I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 511 Naqshbandi Order Army

"Don't get close to the convoy! Be careful of enemy fire!"

"Don't worry about them, we have to retreat first!"


Everyone in the Dongfeng Corps responded immediately, and then everyone began to maneuver on the desert in steps, leaving the battlefield as quickly as possible.

That's right, Chen Chen has no intention of getting involved in this battle.

Search, artillery, reconnaissance, and cover the convoy, that's what I told Suhail.

Why should I interfere in something they can do?

Being able to fire two shots to drive back the enemy's artillery reconnaissance is already the limit!

You know, there are still American planes flying in the sky at this time. If they recognize their identity and drop a few aerial bombs on the pretext of "eliminating suspicious armed forces," then who will they ask to reason? ——

But then I thought about it, and the situation at this time was also extremely strange.

Under the premise that there were fighter jets and early warning aircraft in the air, armored vehicles and infantry on the ground for defense, and helicopters at low altitudes to maintain firepower output, the handover personnel could still be bombarded. This was completely beyond Chen Chen's expectation.

Of course, what surprised him was not that someone "could" launch an attack, but that someone "would" launch an attack.

What is the picture?

Judging from the current situation, several countries that have the ability to launch indirect artillery strikes have no reason to attack.

First of all, for Maozi, the airport they want has not yet been deployed, and the power projection here is completely unable to reach the level of NATO. Is it possible that they will use ground special forces to fight against other large-scale forces as before? front?

Secondly, for NATO and the allies who have participated in it, the two sides have already reached a gentleman's agreement. Even if you want to frame someone, don't be in a hurry. At least take your own people back first, right?

In the end, only the rabbit in the north was left.

But if the north is really going to cause trouble, why not go through yourself?

My black gloves work so well. Is it necessary to start another game?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Chen Chen frowned, but at this time he couldn't think too much.

Under his leadership, more than a dozen members of the Dongfeng Corps quickly moved away from the original lurking position, dispersed several hundred meters and then re-hidden. Chen Chen himself selected a relatively high sand dune and continued to observe the handover point below. Case.

The early warning aircraft in the air have begun to search for the enemy, but the radios of the two sides are not communicating with each other. Chen Chen cannot report to the other party in time the location of the artillery reconnaissance he discovered, and the other party cannot quickly search from the air for the artillery reconnaissance personnel who use anti-infrared masking like the Dongfeng Corps. !

As a result, the convoy still staying in the handover area was in bad luck.

After the first round of cold artillery fire for calibration, the second round of artillery shells landed accurately in the center of the field. Although the Free Army had organized people to get off the car to escape in a very short time, the sweeping blast shock wave still set off After turning over several people, the last two were even directly covered by the overpressure zone at the center of the explosion, exploding into a ball of blood mist!


Explosions sounded one after another, and everyone including the prisoners fled, but the shells followed them like a shadow.

Chen Chen was completely stunned.

Judging from the current intensity of artillery fire, this is definitely not an offensive that can be carried out by small armed forces. This is completely a cluster heavy artillery bombing!

Just kidding?

Even if it's Mao Zi, how could they not act like this?

Are you really going to break up and enter S3 early?

Seeing that the Free Army personnel in the handover area were dead and injured, the helicopters in the sky finally started taking action.

Exactly 30 seconds after the bombardment began, the first round of rockets was fired.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen saw a series of huge fires rising from behind the sand dunes in the distance, and the continuous bombardment stopped.

The artillery group was knocked out?

But this distance.

Seems a little too close!

Chen Chen raised his telescope. The laser ranging data showed that the straight-line distance between the rocket attack target and his own position was only 2.6 kilometers. This also meant that the distance between the artillery position and the handover area was less than 1.5 kilometers!

This is not a heavy artillery group!

For a moment, a terrible thought flashed through Chen Chen's mind.

Gas cannon.

And when he turned his sight to the center of the handover area, he found the distinctive gas tank fragments left after the explosion on the ground!

"Now it's more fun."

Chen Chen took a breath of cold air.

The white dog who had been following him closely also followed his line of sight, and then frowned.

"Hell Cannon? Advanced version?!"

"I saw fragments of the tail fin on the ground. Isn't this your invention? Why is it also found in Syria?"

"Syria is the origin of this thing. But we have indeed promoted its development."

Chen Chen shook his head gently and continued:

"We've only used this once in Syria, nearly a month ago."

"At that time, we had already begun to add tail fins to gas tank shells and use wheel-type adjustable gun mounts."

"Now it seems that the other party has almost completely copied our design."

"The news is very likely to have leaked - either there is a mole within the Syrian government forces, or there is a genius among the enemies we fought last time."

"However, I prefer the latter."

"Because it's not difficult to just make a gas tank cannon, but it's very difficult to use this thing to carry out such a precise indirect bombardment."

"The situation is getting more and more complicated - why do I feel that this time the United States has also been tricked??"

"You mean, this attack has nothing to do with them?"

Bai Gou pondered for a moment and said subconsciously:

"Isn't it what they are best at when a thief calls out to catch a thief? Is it possible that they want to deliberately intensify the conflict?"

"Do they need it?"

Chen Chen sighed softly and replied:

"In any case, what is certain now is that the transaction between the two parties has been completely destroyed."

"Next, the situation will inevitably develop in an unstable direction."

"In the most extreme case, the entire Middle East could be dragged down."

"But there is another possibility, that is, the civil war in Syria will come to an abrupt end."

"Armistice? Why?"

Bai Gou couldn't understand the profound meaning of Chen Chen's words at all, and Chen Chen didn't want to explain too much at this time.

He just silently looked at the junction area in the distance, observing the movements of both parties.

At this time, the government forces had obviously made contact with the Free Army and reached a basic consensus.

When the ground forces of the Free Army could not even move in to provide support, the government troops on standby in the distance entered the battlefield and began to rescue the injured.

This round of shelling caused at least more than 30 casualties, and the Free Army suffered heavy losses. However, the STS prisoners who had faster reactions escaped the shelling, and their survival rate was astonishing.

There were stumps of limbs and broken arms everywhere in the center of the field. The medical staff of the government army even had to carry the severed limbs cut off by the fragments under their armpits. The scene was quite strange.

At the same time, there were also people frantically digging through the floating soil stirred up by the explosion, trying to dig out the buried wounded.

At this moment, the two warring parties temporarily put aside their opposing positions and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the rescue operation.

Because they all realized that what happened was beyond everyone's plans.

If calm and restraint cannot be maintained, the situation that both sides will face will become unprecedentedly difficult.

The rescue lasted for a full two hours, and Chen Chen also watched for two hours.

During this period, according to the intelligence guidance of the Free Army, the government forces dispatched ground troops to the enemy artillery positions to organize interceptions. After their arrival, Chen Chen finally received the latest intelligence.

It was confirmed to be a gas tank cannon, and it was confirmed to be related to extremist armed forces.

But they didn't catch anyone alive.

All the extremist armed men who had no time to retreat committed suicide by shooting themselves. They did not even give the government forces a chance to be captured!

This is not something ISIS can do.

Although their thoughts are extreme, they definitely don't have this kind of cruelty that would rather be broken than destroyed.

Most of the JD organizations that can do this kind of thing are not in Syria.


Suddenly a thunder flashed through Chen Chen's mind.

Yes, in 2011, the biggest change in the situation in the entire Middle East was undoubtedly the complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

Now it is the end of April and the beginning of May. Large-scale evacuation operations have begun. Various armed sects in Iraq have become active. A large number of weapons and equipment left behind in the US military bases have also begun to flow into the "civilian" market.

The conflict is intensifying, and in this case, the various factions that are already in a stalemate are likely to find other ways to break through.

Syria is currently the best breakthrough point.

But the problem comes again.

Even if they want to find a breakthrough in Syria, are they going to provoke the United States?

Chen Chen felt that his brain was about to explode, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

At this moment, the order to evacuate came.

The group quickly packed up their equipment and began to evacuate along the planned route.

Two hours later, everyone returned to Aleppo, and Suhail was already waiting in the combat command room.

From his expression, Chen Chen had realized that things were more complicated than he imagined.

And sure enough, after the door of the command room was closed, Suhail's first words made Chen Chen freeze on the spot.

"We have found clues about the attacker."

"who is it?"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

"Iraqi Naqshbandi Army."

"???you sure?!"

Chen Chen's eyes widened. He would never have thought that Suhail would say such a name!

The so-called Naqshbandi Army is actually an "armed organization" active in western and central Iraq. The reason why they are not called the "JD Organization" is because their predecessor was actually Saddam's Republic. Guard.

They are a group of "national losers" who have been resisting the puppet government supported by the United States in various forms after the resignation of Saddam Hussein's government. They have indeed caused quite a few "quasi-terrorist attacks". In the later period, they even cooperated with ISIS Cooperate to capture cities and territories near Mosul and Salah al-Din.

But the problem is that the philosophy of this organization is actually fundamentally different from that of ISIS, and their conflicts have always existed. After ISIS officially developed and expanded, the two also completed their separation and eventually parted ways.

In essence, their goal is to "restore the country."

All their actions are based on this big goal, and they have never interfered in matters unrelated to this.

This also determines that their area of ​​activity is basically limited to Iraq.

But now, Suhail said with certainty that this attack was launched by them?

Where is the evidence?

"Where's the evidence?"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

Suhaier handed Chen Chen a stack of photos, which recorded all the details of the destroyed artillery array.

Chen Chen saw what Suhail wanted him to see at a glance - a batch of M4A1 assault rifles.

Specifically, the focus is not on the gun, but on the sight on it.

AN/PEQ-5 laser sight.

This thing can be said to be quite common. Most of the green lasers fired everywhere in American blockbusters are emitted from this thing.

However, if it is placed in the Middle East and mounted on the M4A1, then it has a very special meaning.

Most of the time, only one team will use it.

Green Berets, or the 36th Iraqi Commando Battalion formed under their guidance.

Chen Chen understood instantly and asked:

"Were these weapons being tracked?"

Suhail nodded and replied:

"According to the Free Army - or the United States - yes."

"This batch of guns was originally eliminated from the hands of the Green Berets and was later resold to a Kurdish businessman, who in turn distributed the weapons to multiple different customers."

"Most of these clients are still under CIA surveillance."

"The only thing that cannot be monitored is the Naqshbandi Order Army."

"Now that this batch of weapons has appeared in Syria, it basically means that the Naqshbandi Army has arrived in Syria."

"We don't know the specific reasons why they did this, but one thing is certain - they regarded this action as a retaliation against the United States."

".Kicked in the brain by a donkey."

Chen Chen couldn't help but curse.

"Indeed, they have left us completely passive without benefiting themselves."

"Of course, it can also be said that we still don't know what benefits they can get."

"But one thing is certain - if we don't catch the mastermind behind this operation, our negotiations with NATO will completely break down."

"All the efforts made in the early stage will be in vain, and the situation that was finally stable will collapse immediately."


"You want us to do this?"

Chen Chen interrupted Suhail and asked bluntly.

"Yes, this will be included in the scope of the contract we previously agreed on."

"Of course, we will provide additional compensation."


Chen Chen nodded and said nothing more.

However, looking at Suhail's slightly tired expression, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

That's right, weak countries not only have no diplomacy, but even basic survival is a luxury.

It is clear that he is the rightful party, but he still needs to rely on the charity of the hostile country to find a way to survive.


But fortunately, this has nothing to do with Chen Chen.

At the end of the day, he's just a mercenary.

Even as a black glove, it represents the position of the stronger side.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen patted Suhail on the shoulder, and then said:

"Help me prepare information and equipment."

"We'll get going as soon as possible."

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