Tabuka, in a three-story building in the center of the city.

The commander of the Naqshbandi Order Army was sitting on the carpet, and in front of him were a dozen young people wearing ordinary Arab robes.

Looking around, the commander said:

"We have made great sacrifices in our mission, and twenty brothers have left us."

"They have entered the Kingdom of Heaven, and we continue to fight."

"It's all worth it."

"The insidious and cruel Americans paid the price for their ignorance and arrogance, and at least a hundred jackals received the punishment they deserved."

"Now, it's time for us to get paid."

As he spoke, he looked at a young man with narrow eyes in the field, quietly waiting for his answer.

After noticing his gaze, the young man nodded slightly and replied:

"Ayub, your hard work will be rewarded."

"My brothers have launched an attack on the puppet government in the Mosul area, and within two days at most, you will hear the news of their victory."

"In addition, we already have plans for the weapons and equipment you need."

"The Kurdish businessman has a large number of weapons flowing out of the US military base. We will launch an attack on him to collect this ill-gotten wealth."

"Then we will move the weapons to Syria - but I also need your help."

"no problem."

Ayoubi nodded with satisfaction and then said:

"Faisal, my friend, we had a great time working together for the first time."

"But now, the problems we face are also serious."

"As far as I know, the United States and NATO have launched an investigation into this attack, and similarly, Syrian government forces are also pursuing our tracks."

"Just today, a team from Aleppo has arrived in Tabqa, and their purpose is to pull us out of Tabqa."

"We have to come up with countermeasures as soon as possible, otherwise, once they start taking action, we will be completely passive."

"This is definitely not the result you want, right?"

After hearing Ayoubi's words, Faisal nodded solemnly and then said:

"We have indeed received intelligence on the movements of government troops - although they are nominally a forestry police force, as you said, they are indeed coming towards us."

"But I don't think it's a threat to us."

"You should be aware of the combat effectiveness and execution capabilities of the Syrian government forces."

"There are less than a hundred of them, while there are close to 4,000 people in Tabuka city."

"Moreover, they have not obtained our accurate information. Instead, the police have been misled by the false information spread."

"If they really want to launch an operation, there is a high probability that they will also target the Anal Hotel."

"And when that time comes, our brothers will sacrifice themselves to create opportunities for us."

"Are you sure they will sacrifice themselves?"

Ayubi asked with a frown.


Faisal nodded without hesitation and continued:

"The people who came to Tabuka with me this time are all warriors with the strongest faith."

"Don't talk about sacrificing yourself. Even if you ask them to send their relatives to heaven with their own hands, their eyes will not blink."

"So, you can rest assured."

"Tabqa is our important stronghold. Relying on this stronghold, we can completely control the area around Assad and use this rich land to grow our power as quickly as possible."

"On the other hand, the Syrian government forces are under pressure from both outside and inside the country. The pursuit of the so-called 'murderers' will definitely not last too long."

"The main thing is to hold on, and this place will become our territory."

"As long as we turn the people here into our brothers, are we still worried about not being able to gain a foothold?"

After hearing this, Ayoubi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, although he never had any doubts about this mission, when the artillery shells really fell on the heads of those Americans and when the international public opinion really changed significantly, it has to be said that he Still a little panicked.

For him, this was a strange land, and the decision to come to this land was a huge adventure.

If successful, he will be able to obtain benefits that are absolutely unobtainable in Iraq, as well as a significant boost that can help them change the situation in Iraq.

But if it fails.

Not only will he lose the most elite warriors in the Order's army, but the situation he managed to manage in Iraq will also cease to exist.

Must succeed.

Thinking of this, Ayoubi asked again:

"So, what's our next mission?"

"Even if we are prepared for their actions, we must not be careless."

"Our men, our weapons and equipment, even those vehicles that we have used, can no longer be gathered together as they are now."

"We have to spread out, spread out to every corner of this city."

"Only in this way, when the other party may organize a large-scale search, we will not be caught in one sweep."


Faisal looked at Ayoubi with approval and replied:

"Our brothers have provided us with more than 20 residences, and starting today, your people will be dispersed to these residences."

"Take all the weapons and equipment away. If you can't take them away, just leave them here to give them the illusion that we have escaped."

"Can you fool them?"

Ayubillo asked suspiciously.

".Don't underestimate your enemies, and don't overestimate them."

"Ayub, my friend."

"You have to know that what we are facing is just the Syrian government, not the Americans."

"The fact that they were able to catch Tabuka was the result of intelligence provided by the Americans. Do you think it is possible for them to go further?"

"If it was in Damascus, it might still be possible."

"But this is Tabuka. This is just an insignificant town. Their power cannot reach here."

"Okay, Ayub, sleep peacefully."

"In four hours, we will start the transfer."

"When you fall asleep in the warmth and comfort of my brothers' bed, I think you will trust me even more."

Ayubi finally felt relieved.

Yes, in this regard, the man in front of him is a professional.

It took them just one month to "corrupt" many towns with a population of several thousand, and Tabuka will not last longer than those towns.

Thinking of this, Ayoubi stood up, opened his arms and hugged Faisal.

He sent Faisal to the door as a normal person would see off a visiting friend.


But, at this moment, Faisal's cell phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, his expression completely changed.

"What's up?"

Ayubillo asked nervously.

Faisal took a deep breath and replied:

"Government forces will implement a comprehensive martial law policy in Tabqa."

"From now on, communications will be cut off, electricity will be available on a limited basis, and transportation will be completely blocked."

"They're not trying to find us."

"They're going to trap us here!"

"Damn it, why don't they act according to common sense!"


After a huge explosion, the last signal tower in Tabur City was blown up.

The twisted steel frame fell with a sharp friction sound, stirring up a large cloud of smoke.

At this point, the entire civilian communications in Tabuka were completely cut off, and they were cut off in a very decisive and brutal way.

There were many people watching this scene in the distance. They seemed unable to understand what was going on, and just regarded the explosion as a fun event.

However, they soon discovered that their mobile phones suddenly had no signal.


Although the telecommunications infrastructure in Tabuka is already very poor and the mobile signal is spotty, there will never be a situation like now where even the service provider does not show up.

It was not until this moment that they understood the significance of the tower and the purpose of the government forces' blowing up the tower.

Soon, after communications were cut off, Suhail's Tiger Corps quickly took control of all traffic arteries near Tabqa and set up checkpoints at every intersection.

All vehicles entering the city were stopped for interrogation, and those trying to leave the city were mercilessly persuaded to return at the point of cold gunfire.

At the same time, military trucks began patrolling the city and used loudspeakers to inform all residents in the city of the decision to impose martial law.

This undoubtedly caused commotion among the residents in the city, but in the face of power, they had not yet developed the intention to resist.

Four hours later, the streets of Tabuka were completely cleared and all commercial establishments were closed.

Two hours later, the power supply was cut off and the entire city came to a complete standstill.

At this time, it was already 10 o'clock at night. Chen Chen was sitting in the command room, looking down at the city through the drone screen.

Suhail on the side was also staring at the screen, but it was obvious that his mood was not as stable as Chen Chen.

"The martial law operation encountered a lot of resistance, and several police officers clashed with residents, causing two people to be injured."

"At the same time, I also suffered pressure and doubts from my superiors. They did not understand why such measures were taken."

"Otherwise, what measures should be taken?"

Chen Chen interrupted Suhail and then said:

"Finding terrorists lurking as civilians in a densely populated city is a problem that no country can solve."

"In some cases, maybe we can rely on accurate intelligence, more manpower, and more advanced technology - such as facial recognition - to find our targets, but obviously, you don't have these things."

"That means we actually have no choice."

"We must use limited manpower to complete a thorough investigation of the city."

"Martial law is the only solution. Only martial law can reduce the difficulty of control as much as possible, allowing one person to control more residents."

"But in their view, it doesn't solve the core problem."

Suhail spread his hands helplessly and continued:

"I've explained it many times, but they still think we have to go into the city and search every building one by one."

"They simply don't believe that those JD elements will take the initiative to show up under high pressure. They even feel that this is not a restriction on them, but a protection for them."


Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"Those who have not experienced the battlefield and have not really dealt with the JD organization will never understand the psychology of the JD organization."

"They are not bandits who can put down their guns and be ordinary people, and pick up their guns and fight."

"The vast majority of the time, their beliefs must be justified by actions."

"They must continue to move and expand their power."

"In a sense, their time is more pressing than ours."

"No one is born a JD member. Once they have too much free time, they will begin to doubt their beliefs."

"So, when dealing with a high-pressure situation like martial law, they will be more anxious than ordinary people and find it more difficult to accept it."

"Don't worry, they will show their flaws."

"And I think they're going to be exposed very quickly."

"One day, or two days?"

"The communication cutoff means they have completely lost contact with the outside world."

"And as an important part of their plan, losing contact with other teams would be an extremely scary thing."

"They will definitely find a way to re-establish contact, and there are no more than two ways."

"Radio, and satellite phone."

Having said this, Chen Chen pointed to the screen in front of him and continued:

"To use the satellite phone, they have to be exposed in the open and our drones are watching them."

"And wanting to use the radio—"

"We are also very professional in radio monitoring."

After listening to Chen Chen's words, Suhail nodded slowly.

Then, he said:

"I trust you."

"However, I still hope this can end soon."

"After all, we don't have much time."

"I told you, those JD elements have less time. Look."

Chen Chen pointed at the screen. Under the monitoring of the passive thermal imaging camera, an extremely clear figure appeared on the screen.

"Our target has appeared, and it's only been a few hours."

Suhail immediately became energetic. He carefully identified the location of the people on the screen, and then quickly marked it on the map.

"Do you want to leave now?"

he asked.

He knew very well that the person who took huge risks to violate martial law under such circumstances could never be an ordinary person!

To catch this person is to catch the clue!

"Need not."

Chen Chen shook his head and shook the joystick to let the camera follow the movement of the figure. It was not until the person entered the building and disappeared completely that he raised the camera again.

Then, he released the joystick and replied:

"A long-term goal is to catch big fish. It's just a suspicious target, but it's not enough for us to catch them all."

"Just wait a little longer."

"I estimate that they will make even bigger moves tomorrow night."

"At that time, it's time for us to close the net!"

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