"The target has been confirmed."

"There are about 60 people in total, scattered in a total of 21 houses near the supermarket."

"The situation is complicated. According to the current intelligence analysis, these JD elements live together with local civilians in Tabka."

"We cannot confirm whether the civilians are clearly aware of the identity and background of the JD elements, let alone whether they have any connection with the JD elements."

"Therefore, we cannot use weapons of mass destruction, and can only conduct single-point cleaning of each house."

"This will be a difficult street battle, and the difficulty of CQB operations will reach an unprecedented level."

"In addition, in order to prevent JD elements from escaping to other areas, we must also strictly block the surrounding streets."

He knew that he really had no choice now.

As soon as this sentence came out, the entire combat command room fell into silence again.

At this time, Lin He was still frowning and thinking about the plan. Suddenly, he heard Yang Shu calling his name. He looked up as if waking up from a dream and answered subconsciously:

"Ah? What did I say?"

Bai Gou glared at Lin He with disappointment and explained:

"Then they are also JD members."

"In this case, do we need to break in?"

Faisal picked up his rifle, pulled the bolt hard, and said:

"Rush out--"

"It is very difficult, and it can even be said that it is basically an impossible task."

More than two thousand light weapons of various models were urgently transported to Tabka and all were distributed within four hours.

The reason is very simple. I don't care whether you have a gun or not. Now I give it to you, and you have to take it for me!

"In fact, from my understanding of those JD elements, the speed at which the trust between them and the local residents collapses should be calculated in minutes."

Noticing Chen Chen's gaze, Bai Gou said:

"I do have an idea, but it is not tactical, but strategic."

"To be honest, I don't think there is any better way in this situation. Maybe we can only fight hard."

According to Suhail's statistics, at present, at least more than two-thirds of the residents in Tabuka have weapons, and in the so-called "key areas", the gun ownership rate exceeds 100%.

"This will take up a lot of manpower, and Suhail's team will be fully invested in this work."

I am doing this for everyone's good. If you have any opinions, don't blame me for enforcing it.

Looking at the empty carriages and the residents who stood at the windows and doors with guns in a daze, Suhail's expression was both serious and a little bit of a smile that could not be hidden.

"And, in extreme cases, it may even be used as a propaganda tool by those JD elements."

"I have studied many of your battles in Pubei before, but most of those battles remain at the tactical level. Although they are equally exciting, they do not truly reflect the wisdom of you as a commander."

"Your ideas may work in other places, but you have to know that this is Syria, this is Tabqa, and this is a city that has been eroded by JD ideology."

This is an open "distrust", but the master has no way to deal with such distrust.

"50 people, attacking 21 houses, and there is no way to launch an attack simultaneously."


And as long as you make a mistake, it will bring disastrous consequences.

"Chen Chen, your plan is always beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding."

What if there are 60 people? What if the terrain is complicated? What if the enemy is scattered?

Starting from the first building, blocking the blind spot of firepower, and pushing forward one building after another, Chen Chen is even confident that the number of casualties can be controlled to less than two.


But the problem is that now he has all new recruits.

The moment he said this, the owner of the house immediately took action.

"Since these residents do not choose to surrender, no matter what they choose, they are dead."

After Lin He finished speaking, Chen Chen could not help but sigh.

"What if we don't need to identify them?"

If he had the strongest veterans of the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen would probably not hesitate at all.

Until the moment before his vision was completely dark, Faisal did not understand why the other party suddenly opened fire.



They have practiced fighting with fewer people against more people; CQB, of course, they are more familiar with it; fighting in a night environment, with the blessing of night vision goggles, is no problem.

Chen Chen was stunned.

"If the permanent residents here do not resist, they will be identified as our accomplices and subjected to indiscriminate attacks."

"The other party's plan is quite sinister. They distributed weapons to the residents and even required them to stand guard."

"Tell me about it?"

"Or to put it more simply, surround them without attacking, cut off water and electricity, and starve everyone inside to death."

"First, the problem of identifying the enemy."


"The biggest trouble in this mission is actually at two points."

"JD members live together with civilians. We cannot easily and quickly identify their identities when we perform the cleanup, which brings us uncontrollable risks."

"Then it's very simple. We only need to solve one of the problems, and both problems will be solved at the same time."

"My thoughts are similar to those of Yang Shu. Isn't it okay to poison the tap water?"

"Either way, our problem is solved, isn't it?"

“Let others think about it—Lin He, what do you say?”

If you don't leave, you will be greeted by an unprecedented and absurd failure!

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Yang Shu coughed and replied:

"If I go by my idea, it would be to directly guide automatic howitzers, large-caliber mortars, and other explosive and anti-personnel weapons to demolish all 20 buildings."

"These friends of yours have completely exposed us. Even if they can't determine which buildings we are in, as long as they mark an area and block it off in blocks, the result will be the same for us."

Chen Chen immediately became interested. He sat up slightly and waited for the white dog's answer.

"But it is obvious that no matter what tactics are used, it is impossible for us to solve these two problems from a tactical level - this is an objective law."

After the words fell, Chen Chen rolled his eyes helplessly, and then explained:


But the problem is, when these three elements are brought together, the difficulty is not simply 1+1+1=3, but 2*2*2=8!

Not to mention two casualties, maybe even single-digit casualties, this is a luxury.

He looked at Yang Shu, who was always bowing his head in thought, and asked:

"Yang Shu, tell me what you think first."

The troops are dispersed, the enemy is hidden and we are clear, and once discovered by the enemy, our formation cannot be deployed at all.

"you still need to ask?"

"By then, we will be the only ones left here!"

Chen Chen asked.

One gunshot was followed by more gunshots.

"It won't be long."

Chen Chen shook his head decisively.

Ayoubi stood up suddenly, pointed at the owner of the house in the corner and said:

"Like now. We took away his weapons, but can we take away his legs?"

In fact, hard hitting is not impossible.

"The permanent residents living under the same roof with them can choose to surrender and evacuate, or they can choose to kill the JD elements themselves."

"Why is it impossible? If we can't determine our location, what's the point of their martial law measures?!"

"So, don't bring up this plan again, let me think about it again!"

Ayoubi sat opposite Faisal with a solemn expression, while the original owner of the house stood tremblingly in a corner away from them.

Unfortunately, Faisal's guards moved faster than he did.

Chen Chen nodded calmly and replied:

Bai Gou took a deep breath and said:

"If you say one more nonsense, pack your bags and go back to Pubei now!"


"To be honest, I don't believe that residents who harbor JD elements don't know who they are around."

"Second, there is the issue of attack methods."

His tone was extremely cold, but he had forgotten that there was another person who had "lost trust" standing in this room.

Turn into ashes.

".The situation has deteriorated beyond our control."

"He's going to run out! He's going to run out with his family."

There was no gun in his hand anymore - in fact, the gun was indeed given to him, but the moment the door closed, the real JD elements immediately confiscated all the weapons.

He spoke.

"Get your men out, begin maneuvering toward the target area, and prepare to isolate!"

"How's it going? Do you have any good suggestions?"

But Lin He on the side asked naively:

"Then what if they neither evacuate nor conflict with JD elements?"

At this time, in the command room of the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen was giving his new orders extremely calmly.

After listening to his briefing, everyone present fell into silence.

"Anywhere where there is gunfire, blow it up."

"Do you really believe they will obey you completely and trust you completely?"

"Don't be so secretive, just say it!"

After hearing his words, Feisal was silent for several seconds, and finally said:

"We're going to get a backlash."

"Anyway, the JD elements are already living in their homes. Does it matter if we have evidence that they are JD elements?"

"Believe me, this is just their first step."


At this time, the latter had already raised his head.

"The only ones who can really carry out the offense are ourselves."

A huge explosion drowned out his voice, and the blast ripped the entire house into pieces.

"And once this information is released, do you know what will be waiting for us?"

Not only do you have to hold it, you also have to take on the responsibility of the residents and stand guard outside the door with a gun for me!

This is too difficult. Could it be that they couldn't think of any good solution in a short period of time.

Suhail did not reveal his intentions. Instead, he jointly issued the first "resident defense plan" after martial law in conjunction with the local police station on the grounds of "strengthening security."

"Next step, they will definitely claim that there are JD elements in our city and call on all civilians to take up arms against their 'common enemy'."

Chen Chen's eyes glanced around and finally landed on the veteran he was more familiar with.

"We hand out guns to residents to make sure everyone is armed."

"Fire the gun."

"This time, I have truly seen your insidiousness."

In the combat command room, Chen Chen pointed at the freshly released combat map while introducing the details of the mission.

"I mean, we're trying to solve the problem of identification."

"And once that suspicion arises, it can never go away."

He threw himself at the gun beside him, trying to get the weapon back into his hand.

At this moment, all the recruits of the Dongfeng Corps who had just arrived in Syria felt an unprecedented shock.

Two hours later, White Dog's plan was officially implemented.

"Kill everyone here and retreat!"

"Then we declared that all non-residents within the demarcated area are JD elements."

"They will artificially create a paradox of choice, and they will artificially plunge us into endless suspicion and suspicion."

No one in the whole house survived.

"Stay here and wait for death, or find a way to get out?!"

"Faisal, now is the time for you to make a decision."

Yang Shu helplessly spread his hands and replied:

"Then there is nothing I can do. The combat situation here is completely different from when we were in Pubei. There are too many concerns and too many restrictions. My method is obviously not going to work."

Thinking of this, Chen Chen turned his attention to Bai Gou again.

"What if there was a way to bring them to the surface on their own?"

Chen Chen cursed angrily, and Bai Gou chuckled and replied:

"Isn't that what I'm talking about?"

"And if they resist, government forces will attack them from both inside and outside."

"We have to address both of these issues if we are to minimize casualties."

He could only obey the arrangement and listen to the conversation of the two big men with fear and nervousness.

Bai Gou quickly said:

"It's just that due to public opinion and political pressure, I had to choose a more conservative plan."

"It's fine now, all worries have been lifted."

He was not willing to take this risk, nor was he willing to use the lives of his team members to exchange for a result that in his opinion was "of little significance."

"This not only gives your friends the ability to rebel against us, it also gives them the opportunity to rebel against us."

"The residents have had their hands on the guns for over 30 minutes now."

"Then we just need to wait quietly, right?"

"Now, aren't we going to figure out who the JD elements are?"

"But, all this is based on the premise that they already know our whereabouts - is this possible? Can they accurately locate our location?"

At the same time, inside a house in the target area.

Have an opinion?

"The highly secure attack methods we can use are all restricted, which means that the equipment gap between us and the opponent has been narrowed to an extremely low level."

"Do you really believe that they can carry out your orders to the letter even when faced with a life-and-death test?"

"Any behavior that is likely to intensify the contradiction between the people and the government must not occur, because once it occurs, everything we do will be meaningless."

However, after all, they are not veterans who have truly experienced the baptism of war for a long time. When they really engage in high-intensity and high-intensity conflicts, they will definitely make mistakes.

"Whether they are or not, when they turn into corpses, it's not us who have the final say."

After the words fell, Feisal's eyes became a little cold.

They have indeed undergone long-term training, and have even fought several small-scale security battles in Pubei.

"Then what?"

"Then there's nothing I can do."

"That's right."

"So, we can only jump out of the tactical level and think from a higher level."

"No, that's impossible."

"But it's so insidious."

"What we want is the rationality of public opinion, not really letting them live."

"Those who take in JD elements cannot have a second chance!"

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