The word "stoning" is actually quite unfamiliar to most people. Even when Chen Chen heard it for the first time in his previous life, he thought it was some kind of "complicated" punishment.

For example, using some means to pour people into stones, or turning people into stones.

But this is not the case.

Its execution process is very simple. Dig a hole in the hard ground, bury the person in it, and then use sharp stones to crush the person to death.

However, although the execution process of this punishment is quite simple, the horror it causes is definitely far superior to many punishments of the same level.

Because the person who is sentenced to stoning will die bit by bit in full view of the public, and his body and head will gradually become fragmented from being intact, and may even turn directly into a pile of minced meat.

The executed man must go through a long period of despair, but every stone thrown will give him hope.

Because according to Islamic law, if three consecutive stones are missed during stoning, or if the person can climb out of the sand pit, it proves that there is doubt about the person's guilt and the execution should be stopped immediately.

Unfortunately, according to existing records, such a thing has almost never happened.

It can be said that stoning was more cruel than Ling Chi.

Because the person participating in the execution is not one person, but a group of people

It is precisely because of the cruelty and terror of stoning that, in fact, there are not many cases of being sentenced to death by stoning.

Returning to Syria, before 2011, there had been no record of stoning in Syria for more than 20 years.

It’s not that there is no record of being sentenced to death by stoning, it’s that there is no record of being sentenced to death by stoning!

This ancient punishment has almost disappeared in Syria. It is rarely even mentioned, let alone used.

And now, this man actually said that he would stone his wife to death?

Chen Chen immediately smelled a hint of danger. He didn't stay too long and took the others directly back to the room.

After briefly introducing the situation, Chen Chen decided to postpone the reconnaissance plan that night and wait for the exact results of this "stoning incident" before deciding whether to continue the action.

"Do we need to be so cautious?"

Jackal was a little confused about Chen Chen's decision and couldn't help but ask.

"As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster."

"You don't understand Islamic culture, so you can't understand what stoning means."

"But I can tell you that in a country where stoning has disappeared from social culture for nearly 20 years, the reappearance of this thing is like the corner of an iceberg hidden in the water emerging."

"Compared to the British man named Morris himself, perhaps this matter is a better entry point for close reconnaissance."

"Of course, even if it turns out to be just a random incident, it will not affect subsequent plans."

"We still have time, let's wait another day."


The jackal stopped arguing, so the planned reconnaissance operation was cancelled. This night, everyone took turns on duty and had a good, uneasy sleep.

It was said that it was a good sleep because there were not many accidents that day. They were not attacked, and the sentry did not notice any unusual prying eyes around them.

The reason for the instability was that the man beat the woman all night long.

The screaming didn't stop until 3 o'clock. It seemed that the man was tired from the beating.

He rested for two hours and resumed playing at five o'clock.

At this time, the woman had almost lost the strength to beg for mercy, and her voice became very weak, but she was still panting after all.

Until after seven o'clock, when Chen Chen and everyone got up, a few men's curses could be heard from time to time on the second floor where the boss lived.

The young children were sitting in the corner of the stairs. It was obvious that this night was also a sleepless night for them.

Several people were whispering, and Chen Chen coughed at Xia Xing. The latter took out some candies from his backpack and handed them to the children, and started chatting with them naturally.

Chen Chen watched from the side, but it didn't take long for him to realize that something was wrong with Xia Xing's expression.

When the boss's breakfast was ready, Xia Xing stood up and walked into the restaurant, and then said to Chen Chen:

"These kids have been completely brainwashed."

"They are not defensive, but their ideas are quite weird."

"They don't know what crime their mother committed, but they just think she deserves it."

"Because they saw their mothers taking off their headscarves when they were fetching water outside - taking off their headscarves to wipe their sweat!"

"This is unacceptable to them. It's very strange. They feel their mother should always wear a hijab like me, with only her eyes exposed."

"But on the other hand, they didn't consider that the fact that I was in close contact with men was actually a more serious problem than not wearing a hijab."

"They smell of incomplete Salafism, or I should say, someone is promoting strict formalist dogma here."

Xia Xing frowned, and after a slight pause, she continued:

"It is quite clear that the JD elements coming over from Iraq have begun to exert their influence on this land."

"Moreover, their progress is so rapid that in a very short period of time, they have begun to distort the worldview of young people."

"What the hell are they going to do? It's weird."

do what?

Chen Chen snorted coldly in his heart.

What else can be done, of course, is to establish what they consider the “Kingdom of God” here!

The development of ISIS in Syria indeed started from this kind of ideological erosion. The British man named Maurice definitely has a big problem. He cannot be what Herbert said, just a "revanchist". He thought There is much more to be done in Syria, much deeper, much further than Herbert knows!

It should be said that Morris is not Herbert’s contact person. Herbert, the MI6 agent, is Morris’ contact person!

Chen Chen's heart suddenly sounded an alarm, and before he could answer, there was a sudden conversation outside the door.

Chen Chen raised his head and looked outside, just in time to see several women wearing black niqab robes with only a pair of eyes exposed walking in and communicating with the owner of the B\u0026B.

Their voices were very low, and Chen Chen couldn't hear anything at all from his position, but the moment he saw them, Xia Xing immediately turned his head back.

"Don't look."

she spoke.

"The woman upstairs is really going to be stoned. These people are here to take her away."

"It's very strange. No matter how extreme it is, the execution of stoning requires confirmation from multiple parties, not only the local chief executive, but also religious leaders."

"It's only been one night, how could they move so fast?!"


"It was already planned."

Chen Chen answered:

"Then we happened to be hit."

Xia Xing frowned, nodded and said:

"It's possible that our identity is very good. Chai Sili came here with a business visa, and all the supporting documents are self-consistent. There is basically no possibility of the secret being revealed."

"They won't and don't have to show it to us. That is to say, this incident really happened to happen to us."

"But this is too random"

Xia Xing did not continue speaking, and Chen Chen did not answer.

Because he already roughly knows what these JD elements from Iraq are going to do.

They plan to take advantage of the fierce civil war in Syria and the significant decline in official administrative control capabilities to quickly destroy the old local order with harsh punishments, and then use terrorist and violent actions to coerce all the residents here, forcing them to get involved before they think about it again. Way to slowly brainwash!

This is definitely a proven and fairly effective strategy.

In the previous life, ISIS in Syria would indeed organize one or two similar "murders" involving the entire population every time it went to a new place.

In a sense, this thing is similar to a title certificate.

Under continuous brainwashing, the dark side of human nature will be quickly released due to a murder, which will ultimately help ISIS achieve its brainwashing purpose.

So, to put it simply, this is actually no accident at all.

Even if our team doesn't come, what happened this time will still happen, and it will happen more than once.

They won't stop killing for a while until everyone in Hamlet has been successfully kidnapped!

Chance does not exist. Who knows if this is the first time it has happened, or if it has been the second or third time?

Before Chen Chen could answer, Xia Xing suddenly reacted.

She looked at Chen Chen in shock and asked:

"Is it still necessary to arrest Morris?"

"You can try, but it doesn't matter if you can't catch it."

Chen Chen sighed deeply and replied:

"Originally I wanted to arrest him just to find out what he was planning to do here. Now that I'm here, they don't have to arrest him at all. People with a discerning eye will know what he is doing at a glance."

"Taking pictures of the stoning is enough to achieve our goal."

"But to be honest, since they dare to do it, they must not be afraid of being exposed. This is considered a conspiracy, but... why do I feel that this is not something that a British person can do?"

"No matter what, we can't intervene rashly. Let's find a way to film the execution process first."


Xia Xing nodded slowly.

At this time, she was actually a little hesitant in her heart. As a normal person who came from the north and received a normal education and grew up, she had a natural resistance to the matter of not saving someone in the face of death.

In particular, our own side not only refused to save the dead, but even recorded the whole process from the time the dead came to death.

This is a very cruel thing, both to the deceased and to the recorder.

But she also knows that her duty does not allow her to lose her mind at any time, because a meaningless kindness is likely to bring more evil consequences.

After breakfast, the group returned to the room and quickly formulated a surveillance and "candid filming" plan.

Jackal will take the convoy and most of the people out of the city first, so that the JD elements here will lower their vigilance.

But in fact, they will not really leave Hamrit, but will hide in the mountains on the north side, waiting for response.

Chen Chen and Xia Xing will stay in the city, and they will take the initiative to look for opportunities to record the stoning from a distance after it begins.

There are risks, but relatively speaking, they are not too great.

When everything was ready, Jackal took Chaisili's team into the car and left, driving towards Anasia. Chen Chen and Xia Xing stayed in the room and continued to observe the movements of the woman and her husband.

Things moved quite quickly.

Half an hour after Chaisili left, as if receiving some signal, a large number of people suddenly poured into the small B\u0026B and took the boss's daughter out.

The boss's family all left the residence, leaving only two men with guns "looking after the house."

Or to be more precise, they were guarding Chen Chen and Xia Xing.

Obviously, they did not want the two of them to wander around at this time, nor did they want them to see the scene of stoning.

"what to do?"

Xia Xing asked slightly nervously:

"As soon as the people are taken away, they will dig a hole and collect stones. The execution will begin in half an hour at most. How can I try to convince them?"

"What are you trying to convince them for?"

Chen Chen took a deep breath, rubbed his face to adjust his expression, and then walked out of the room with a smile on his face and walked towards the two men sitting on chairs in the courtyard.


He extended his hand in a friendly manner, and the latter smiled in return.


Probably in their eyes, although Chen Chen and other businessmen are not lovable, at least they are not enemies.

So, the two people's hands were held together, and then the next second, the blade of the extreme force PUGIO dagger directly penetrated the man's throat and cut off his cervical spine.

Chen Chen, who was holding the dagger in his hand, did not hesitate at all. His body suddenly tilted to the left and hit the man on the left. At the same time, he pulled out the dagger and gently moved the handle of the knife with his middle finger to change his forehand into a backhand.

The moment the man fell to the ground, Chen Chen's knife had penetrated directly through the man's eye socket.

Then, he pressed down on the handle of the knife, and the blade penetrated deep into the brain, cutting off all the man's life.

Xia Xing stared at this scene dumbfounded. From the time Chen Chen walked towards the two guards to the time he used his knife to kill two of them, it only took 20 seconds in total.

The killing process takes less than 5 seconds.

Her body trembled unconsciously, and then she asked:

"What to do with the body?"

"No need to deal with it. No one will return here until the stoning is over."

"Let's go, half an hour, we can record the whole process as much as possible!"


Chen Chen returned to the room, took out the equipment from under the bed, put on a burqa, and observed at the door. After confirming that no one was watching, he quickly led Xia Xing into the alley.

The basic terrain of Hamlet had been scouted, and they quickly determined the location where the stoning would be carried out and found a shooting angle from a nearby vantage point.

At this time, Chen Chen discovered that the number of people participating in the stoning was close to 500.

This is almost the entire population of Hamlet.

In the middle of the open space, a pit about half a person's height has been dug, and the boss's daughter has been buried in the pit.

The mud and sand covered her chest, and her breathing became extremely difficult, but she kept shouting something.

Chen Chen couldn't hear the sound and couldn't read lip language. He just set up the camera and filmed without any emotion.

But at this moment, Xia Xing suddenly said:


"This woman cannot die!"

"She said that her husband was dealing with the French and was bewitched by the French!"

"That Maurice, he's not English, he's French!"

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