I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 508 A different kind of interrogation

Morris' abdomen was pierced by an armor-piercing bullet and he was already extremely weak.

The good news is that because the penetration was too strong, the damage to his organs was not serious.

The bad news was that his spleen appeared to be shattered.

Blood was pouring out, but Chen Chen had no choice.

According to the current amount of bleeding, Morris would be completely dead in half an hour at most.

Xia Xing on the side came over and asked:

"How's it going? Can you save me?"

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"I don't know. Contact Pingchuan first and ask him if there is anything he can do!"


Xia Xing immediately dialed Pingchuan's number. After briefly introducing the situation, he handed the phone to Chen Chen. Chen Chen didn't waste a second and said straightforwardly:

"There is blood gushing out from the penetrating wound on the upper left abdomen, and the amount of bleeding is large. It is initially suspected to be spleen bleeding. Is it possible to give first aid on site?"

"Describe the location specifically!"

Pingchuan on the other end of the phone was equally decisive. After hearing Chen Chen's description, he answered:

"It's most likely spleen bleeding. How many minutes has it been since the shooting?"

"About 3 minutes!"

"Did you experience hemorrhagic shock? Did you roll your eyes, have clammy skin, or twitch and twitch? How much is the estimated bleeding volume?"

Chen Chen took a deep breath and answered in turn:

"He has fallen into a coma but has no symptoms of hemorrhagic shock."

"There are no convulsions, no clammy skin, and the amount of bleeding is at least greater than 100 milliliters per minute!"

"Then he's just pretending!"

Pingchuan on the other end of the phone said decisively.

Hearing his words, Chen Chen froze on the spot.

"Pretending? What do you mean?"

"It is indeed possible that his spleen was hit at the location where he was hit, but it was a bullet. Even if it just missed it, he should have gone into shock due to blood loss in these 3 minutes!"

"Also, the amount of bleeding you are observing is too low to be likely due to spleen loss."

"I doubt that he has any organ damage at all. He is confusing you!"


After receiving Pingchuan's answer, Chen Chen instantly felt confident.

At this time, when he looked at Morris again, he did find something unusual about him.

His facial expression did not match the reaction of a real injured person who was comatose due to blood loss, and his muscles were also a bit too relaxed - that was a deliberate disguise of relaxation.

Morris was indeed sober.

That would be easy!

Therefore, Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Jackal! Find someone to stop his bleeding!"

"Others prepare their cars and prepare to evacuate!"


With an order, everyone took action, and just when one of Chaisili's team members was trying to bandage Morris's wound, he suddenly opened his eyes, and then quickly reached for the pistol on the team member's waist!

It's really just an act!

Chen Chen would not give him a chance to commit suicide. The moment the other party took action, he had already raised his legs at the same time, and then stepped on Morris's chest.

Morris's outstretched hand waved comically in the air a few times, and then his whole body hit the ground hard.


The back of his head hit the ground with a muffled sound, and this time, he really fainted completely.

"What's going on? He's cheating?!"

asked the jackal in surprise.

"He wanted to pretend to be dead and get away. He probably thought we couldn't identify him."

"Unfortunately, the portrait described by Herbert is so accurate that it can be recognized at a glance."

"Pretend to be dead and get through?"

The jackal's eyes widened.

"We are shooting one after another. Is it useful for him to pretend to be dead here?"

"You're stupid, he just wants to be shot by us!"

Chen Chen shook his head with some hatred, and then said:

"Don't worry, tie him up quickly. We have to evacuate to the vicinity of Lake Assad quickly."

"Suhail has prepared a helicopter to respond and is expected to arrive in 15 minutes."

"We go from here. The drive will take another 30 minutes. Plus the 30 minutes to return, we should be able to save his life!"

"It would be fine if we didn't catch him. Now that we have caught him, we can't let him die again!"


With a tube of hemostatic gel, a tube of glue, and a roll of tape, the first aid measures for Morris were quickly completed.

Immediately afterwards, his hands and feet were tied behind his back, and he was thrown into the back of a pickup truck like a pig.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and the convoy continued to move forward. At this time, there were no pursuers behind them.

There is a total distance of 45 kilometers from Hamrit to the small town called Tabur on the edge of Lake Assad. The convoy sped along and finally arrived at the scheduled pick-up location 30 minutes later.

When the convoy arrived, Suhail had already personally led the team to respond.

A Mi-8 helicopter was parked in the open space outside the city. The engine did not even stop, and the propellers were still rotating at a speed that allowed them to take off at any time.

Without a second's delay, everyone threw the two key hostages onto the helicopter, boarded the plane one after another, and took off under the cover of ground troops.

"Is this Morris?"

On the plane, Suhail, who was sitting next to Chen Chen, shouted and asked at the top of his lungs.

"Most likely! The identity has not been determined yet. Let Herbert identify the person after he returns!"

"Got it! What happened to Hamlet? We received a lot of different information!"

"Suicide bomb!"

"That place has become a suicide bomb manufacturing base!"

Chen Chen simply answered with one word, and after hearing his words, Suhail immediately understood what he meant.

Human bomb manufacturing base? !

This means that the entire Hamlet has been completely infiltrated by JD's thoughts, and it has actually been separated from the control of the government forces.

How can these JD elements develop so fast?

In just over a month, they have completely infected a city like a virus. If they are allowed to continue to spread

The consequences could be disastrous!

Suhail's expression became a little solemn. He looked at Chen Chen again and asked:

"Is it cleaned up?"

"No! But most of the militants have been cleared out!"

"Understood! I'll let the local government troops go over and finish it off!"

Before the plane landed, Suhail had already contacted the headquarters in Aleppo via radio and issued a series of orders in Arabic.

Chen Chen didn't know what he said, but judging from his cold expression, Suhail must have had murderous intentions.

This is definitely a good thing. At least, the Syrian military has been aware of the dangers of the expansion of JDism in advance. If it can seize the opportunity and curb it in time, one of the biggest threats in the Syrian war may be eliminated in advance in the future. possible.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen sighed softly.

He could feel that the hoe he was wielding was beginning to shake the corners of the high wall of the "Syrian Civil War."

But it will probably take more time to completely collapse this wall.

The helicopter flew quickly in the direction of Aleppo. Looking at the rolling yellow sand below and the gem-like Lake Assad, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This is probably the only thing that war cannot destroy.

Two hours later, Morris, who landed in Aleppo, had completed the first stage of emergency surgery. According to Hirakawa, although his injury was not serious enough to be fatal on the spot, it was definitely not something that could be cured by just one operation. He was completely out of danger.

In fact, his entire abdominal cavity had an explosive infection, and even a large dose of penicillin could not suppress it. In the end, it was Xia Xing who transferred the medicine, which finally allowed him to escape the sanctions of sepsis.

However, it was indeed impossible for Morris to wake up in a short period of time.

Standing outside the operating room, while eating the dinner he had just received, Chen Chen asked Pingchuan:

"How long does it take for this person to expect an interrogation to begin?"

"NATO is already ready to move. If we don't throw something out, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"Wasn't Herbert's previous confession enough?"

Pingchuan asked doubtfully.

"That confession can only provide the Syrian government with a public opinion advantage, not a political advantage."

"The other party has done a good job in isolating information. Even if we record their confession video, it will not threaten NATO and US politicians at all."

"Even if we really do this, the direction of public opinion will be even more unfavorable."

"Because most people may think that the Syrian government used terror to force them to confess."


Pingchuan couldn't help but said.

"It's stupid, but what can you do?"

"Years of public opinion propaganda by the Western media have already built a solid wall around them. How can it be so easy to collapse this wall?"

"But at least we have lint on our hands and they know we have lint on our hands."

"In this way, they will be a little more restrained in the next confrontation."

"Back to the original question, how many days will it take?"

Pingchuan thought for a moment and replied:

"At least three days later."

"However, if you want him to explain, I have a simple and quick way that you can try."

An hour later, Morris woke up from the anesthesia.

He subconsciously tried to move his body, and then discovered that he was firmly tied to the bed with restraints.

There wasn't a guard around, just a white man he didn't recognize.

It seemed that this white man was the translator hired by his captors, but Morris had no intention of talking to him.

Because he knows that in an interrogation, as long as you take the initiative to speak for the first time, you are not far away from losing all your psychological defenses.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes again and stopped looking at the white man sitting beside the bed.

But what he didn't expect was that before he spoke, the white man spoke first.

Moreover, the first words he spoke were completely unexpected by Morris.

"Maurice, I am Snow Mountain."

After the words fell, Morris suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the man beside him.

His eyes were full of disbelief, because he didn't expect that the "translator" opposite him could accurately tell the code name of his contact person.

But this disbelief only lasted for a few seconds. He quickly realized that his contact person must have fallen into trouble.

The other party got all the information, and it was precisely because of this that the special forces were able to accurately find their location and launch that kind of ferocious and deadly raid.

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly and said nothing.

He wanted to fight everything with silence, but Herbert on the opposite side was not going to give him a chance.

"I know what you are thinking now, but what I want to tell you is that I am Xueshan, and I am your contact person."

"As you can see, I gave in to them."

"It's a hard thing to say, but they did find a way to deal with me."

"The reason why I am here is to tell you that resistance is meaningless."

"They will definitely be the most terrifying enemies you have ever seen, bar none."

"The interrogation techniques they used have exceeded my knowledge. I can responsibly tell you that no one can withstand their interrogation."

"So, I'm disappointed in my choice, but not guilty."

"Just as you can't fight against your certain death, you can't fight against their interrogation."

"Believe me, once their interrogation officially begins, you will eventually tell everything you know."

"This is not a subjective judgment, but an objective fact."

"I know you don't believe me, but... I hope you can open your eyes and look at me."

"Look at my fingers and remember my fingers."

At this point, Herbert paused for a few seconds, and after confirming that Morris had seen his fingers, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he said:

"Okay, my mission has been completed."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

With that said, he stood up and left.

After he left, looking at the empty ward, Morris showed a contemptuous smile.

Cut your finger?

Can this be considered a terrorist method?

The training I have experienced is much more cruel than this.

Not to mention cutting off his fingers, Morris was even confident that he could handle it even if it meant cutting off his limbs one by one and removing his internal organs piece by piece.

The snowy mountains are still too weak.

Yes, he is essentially just an intelligence officer. He has never been exposed to the most real battlefield, nor has he seen scenes of flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Therefore, his defection is not surprising.

But want to deal with me the same way you dealt with him?

over thinking.

Morris shook his head imperceptibly, closed his eyes and planned to continue resting.

But at this moment, a large screen above his head suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, footage apparently taken by infrared surveillance appeared on the screen.

He looked at the picture on the screen in confusion. After a moment, he recognized that the person on the screen was the snowy mountain he had just met.

Guaranteed replacement if fake.

Are you asking me to watch his interrogation process to put pressure on me?

This is too unprofessional.

The most important thing during the interrogation process is to create unknown fear. If I am already prepared for what I will face, then you still ask for a hammer! ?

Morris pursed his lips in amusement, but did not deliberately close his eyes to escape.

From the perspective of "curiosity", he still wanted to know what "Snow Mountain" Herbert had experienced.

He made himself remember his fingers

Don't tell me, I'm really looking forward to it.

So, Morris blinked and stared at the screen in front of him.

8 hours later.

Morris, whose eyes were bloodshot and his face was completely distorted, finally closed his eyes.

Then, he said desperately:

"I know you're looking at me too."

"So be it."

"I will cooperate with you."

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