I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 501 On the verge of collapse

The interrogation of several MI6 agents continued in a step-by-step plan. In fact, Chen Chen launched a total of four interrogations at the same time, and the interrogation location was not underground in the safe house.

For safety reasons, Xia Xing found four other open spaces, built four interrogation rooms, and detained four MI6 agents respectively.

On the surface, these four places look unremarkable. One of them is even located in an abandoned warehouse of a company. Walking 300 meters away is a relatively "prosperous" residential area. However, no one can imagine that there is such a thing just around the corner. Somewhere far away, an inhumane interrogation is taking place.

Chen Chen originally planned to watch the entire process and pay attention to the mental state of the person being interrogated.

After all, this not only provides him with the most intuitive basis for judgment, but also allows him to increase his experience in interrogation.

However, when the interrogation only reached the second day, he had to temporarily leave the monitoring room.

Because the jackals have arrived.

Chen Chen didn't expect him to be so fast. After all, according to his prediction, Jackal would have to go to Damascus first, where he would complete the handover with his two colleagues, and then delay for a while to study the research route, waiting for about a week or two. Come to the front again?

But in fact, Jackal didn't stop for even a second.

He took the plane arranged by Chaisli, flew directly to Cyprus, then took the waterway to Latakia, and then took a car from Latakia straight to Aleppo.

You know, Latakia was actually not very stable at this time. Although all parties were ceasefires, sporadic armed conflicts were even more frequent than in Tallifaat on the real front line.

Jackal was really trained in a hail of bullets, and he didn't even worry. He took an adjutant or an assistant translator, drove an 18-hand Jeep Grand Cherokee, and got to Aleppo in a hurry.

Because he didn't contact Chen Chen in advance, he couldn't even find Chen Chen when he arrived. He still called Peng Xucheng back to confirm Chen Chen's location, and after passing the double review of Xiaoyu and Luotuo, he finally Met Chen Chen.

When he saw Chen Chen, the excitement on his face could hardly be suppressed.

"Shipwreck! We meet again after a long absence!"

He said this sentence in Chinese.

That's called a sincere word, that's called a sincere and sincere message.

Chen Chen estimated that on his way here, he probably passed the time just by pronunciating this sentence.

".Say a few more words and let me hear it?"

"Good morning, have you eaten?"

Jackal also had no stage fright. As soon as he heard Chen Chen's question, he immediately showed off all the few Tianjin-style Chinese sentences he had learned.

".It's already afternoon."

"I only know these few sentences, but my Chinese is not very good."

"Okay, okay, speak English."

Chen Chen interrupted him helplessly, and the latter smiled and asked:

"Shipwreck, your hand is injured? Is it serious?"

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"It's a small matter, just a broken bone. I've already had the surgery, and I'll be able to move around freely in about a week or two."

"However, it may take a long time for a complete recovery."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Jackal nodded solemnly, and then said seriously:

"You should find a way to get out of the fight for a while."

"Injuries are the curse of mercenaries - haven't you heard this sentence?"

"Our injuries won't happen on a rainy day until we retire. It's possible that in the next battle, a deformed move will kill you!"

"I see."

Chen Chen sighed slightly and continued:

"But I can't stop. The current situation cannot be without me."

"Of course, it will be easier once my support is in place - by the way, what on earth are you doing in Syria?"

"You didn't guess?"

Jackal's tone was a little surprised.

"Why can I guess it? At least I can be sure that what you want to do has nothing to do with me, so I didn't spend much time guessing."

"That's true."

Jackal glanced at Chen Chen resentfully, and did not continue to talk about it, but explained straightforwardly:

"Chaisri has received an order, and we will provide a package of training services to the Syrian government forces here."

"However, this time the service is limited to the militia troops in the rear. The purpose is to serve as a reserve to respond to possible future wars across the territory."

"It really doesn't have much to do with you. I heard that you guys have already established a cooperative relationship with Suhail Hassan?"

"How did you know?"

There was curiosity in Chen Chen's tone, but it didn't go as far as "ringing the alarm".

Because he knew that if Jackal could get this news, it would definitely mean that he was qualified to know.

"I am now the general person in charge of Chaisili's affairs in Pubei and Syria. I have some key information, and I am even the only insider."

"The news came from Poly Technology. We originally had the opportunity to reach a cooperation, but after the exchange, both of us agreed that it would be too risky, so we put it on hold for the time being."

"Of course, I don't know what the specific cooperation is, so you don't have to worry, there is no risk of leaks in this matter."


Chen Chen nodded slightly and did not continue to ask about the details of his communication with Poly Technology. Instead, he asked:

"So what are you going to do next? If it's a training service, shouldn't you stay in the Damascus area? Why are you coming to Aleppo?"

"Just passing through - my destination is Raqqa."


Chen Chen was stunned.

"You went to Raqqa to provide training services? Don't you know the current situation in Raqqa?"

"I know that terrorists are entering the country on a large scale and the security situation is worrying - but there is no other way, I have to go."

Having said this, Jackal let out a long sigh and continued:

"This is a necessary step, right?"

"Of course I can completely leave Chaisili and join the Dongfeng Corps, but that is completely different from the plan we agreed on."

"Of course, I don't just want to make a living. What I want is to use your power to do things that I didn't dare to think about before."

"I have to make good use of Chaisili's platform."

"You are in Pubei, so I have to run Pubei well; now that your focus has obviously shifted to the Middle East, should I still stay in Pubei?"

"In that case, what will happen to the ports and bases in the plan?"

"Only by pushing Chaisili forward can we continue to cooperate."

"So, just pull the card. To be honest, what I want to do is much safer than what you want to do."

"Not always."

Chen Chen shook his head and said with a slightly teasing tone:

"We at least know who our enemies are and what they will do."

"If you really want to go to Raqqa, be careful not to get killed by an IED while eating pancakes on the road."

".I'm not that unlucky."

Jackal rolled his eyes and skipped this slightly heavy topic.

"So is there anything you need me to do? We will have about two weeks of preparation time before officially starting the training mission."

"My team members will return to Aleppo the day after tomorrow. They are all clean people and it will be easier for them to go out for activities."

"Look, Xiaoyu allowed me to come to see you, and he must have wanted me to help you."

"How about you give me a task?"

Hearing Jackal's words, Chen Chen laughed and replied:

"There are really no tasks at the moment. I'm also waiting for support."

"If there is nothing else, just stay in Aleppo."

"The peace here will not last long. Take the time to see this ancient city, otherwise, you may never see it again in the future."


Jackal nodded solemnly and understood the little extra information that Chen Chen secretly revealed to him within the scope of compliance.

The two exchanged a few words casually without discussing more sensitive content. After confirming that Chen Chen was in good condition and that the Dongfeng Corps was safe, Jackal said goodbye and left.

Chen Chen originally wanted to use Xia Xing's relationship to find him a safe house, but Jackal rejected his offer.

According to him, he felt that it might be safer for "white card teams" like Chaisili to stay as far away from the center of the storm as possible.

But Chen Chen could feel that he was actually worried that too much direct contact with Beibian would cause inconvenience to Chen Chen.

This "sense of boundary" made Chen Chen feel a little emotional.

If you want to choose a reliable partner outside Dongfeng Group, Jackal is definitely the best choice. There is no other choice.

In the end, Jackal didn't even eat, and left directly for the hotel arranged by Chaisili. After he left, Chen Chen also found an opportunity to return to the monitoring room and continue to observe the situation of the interrogated persons.

At this time, a full 24 hours have passed since the interrogation began. This is a crucial time point for the sensory stripping interrogation.

The vast majority of subjects who participate in sensory deprivation experiments will collapse during this cycle. The power of the biological clock and the concept of timing established by humans for a long time is often revealed at this moment.

In fact, the results were basically consistent with Chen Chen's expectations.

Two of the four agents had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

In an environment of absolute silence and darkness, they had no idea how much time had passed and how to deal with it.

They chose the most intuitively effective approach, which was to sleep as long as possible.

However, instead of relieving the tremendous pressure they were experiencing, this further accelerated their mental breakdown.

While sleeping, their heart rates and breathing rates continued to decrease. One of them even entered a semi-shock state from a coma, with his heart rate dropping to about 30 and his breathing rate dropping to less than 10 times.

At the same time, the two men made a large number of unconscious movements almost simultaneously.

Starting from their sixth round of sleep within 24 hours, both began to sleepwalk, moving in circles around a small area like zombies.

This kind of sleepwalking sometimes lasts for several minutes. After suddenly waking up, the two people will fall back to sleep.

However, even if they fall asleep again, their eyes will not close again.

The functions of high-level nerve centers have been disrupted, and the impact of this cruel method of sensory deprivation has broken through the psychological level and reached the neurological physiological level.

"Can they hold on?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen couldn't help but ask Pingchuan on the side.

The latter shook his head and replied:

"It won't last much longer, but unfortunately, it's unlikely that the interrogation will be completed in this state."

"They have gone to extremes. From a psychoanalytic point of view, their current self has been greatly reduced, and their subconscious mind has been severely damaged. If no intervention is implemented, these two people may be under the influence of drugs. Sudden death."

"Sudden death? How is it possible!"

Chen Chen subconsciously questioned, but Pingchuan continued:

"How is it impossible? Their water intake and food intake during these 12 hours were completely substandard. If severe dehydration occurs later, the probability of sudden death is very high."

"I think we should try to slow down our strategy for these two people."

"Give them some limited stimulation - find an alarm clock and hang it from the ceiling, one that makes a clicking sound, but change its position in real time so they don't find it."

"Understood, do as you say."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation, and then he looked at the other two interrogators.

The performance of these two people was more active than the other two, and one of them was in good condition and was still maintaining regular exercise and seemingly regular sleep.

But even a layman like Chen Chen could clearly see that he had developed mechanically repetitive and stereotyped movements and was on the highway to mental breakdown.

The last person, the one Chen Chen saw during the previous discussion with Xia Xing, was in the worst condition among the four interrogated persons.

He is very active and moves a lot.

Exploring the boundaries of the cell, touching every inch of the wall, eating, sleeping, exercising to maintain physical strength, yelling to try to elicit a response, lowering breathing pressure and heart rate to try to hear external noises, and even started to recite literary classics, playing several roles to maintain Thought operation

Perhaps he thought his actions were logical because he was executing a series of actions according to a strict schedule.

But in the eyes of observers like Chen Chen, he is actually just accumulating weight for his upcoming collapse.

This is not a subjective speculation. The reason for this conclusion is that there has been confusion in the actions that he thought were strictly executed.

One second, he was playing a character in Shakespeare's work and reading lines out loud, and the next second, he was doing push-ups.

Then all of a sudden he was completely silent and motionless again.

And he was completely unaware of such confusion.

This probably means that his thinking logic has begun to collapse.

Chen Chen looked at everything on the monitor with horror. Even he himself began to feel fear and even fell into it.


But at this moment, a phone call pulled Chen Chen out of the immersive experience.

The person on the other end of the phone was Suhail, and he brought Chen Chen unexpected news.

Hamrit has a group of terrorists who are planning an attack on Aleppo, and in their hands are a large number of weapons of mass destruction from Iraq.

The purpose of Suhail's call was to let the Dongfeng Corps participate in the encirclement and suppression of this group of terrorists. After all, in Suhail's view, Chen Chen was very experienced in this.

Chen Chen really wouldn't refuse, but his intuition suddenly called the police.

It's good to have tasks.

But would this task be too perfect? !

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