"Suicide bomb!"

"Jackal, identify all suspicious targets for me!"

"I can't get out of the city from the alley, clear the biggest street in front of me!"


On the radio, Jackal answered immediately, his voice calm.

At this time, he was still some distance away from the execution ground where Chen Chen was. He only saw the explosion and confirmed that it was a suicide bomb, but he did not see the "shocking" scene that Chen Chen experienced at all. arrive.

Of course he would not know that the person who launched the bomb attack was a child who was only 3 years old, and he would not know that just a few minutes ago, this child, like others, planned to stone himself to death. Mother!

The city has completely fallen.

It did not fall into the flames of war, but into the extremist ideas that could destroy everything!

Chen Chen's heartbeat accelerated for a long time. He clearly felt that the problem in this city was much bigger than all of them expected!

If extremism is a cancer in the world, then Hamrit has become the first cancer cell in Syria.

If left untreated, this cancer cell will quickly eat up all other normal cells, continue to grow and expand its territory, and eventually bring down the entire "body".

The situation was very serious, but Chen Chen had no way to deal with it at this time.

He could only lead the team to evacuate first, wait until he returned to Aleppo, report to Camel, and the Syrian government, and then let them make a decision.

And if you want to make your returns credible, this woman's safety is extremely important.

She must survive. Only if she survives can the facts here become facts.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen quickly led the team to change direction. He gave up the originally planned evacuation route and instead chose a more spacious route with a broader view.

There is no doubt that on this street they are at greater risk of attack and have fewer cover options.

However, even if someone pops out from the corner and shoots at you, it is still better than being killed by a human bomb coming out of the corner!

"Jackal! Are you in place yet!?"

"Already in place, ready to go!"

Chen Chen made a quick push gesture, and everyone began to move along the avenue in front of them.

Houses were lined up on both sides of them, and people were constantly watching behind the windows.

For such a person, Chen Chen didn't hesitate at all, just raised his hand and fired a bullet.


The bullet shattered the glass, frightening the peepers to shrink back under the window sill. At the same time, the bullet fired from directly in front of Chen Chen had already knocked down an enemy holding a weapon in his path.

The effect of the two-way attack is evident at this moment. On the spacious street, it is difficult to find a shooting position with bunkers at the front and rear.

Even if it is only exposed for a second, Chaisili's team members will quickly identify, locate, and then kill it.

"Shipwreck, hurry up! Our position has been exposed, and armed men are approaching on foot!"


After the words fell, Chen Chen quickened his pace again.

However, after all, they are still carrying a wounded person who has no ability to move or fight. No matter how fast they are, they can't get anywhere!

It took them a full five minutes to walk through half of the 500-meter-long, almost straight street. By this time, the members of the fire team had already begun to exchange fire with the enemy.

Obviously, they also know where the key to breaking the situation is, and they also know that they must concentrate their efforts to defeat some of the enemies in order to win.

"Bang bang bang——"

Continuous machine gun fire sounded, and the team led by Chen Chen was still advancing rapidly, but at this time, the jackal's screams came from the headphones again.

"MTF!? They use children as suicide bombs?!"

"Sinking ship, should we fight or not?!"

At this time, Jackal has also fallen into an extremely difficult decision.

In fact, as mercenaries who like Chen Chen came from Pubei, they are no worse than the Dongfeng Corps in terms of being "cruel and ruthless".

It can even be said that everyone is like a piranha in a pool or a wild dog on a mountain, and no one’s body is clean.

He had beaten many boy scouts, those drug dealers, those bandits, those unscrupulous warlords, some of the soldiers in their hands were not even taller than a Bayi bar when they stood up.

But after all, that is a real battlefield where guns have no eyesight. You have already shot me, how can I not fight back?

But the situation is different now.

Now, those suicide bombers in front of Jackal are really completely ignorant children!

Their minds are immature and deluded. Judging from their confused expressions, they probably don't know what their behavior means.

The psychological burden of shooting such a person is not comparable to fighting a boy scout on the battlefield!

At this moment, Jackal deeply felt the insidiousness of the JD elements here, and was also surprised by the speed of the other party's decision-making.

Yes, when their combat effectiveness is completely reduced, this is their only way to effectively force them to retreat or kill their own side, and they may have come up with this plan as soon as they were attacked!

There must be someone directing them behind them.

But now, there is no point in thinking about these questions.

To shoot or not to shoot is a simple "yes or no" choice.

The person who had to make this decision had to be Chen Chen.

"How many?" Chen Chen asked calmly.

He tilted his right hand slightly to remove the magazine, then quickly replaced it with a new magazine, aimed and fired in one go, and an armed militant who had just climbed onto the platform fell to the ground immediately, and the second armed militant who followed closely behind him was also frightened and quickly lay down.

Chen Chen's hand did not stop pulling the trigger. After a few seconds, the wall of the platform was pierced like a sieve, and the armed militant who climbed up and wanted to escape also fell headfirst from the platform.

"4--no, 5!"

"The distance is very close, 100 meters!"

"Warning shot!" Chen Chen gritted his teeth and said.

The reason why he decisively shot at the child before was because he was too close and the danger was too high. Even so, Chen Chen still saved his life and shot him below the calf.

Now, the distance is more than 100 meters, and the Jackal has time to conduct a round of trial and error.

Chen Chen didn't believe that these "children human bombs" were really not afraid of death. It was only a month anyway. Brainwashing could make them not take other people's lives seriously, but could it really make them not take their own lives seriously?


Even if it really came to this, Jackal would have time to take safer actions.

At that time, don't blame me for my bullets taking lives.

Because if I don't shoot you, I won't survive!



After several consecutive gunshots and a huge explosion, Jackal's voice came from the radio again.

"Four escaped and one blew up!"

"Damn, these JD elements are really inhuman!"

"Sinking Ship, where are you?!"

"I've seen the convoy!"

Chen Chen quickly threw a smoke bomb, and the team members around him immediately followed. The open space near the convoy was completely blocked by smoke. The machine gunner took a few steps to the back of the pickup truck engine to unfold the tripod, flipped down the thermal imager, and began to suppress the enemies who were surrounding him.

At this time, the number of militants around the Chaisli team was at least 50. They used rifles and light machine guns in their hands to shoot at each other at a distance of more than 200 meters, but the deterrence was almost non-existent.

"Jackal! Retreat!"

"Understood, arrive in 30 seconds! Machine guns ready!"

"Sniper continue to look for high-value targets, give priority to their RPGs!"

"No RPGs found!"

The sniper answered quickly, and this answer was also within Chen Chen's expectations.

After all, ISIS has not grown at all at this time. The militants in front of them are actually "abandoned children" who have fled from Iraq. It's good enough for them to have a few guns in their hands. Can they also have RPGs?

If there were, Chen Chen would not directly attack this small town with a population of thousands when the troops and firepower were seriously insufficient.

30 seconds passed quickly, and the Jackal climbed over a low wall and appeared beside Chen Chen. His face was covered with dust and there was a blood mark at the corner of his mouth.


Chen Chen asked.

"Shock wave, hit by rocks. Retreat!"

Everyone was present, and the team member carrying the woman stuffed the woman into the back seat of the car, and then squeezed into the car one after another.

The ratio of people to cars in this convoy was actually relatively low, with a lot of spare space, which also gave the team members room to shoot.

A total of 4 cars rushed out with one foot on the accelerator. Chen Chen set up his gun on the co-pilot and fired at several enemies who had surrounded him.

The speed of the car reached more than 80 in a few seconds. At this speed, it was actually quite difficult to hit the car body within 50 meters, and the same was true for shooting outward from the car.

But at the moment when the co-pilot window formed a perfect angle with the enemy's position, Chen Chen's bullet accurately hit the two militants who had raised their guns.

One was shot in the thigh and the other in the chest.

He was a little surprised at his hot hand feeling, but he also knew that it was more of luck.

"Where to go? Evacuate according to the planned route?"

The Jackal asked loudly.

The planned route was to return to the original route, but it was obvious that they had lost the conditions to return to the original route.

The militants behind them had also boarded the car and followed them at a distance of 200 meters.

At this distance, Chen Chen could not knock them down, and they could not keep up with Chen Chen.

But if they stopped at any place, there was no way for both sides to avoid a firefight.

Of course, the team was not afraid of exchanging fire with them. After all, their firepower and skills were too poor. Even if they stood still and faced the guns, they could hardly do anything to this team.

But the problem was that Chen Chen did not want to be entangled by them.

As long as the car stopped, with the configuration of seven or eight cars and dozens of people on the other side, it would take half an hour to fight one by one. What if the other side had backup?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said decisively:

"Go to Lake Assad! Contact Su Haier and ask him to send someone to pick him up!"

"No matter what he thinks, he must reach the east bank of Lake Assad within an hour!"


While answering, Xia Xing quickly set up the radio. Just two minutes later, she called Su Haier and conveyed Chen Chen's request.

At this time, those desperate militants had stepped on the gas pedal, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

"Jackal, measure speed and range!"


Jackal, who was also in the back seat, quickly raised his binoculars and used the laser ranging function to quickly calculate the speed difference of the convoy. Combined with the speed of his own car, he quickly reported the answer.

"95 kilometers, 100 meters!"

This kind of broken road can be driven up to 95 kilometers, and it is still an unmodified mass-produced civilian vehicle. It has to be said that the militants behind are really anxious.

It is about 26 meters per second, and considering the distance the grenade moves forward due to inertia, in about 4 seconds, the vehicle behind will run over the wheel mark of the vehicle in front.

The time is just right!

Without any hesitation, Chen Chen immediately removed the grenade from his chest, and other team members imitated his actions and removed the grenade.

Unplug the safety bolt and throw the grenade out of the window. Ten seconds later, the grenade explodes as expected!


A grenade exploded just below the first pickup truck that was chasing him. The huge impact directly lifted the front of the truck. Then, the car behind, which was not hasty to dodge, crashed into the pickup truck, blocking the road. Completely blocked.

A series of rear-end collisions occurred immediately, which bought the team valuable time.

However, Chen Chen did not choose to continue to escape, but immediately ordered:

"Turn around, turn around! Kill them!"


A sharp brake sound sounded, and the four cars turned around in unison.

They did not rush towards the convoy in the distance in a swarm, but drove directly to both sides of the road and fanned out to get the best shooting angle.

After driving 50 meters, the two vehicles behind stopped. All six team members, including the driver, got out of the car and began to suppress the JD elements' convoy.

Extremely small space for movement, intensive firepower, and extremely penetrating bullets.

In just a few seconds, the four vehicles in front had been smashed into pieces. The militants who had just experienced a car accident and had not even had time to climb out of the vehicle were suffocated in their vehicles.

Immediately afterwards, the two vehicles traveling to a hundred meters stopped almost at the same time.

Chen Chen pushed open the car door and fired rapidly with his AK-74M. The bullets entered through the car window and came out from the door on the other side.

When the bullet was fired, the broken warhead was already covered with fresh flesh and blood.

"Suppress! Suppress!"


Another round of grenades was thrown, and after four consecutive explosions, the militants fell into complete chaos.

Chen Chen quickly changed his ammunition and continued to press forward. At this time, the six team members from behind who had completed the first round of suppression had also arrived.

The 12 guns formed a semicircle like a concave mirror, and the focus of the concave mirror pointed at the centermost convoy.

The iron flow formed by the bullet melted everything like sunlight reflected by a concave mirror. The JD molecules in the focus were quickly knocked down without being able to organize an effective counterattack.

After sporadic gunshots, the entire convoy fell into complete silence.

"Refill the gun!"

Chen Chen gave an order, and everyone began to shoot again at targets visible to the naked eye.

And just when Chen Chen pointed his gun at a person lying on the ground, he suddenly stopped pulling the trigger.

"Damn it, he actually chased me here himself?!"

"Xia Xing! Report to Suhail that Morris has been caught!"

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