When Chen Chen led the team to the Annal Hotel, the hotel had been completely blown into ruins.

There was no need to fight, not even to rescue.

The entire seven-story hotel building collapsed completely, with all the window glass hundreds of meters around being shattered. The shock wave even sent vehicles parked near the hotel flying several meters away.

The power of the explosion completely exceeded Chen Chen's expectations. On the other hand, it also proved that the city's security force had become ridiculously weak.

Looking at the devastated scene, Chen Chen, who had just won a big victory, lost his excitement. He took a deep breath and asked Suhail:

"The power of this explosion is at least hundreds of kilograms of TNT."

"There are so many explosives hidden in the Anal Hotel, and you didn't notice anything?"

"I remember you told me that you had organized police forces to conduct preliminary investigations."

"And your investigation didn't even find such a large-scale explosive?!"

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Suhail nodded silently, and then answered after a long time:

"It's our fault."

"However, we have conducted explosive screening and we have never found large quantities of explosives here."

"What kind of screening do you mean?"

".TNT, nitroglycerin, black powder"

"Where's the nitride?"

"I haven't checked."

Chen Chen sighed helplessly and continued:

"Didn't you know that fertilizer can be made into explosives? Apparently that's where the ammunition for those gas cannons comes from."

"Right inside Syria, right in Tabqa, and you ignored even this obvious clue."

"This is no longer something to be taken lightly - if you continue to use this attitude to deal with the JD elements in the country, you will suffer a big loss!"

Chen Chen's tone was extremely serious. In fact, at the moment of the explosion at the Annal Hotel, he had clearly sensed the connection between the city and the attack, and connected all the clues.

The Legion Army entered Syria, set up a temporary headquarters and base in Tabqa, produced or smuggled a large amount of explosives, and eventually launched an attack on the prisoner handover location.

All of this was premeditated. Perhaps their target was not the prisoners at first, but they only changed their plan temporarily after receiving the news.

But, this is no longer important.

Importantly, it is only now that the Syrian government has access to this complete clue for the first time!

This kind of administrative control really opened Chen Chen's eyes.

You know, this is not Pubei, there is no warlord separatism.

Even in wartime, you shouldn't be so negligent, right?

If it were a big country in the north, let alone hundreds of kilograms of explosives, if you went to a gas station to buy a Coke bottle of gasoline, you would need to register for an ID card!

Seeing Chen Chen's expression, Suhail could only helplessly spread his hands.

"It's not that we don't want to investigate, it's that we really have no choice."

"It's meaningless to say this now. We have to save people and maintain order first."

"Also, we need to do another round of explosive screening - that can only be done by you, with your explosive dogs."

"we can not do that."

Chen Chen decisively refused and then said:

"We only have two dogs. We can't search the entire city even if they are exhausted."

"The headquarters of the Order Army no longer exists, and there is no need to worry about alerting the enemy. You should immediately call for support and mobilize a large-scale force to be on guard throughout the city."

"Tabqa is the outpost of the JD organization deep into Syria, but Tabqa is definitely not the only city eroded by JDism."

"It is very likely that their forces have spread throughout Raqqa Province - their speed is much faster than you think!"

As soon as the words fell, Suhail's expression became solemn.

At this moment, he also realized the accuracy of Chen Chen's judgment.

Yes, if the previous incident in Hamrit can still be classified as an accidental incident, and if the attack on the prisoner exchange area can still be defined as a "targeted attack," then this time, the explosion that occurred in Tabuka , it can fully illustrate the seriousness of the problem!

When you find a cockroach in your home, there must be hundreds and thousands of cockroaches multiplying in the corners that you can’t see.

This sentence is equally accurate when applied to JD elements.

We can no longer sit back and wait for death, and we can no longer respond passively.

The explosion at the Hotel Anal was a heart-wrenching disaster, but in a sense, it was also an opportunity.

After all, there are indeed some businessmen and tourists from other countries living here.

The "diplomatic pressure" it brings can also be exerted on the authorities, forcing them to give them greater support!

Thinking of this, Suhail said:

"I understand, I will do it right away."

"However, you must assist us in continuing to defend the city."

"I'm not sure whether there will be a new round of attacks here - if what we kill is really the command center of the Order Army, if they still have armed forces in other areas nearby, then, 4 days before reinforcements arrive, Within hours, we will face unprecedented pressure."


Chen Chen nodded decisively and then said:

"You are responsible for the inside of the city, and I will lead people to set up defenses outside the city."

"Focus on defending the highway in Zone 1 on the north side. If there are people, they will definitely come from that direction!"

Not always.

Chen Chen said secretly in his heart.

Now he already knows that SEAL Team 6 will carry out Operation Neptune Spear in Ressafa, which means that ISI's armed forces are likely to be deployed mainly in Ressafa.

The location of Rezafa is to the north of Tabuka.

So, he did not answer directly, just nodded and said:

"I will arrange it myself."

After the words fell, Chen Chen turned around and left the scene.

Immediately afterwards, he redivided the four assault groups of the Dongfeng Corps into two groups. One group of 8 people was responsible for the highway in Area 1 on the north side, while the other group of 24 people were all deployed near the Green intersection on the south side.

After completing all this, Xia Xing, who had always stayed in the rear camp, also came to Chen Chen and took this opportunity to ask him about the specific situation.

Chen Chen roughly explained the current problem. After listening to his narrative, Xia Xing's face immediately became as ugly as Suhail's.

"So, according to the current clues, do you think JDism has a tendency to spread in northern Syria?"

"It's not a spreading trend."

Chen Chen shook his head and continued:

"It has completely spread."

"The group of terrorists we just killed not only had light weapons, but also a small number of RPG rocket launchers, several light machine guns, and a few of them even wore body armor."

"And I can be sure that the main force of this armed force is definitely not the religious legion."

"The Order Army will most likely only undertake training duties, or may go further and undertake some special operations missions."

"This also means that these weapons are held by ISI."

"This is no longer the weapon configuration of ordinary terrorists. They have completely developed into an army."

"This alone is quite terrifying. What's even more terrifying is that they can produce hundreds of kilograms of explosives in a short period of time - although we don't know yet whether they are ordinary ANFO or something else. Something that can explode.”

"But whatever it is, it means that ISI has taken control of a significant portion of industrial productivity."

"The JD problem in northern Syria is much more serious than we thought, and it's accelerating."

Having said this, Chen Chen subconsciously clenched the gun in his hand.

His words were still conservative.

In fact, if compared with the previous life he experienced, the development of ISIS is no longer as simple as accelerating, it can even be said that they are making leaps forward!

What exactly is going on?

The spread of JD ideas can indeed reach incredibly high speeds, but what about the equipment? What about training? What about organization?

This thing is not something that can be achieved simply.

Chen Chen vaguely realized that the final answer to this question would probably point to the one he least wanted to admit.

That is, behind these people, there is the support of big countries.

Not second-, third-, or even third- or fourth-rate countries like Turkey, Israel, and Iraq, but a serious five-level force!

Thinking again of Morris’s GCP background

No, even your Gallic chicken has to be mixed in? ?

His expression changed imperceptibly, but Xia Xing immediately caught it keenly.

"What do you really want to say?"

Xia Xing asked directly.

After thinking for a while, Chen Chen did not choose to hide it, but expressed his opinion:

"I think there is a shadow of a big country behind this."

"JDism in the entire Middle East is converging too fast and developing and growing too fast."

"I seriously suspect that what they want is not just to break the Shia arc, they seem to want to create a new country here."

After the words fell, Xia Xing was stunned.


She asked subconsciously:

"Keeping the chaos in the Middle East is more conducive to them further implementing their strategies. If these extremists really all come together to form an internationally recognized 'country', many things will be inconvenient, right? "

"What can it do?"

"This is Syria. The distance between it and us is too far. Even if we want to exert influence, it is completely inferior to Afghanistan."

"If such a strategy is used in Afghanistan, they can advance, attack, retreat or defend."

"If they advance, they can use the Wakhan Corridor to transport JDism unscrupulously; if they retreat, they can organize a strategic blockade and cut off land routes."

"Their resources are also limited. I really can't understand why they would do this. Is it just to provide an excuse for them to return to the Middle East?"

"This is too nonsensical. It's just a magical story from street stall literature."

After hearing her words, Chen Chen spread his hands helplessly and replied:

"If you can't figure it out, it's even less possible for me to figure it out."

In fact, he really didn't understand.

Although in his previous life, there were always conspiracy theories on the Internet that ISIS was supported by NATO, and there was even evidence that the United States sponsored the predecessor of ISIS, which is now ISI, Chen Chen still felt that helping ISIS establish a country in Syria The idea was a little too stupid.

Either make the enemy's life difficult, or make yourself live a good life. Both of them must be equal in any case, right?

What does it take to establish the Islamic State in Syria?


Thinking of this, Chen Chen waved his hand gently, and then said:

"This kind of thing is not something I should consider. You should think about it slowly."

"Now, we have to get through these four hours."

"What four hours?"

"Four hours before Syrian government reinforcements arrive - we are likely to be attacked."

"You go back to the camp first and prioritize your own safety."

"Understood, I will..."


Before Xia Xing finished speaking, a huge explosion suddenly came from Tabuka City behind the two of them.

Chen Chen looked back subconsciously, and then discovered that a fire had broken out in the center of the city.

Amidst the fire, there was also the sound of intensive firefights.

But soon, calm returned to the city.

Suhail's Tiger Corps took action.

As expected, there are still some scattered extremists hidden in this city, but Suhail has not lost control of the situation.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Without pressure from within, the Dongfeng Corps can concentrate on responding to possible attacks from the outside.

Chen Chen turned his head to look into the distance again, but at this moment, a report from the drone operator suddenly came from his earphones.

"A large number of heat sources were found two kilometers to the north!"

"Rockets! Rockets!"

"Pay attention to concealment!"

As the words fell, bunches of fireworks suddenly appeared on the skyline connecting the distant sand dunes to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, each fireball dragged its long tail towards Tabuka and fell rapidly towards the ground.


"Drone guided mortar counterattack!"

Chen Chen pushed Xia Xing to the ground with one hand, then immediately raised the telescope and began to observe the movements in the distance.

At this time, those falling rockets had exploded in Tabuka City, and the small town that had been quiet just now fell into chaos again.

"107 Fire, damn, why do they have this thing?"

The white dog next to Chen Chen pouted and said.

"Why not? These things are everywhere."

"Don't worry about it. We'll talk about it later."

"Drone, how many people are there on the other side?"

"A lot. More than two hundred!"

Chen Chen was suddenly startled.

Two hundred people.

Two hundred people with 107 fire.

He vaguely realized that what he was experiencing was probably a standard "trigger incident."

From this moment on, the conflict between the JD armed forces and the Syrian government has completely come to the fore!

Now the fun is really great.

The JD armed forces started fighting before the rebel problem was solved? !

This time, Syrian officials really entered the hell difficulty dungeon.

His thoughts were confused for a moment, but soon, the smoke and dust from the explosion in the telescope brought him back to reality.

The large-caliber mortar accurately destroyed the opponent's rocket launcher position, eliminating the biggest threat.


However, the armed personnel identified by the drone had also crossed the sand dunes in a dispersed formation and appeared in Chen Chen's sight.

Two hundred people.

This might be a simple battle.

Chen Chen put down the telescope and raised the AK-74M.

Then, he ordered:

"Group 1, go to the north to provide support."

"Sniper ready."

"Call me one by one!"

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