"how do you know?"

After hearing Xia Xing's words, Chen Chen immediately turned around and asked.

"She repeatedly mentioned France and the men her husband was involved with."

"I can't read every word of hers exactly, but I can probably understand it."

"Things started to change after the Frenchman arrived. This is consistent with our judgment!"

"This woman should know something. Maybe her husband let it slip."


"She is a traitor!"

"That's right. Most of the people in this city should have been transformed? What kind of word is this?"

"They were holding some ceremony at the manor. The woman refused. It's getting more complicated."

"Forget it, we can't save her! Leave it alone!"

Xia Xing said decisively.

Chen Chen frowned and asked subconsciously:

"Didn't you say she can't die?"

"I said she couldn't die because I thought she knew something. Maybe I could save her first through non-violent means and ask."

"But it seems impossible now. What she has is not just one or two clues. She has been deeply bound to this city and this terrorist organization."

"There's no point in saving her, us"

"No, it makes sense."

Chen Chen interrupted Xia Xing and continued:

“The more this happens, the more meaningful it becomes.”

"On the contrary, there is no point in arresting Morris because I already know what they are going to do."

"Hamlet was their testing ground, Maurice wasn't really a religious leader, he was a consultant."

"If we catch him, we can send more consultants. In this regard, the West has accumulated too many talents."

"Advisor? What advisor?"

Xia Xing asked doubtfully.

"YSGM, ideological subversion, mind control, etc."

Chen Chen raised the telescope in his hand again and spoke to the radio at the same time:

"Jackal, bring someone here."

"We're going to have a big fight."


Jackal's voice came from the earphones. Chen Chen put his hand into his robe and grasped the handle of the AK-74M.

At this time, the stoning of the woman had officially begun. What surprised Chen Chen was that the first person to take action was not the imam who stood aside and looked quite authoritative, but the woman's father!

There was no trace of pain or hesitation in his expression, but instead it was full of strange enthusiasm and anger.

He held a sharp-edged stone tightly and cursed at the woman buried underground.

And every word he said would elicit shouts and responses from the onlookers.

The B\u0026B owner's position was with his back to the observation position where Chen Chen and Xia Xing were, so Xia Xing couldn't see the shape of his mouth or guess what he said.

But obviously, at this moment, he represents the judgment of his daughter and this "sinner".

"Something is wrong."

Chen Chen said in a low voice.

"These people are a little too excited. There's something wrong with the cigarette next to them."

As a mercenary who has been working hard in Pubei for two years, Chen Chen is very familiar with the reaction of the so-called "tops".

Under the catalysis of drugs, their emotions have been completely incited. At this time, they have lost the most basic judgment of right and wrong, and have also lost the bottom line of their humanity as "human beings".

The shouts grew louder and louder, and as the B\u0026B owner threw the first stone, the shouts instantly turned into "cheers".

Even from a distance of hundreds of meters, Chen Chen could feel the weird, absurd atmosphere of terror bred in the cheers.

"Jackal, hurry up!"

He said slightly anxiously.

This woman cannot die. When she has shown obvious disgust and resistance to the terrorists around her, rescuing her is equivalent to obtaining a chess piece that can shake public opinion.

In a sense, she is even more valuable than those at 24 STS!

"Understood, we are about to reach the city."


"Three teams, one team is covering and responding, one team is looking for favorable terrain to organize fire suppression, and the other team is following me to rescue people!"

"Roger, time?"

"Two minutes——"

"Do not worry!"

Halfway through Chen Chen's words, Xia Xing interrupted:

"The stoning hasn't officially started yet, we have time, 10 minutes!"


Chen Chen asked doubtfully.

"Her father was just the first one, followed by her adulterers and her children."

"These procedures will take at least 10 minutes to complete. She probably won't die within 10 minutes."

"We just need to make sure she lives!"


Chen Chen is very admonished, and he knows that this kind of professional judgment must be based on the opinions of professionals.

"Jackal, I'll give you 5 minutes to make arrangements and don't make any mistakes!"


At this time, just as Xia Xing said, the second executor had walked to the opposite side of the woman.

Looking at the woman whose face was covered in blood after being hit by a stone, the bloated man showed no mercy at all. Instead, he told the people around him something and threw the stone without hesitation.

"He said it was this woman who took the initiative to seduce him. He was describing the details."



Xia Xing's expression was calm, but his tone was obviously a bit colder.

"Why won't he be punished?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"Theoretically he should have been punished equally, but these people were clearly not adhering to any kind of doctrine that we know of."

Chen Mo nodded silently and continued to look at the execution ground.

The three stones in the hands of the adulterer have been thrown. Fortunately, two of them did not hit the woman, and one just hit her shoulder.

The next people to appear were the woman’s four children.

The youngest son is only three or four years old. He can't even hold the stone in his hand.

However, under the leadership of his eldest son, he firmly stoned the woman.

The stone landed a few steps away from the woman, and a trace of joy flashed across the woman's face - she probably thought that her son had done it intentionally.

However, the development of things was beyond everyone's expectation.

The younger son staggered across the boundary holding the second stone and walked closer to the woman.

This would not have been allowed because it violated the basic rules of stoning.

But at this moment, no one stopped him, and there were even people applauding his actions.

So, in the desperate eyes of the woman and the mother, the young son slammed the stone in his hand onto the woman's head.


After a dull sound, the woman fell backwards.

Blood oozed from the corners of her eyes, and the corners of her mouth trembled slightly in anger or pain.

"Jackals are in position, target identified."

Jackal's voice came from the earphones, and Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Do it!"

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Four gunshots rang out almost at the same time, and four men with weapons around the execution site immediately fell to the ground.

Their heads exploded in unison, one step faster than the woman on the ground.

Then came the second round of shooting.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Four more people fell to the ground, and at this time Chen Chen also started to take action.

"Assault team reports location!"

"In the alley to your right!"

Following the guidance of the fire team, Chen Chen quickly completed the rendezvous with the assault team. Immediately afterwards, a group of five people began to advance at an unparalleled speed.

After two rounds of shooting, everyone in the execution ground fell into chaos.

A few people still stayed in place to look for the source of the gunfire, but most people had begun to flee for their lives.

Hamrit is so big, there are only so many roads it can walk. After traveling less than two hundred meters, the assault team encountered the first batch of "enemies".

Or actually it should be said that these people are not enemies.

They were unarmed and just running for their lives, ignoring any threats.

However, they blocked Chen Chen's way.

"Don't worry, shoot below the knees!"

The saying "raise the muzzle one inch" does not apply to Chen Chen. What he pursues is the most effective and fastest deterrence.

In this case, "firing warning shots" is impossible.

As soon as the gun goes off, someone has to fall!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

Four automatic rifles and a general-purpose machine opened fire at the same time, and the crowd rushing towards the assault team fell down like wheat.

In just ten seconds, more than 20 people were lying on the street.

And those people who were still crowding the streets had disappeared in an instant.

"Keep pushing!"

"Pay attention to identifying armed targets!"


In the distance, the gunshots of SVDK sniper rifles continued to ring out. In places where Chen Chen could not see, militants who had just taken out their weapons kept falling down.

Jackal is quite reliable. He almost completely cleared Chen Chen's path forward.

But of course, he couldn't take care of the blind spots.

When they turned the last corner and were about to reach the edge of the execution ground, Chen Chen's assault team finally encountered the first batch of enemies.

Four terrorists armed with 56 punches were hiding behind a low wall. As soon as Chen Chen showed up, he was directly pushed back by a round of faith shooting.

"smoke bomb!"

"Bang - pop -"

Two smoke grenades were thrown out immediately. Chen Chen turned down the thermal imager and quickly rushed across the street corner. After seeing the enemy's position clearly, Chen Chen threw out a cannon without hesitation.


After the huge explosion, he aimed at the low wall in front of the enemy and fired continuously. The bullets easily penetrated the low wall, knocking down the enemy behind him on the spot.

"Holy crap, what kind of bullet is this? Is it so penetrating?"

The Chaisili team members around him were all shocked. In their opinion, what they had in their hands was just an ordinary AKM, and the bullets were the most common 7.62 bullets.

But this thing actually seems to have an effect comparable to a full-power bullet?

Chen Chen did not speak, but ordered to continue advancing.

The five-man assault team quickly searched along the side of the road in a standard urban combat formation. The 50-meter distance was quickly crossed. Chen Chen had already seen the woman who was still left in the center of the field.

Ironically, just two minutes ago, she was the focus of everyone's efforts to get rid of her, but after the gunfire sounded, she seemed to have been completely forgotten, left in the middle of the empty execution ground.

"smoke bomb!"

With an order, four smoke bombs were thrown, and the entire field of vision around the execution ground was immediately blocked.

Through the smoke, Chen Chen saw at a glance a white figure holding a gun flashing in the distance. The muzzle of his gun turned its direction under the control of muscle memory like his own arm. He aimed and fired in one go. After several gunshots, The two figures less than 30 meters away from him fell to the ground.

I'm afraid they won't know until they die that they were hit by bullets flying from where.

"Disperse, be alert!"

"Get a shovel and dig her out!"

"Captain, we're digging!"

"This ground is too damn hard."

At this moment, Chen Chen suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of humor.

They encountered almost no obstacles during the assault. They were playing T0 smoothly, but suddenly they were thrown into the black iron game. It was almost like taking a walk.

Even for those members of Chaisili, it would be no more difficult to deal with a group of terrorists than to kill a chicken.

However, their biggest difficulty does not come from people who can move or shoot, but from the hard gravel and stones.

"how long!?"

"5 minutes, 5 minutes! It's too buried!"

"Find the commanding heights and establish a warning zone!"

"Kill anyone who comes near, don't hesitate!"


Except for the two Chaisili team members who were digging the woman out of the soil, the other three quickly set up a guard around the area. Their guns controlled every corner where enemies might appear. The terrorists' two tentative attempts All attacks were beaten back by their unreasonable firepower.

"There is movement over at the manor, and a group of armed men have come out!"

"They have machine gun pickups!"

"Kill it, what are you waiting for? You don't have anti-tank missiles in your car."


Before Chen Chen finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of long bursts of machine gun fire could be heard. At least two general-purpose machine guns were firing in the direction of the manor. The snipers who had cleared out the militants near the execution ground also began to name the terrorists at the manor one by one.

"Knock it off!"

Jackal's voice came from the earphones again, and Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the Chaisili team members in the execution ground had already dug up the gravel and began to pull the woman out.

"Prepare to retreat, prepare to retreat!"

"The response team is ready, Jackal, set up a defense line near the evacuation point, and the observation team will give me the evacuation route."


After a lot of effort, the woman was finally pulled out from the ground. The Chaisili team members quickly tied her hands and feet with cable ties, and then carried her on their shoulders.


Chen Chen gave an order.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on their evacuation route outside the gradually dissipating smoke.

He appeared alone dozens of meters away, running forward staggeringly step by step.

Chen Chen opened the thermal imaging camera and recognized the short child in front of him.

The woman's younger son.

In his hand, he held a mortar shell that was a bit too big for him.


Not mortars, but IEDs.

Chen Chen's heartbeat suddenly stopped for a moment. His finger was already on the trigger, but he didn't pull it immediately.

In two seconds, the child took a few steps closer.

Chen Chen accurately shot his left foot, and the kinetic energy of the bullet instantly tore his foot into pieces.

The child fell to the ground, and then there was a loud explosion.


After the dust settled, that small figure had completely vanished into thin air.

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