Chen Chen is a natural skeptic. In fact, even when he first came into contact with Xiaoyu, he had doubts.

Of course, this kind of suspicion is not the same as "distrust", but when interacting with her and the forces behind her, they will often make a judgment on their respective intentions first. If they think that the other party's potential intentions are beyond their acceptance range, If so, he will definitely terminate the cooperation without hesitation.

Of course, this has not happened until now.

But having said that, Chen Chen still had to be suspicious of his own people, and it was even more impossible for him to dive into this kind of news that came out of nowhere without any suspicion.

terrorist? Weapons of mass destruction? Precise location? Precise target?

What kind of counter-terrorism operation could obtain such accurate intelligence? With the level of the Syrian government, can they do this?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately asked:

"Where did the news come from?"

After the words fell, Suhail on the other end of the phone replied:

"The information came from informants, but the information we got at first was not accurate."

"The clues started with the terrorists in Haxiha Village. After dealing with that camp, we have been paying attention to the movements of nearby terrorists."

"We found that they had intentions of retaliation, and further surveillance found that a large number of people had recently crossed the border and entered from Iraq."

"Immediately afterwards, we found that all these people gathered near Hamrit, and all of them had contact with a local leader."

"We infiltrated this group, followed them for two days, and roughly grasped their plan."

"has a problem."

Chen Chen interrupted Suhail without hesitation, and then continued to ask:

"How did you do the infiltration?"

"We have an informant."

"Are you sure your informant is reliable?"

"One hundred percent reliable!"

Suhail's tone was extremely determined, and Chen Chen frowned and asked:


"Because he's dead."

Having said this, Suhail sighed softly, and then said:

"The news came out before his death, which means that his identity has been exposed and the other party already knows that we are monitoring him."

"It is impossible for them to give up action, but will definitely accelerate."

"We must catch them before they actually carry out the attack, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"What if the attack is fake?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously, but then he felt that his question was a bit ridiculous.

So what if it's fake?

Regardless of whether these people have plans for terrorist attacks, one thing that can be confirmed is that they must be related to terrorists.

In this case, no matter what the position is, it is natural to kill them.

Now, the Syrian government forces have the intention to take the initiative. Not only should I not oppose it, but I should regard it as a positive progress.

But why do I always feel so wrong?

This thing is so perfect, so perfect that it is impeccable.

But the more impeccable he became, the less at ease he felt.

No, I still can't participate in the action recklessly.

At least wait and see for a while, or let Chaisili, who has not yet been exposed, explore the way?

Chaisili doesn't need to make any high-risk moves. With Jackal's abilities, he can probably make a basic judgment just by walking around Hamlet.

They will arrive the day after tomorrow. No matter how tight the time is, it will not be so tight that we can't wait for two days.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"Let it go first."

"This matter is very problematic and we cannot act hastily."

"Hamlet could be a trap - the stakes are high, both for us and for you."

"You can organize to strengthen security and personnel screening in Aleppo, but you must not go to Hamrit. I will send people to deal with it, do you understand?"

".Understood, but you have to be quick."

"I know."

Chen Chen answered briefly and then hung up the phone.

Then, he turned to Pingchuan aside and said:

"We have to speed up."

"Think of a way to give them some strong medicine."

"I have to get further information from them quickly, because I feel that our enemies still have many conspiracies that we don't know about."

In the next 36 hours, with the assistance of Pingchuan and Xia Xing, the interrogation of the four MI6 agents further escalated.

The first thing to appear was the equipment for the two interrogators who had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

The "alarm clock" plan was eventually abandoned because there were too many uncertainties in the process of sending the alarm clock into the interrogation room. If the operation was not done well, it was very likely that the effect of the entire interrogation would be wiped out due to one "exposure".

In order to deal with this risk, Chen Chen adopted a simpler and more effective method.


He directly found several water pianos and placed them outside the soundproof layer of the interrogation room, and played a large ensemble every few minutes or ten minutes.

After being amplified by the loudspeaker, the sound of up to 80 decibels finally successfully penetrated the sound insulation layer and appeared in the ears of the two interrogators faintly.

The moment they heard the sound, their bodies and brains seemed to be suddenly activated, and their whole people became suddenly active.

They stumbled around frantically in the interrogation room, trying to find the source of the faint sound.

Their steps were extremely hurried, as if this was the only meaning of their survival.

But Chen Chen would certainly not let them do what they wanted so easily.

The position of the water organ band kept changing. Every time they thought they had caught the tail of the sound, Chen Chen, who saw everything from the infrared monitor, would immediately stop playing and then turn the speaker to another place.

In the process, he would constantly adjust the "track" played by the water organ, cooperate with Pingchuan's observation, and try to use different sound effects and different volume strengths to completely defeat the other party's psychological defense.

That feeling is like you see a faint, very light stain on the white cloth. You try your best to find the specific location and range of the stain, and try your best to rub and wash it with your hands, but the stain is always there.

This method is very effective. When these two people were almost trapped in a completely non-stimulating environment, the limited stimulation first brought them great hope, and then brought a huge amount of anxiety.

You don't know whether the stain exists or not, but you just want to prove it exists.

Using such anxiety, Chen Chen gradually turned two normal people into obsessive-compulsive people.

At this point, all their thoughts were already on the piano sound that often appeared but could never be captured.

In order to amplify the piano sound, they began to take various extreme actions.

One of them was addicted to biting the sound insulation layer wrapped in layers of canvas for sound insulation with his teeth.

All his nails were broken and his gums were constantly bleeding, but his movements were extremely firm, as if he could not feel any pain at all.

After he finally used his teeth to grind through a layer of canvas, his numb fingers immediately touched another layer of canvas, which made him completely desperate.

He stuffed his head into the hole he had dug out and tried to hang himself in it. Pingchuan, who observed his movements, immediately judged that he had collapsed, so the interrogator quickly entered the scene and took him out of the interrogation room.

The situation of the other person who was also disturbed by the water piano was different.

His emotions quickly changed from excitement to fear. He began to try to escape from the sound and plug his ears.

Chen Chen in the monitor saw his every move clearly. He immediately turned up the volume of the water piano so that the other party could hear the sound clearly under any circumstances.

With a two-hour cycle, the volume of the speaker continued to increase, and finally reached an astonishing 140 decibels. Even after being absorbed by the sound insulation layer, the sound transmitted to the interrogated person's ears was less than 60 decibels, but for him who had been in a quiet environment for a long time, this was undoubtedly a painful torture.

Coupled with the special and disgusting sound effects of the water piano, the time he persisted was fixed at 8 hours.

When the interrogator entered the scene and took him away, half of his index finger had been deeply stuck in the ear canal, and the torn skin and subcartilaginous blood vessels were bleeding.

After the two men finished dealing with it, the "athlete" with fully formed stereotyped movements also collapsed.

When regular actions could no longer forcibly constrain brain activity, he quickly transitioned from the stereotyped action stage to the full hallucination stage.

Extreme joy, happiness, fear, anger, sadness.

Chen Chen didn't know what he saw in his hallucination. He could only rely on the images on the monitor to speculate on the other party's psychological activities.

When the hysteria developed to the limit, the man's brain protection switch was turned on for the last time, forcing him to sleep.

When he woke up again, he was completely crazy.

He completely lost his ability to speak-of course, it didn't mean that he suddenly couldn't speak. On the contrary, he spoke more than ever.

But, he didn't say a meaningful word.

Chen Chen felt as if he was watching a dream from a third-person perspective. The man in the dream probably thought he could speak a foreign language, but in fact he didn't know anything at all.

Perhaps he would only realize this fact after he woke up completely.

The interrogator quickly entered the scene and took away the man who could no longer distinguish between reality and dreams.

When he walked out of the interrogation room, the man inexplicably opened his arms and jumped up, and kept this posture for the next half an hour.

Chen Chen didn't understand why, until Pingchuan reminded him, he realized that this man probably thought he could fly.

All three interrogated people were defeated, and now only the last one, the weirdest one, was left.

In fact, from this man's planned and strategic actions to resist sensory deprivation interrogation, Chen Chen could roughly confirm that the other party was likely to be the biggest fish among the four. Therefore, Chen Chen invested more patience in him and used more sophisticated and cruel methods.

The operation of disrupting the time sequence was particularly effective for him, so Chen Chen added two different drugs to his drinking water.

Stimulants, and sedatives.

The former made him lose sleep, and the latter forced him to sleep.

Once every 4 hours, after only 4 rounds, the man's resistance was completely disintegrated.

He was still trying to grasp that anchor point, trying to prove his existence.

But Chen Chen had increased the dosage of chlorpromazine, and even mixed it with a trace amount of sodium thiopental, which "should never be used" and was not very useful under normal circumstances.

The man's perception has become further dulled. According to Hirakawa's speculation, he should have completely lost his sense of the body, and his vestibular sense has been completely confused.

This can be seen from the fact that men can no longer find the location of their eyes with their hands.

In this case, many efforts to "prove one's existence" begin to become extremely difficult.

At first, he kept rubbing the skin on various parts of his body with his hands, trying to use touch to provide an anchor point for his brain.

But soon, his movements became a little out of control. Chen Chen watched the skin on his face being completely damaged by friction, and watched as he tore off a large piece of skin from his calf.

The blood even dyed the carpet under him red, but in the end, he noticed the abnormality not because he felt pain, but because his remaining reason told him that he had been injured by himself.

This movement stopped immediately, and then he started shouting until his vocal cords were severely damaged and he could no longer make any sound.

After that, he entered a stage of vengeful overeating. Food seemed to be his last resort to gain a sense of existence, but Chen Chen stopped his food supply, which almost drove him into madness.

He did start trying to drink and eat his own waste.

But even so, he failed to "find himself".

Because the increased amount of drugs caused him to completely lose his sense of taste and smell, this thing probably tasted like potatoes and water.

"This guy is almost there."

Pingchuan, who was looking at the monitor with Chen Chen, said.

"Why? Didn't you say that entering this stage is just the beginning?"

Chen Chen asked doubtfully.

"The point is not that those things he just ate. Those things look disgusting, but they are actually nothing."

"The point is, he started sucking his thumb."

"Suck your thumb?"

Chen Chen frowned slightly. On the screen, the man was indeed putting his hand in his mouth and sucking it like a baby, as if his hands were coated with honey.

"Yes, in medicine, this is called the sucking reflex. Modern psychology and neurology generally believe that even after infancy, the sucking action will still stimulate the secretion of dopamine and serotonin in a fixed and unstoppable manner."

"This is a highly primitive reflection, almost the underlying code of the complex human program."

"Once he gets to this stage, it means he has no way out."

"Given his current condition, trace amounts of serotonin and dopamine will never reduce his anxiety. Instead, they will further trap him in a cycle of 'desire dissatisfaction' due to the reward mechanism of dopamine."

"Just wait and see, I think something terrible is going to happen soon."

After Pingchuan finished speaking, Chen Chen looked at the monitor suspiciously, and at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The mouth of the man on the screen was full of blood, and his fingers were bleeding profusely.

"Go in quickly! That's it! Quick! Stop him!"

Pingchuan shouted decisively, and the interrogators broke in. Chen Chen walked towards the exit of the interrogation room with goosebumps all over his body. When he saw the man who was brought out, his eyes subconsciously moved to the other person's palm.

It was this look that sent chills all over his body.

From the time Pingchuan spoke to the time the interrogators entered, it took less than a minute, maybe even thirty seconds.

But they were still slow.

Within these thirty seconds, the man’s fingers

There are already 4 missing.

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