I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 512 Cut off the beard

After returning to his room, Chen Chen immediately called Xiaoyu.

At this time, the changes in the situation in Syria have exceeded his previous experience. He is not sure whether he can continue to participate as a mercenary group, so he must confirm with Xiaoyu in advance.

The phone only rang twice before it was connected. Before Chen Chen could speak, Xiaoyu said first:

"I already know the situation."

"Don't worry, this is just a common revenge attack."

"Consistent with what we have learned before, the Islamic State of Iraq is entering Syria on a large scale. They are trying to take advantage of the Syrian civil war to expand and seize territory in the northern province of Raqqa."

"And to achieve their goals, the situation in Syria must be sufficiently chaotic."

"So, they will seize every opportunity to create chaos for the Syrian authorities and seize every opportunity to provoke and intensify conflicts between Syria and NATO."

"The Naqshbandi Order Army participated in this operation, but they only participated in the form of 'mercenaries'."

"In terms of combat effectiveness, the Naqshbandi Army is much stronger than ISI. They are almost a 'special force'."

"We judge that the Order Army will maintain in-depth cooperation with ISI for a long time to come, and while ISI is conquering cities and territories, it will perform some 'special military operations' for them."

"Just wait a moment."

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu and then asked:

"What good does this do to the Order Army? For money? Do you know what is going on at the scene? At least 6 people from the Order Army committed suicide. They would rather die than be captured. Is this something that mercenaries can do?"

After hearing his words, Xiaoyu sighed and replied:

"Of course ordinary mercenaries can't do it, but they are a group of restorers who are close to crazy."

"As long as you give them hope, they can do anything."

"This is not a one-time employment contract in exchange for money, but a 'two-way employment'."

"The Naqshbandi Army will assist ISI in Syria, and similarly, ISI will organize forces to deal with Kurdish armed forces and government forces in Iraq."

"To put it simply, the two sides have reached an alliance of interests. This is a 'territory exchange'."

"ISI will go to Syria to develop, and the Islamic Legion will take back their Iraq."

After the words fell, Chen Chen couldn't help but bared his teeth.

Good guy.

It turns out that history has returned to normal, and the Naqshbandi Army has indeed reached cooperation with ISIS.

However, the time when this cooperation was concluded was at least 4 years earlier than the time he remembered in his previous life.

The power of the butterfly effect is terrifying.

So, in fact, my mission has not changed?

Although the pressure faced by the Syrian government forces has increased sharply, for the Dongfeng Corps, where should they fight?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen relaxed a little, but suddenly, he thought of another question:

"So how did the Legion get the exact coordinates of the prisoner handover location?"

"Although the Syrian government forces broadcast the entire process live, they never disclosed the specific handover location from beginning to end."

"Moreover, a blanket search was conducted five kilometers around the handover area, and no abnormalities were found at that time."

"It's a ghost."

Xiaoyu replied lightly:

"With the current organizational structure of the Syrian government, it is completely normal for a mole to appear."

"So, this is something I need to tell you in advance."

"Be careful Suhail."

"To be precise, you are not careful about Suhail, but you are careful about the people around Suhail."

"If there are any major tasks that need to be carried out, don't go through Suhail. Contact Luotu directly. He will find a way to allocate resources through safer channels."

"Although the efficiency of this is lower, the security will increase by more than one level, do you understand?"


Chen Chen nodded solemnly, then asked again:

"Where's the gas tank cannon? Where did it come from?"

"Our technology has been completely leaked. Once this thing appears in Syria, the difficulty of our subsequent combat operations is likely to rise several levels."

"More than just a gas can cannon."

The little fish on the other end of the phone sighed unabashedly, and then continued:

"So why do people say that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong? The limelight you gained in the early stage was too great."

"Almost every move you make is under the sight of all the 'scattered armed forces' around the world. You may not be able to imagine how much they have learned from you."

"Large-scale fire attack tactics, civilian aircraft bombing, advanced IEDs, gas tank cannons, heavy armor protection, machine gun-based firepower configuration, and night vision equipment."

"Do you know? In Peshawar now, the most sought-after thing is no longer various heavy weapons, but night vision devices, especially thermal imaging night vision devices!"

"You have changed the form of warfare of civilian armed forces to a certain extent. This is an irrefutable fact."

"I even have a hunch that at some point in the future, you will become a bellwether on the battlefield."

"So, don't worry about where the gas tank cannon came from. You helped them open this idea yourself. Maybe in the next battle, you will encounter an excavator tank."


Chen Chen asked in astonishment.

".In short, from the current monitoring results, the sales of second-hand tracked engineering vehicles in the Middle East have been rising for four consecutive months."

"Given the current situation in the Middle East, it is impossible that all these things are shipped there to build roads and bridges, right?"

"Be prepared, your opponents will be more difficult than you expected."

"I understand."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and stopped asking too many questions. After he fell silent, it was Xiaoyu's turn to ask questions.

"When does your next mission start?"

"Tomorrow, we will enter Raqqa Province and find the headquarters of the Naqshbandi Army."

"Where is it? Near Tabqa?"

"Yes, near Tabqa."

After the voice fell, Xiaoyu on the opposite side was silent for a few seconds, and then continued:

"You may run into SEAL Team Six. They are going to Resafa, which is very close to your target."

"SEAL Team Six? Are they still going?!"

Chen Chen was completely shocked this time. Whether it was SEAL Team Six or 24 STS, they had suffered heavy losses recently, and now, the other side actually wanted to continue fighting?

Hearing his reaction, Xiaoyu replied calmly:

"It's just a possibility, we can't confirm it completely."

"After all, this information came from the Russians, and their information, you know, is sometimes not so accurate."

"What about the specific information? What is SEAL Team Six going to do?"

Chen Chen asked in confusion.


"Behead who?"

"Bin Laden."


Chen Chen was stunned.

If he really didn't know the inside story, the information he told Xiaoyu at this time would probably be "surprised" at most, and far from "shocked".

But the problem is

He clearly knew that Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad during Operation Neptune Spear.

And now, Xiaoyu actually said that SEAL Team Six was going to Tabqa in Syria to behead Bin Laden?

Is this a joke? ——

Wait a minute.

Could it be that Bin Laden, along with the Naqshbandi Army or the ISI, has already arrived in Syria?

This is really possible. After all, ISI was born out of al-Qaeda. If Bin Laden noticed the changes in the situation in Syria and the broad prospects of ISI, it is not impossible for him to choose this direction. Thinking of this, Chen Chen hurriedly asked: "Is there more specific information? Is there an operation code? If the intelligence is so clear, why don't the Russians do it themselves?" "It's not that the Russians don't do it, but we don't know whether they want to do it - after all, the risk of operating this matter is still relatively high, and the benefits to them are also relatively limited." "Moreover, the intelligence is actually not clear, just a person's name and a place name." Xiaoyu replied: "However, there is an operation code." "Spear of Neptune." "." Chen Chen was completely speechless. At this moment, he realized very clearly that the intelligence provided by the Russians this time was 100% accurate. SEAL Team Six may indeed be going to carry out a decapitation mission, and the reason why they have to enter Syria in such a sensitive and turbulent situation is also very simple. This is an operation completely commanded by the president and independent of any other agency. No matter how the external situation changes, it must continue to be implemented!

It makes sense logically.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen continued to ask:

"In your opinion, is it possible that Bin Laden is there?"

"We don't know."

Xiao Yu answered frankly:

"According to the intelligence we have previously obtained, Bin Laden's hiding place is more likely to be in Pakistan, Iran, and Tajikistan. After all, Syria is too far away from Afghanistan."

"But the problem is that there is a clear trend of convergence among JD forces around the world, and the birth of ISI is the most typical sign."

"So you said he is in Syria. That is also possible."

"But--the following is my personal opinion, for discussion only, and has no meaning."

"However, with the development of the situation in Syria, the trend of the shaking relationship between Pakistan and the United States in the anti-terrorism alliance is weakening. In 2010, they were still full of friction, but since this year, they have become much more harmonious."

"From this perspective, I can only say one thing."

"Even if Bin Laden is going to die, there is no need to die in Pakistan."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

I am too capable

Chen Chen said secretly in his heart.

In fact, Operation Neptune Spear was the beginning of the fall of the relationship between Pakistan and the United States to the freezing point. Since then, the two sides have officially turned from "limited cooperation" to full confrontation.

At the end of 2011, US drones crossed the border to bomb targets in Pakistan. Pakistan immediately asked the US military to withdraw from its air base and blocked NATO's supply lines.

Since then, Pakistan has fallen into a completely isolated situation, and some "major strategies" from the north that should have continued in the Middle East have also been stagnant.


And now, according to Xiaoyu, the strategic focus of the United States has shifted to Syria.

If one place is chaotic, the other place must be stable.

If Syria is in chaos, Pakistan must be stable.

The piece that should have fallen on Pakistan must fall on Syria.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"I can understand."

"But why are they abandoning Pakistan?"

"You can't guess?"

Chen Chen really couldn't guess it at first, but as soon as Xiaoyu said this, he suddenly could guess it again.

Because Pubei is stable.

If Pubei is stabilized, the defense line farther west will also be more stable.

That means the United States needs to exert greater pressure there.


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and said with some self-deprecation:

"To be honest, I didn't know that the bad things we did could have such a big impact."

"Bullshit? Tsk tsk, you are so humble."

Xiaoyu's tone was a bit teasing. After a pause, she stopped talking and said:

"Okay, the things here are too complicated, and there is no need to continue the discussion."

"Concentrate on what you should do."

"Remember, you must prepare sufficient equipment and supplies before going to Tabuka."

"I can tell you clearly that once the Dongfeng Corps sets off, it will be impossible to obtain logistical support in the short term."

"When the time comes, whatever you want, you can only grab it."

"Protect yourself, don't complete the wilderness survival mission just once."


Chen Chen nodded politely. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked coldly:

"Tell me, if bin Laden is really near Rezafa and I kill him before SEAL Team 6 does, what will happen?"

A day later, outside Aleppo.

All members of the Dongfeng Corps are ready for battle, and Chen Chen is giving them a final briefing.

"Our mission this time is relatively simple. According to intelligence provided by multiple parties, the leader of the JD organization who previously launched an attack on the prisoner handover site is likely to be hiding near Tabqa in Raqqa Province."

"However, there is a high probability that he has already transferred."

"What we have to do is, with the cooperation of the Suhail Tiger Corps, enter Tabuka, establish a defense line, and assist the local military and police forces in searching the entire city to find relevant clues about the leader of the organization."

"If there are leads, we will continue to follow them."

"If there are no clues, we will wait in Tabuka and continue tracking after receiving new clues."

"Anyway, we must kill this leader."

"It could be days, weeks, or months."

"This is destined to be a long battle and I hope you are all prepared."

"On top of that, we have an additional, lucrative assignment from another employer."

Having said this, Chen Chen paused for a moment, then waved his hand and said:

"Turn off all communication devices. What I want to say next is only between us."

After waiting for a moment and confirming that everyone had turned off communication, Chen Chen continued:

"We are going to Rezafa during a break in the mission to behead another possible leader of the JD organization."

"This mission is destined to be difficult, and there will definitely be casualties, even heavy casualties. If you want to quit, sign up now."

No one raised their hands. Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction and then motioned for everyone to get on the bus.

Bai Gou followed him closely and got into the car. He approached Chen Chen curiously and asked:

"Special mission, who is the target?"

Looking at his expectant eyes, Chen Chen smiled slightly and replied:

"Osama bin Laden."

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