I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 513 Complete suffocation

This is the first large-scale operation of the Dongfeng Corps in Syria.

Of course, in order to avoid exposing their identity and attracting unnecessary attention, the Dongfeng Corps behaved extremely low-key.

There are no armored personnel carriers, no eye-catching large bulletproof off-road vehicles, and no tanks, aircraft or artillery.

They were just driving the most common trucks and pickups within the Syrian government forces. The only one that stood out was just a GAZ-2330 light armored off-road vehicle.

However, the actual weapon configuration of this fleet is a bit scary when thrown out.

The avant-garde-12 individual missile that has never appeared on any battlefield, the PF8120 large-caliber mortar that has returned for a limited time, two 107mm towed rocket launchers common in Syria, the RG-6 individual grenade launcher, and the AGS -30 automatic grenades, and other powerful individual weapons.

Of course, in addition to the "firepower" aspect, the informatization level of the entire team is also improving.

Two Type 206 ultra-short-range reconnaissance drones, 4 small remote-controlled reconnaissance vehicles, a complete set of wireless communication equipment, 12 thermal fusion night vision devices, and 40 ordinary GPNVG-18 thermal imaging night vision devices.

Finally, there is special warfare equipment tailored to the Syrian firefighting environment.

The wall-penetrating detector, the 16-way anti-sniper radar seized from SEAL Team 6, the alien bulletproof shield used by Mao Zi, and of course, the two dogs, Nezha and Hongbao.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the entire team has been stretched to the limit within the scope allowed by conditions. Even if DEVGRU really enters Syria, just from the perspective of individual soldier equipment and team equipment, they cannot be stronger than the Dongfeng Corps.

This gave Chen Chen the confidence to "cut off Hu". He had reason to believe that as long as he seized the opportunity to get the information and kill bin Laden before they did, it would not be impossible.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen withdrew his gaze from the yellow sand in the sky and began to study the map in his hand seriously.


Map of Rezafa.

In fact, Ressafa is not a standard Syrian settlement. It is the site of the ruins of the Byzantine Empire's LS Palace. It is essentially a "cultural relic". However, because of the particularity of its beliefs, People living nearby spontaneously worshiped and maintained here, and eventually formed a small, loose settlement.

It is far less well-known than other monuments in Syria, but there is one thing that makes it stand out among many monuments.

That is, after 2014, this place became an important refuge for ISIS.

These JD elements took advantage of the reluctance of the United States and NATO to launch terrorist attacks in archaeological areas to expand their power unscrupulously. After the use value of this area was completely drained, they did not hesitate to destroy the entire ancient ruins. Completely blown up.

Because in their view, these monuments are signs of "idolatry" and are completely different from the beliefs they uphold.

Chen Chen couldn't understand the brain circuit of ISIS at all, but fortunately, what he had to do was not to try to persuade the other party with words, but to completely destroy it with artillery fire.

He used a pen to outline all possible shelters on the map, but without the assistance of real-time satellite imagery, the work did not go smoothly.

Seeing his frowning expression, the white dog beside him asked curiously:

"Are we really going to kill bin Laden? Is he really in Ressafa?"

After hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"I will definitely do it, but it's hard to say whether he is in Rezafa or not."

"It can be inferred from common sense that ISIS does tend to choose ancient monuments as its hiding spots. If bin Laden does cooperate with them, then the probability of him appearing in Ressafa should be greater than 70%."

"But the problem is that Ressafa is a very large area, and it is by no means limited to the small area of ​​LSfa Palace."

"In fact, the vast expanse of desert south of Tabqa can be considered the Rezafa region, and this area is loosely dotted with dozens of small settlements."

"The largest settlement has hundreds of households and thousands of people, and the smallest settlement may only have a few houses and a dozen people."

"Bin Laden may appear in any settlement. Without specific information, it is too difficult for us to investigate one by one."


Bai Gou nodded with deep understanding, and then asked:

"So what's our plan? Sweep our way through?"

"Or should we find a way to keep an eye on a few important targets, and after discovering the movements of SEAL Team 6, we can take action before them?"

"How can it be!"

Chen Chen shook his head funny and replied:

"By the time we actually see SEAL Team 6, I'm afraid they've all finished their work."

"If we have to keep an eye on them, we can only keep an eye on people from the CIA."

"However, we don't have any clues at hand now, and all we can rely on is an ambiguous piece of information from Mao Zi."

"It's still too difficult to do it."

"I'm just taking a look - what to do specifically, I'll wait until the Tabuka incident is over."

"Maybe, what other clues can we get from the Naqshbandi Order Army?"

"Can they still meet?"

White Dog asked in surprise.

"The Naqshbandi Army has an intersection with ISI, ISI has an intersection with the base, and it goes without saying that the base has an intersection with bin Laden - so the possibility is quite high."


Bai Gou nodded thoughtfully and stopped asking any more questions.

At this time, the convoy of the Dongfeng Corps had passed Meskenai and was only 50 kilometers away from Tabuka.

Chen Chen looked out the window again. Under the bright sunshine, the scenery of Lake Assad was clearly visible.

He was fascinated by what he saw, and his rapidly spinning brain was temporarily cleared. By the time he recovered from such relaxation, the convoy had already entered the main city of Tabuka.

According to the plan, they will be stationed near the Liberty Lake on the far west side, nominally to "cooperate with relevant government departments to promote the construction of Tabuka Natural Reserve." In other words, their identity is actually a group of "forest police ".

This was of course to minimize outside suspicion, but Chen Chen actually felt that such an identity arrangement was quite stupid.

After all, what is the situation in Syria now? Does the government still have the mood to take care of the natural reserves? ——

But don’t say hey yet.

In a previous life, during the Syrian civil war, they did exactly this.

So in a sense, this arrangement can be regarded as a true performance.

After entering the predetermined location, the Dongfeng Corps quickly deployed. Later, Chen Chen met Suhail, who had arrived in advance, and under his command, led all members of the Dongfeng Corps to complete the camp.

The entire camp is hidden in an extremely rare forest in Syria. All vehicles are covered with infrared shielding materials, and the tents used are replaced with jungle camouflage paint.

This minimized the possibility of the Dongfeng Corps being hit by precision air strikes, and also demonstrated Suhail's meticulous thinking from the side.

Looking at the mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps who were inspecting their equipment in the camp, Suhail's eyes showed a bit of envy.

"I originally thought you were just a very small special operations team, but now it seems that's not the case at all."

"The layout of your camp is very reasonable, and the entire deployment process is very smooth."

"This is not something the special forces are familiar with - you are more like the elite of a large army that has truly undergone systematic training."

"It's really rare, you know, that's what my Tiger Corps is trying to learn."

"We can't just perform a single mission like other special forces, arriving in a helicopter and leaving in a helicopter."

"We have to camp, rest, move, and pursue. At the same time, we also have to complete extremely difficult special tasks."

"I think the form of your mercenary group is the form that the Tiger Corps needs."

"Honestly, I've never seen the same trait in any special forces unit in the world - how did you decide to go in this direction?"

"I didn't decide, it was decided on the battlefield."

Chen Chen answered frankly.

"Battlefield decision? Pubei?"

Suhaier looked at Chen Chen curiously and continued to ask:

"But Pubei doesn't need such a combat mode, right? In my impression, the area in Pubei is not very vast. In theory, it should be more suitable for a fast-in and fast-out style of play."

"That's because you only see distances in space and don't take into account the specificities of the terrain."

Chen Chen shook his head with a smile and replied:

"Fighting in the jungle is not the same thing as fighting in a desert environment."

"Many times, we can only advance less than 10 kilometers a day - you ask, can we do it if we don't set up camp and move steadily?"


Suhail suddenly understood, and now when he looked at the various performances of the Dongfeng Corps, he already had a deeper understanding in his heart.

After sighing for a moment, Suhail took Chen Chen to the tent where the temporary combat command room was located, lifted the dustproof cloth on the sand table, and revealed a large-scale map of Tabur.

On the map, all important buildings and roads have been marked, and the locations of the discovered enemy and friendly forces have also been clearly marked.

Seeing this map, Chen Chen couldn't help but nod secretly.

As expected of Suhail, his success was definitely achieved not just through reckless fighting.

"What's the specific situation?"

Chen Chen asked.

Suhail coughed and replied:

"Currently, we have identified three areas in Tabul City that are most likely to be the locations of the Order Army's headquarters."

"Respectively, Omar Mosque, Anal Hotel, and Liberty Lake Farm."

"According to intelligence, there are strange faces frequently coming in and out of these three locations, and the time when the strange faces appear is basically within two months."

"Tabuka police have completed a thorough investigation ahead of schedule on the grounds of combating poaching and smuggling activities."

“Judging from their feedback, the strangers in the Omar Mosque were unarmed and the Liberty Lake Farm was armed, but they were legally armed by the farmers.”

"The situation in the Annal Hotel is relatively complicated. A group of businessmen live there. They are unarmed and all hold legal passports."

"But you also know that almost every businessman entering Syria at this time is questionable."

"So, we still have it on the suspect list."

After listening to Suhail's introduction, Chen Chen nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"The current intelligence is too vague. Have you found any relatively obvious evidence or clues?"

"Not yet - after all, our investigation has just begun. We can't even confirm whether these three suspicious locations are related to the target."

Having said this, Suhail sighed and explained:

"So the most troublesome point is here. We know that the target is likely to be hidden in Tabuka City, but we cannot use official power to conduct a large-scale investigation."

"You also know that the Order Army is a bunch of lunatics who would rather commit suicide than be captured. Once the other party detects our movements, they will probably give up all the results they have achieved and move away regardless of the cost."

"At that time, it will be even more difficult to find them."

"So we need to use your strength."


Chen Chen was stunned for a moment and replied:

"To be honest, I don't have a good idea."

"In order to find them, what other options do we have besides searching house by house?"

"Our search is the same as your search. As long as someone is searching, it's already a warning."

"Snatching the enemy from the grass. A very good metaphor."

Suhail nodded slightly and explained:

"But I don't need you to search the whole city."

"I need you to cause chaos in the city."

"Or to put it more bluntly, I need you to create a kidnapping case."

"The target is the 'foreign businessmen' in the Annal Hotel."


Chen Chen asked with his eyes widened in surprise:

"has no meaning?"

"The meaning is that we can get a reasonable reason to take over the security management system in Tabuka."

"After taking over, we can get more space for activities and launch more covert reconnaissance operations."

"If we're lucky and the foreign businessman at the Annal Hotel is the commander of the Order Army, then we can directly declare the success of this operation."

"To be honest, this plan is stupid."

Chen Chen interrupted Suhail and continued:

"A plan that is too complicated and tortuous will lead to the collapse of the entire plan if there is even a slight deviation in its execution."

"So what if they kidnapped foreign businessmen? In essence, this was just a lucky raid."

"It's okay if we catch someone, but if we can't catch someone, they are not fools."

"If you can think of three steps ahead, he can think of five steps ahead."

"Everyone is playing chess. Don't think that your opponent will be stupider than you."

After listening to Chen Chen's words, Suhail frowned.

But after a moment, he sighed again and said:

"That's true, but I really don't have a better way."

"Tabuka is so overpopulated that a comprehensive search is simply not possible, we"

"I have a better plan."

Chen Chen interrupted again.

"what's the plan?"

Suhail's eyes lit up.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and replied:

"The plan is simple."

"Don't let the opponent make a move."

"We can completely suffocate this city."

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