The psychological defenses of the four MI6 agents were completely penetrated, and the problem before Chen Chen also changed.

It’s not about how to get them to speak, but how to stop them from speaking randomly.

That's right, including the last senior agent named Herbert, all four of them suffered from confusion and logic disorder due to the hellish interrogation. After the interrogation, even if it took several hours for them to "restart" "Return to reality", but the heavy mental trauma still seriously affects their basic social abilities.

The most typical manifestation is that they cannot speak well at all.

The best thing is to answer the question incorrectly. What's more serious is that you may even start to invent your own language.

Chen Chen had nothing to do about it, but at this time, the role of a truly powerful modern doctor was revealed.

After confirming that it was difficult for the interrogated person to recover quickly by conventional means, Hirakawa immediately took an extreme measure, that is, forced shutdown.

By using a wired dose of anesthetic, several people were repeatedly put into coma and resuscitated, bit by bit, to re-establish the boundary between the conscious and subconscious minds, bit by bit, sweep all the broken logic into the depths of the subconscious, and then re-establish a set of New logic.

This method was very effective. After only 4 rounds of anesthesia and 16 hours, everyone was basically back to consciousness.

At this point, the difficulty of interrogation has basically disappeared.

These people have no intention of resisting at all. It is as if a switch has been installed in their minds. As soon as the interrogator mentions words related to the interrogation room such as "darkness" and "room", they will immediately become confused. trembling.

There is no confrontation at all. Three of them may have relatively low security levels, and they want to tell all about the female teachers they had sex with when they were in school. The other agent, who has the highest security level and has been the calmest before, also He answered Chen Chen's questions not too actively, but completely cooperatively.

He didn't want to lose a few more fingers.

When he thought about this, he couldn't help but want to vomit.

As a result, Chen Chen successfully obtained the information he wanted, and through a combination of various details, he successfully strengthened the rationality of multiple confessions, and finally formed a piece of evidence that could be released to the outside world.

The Syrian government forces finally have a new bargaining chip, but Chen Chen will definitely charge some interest before handing over this bargaining chip to them.

Sitting opposite Suhail, Chen Chen said:

"You have seen everything from the interrogation records to the confessions. There is no doubt that everything they confess now is true and verifiable."

"Relying on this confession, you can organize new negotiations with NATO and the United States."

"No matter what method you use, in short, the value of what you can exchange will definitely not be low."

"So, I need a little bit of payback."

"You know, I'm a mercenary. There's no such thing as giving something away for free here."


Suhail quickly replied.

He did not raise any questions about Chen Chen's behavior of asking for a price afterwards, because he knew that the situation was indeed an emergency before, and Chen Chen's approach of taking care of the matter first was not only not "insidious", but the most important characteristic of an excellent partner.

And, on the other hand, who else could have done what they did?

Who can pry open the mouths of MI6 agents like them?

Not to mention Syria, I’m afraid there are not many in the whole world

Just looking at the interrogation records recorded in objective, academic and professional words, Suhail felt his scalp numb one after another. It was really hard for him to imagine, and he dared not to imagine, how much pain those people had gone through. torture.

The current state of those agents was even more terrifying. Suhail even suspected that their personalities had been destroyed.

Thinking of this, Suhail said:

"As long as it is a reasonable request, I can guarantee that it will be met."

"To be honest, I never thought you could do this to this extent. You may not know how much pressure I, including Issam, endured before your interrogation began."

"Some people suspect that Issam wants to be a second Riyadh and attack in front of the president."

"We have been prepared to hold on for two weeks. If the results are not available within two weeks, we will probably take action."

"But I didn't expect that it only took us four days. This speed even makes me a little scared."

"I hope we never become enemies."

"Okay, I've said a little too much - back to the point, what do you want?"

"Easy, money."

Chen Chen said bluntly.

In fact, the current Dongfeng Group is not short of money. After all, the operating conditions in the first quarter are still very good, and there is no need to buy land, smoothen relationships, or "share profits" for its business in Pubei. Such as costs, cash flow can basically remain sufficient and stable.

However, this is only relative to the current scale of Dongfeng Group.

If their business wants to expand and scale, they must purchase more and better equipment, pay more wages, and pay more training fees.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is, Chen Chen plans to run the arsenal.

He wasn't going to build a tank, but he was really going to build a nice gun.

Both M7 and Noveske N4 are acceptable, but 191 is not considered. However, if it is a large-diameter version of 191, it is not impossible to give it a try.

Wanting to do this thing requires a lot of money. Although it can be seen from the new equipment provided by Camel that they do have the idea of ​​​​experimenting new weapons on the Dongfeng Corps, and may also provide some technical support, but in the final analysis, The bulk of it has to be handled by the Eastern Group itself.

Therefore, if we can get additional funds from Suhail, Dongfeng Group will definitely be able to greatly reduce the subsequent operating pressure.

After hearing his words, Suhail's expression was slightly surprised.

"Just money?"

"Yes, but I want a lot."

"How many?"

"Three hundred million dollars."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, Suhail's brows immediately frowned.

This is really not a small number, let alone for his family or even the Syrian government!

"Do you want that much?"

"You can refuse, since you have already read the report."

Chen Chen calmly spread his hands, while Suhail sighed softly and said:

"You know I can't refuse. If I refuse, our cooperation will come to an end."

"How about paying in installments?"


Chen Chen answered without hesitation.

What he needed was not quick money, but project funds.

Then, as long as the funds can be guaranteed to arrive on time, installment payment is actually not unacceptable.

"How about 36 months? Pay $10 million a month, and the extra $60 million is interest."

"no problem."

Chen Chen stretched out his hand to Suhail, who breathed a sigh of relief and put a smile on his face again.

"Then, we have a great time working together."

"It's a pleasure to work with you. Believe me, the money will surprise you."

Chen Chen said somewhat mysteriously.

"Of course, I totally believe it."

"However, we should be able to discuss the specific contents of the report now, right?"

"no problem."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, and the two calmed down a little, and immediately entered the real working state.

"So the information about the Hamlet terrorist attack is indeed false. The terrorist has long been in contact with Herbert and is considered one of his puppets."

"This also means that our operation against Hamrit can be cancelled, right?"


Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"You can't just look at the surface. You have to think about why they released this news."

"Herbert's value has been drained, but it is obvious that his relationship with the terrorist named Maurice is not as simple as he said."

"It should be said that they may have some kind of deeper cooperation, but the details of the cooperation have either not been finalized, or they are led by Morris and have not been communicated to Herbert."

"The reason why someone wants to release the news is because they are afraid that this deep-level cooperation will be exposed, and they plan to kill Morris to silence him."

"They were smart enough to throw the news right in our faces."

"This proves that they know the Dongfeng Corps quite well. There is no doubt that this was done by MI6."

"Think reversely, the more they are afraid of something, the more we have to do something."

"So, not only can the action not be canceled, it must be accelerated."

"We do have to go to Hamlet, but we're not going to behead people, we're going to arrest people."


Suhail nodded slowly, and then asked:

"Shall we do it?"

"You can't do it."

Chen Chen replied without mercy:

"With your abilities, you can barely manage to fight a war, but you simply can't handle this kind of extremely demanding special operation."

"I will disclose the information to a third party first and let them try to check it out."

"Then, I will take a team to Hamlet to see the situation there."

"With so many terrorists gathered in Hamlet, there's no way they didn't have a plan."

"Since there is, there must be a flaw."

"So, you share the peripheral intelligence with me first, and leave it to us to execute the specific plan."


Suhail answered decisively, and then said slightly teasingly:

"I have a hunch that if this operation is successful, I'm afraid I will have to spend a lot of money again."


Chen Chen also laughed.

"However, every money you spent on the Dongfeng Corps is well worth it, isn't it?"

Two hours later, Chen Chen, who had already obtained the early peripheral intelligence, called Jackal. The two sat opposite each other. Chen Chen pushed the document in his hand to Jackal, and then said:

"The outsourcing task you asked for is here."

Jackal did not open the document immediately, but asked:

"Are you sure I can watch?"

"I am sure."

Chen Chen nodded without hesitation, and Jackal immediately opened the document.

A few minutes later, the frowning Jackal raised his head again, knocked on the table subconsciously, and said:

"This person has a very strange background. He is British, but he holds an important position in the JD organization - should I say that?"

"Although there are not many specific details, judging from their early actions, his plan is very organized."

"Crossing the border one by one, breaking out separately, and finally gathering at Hamrit."

"The methods of communication and gatherings are quite secretive, and information isolation is done very well."

"If someone hadn't taken the initiative to leak the secret, you probably wouldn't have been able to catch him until now."

"This person can't be an amateur. If it weren't for your intelligence confirmation, I would even suspect that he is another pawn of MI6."

"It's not difficult to kill him. Once you've positioned yourself well, the attack will be over."

"But, do you want to be captured alive?"

"I think it will be difficult and there will be casualties."

"To be honest, I don't really want to take it."

Having said this, Jackal paused for a moment, and then continued:

"Of course, if it were you, I would."

Chen Chen had goosebumps all over his body. He quickly shook his head and interrupted:

"Speak clearly and don't do such arrogant things!"

".I mean your mission."

Jackal sighed helplessly and said:

"Don't get distracted like that. I'm serious."

"I mean, are you going to take part in this operation?"

"If my team is allowed to act alone, then I can only say that the things I can get should be relatively limited."

"But if you have a plan, I can execute it well."

"I will participate."

Chen Chen answered decisively.

"That's good."

"When to set off?"

"Theoretically, the sooner the better - afternoon?"


Jackal thought for a moment and then said:

"Weapons and equipment set out two hours early, and we followed behind."

"At the same time, we need to find a suitable place to stay in Hamrit. I can't handle this, so you can only solve it."

"Third, we need a reliable disguise. Although my team is clean, the appearance of so many East Asian faces in a small town like Hamlet is still too conspicuous. Our opponents cannot be completely unresponsive."

"After these problems are solved, we will have the conditions for close reconnaissance - how about it, no problem?"

"no problem."

Chen Chen nodded decisively, and the two continued to discuss the details of the operation. After the plan was finalized, Chen Chen immediately called Xia Xing and started making final preparations before departure.

There were no problems with the equipment, camouflage, and foothold. As a logistics expert, Xia Xing solved everything easily.

Chen Chen was really curious about how she found a place to stay in a small place like Hamlet, so he couldn't help but ask, and Xia Xing's answer really made him dumbfounded.

“Take AirBNB.”


Chen Chen was stunned.

"Yes, I placed a lot of orders in advance, and there are orders in almost all key cities that may be used."

"If it's necessary, I'll cash it in. If it's not needed, the cost won't be high."

"However, this kind of place can only be used by clean teams like Chaisili. If you want to go, it won't be that simple."

"Okay. Where's the guide?"

Chen Chen’s original intention was to let the fisherman serve as a guide to accompany the team to Hamlet, but this time, Xia Xing volunteered.

"I'll go with you."

"Can you handle it?"

"Have I ever gone wrong?"


Chen Chen asked no more questions, and the plan to go to Hamrit was finalized.

An hour later, under Xia Xing's arrangement, the convoy set off first.

Three hours later, the reconnaissance team, including Chen Chen, Xia Xing, Jackal and other members of Chaisili, began to move in the direction of Hamrit.

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