying to win over Chen Chen, but in fact, he was just testing.

He wanted to use ambiguous words to lure Chen Chen to express his position and tell more valuable information. This method was very clever, but unfortunately, Chen Chen was not listening to him seriously at all.

This rich "dinner" is just a necessary part of the interrogation. Chen Chen doesn't care what he does or says. He only cares about one thing, and that is:

Herbert must eat these things and carefully feel and remember the taste of these things.

This will become his nightmare in the next few days and will also be the catalyst that accelerates his mental breakdown.


Of course, Chen Chen has tried to use "soft" methods to break through the psychological defenses of the interrogated persons, but he has failed twice in a row.

Therefore, when it was Herbert's turn, he was actually too lazy to make too much effort.

If the other person wants to talk, then have a chat and keep his mood stable.

If the other person doesn't want to talk, just finish the meal quietly, which actually doesn't matter.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not answer Herbert's question, but nodded noncommittally and allowed him to continue to play.

But to his surprise, after noticing his reaction, Herbert stopped talking decisively.

He seemed to realize that he was facing an enemy that was difficult to deal with, so he simply cut off all "extroverted" connections and began to enjoy his delicious food.

As a result, the two people at the same table fell silent.

Chen Chen stood up as if bored and walked to the window nearby.

He casually opened the curtains, and the setting sun shone into the room with a touch of orange warmth, leaving a soft trace on the dining table.

Herbert was a little surprised by Chen Chen's actions. He subconsciously raised his head and looked out the window, but unfortunately, he could not see anything outside the window from his angle.


That's how it should be.

Herbert secretly thought in his heart that even the most careless interrogator would not take the risk of exposing the outside world to him.

After staying in a dark dungeon for several days, it was already a good reward to see a ray of sunshine.

He lowered his head again and continued to work on the steaks on the dinner plate.

His movements have gradually slowed down. This is of course not because he is full, but because he wants to test the patience of the man opposite him and the person behind him.

The other party's reaction verified his guess.

The Dongfeng Corps is not in a hurry, which means that the Syrian government is not in a hurry either.

It is very possible that the "prisoner exchange plan" that was already being communicated has changed, and there is a high probability that I will stay here for a longer time.

But will the torture continue?

Herbert had no answer in his mind.

He only knows that no matter whether he will continue or not, he must fill his stomach first, because this is the choice to maximize benefits.

As time passed, the sunset gradually became dim and finally disappeared.

There was only pale skylight left outside the window, and only a few drops of juice remained on the originally sumptuous dishes.

After Chen Chen finally sat back at the dining table, under Herbert's slightly expectant eyes, he said:

"Put on the blindfold, you're about to go."

"You want to execute me?!"

Herbert pretended to be panicked, but Chen Chen saw through it at a glance.

"How is that possible? You know in your heart that we can't continue to hurt you anymore."

"Now, I just want to change your cell."

After saying that, Chen Chen waved his hand, and the security guard who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward and covered Herbert's eyes.

Herbert obediently put his hands behind his back without any resistance.

After he walked out of the room, Chen Chen finally relaxed completely.

He walked to the window again and said to the staff who were always guarding the perimeter:

"Turn off the lights and take down the scenery."


After a brief reply, a huge curtain opened.

The real sky was revealed, and at this time, the sun was shining brightly in the outside world.

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