I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 509 Reinforcements Arrive

"He did it?"

In the office, Xia Xing looked at Chen Chen, who was in charge of the interrogation, and asked.

Chen Chen sighed and replied:

"Strictly speaking, it was recruited, but not fully recruited."

"??What's the meaning?"

"It means that he did explain some things, such as his relationship with the Hamrit JD organization, their business plan in Syria, and his cooperation with Herbert."

"However, we have actually obtained these things from Herbert, and the additional information he handed over is not much."

"A very important point is that he was unclear about his identity as a 'French'."

"He just said that he served as a soldier in the extra-legal GCP, but this cannot explain why his French is so proficient."

"Another point is that the process of exposing his identity was quite hasty."

"The woman's name was Rima. According to her description, she heard Morris communicating in French at a rally and guessed his special identity."

"Before that, Morris had actually existed as an 'assistant', and the person in charge of academic affairs was another Syrian."

"Wait a moment."

Xia Xing interrupted Chen Chen and asked:

"Why does Rima know French?"

"It's a long story. According to her, Syria had previously broadcast French programs from Lebanese channel C33, which were mainly broadcasts from French TV5."

"She has learned a lot of French from following the show and already has the basic ability to communicate in French, but no one else, including her husband, knows this."

"This is also the reason why she can hear the problem. In order to keep it confidential, Maurice's external communication is often in French. There is no other person in Hamrit who understands French. They don't even know it is French and think it is English. Or other local dialects.”

"So in general, Rima's ability to discover the problem was actually quite accidental."

"But don't you think that this kind of accident actually reveals a lot of information?"


Xia Xing nodded slowly and then said:

"Even someone like me, who's not working on the front lines, can see the mistakes Morris made."

"This is so inappropriate. It sounds smart to communicate in French, but it couldn't be more stupid."

"That's additional exposure, right?"

"So what you're saying is that you suspect that he was exposed on his own initiative?"

"That's not true."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"He has no one to expose himself to, so why bother exposing him on his own initiative?"

"I suspect that he is not a professional - in comparison, he is more like an outsourced person who was sent to Syria to perform special tasks after a short period of training."

"Do you know what this means?"

"It means there is more than one person like him, and the layout of the organization behind him is not just Hamlet."

Xia Xing said in a slightly low voice.

"Yes, that's the biggest problem."

"It's very possible that we thought we caught a big fish, and even he thought he was a big fish, but in fact, he was just a shrimp in the water."

"What's even more difficult is that we can't even trace the people behind him through his little shrimp, because they must have cut off contact long ago."

"It's very troublesome."

Having said this, Chen Chen sighed softly, and then said with relief:

"But this is all your business."

"Next, my main focus will be on strength management."

"My people will arrive in the afternoon, and the airport plan will be launched soon. If we cooperate again in the future, the form will probably be different."

"I see."

Xia Xing smiled slightly and continued:

"When our strength was insufficient, you did take on many things that should not have been borne by you."

"It's only after I actually worked with you that I realized why the bosses think so highly of you."

"To tell you the truth, the camel is very pleased with you."

"In fact, he is probably even more satisfied with you than Xiaoyu."

"That exaggerated?"

Chen Chen asked in surprise.

"Of course, I wouldn't deliberately say nice things to compliment you, right?"

"That's true. However, your performance also surprised me."

"You have the talent to be a front-line operator. It should be said that the reason why you do logistics is not because you can only do logistics well, but because no one can do it better than you."

"Perhaps you should apply for a job transfer and transfer the resources in your hands - I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing."

Chen Chen realized that his proposal was a bit abrupt.

After all, not everyone is a small fish, and not everyone is willing to face the danger of losing their life at any time.

She's doing a good job in logistics. You want to persuade her to transfer to the front line?

To be honest, this is a bit ignorant.

However, Xia Xing's answer was beyond his expectation.

"I have applied for job transfer."

"Next, I will fully cooperate with your actions."

"so fast?"

Chen Chen subconsciously widened his eyes, and the latter answered calmly:

"It's not really fast."

"It should be said that I was also pushed away."

"As you said, we really lack capable staff here. I am one of the three options, and I am the only candidate who has had direct contact and in-depth cooperation with you."

"So, this position belongs to me."

"It would be dangerous."

Chen Chen said solemnly.

"I know - actually, it might be more dangerous than you think."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Chen immediately became vigilant.

What does "more dangerous than I thought" mean?

The mission of the Dongfeng Corps has been determined?

Task outside the framework?

He looked into Xia Xing's eyes and asked:

"How to say?"

Xia Xing took a deep breath and replied:

"You will be directly involved in the Syrian civil war."

"The Dongfeng Corps will directly participate in military operations in northern and northeastern Syria in the form of a mercenary group against local rebels, extremist armed forces and other unofficial armed forces, and help government forces stabilize the local situation and maintain local order."

"You will be granted a series of military and administrative-related authorities, but administrative authorities need to rely on the local government."

"At the same time, you will receive assistance from Suhail's Tiger Corps and the Russian Wagner Mercenary Group, and will receive corresponding equipment support to a certain extent."

"In general, what you have to do is similar to what you did in Pubei."

"But this time, it's for real."

After Xia Xing finished speaking, Chen Chen stood up directly.

He finally understood what the Dongfeng Corps was going to do.

According to his memories from his previous life, the parties involved in the Syrian civil war are very complex and numerous, but they can generally be divided into two categories.

The first category is the "real rebels" headed by the Free Army, including the Syrian National Council, the Syrian National Alliance, and the later Islamic Front.

They are directly supported by NATO, Israel and Türkiye and are the biggest enemies of government forces.

In the second round, there will be extremist armed forces represented mainly by ISIS, or other "skirmishing armed forces" including Kurds and foreign mercenaries, mainly Israelis.

Although these two types of armed forces have major differences in organizational forms, strategic goals and ideologies, they have both caused heavy losses to the Syrian government and are also major obstacles to shaking up the rule of the Syrian government.

In the previous life, the main reason why the Syrian civil war was so difficult and torturous was the continuous emergence of "second type armed forces".

But now, they have actually predicted the development trend of the situation in advance and even formulated a response strategy!

Damn it, isn't this just to use troops to suppress bandits? !

Suddenly a light flashed in Chen Chen's mind.

He suddenly realized that when Xiaoyu said that as long as he came to Syria, he would definitely get much more benefits than he thought.

Is the co-authorship waiting here? !

No matter how much money you have, there is no complete market value.

No matter how valuable a complete market is, it will not be more irreplaceable than the "management rights" of a piece of land.

Borrowing troops to suppress bandits, to a large extent, gave the Dongfeng Corps military management rights.

They can even set up their own base here to expand their influence.

One day, if the Syrian civil war really ends, then the Dongfeng Corps at that time is likely to have penetrated into all aspects of Syria's military and security fields. Even if the Syrian government wants to divest, it will not be that simple.

This was a contract of staggering size. Chen Chen couldn't even imagine how Luotuo, or the people behind Luotuo, managed to negotiate this "contract".

"Does Suhail know?"

Chen Chen asked.

"Of course - if he didn't pass it, how could I tell you now?"


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a hint of ridicule:

"I was wondering why the specifications of the previous batch of weapons were so high, and I thought that if it was all about small-scale special operations in the future, most of the equipment would not be used."

"Now it seems that you are really well prepared."

"Tell me, when did this plan start?"

"One day ago."

Xia Xing replied sincerely.

"One day ago?"

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

That was the scene of Suhail giving orders in Arabic on the Mi-8 helicopter.

Perhaps this plan has been put on the agenda since then?

After finishing the exchange with Xia Xing, Chen Chen had nothing else to do for the time being, so he sat in the safe house with Jackal, waiting for the arrival of a 50-man team from the Dongfeng Corps.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the first group of team members arrived in Aleppo, and the leader was the white dog that Chen Chen had not seen for a long time.

As soon as he met Chen Chen, Bai Gou's nature of "being willing to make progress" was fully revealed.

He rushed up, held Chen Chen's hand, and said excitedly:

"Commander, you are suffering in Syria!"

Chen Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, and then said:

"Don't make it look like a reception by the chief. Am I the leader or are you the leader?"

"You are, you are, hey hey hey"

Bai Gou smiled sheepishly, and then continued to ask:

"Where are the others? Are they okay?"

"Basically, there are no major problems. There are some minor injuries and the loss of some comrades. But overall, we have gained a foothold in Syria."

"Where are the people you brought here? Just these few?"

Bai Gou glanced at the few mercenaries standing behind him and replied:

"This is the first batch."

"It is not very convenient to enter the country now, and if the convoy is too big, it will be easily exposed, so we came here in five batches in total."

"According to plan, the last batch will arrive around 11 o'clock tonight."

"Don't worry, these people have been trained carefully by me. The leader of each team can do their job independently without any problems."

"After they all arrive, I will organize them to meet again to get familiar with each other."

"There's no need to do adaptive training. We already got used to it before we came here."

"Theoretically, their combat effectiveness will not be much worse than our team at the beginning."

"So confident?"

Chen Chen asked slightly teasingly.

"I'm absolutely confident."

Bai Gou patted his chest suddenly, and then said:

"You don't know how we practice now. We have the conditions now. Bullets and cannonballs are fired out as if they were free."

"To put it bluntly, just by relying on our mercenary group, we have created a scrap copper recycling industry chain in Mengka."

"A smart person squatting at the door of our base to collect bullet casings can earn hundreds of thousands a month!"

"This is just shooting and target practice, and I haven't missed any of the other subjects."

"Let's put it this way, as long as our equipment here can keep up, if they can't compete with SEAL Team 6, there's no problem in fighting Chaisili."



After the words fell, the room fell into silence.

At this time, Bai Gou suddenly saw the jackal in the corner.

His face immediately showed an embarrassed look. Seeing that the jackal was about to curse, he quickly added:

"-Chaisili also participated in the training. We are also better than others."

It was okay if he didn't say this, but once he said it, Jackal couldn't hold back.

Damn, even if the Dongfeng Corps led by Chen Chen is elite, can you and the newly trained recruits come to meet Cichaisili?

But he couldn't say anything in front of Chen Chen, so he could only give Bai Gou a roll of his eyes and let him experience it himself.

Bai Gou coughed twice in embarrassment and changed the subject wisely:

"In short, this team can definitely be used. It may not be as good as our front-line elites, but as long as they don't bump into T0-level special forces in person, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

Chen Chen glanced at him and said leisurely:

"Since arriving in Türkiye, we have played at least two T0s."


The white dog was stunned.

"Who and whom?"

"24 STS, SEAL Team Six, and maybe the SAS."

".SAS is not T0."

Bai Gou breathed a sigh of relief, then asked expectantly:

"Do we still have a chance to fight against them? I mean, we are not just here. We are all here to fight tough battles and get bonuses."

"there must be."

Chen Chen replied:

"The matter of the captured personnel of the 24th STS has basically been dealt with, and the Syrian government forces will release the prisoners soon."

"Next, it's time for them to start taking revenge on us."

"Get ready."

"From now on, we're probably going to be fighting a pretty protracted war."


Bai Gou nodded solemnly, but then became a little dazed.

Co-author: You not only defeated the STS, but also captured them? ?

Damn, what kind of monster are you?

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