The blindfold on Herbert's head was taken off again, but this time, he didn't see anything.

There was darkness in front of him, even to the point of being close to nothingness.

He subconsciously reached back, and the real touch of the escort and the faint light behind him made him realize that he was not blind, but was escorted to a room without lights.

In an instant, a slightly absurd thought flashed through Herbert's mind.


Being locked up.

The other party might not really torture him in any form, but they didn't intend to make it easy for him.

They might lock him up in this dark room for dozens of hours or even several days, and all he could do was to silently endure the time in the dark.

A trace of panic flashed through Herbert's heart. As a professionally trained intelligence officer, he knew better than anyone how this closed and oppressive environment would destroy people's spirit.

In some prisons, prison guards would also use similar punishment methods, and based on experience, no one could survive three days in it.

Because most people have to face not only endless nothingness, but also a series of tortures including dehydration, suffocation, hunger, etc.

To be honest, if he could choose, Herbert would rather his enemies continue to use the "physical harm" method that they think is extremely harsh.

After all, in that situation, the pain he felt was actually quite limited.

Unfortunately, he had no choice.

He took a deep breath and shouted almost hysterically:

"Where is this? What are you going to do? What are you going to do to me?"

No one answered, his own voice spread in all directions, but Herbert did not hear any echo.

His heart sank suddenly, but soon, he calmed down a little.

No echo means that the space he is in is not big, which means that the opponent's strategy is still within his cognitive range.

It's just a cell, and they can only do this.

As long as you stay here well, as long as you persist until there is progress in the negotiations, you can leave.

The darkness may last for a long time, but in the end, there will be light.

Thinking of this, Herbert took a deep breath.

According to the reaction of an ordinary person, he kept shouting, struggling and resisting, but there is no doubt that he was already quite weak and could not beat those strong guards.

He was pressed to the ground, and the shackles on his hands were untied. At the moment of touching the ground, Herbert discovered unusual details.

The ground here is soft.

That means that this is probably a cell where a serious criminal is held, and the interrogator took it directly and used it.

The new information gave Herbert a little comfort. Seeing that resistance was hopeless, he could only lie on the ground helplessly.

Then, all his clothes were stripped off, but he did not feel any coolness.

The temperature here is very constant, which is good news.

The other party wants to restrict their freedom, but they don't want any accidents to happen to them.


Herbert's mouth curled up a mocking smile, but unfortunately, no one could see the expression on his face.

He was forcibly pulled up from the ground and then pushed deeper.

This time, Herbert did not resist again.

So, a few minutes later, the door of the cell was closed, the faint light disappeared completely, and Herbert fell into complete darkness.

"Is anyone there?"

He called out tentatively, but there was no response.

This was completely within Herbert's expectations. He did not panic at all, but groped forward while calling out.

The ground was made of soft paving material, and there was no discomfort when walking barefoot on it. On the contrary, because of its texture, he almost ignored the existence of the ground.

After adapting to such a floor, his pace became a little faster.

He tried to quickly find the wall of the cell to determine whether he had a chance to escape.

However, what happened next made him a little confused.

After walking dozens of steps, he still couldn't touch the wall!

The breadth of this space far exceeded his imagination, which made him a little anxious.


This doesn't look like a cell at all!

He tried to open his eyes wide and tried to adapt himself to the darkness as much as possible, because he knew that if this was an "artificial" place, there should be a trace of light anyway.

Perhaps that ray of light could only allow him to see some vague shadows, but that was enough.

However, no matter how hard he tried to open his eyes, he still couldn't distinguish anything.

The limitations of the human retina were fully reflected at this moment. He even rubbed his eyeballs with his hands, trying to stimulate the retina to obtain slightly different visual signals, but even such efforts were in vain.

There was still darkness in front of his eyes.

It was not nothingness, but the purest darkness.

Such darkness was more devastating than nothingness itself. You knew that the world was there, and you knew that you had the ability to see, but you just couldn't see it.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have already begun to suffer a mental breakdown at this time.

But Herbert is a well-trained agent after all. It took him more than ten minutes to reorganize his thoughts and realize that his temporary emotional instability was just due to the unexpected incident of "not finding the boundary." things outside.

So, he simply no longer clung to a fixed goal, but closed his eyes and wandered around this huge space as if taking a walk.

As he walked, he counted silently in his mind.

The first 120 seconds passed and he did not touch the boundary.

Immediately afterwards, there is the second 120 seconds and the third 120 seconds.

He was even a little numb, but even when he tried for the 20th 120 seconds, he still didn't feel the boundary!

This is a huge underground space.

Herbert came to a conclusion in his mind.

There's no point in looking for a boundary. If it's a prison cell, there might be a chance of escape.

Can it be here?

No, there can't be.

Thinking of this, Herbert simply sat down, and then lay down on the ground again.

He breathed slowly and kept mumbling to himself.

These sentences made no sense. He was just reciting Homer's epic poems that he had read countless times.

As time passed by, Herbert's voice gradually became lower.

And it was at this moment that a strange feeling suddenly came to his heart.


Extremely quiet.

In the entire space, he couldn't hear any other sound except his own voice.

When he slaps the floor hard, the floor will make a muffled sound; when he breathes, the air in the nasal cavity will make two different whistles due to changes in airflow; when he speaks, the sound does not seem to pass through the eardrums, but through the eardrums. Directly from my own brain.

At a certain moment, Herbert couldn't even tell whether he was speaking or talking to himself in his heart.

It was only when he put his hand on his throat and felt the vibration of his vocal cords that he became aware of his movements.

This is a dangerous sign.

Herbert suddenly realized that he had fallen into a crisis in a very short period of time.

So, he decisively stopped all movements, forced himself to remain absolutely still, and quickly fell asleep.

This is the basic skill of an agent. Although it is not so exaggerated that he can "cut off" and sleep like a computer shutting down, he did lose consciousness before silently counting to 100.

This night, he slept for a long time.

When he woke up again, there was still darkness before his eyes.

He didn't know the time, but based on the changes in his satiety, he realized that his sleep time might have been very long.

Not only that, because of his long sleep, his limbs had become obviously stiff, and even getting up became a little difficult.

However, what made him feel strange was that his body showed a strange "soothing" state.

There was no soreness at all - of course, he himself was not as sensitive to pain as the average person, which was caused by his own physical defects.

However, he can feel basic "discomfort".

But now, this discomfort has disappeared.

If he didn't suddenly have the same recovery ability as Wolverine, it would be because he had taken certain drugs.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Herbert was extremely confused. He thought for a few seconds with his slightly sluggish brain, and finally decided to ignore it.

He sat on the ground and took several deep breaths. After confirming that his brain was in normal condition, he relaxed a little.

Then, he shouted loudly for food, but as he expected, he didn't get any response.

Are you really going to starve me for how many days?

Then at least give me water, right?

Herbert frowned. He tentatively stood up and continued to move forward, only to find that his situation had not changed in any way from before he slept.

This space is still endless, with no light, no sound, and no unpleasant smell that is common in cells.

Nothing, nothingness.

Herbert suddenly began to run desperately. He realized that this space could not really be empty. Maybe he had just deviated from the direction while walking and kept going in circles.


This was the first correct judgment he made.

In less than half a minute, he brushed against a wall.

With a loud bang, he fell to the ground hard.

"Encountering obstacles" was originally not a pleasant thing, but at this moment, he was extremely excited.

He even couldn't help but start shouting. Then, he clung to the wall and groped forward. After counting less than 120 times, he kicked something under his feet.

After some searching, he finally confirmed that it was food and water.

The food was potatoes and the water was fresh water stored in a small depression next to the food.

Herbert cautiously swallowed a small piece of potato, then lay on the ground like a wild animal and tasted the water in the depression.

It doesn't taste like anything, but of course it's drinkable.

He felt that he had already won, and that all the other party's strategies had failed.

At this moment, he couldn't help laughing

".It's a bit scary. This guy's collapse seems to be much faster than we expected."

In the monitoring room, Chen Chen shook his head and said while looking at the picture captured by the infrared monitor:

"Perhaps he still thinks he is quite normal? But from our perspective, his behavior has begun to look a bit creepy."

Hearing his words, Xia Xing standing beside him was also speechless.

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke:

"If someone records this experiment - I mean the interrogation, you will probably be nailed to the pillar of shame for anti-humanism."

"I thought it was just simple at first - well, the sensory deprivation interrogation itself is not simple either, but I didn't expect you to go to this extent."

"Every detail is carefully designed, as if you really are. Practice makes perfect."

Speaking of this, Xia Xing couldn't help but feel a chill on her body. She subconsciously looked at Chen Chen, only to find that the latter had a nonchalant look on his face.

"What does it have to do with me? I just proposed this idea."

"To be honest, many other details were designed with the help of my good comrades."

"You see, the trick of disturbing the time sequence was proposed by Li Bang, and it actually played a big role - he only slept for less than 3 hours, but he couldn't wait to find food. Judging, he probably thought the night had passed."

"Also, you provided the CA-125, right? It has nothing to do with me."

"The idea of ​​inviting him to dinner came from Yang Shu. I had no intention of doing this at all."

"The medicine added to the rice was added by Pingchuan based on Yang Shu's suggestion. I had no involvement."

"What's domperidone, what's WIN55-212-2, what's chlorpromazine, what's acetaminophen. I don't know the uses of these drugs at all, right?"

"At most, I only know that acetaminophen is an anti-inflammatory drug that you should take when you have a fever and headache. I have never heard of WIN55-212-2."

".Ah, yes, yes."

Xia Xing helplessly spread his hands and continued:

"But you're really good at it."

"I follow Jian Ruliu."

Chen Chen corrected:

“Isn’t it normal to leave professional things to professional people?”

"It turns out these drugs are really helpful."

"Especially the trace amount of chlorpromazine. The effect was really ridiculous. It actually took him so long to find the edge of the cell. To be honest, this alone at least accelerated his collapse a few times. Ten hours, maybe.”

"You are all cruel people."

Xia Xing said sincerely.

In fact, the word she wanted to use was "pervert", especially after hearing that Chen Chen had obtained WIN55-212-2, a drug used to treat brain death, just to "fake hunger", she felt that, The brain circuits of these people are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

However, due to her relationship with Chen Chen, she still did not say this word.


Of course, when I think about it, it is really lucky that such a group of people are in the friendly camp.

Thinking of this, she said:

"How long do you think it will take for this person to break? A week, or three days?"

"I have no idea."

Chen Chen shook his head, and after thinking for a moment, he replied:

"But Pingchuan has a judgment on this matter."

"What judgment?"

Chen Chen's face looked a little ugly. After hesitating for a few seconds, he replied:

"Pingchuan said that by the time this person starts trying to eat his own excrement, he will be close to complete collapse."

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