I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 516 It’s not over yet

Chen Chen's idea is very simple. Fundamentally speaking, he absolutely does not believe that there can be any good people who can let JD elements live in his home.

But he still gave residents here a second chance.

When they start to use the excuse of "distributing weapons and forcing them to stand guard" to contact local residents, they must have time to abandon the dark side and turn to the light, and they must have time to get out of danger.

However, they did not do this.

This shows that they have actually been deeply bound to the local JD molecules, and there is no possibility of rescue.

In this case, there is no need for us to be soft.

I don’t care whether you fall out with the JD elements or the JD elements fall out with you.

I don't care if you two are really having a fight or if you're just putting on a show for me.

The moment the gun rang out, there were only two possibilities left.

The first type is that the two sides are confronting each other.

Then, it is impossible for residents who have not received serious military training to defeat ISI, let alone the religious regiment. The final result can only be the death of residents.

In the second type, JD elements are massacring.

It goes without saying that without preparation, residents will die.

Therefore, in summary, from the moment the guns were issued, from the moment the residents did not surrender immediately, from the moment suspicion and suspicion arose between the two parties, the outcome of the residents was destined.

They were dead, and they had to pay for their choices.

And now that they are dead, does the Dongfeng Corps' artillery fire still need to be restrained?


Blow them all up for me!

"Target, Building No. 2, azimuth angle 27-00, shooting angle 06-80! No. 1 charge, two rounds, release!"

"Target, Building No. 3, azimuth angle 26-00, shooting angle 06-80! No. 1 charge, two rounds, release!"

In the forest by the lake, two kilometers away from the target area, 60mm mortars and 120mm mortars were spitting flames, and the shells screamed and landed at every place with extremely accurate gunshots. building.

Under the guidance of the drone, every shelling and calibration of the mortar position was carried out extremely quickly. Even if the first test shot missed the target, the second shell could be fired before the enemy in the room could react. Suffocate them all inside the building!

The power of the 120mm large-caliber mortar is fully demonstrated at this moment. Within the overpressure, all living beings are equal.

"A sniper was found in Building No. 6! Friendly troops were shot!"

"Knock it off!"

Chen Chen quickly gave the order, but what he meant by killing him was not using a sniper to confront the opponent!

Perhaps in many film and television dramas, the peak showdown between snipers is full of tension and excitement, and it can easily make the audience's adrenaline surge.

However, if conditions permit, Chen Chen's choice path is very clear.

If you can use the air force, use the air force. If you can't use the air force, use cannons. If you can't use cannons, use thermobaric bombs. It's really useless. Even if you use a heavy machine gun to penetrate the entire building, I won't fight with you. !

After he gave the order, the AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher that had been ready immediately began to show its power.

In just 20 seconds, more than 15 grenades fell towards Building No. 6 like hailstones. The explosion quickly submerged it, and even less than half of the entire building collapsed!

"Confirmed kill!"

"Understood, keep observing!"

At this time, the first round of strikes by the Dongfeng Corps had completely confused the JD elements in the target area.

There are too many things they can't figure out.

First, how did the government troops find their specific location?

Although they did declare martial law, the question is, we have never violated martial law or taken any extraordinary actions?

Second, even if you find it, shouldn't you immediately go door-to-door to search and confirm your identity?

How could they carry out bombings so recklessly? How could they ignore the lives of civilians?


Of course, there are indeed no real civilians here, but you should ask at least, right?

For a moment, the JD elements trapped by the gunfire went crazy.

In a building closest to the defense line of Suhail government troops, a man wearing a bomb vest rushed out shouting "Allah Akbar", but before he took two steps, he was already shot. The prepared heavy machine gun was shot to pieces!


The bomb exploded violently at the door, and everyone in the building was forced to die with him.

"Suhail, pay attention!"

"The people rushing out now may be surrendered residents, or they may be extremists!"

"If you can't tell the difference, just kill them all!"


Suhail, who enforced the blockade, responded immediately.

Of course he knew that there would be people in the besieged area who regretted it, and it was even possible that the residents there would run out while the JD elements in their homes were not paying attention.

Theoretically, he should save these people and show the government's tolerance for "treating illnesses and saving lives."

But he also knows that a battlefield is a battlefield.

Now that suicide bombs have appeared, why is there any need to hesitate?

"Kill everyone with clothes on!"

"If you want to surrender, take off your clothes first!"

The order was issued, and gunfire from government troops rang out again.

At this time, Chen Chen also issued a new order.

"AGS-30 replaced the smoke bomb and sealed the entire area for me!"

Chen Chen, who saw this scene from the drone, ordered again.


The operator immediately moved, and the smoke bombs that had been prepared were spitted into the sky above the target area, and then fell one after another.

Chen Chen finally realized his tactic of "filling the whole street with smoke bombs" once again, and this tactic was really quite effective.

The JD elements who originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to break out of the encirclement were all pushed back. They couldn't even see the road, let alone break out of the encirclement.

beat? how to spell?

Shooting with faith with eyes closed?

Faith Shot is very useful in defensive battles, but in breakthrough battles, it is completely useless!

If you can't hit people, you can't weaken the enemy's firepower; if you can't weaken the enemy's firepower, you can't tear open a breakthrough; if you can't tear open a breakthrough, you can't rush out.

And as long as you can't get out, every second you are exposed means an infinite increase in the probability of death!

So, they had no choice but to huddle inside the building and shoot outside. But in fact, this irrational choice further accelerated their death.

Wherever there is gunfire, there are artillery shells following!




This is the first time this small town has experienced war, and residents outside the target area are already stunned.

They didn't expect that a few hours ago, the government troops had said that they would issue guns to them for "self-defense", but a few hours later, the government troops actually started firing into the city?

How do you say this?

Are there JD elements in the city?

This thought flashed through my mind, and the residents instantly got goosebumps all over their bodies.

They know very well what is going on with those JD elements. In fact, many of them have actually "submitted" to the other party's teachings.

But at this moment, they really regretted it.

After witnessing the thunderous tactics of the government forces, they had to think carefully about a question:

How much does so-called "faith" weigh compared to one's own life?

Some people hurriedly burned the JD books at home, some people hurriedly ran to report to the police, and some people thoughtlessly took apart the explosives they hid and flushed them into the toilet, and then they were blown away together with the filth in the toilet.

There was "limited" chaos in Tabuka, but such chaos was obviously benign.


However, Chen Chen doesn't have time to care about this now.

Because, under the fierce artillery fire, the 21 target buildings were almost completely flattened.

Next, he must lead the team into the war zone and complete the final sweep.

All equipment has been put on. Except for the fire support team of 19 people, 32 Dongfeng Corps mercenaries entered Tabuka City in four teams and approached the combat area.

"The support team ceases fire and we are ready to enter!"

"Roger, ready to enter."

Chen Chen himself and Li Bang, who had just recovered from his leg injury, led a team full of newcomers and led the way into the freshly baked ruins.

They launched in a standard search formation, targeting the five westernmost buildings.

Of the five buildings, four had completely collapsed - collapsed into a pile of rubble.

There is no need to search at all, because even if someone is still alive, he must be trapped under the ruins and unable to move.

But of course, to be on the safe side, Chen Chen did not simply pass through. Instead, he extremely conservatively added a smoke bomb to each ruin.

Subsequently, the eight-man team approached the last incomplete building in a line formation and used RG-6 rotating grenade launchers to cover it with firepower 60 meters away from the building.

After the continuous explosions, there was no sound in the entire building.

"Enter search!"

Chen Chen gave an order, and everyone quickly entered the building and completed cleaning all corners.

There was no hourglass of death, no danger corner, no control corner. CQB in a truly large-scale conflict ended in such a dull way.

Immediately afterwards, the teams that broke in from the other three directions had also completed the cleaning of most of the area, but what Chen Chen didn't expect was that even under such precise and intensive firepower coverage, those JD elements actually retained a small amount of viable weapons. The counterattack force of activity!

"We encountered resistance in Building No. 8, request artillery support!"

"Understood, support team, use artillery towards Building 8!"

"Copy that, use cannon at Building No. 8!"

After a brief pause, a 120mm mortar descended on the building with a scream.

Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion sounded.


Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the building that had been filled with gunshots just now had turned into silence.

"Report the situation!"

"The enemy's firepower point has been eliminated, prepare to enter!"

"Shield up!"

"Understood! Enter the ladder search!"

After making sure that all the buildings he was responsible for were cleared, Chen Chen left five team members on guard while he led the other two to the last fire point that had just been taken.

By the time he arrived, the fighting there had ended, and the team members had dispersed their vigilance.

The sporadic gunfire became sparse and sparse, and after 10 minutes, the gunfire in the entire fighting area stopped completely.

"Clear all teams 1!"

"Team 3 is cleared."

"Clear all teams 2! Capture two of them!"


Chen Chen asked immediately.

"It doesn't look like a resident, it needs further identification!"

"bring it here!"


After the order was issued, four members of Team 2 quickly escorted the prisoners to the assembly location. At this time, Suhail had also led his team into the encircled area for further search and cleanup.

Looking at the two Arabs with obvious features in front of him, Chen Chen couldn't confirm their identities for a while.

After all, almost all the Arabs here look the same, and you can't tell whether they are JD elements from their appearance.

And judging from their helpless, frightened, and weak expressions, they seemed more like two civilians who had a lucky escape.

However, Chen Chen could not make a judgment so easily.

He kicked one of them to the ground. Li Gang immediately followed and controlled the man with his knees and gun butts.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen grabbed the prisoner's right hand.


In many cases, it is very stupid to judge whether a person has fired a gun based on the calluses on his hands, because this is completely a "rumor" that is spread through false rumors and artistically processed.

The so-called calluses on the index finger and tiger's mouth are completely unbelievable. Based on Chen Chen's own experience, in his previous life, the places where he had the most calluses were the back of his hands and the joints of his middle fingers. That was when he practiced quick reflexes. It was ground out during shooting.

If you just pull the trigger to get calluses, how many shots do you have to shoot in a day?

If he is really this kind of person, do you still need to look at his hands?

These people are all top fighters. When you catch him, he should not even drop the gun in his hand!

The reason for this rumor is actually because during the war against Vietnam, this method was often used to identify female agents who were hurriedly thrown into the battlefield after a short period of high-intensity training.

Therefore, Chen Chen didn't "look" at this person's fingertips, he just smelled the cuffs of the other person's robe.

The smell of burnt gunpowder deposits was very obvious, and there was no doubt that he had fired a gun within a short period of time.

"Catch him!"

Chen Chen said decisively.

Li Bang waved the butt of his gun without any hesitation, giving him a peaceful sleep, and the second man soon met the same ending.

Chen Chen stood up again. At this time, Suhail, who had just completed the search mission, had also come to his side.

"It's over. The entire area has been basically cleared. We found evidence about the identity of the Legion in the ruins."

"What evidence?"

"Guns, communication equipment. These things are enough to support our judgment, and they are enough to give an explanation to those people."


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tense muscles relaxed.

The first action of the Dongfeng Corps recruits was finally completed successfully.

Next, he will do what he should do.

But, that is at this time.


A huge explosion sounded. Chen Chen and Suhaier were startled and looked in the direction of the explosion.

And that direction.

It’s the Annal Hotel!

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