I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 518: Fighting with less and more

"Bang bang bang bang -"

"Bang Bang Bang——"

The firing sounds of different firearms were intertwined. As soon as the enemy infantry was discovered, the Dongfeng Corps immediately began to counterattack.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is still at least 400 meters. Logically speaking, those JD elements who have not received targeted training should rush forward in pickup trucks and deliver large targets to the faces of Dongfeng Corps anti-tank missiles and RPG rocket launchers. That's right.

But actually, they played pretty smart.

There was no vehicle in sight. The moment they climbed over the sand dunes, they were all unfolded and moving in all directions.

The killing capabilities of heavy machine guns, mortars, and automatic grenades have been weakened to the limit. Facing enemy forces that are even more than 1 kilometer spread horizontally and vertically, the Dongfeng Corps' firepower density seems somewhat stretched.

What made Chen Chen even more unexpected was that the discipline of the JD armed forces on the opposite side was quite astonishing.

They made no unnecessary movements, not even covering fire.

They just focused on weaving and running on the sand, using their own speed to avoid bullets, and using their own lives to buy time for other teammates to advance.

With 24 people, 8 general-purpose machine guns, and 6 precision shooters, this configuration is the absolute center of firepower on most battlefields.

However, after the opponent expanded the scope of the battle, the Dongfeng Corps only killed less than 10 people from the opponent in the first 100 meters!

And among these 10 people, 8 were killed by precision shooters!

The suppressive power of the general machine gun was not exerted at all, and the opponent was traveling very fast.

Three hundred meters away, Chen Chen had already picked up the AK-74M assault rifle in his hand.

However, he soon discovered that this thing was not very useful in mid-range combat!

It’s beyond your capabilities!

The fixed four-time magnification of the PSO-1 sight should have been strong at this distance, but due to the desert glare and poor visibility caused by sand and dust, Chen Chen's shooting was extremely uncomfortable.

After three consecutive bursts of fire, he actually failed to hit an enemy. Between these three bursts of fire, the distance between the opponent and his own side had been shortened to 250 meters, and the enemy's dispersion range had further expanded.


Chen Chen spit out the sand in his mouth and dropped the gun in his hand with some helplessness.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly felt the difference between the firearm and the sight.

Perhaps in a large-scale battle, this gap is simply not enough to influence the situation.

I can't hit it at a distance of 300 meters, but I can always hit it at a distance of 200 meters.

If the number of people is equal, there is actually no difference between fighting from 300 meters and starting from 200 meters.

But the problem is that what they have to do now is to annihilate all enemy forces as much as possible despite their absolute numerical disadvantage.

This means that they must seize every opportunity to attack.

Chen Chen took a deep breath, threw away the AK-74M in his hand, and replaced it with the SVDK on the side.

This gun is equipped with the 1PN58 NSPUM passive thermal imaging sight produced by Maozi, which is specially configured by the Dongfeng Corps to adapt to possible night combat environments.

Its combat range should have been at least 500 meters, but now, it can only be used for "close kill" at a distance of 200 meters!


With the four-fold magnified sight, Chen Chen quickly locked onto an enemy who was lying down and resting in the sand pit due to severe physical exhaustion.

The bullet cut through the sand and ripped open the man's skull.

Blood was spilled and the sand was dyed red, but at this time, Chen Chen had quickly turned to a new target.

"The enemy is 150 meters away!"

On the radio, the drone operator loudly reported:

"The enemy on the east side formed a small-scale arrow breakthrough formation, intercepted it with mortars, and fired artillery at the green diamond-shaped trees on the dunes!"

"Copy that, use cannon on the diamond bush."

As the words fell, several 60mm mortar shells fell with a whistling sound.

After several consecutive explosions, the entire bush was almost completely blown away.

The JD elements hidden in the trees fled in all directions, which gave the machine gunner an opportunity.

The two general-purpose machine guns quickly turned their muzzles and fired. After a long burst of fire, all the enemies that had rushed to 100 meters were knocked down!

"Damn it, what's going on with these people? Why are they so skilled in tactics?!"

The white dog next to Chen Chen couldn't help but curse, but Chen Chen still held the SVDK and fired steadily one after another.

"This is not an ordinary JD element, this is the main force of the religious group."

"They are all from the regular army, and their fighting will and tactical skills are much better than those JD elements who have just learned how to shoot."

"We're about to enter firefighting range, be ready!"

Chen Chen put down the SVDK in his hand and put on his AK-74M again. At this time, the militants of the religious group who rushed within 150 meters finally opened fire for the first time!

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Bullets hit the sand dunes intensively. Their accuracy cannot be called "top-notch", but it is definitely not the kind of stroke shooting method of Pubei Mindiwu that allows you to stand up and shoot without worrying about being hit by bullets!

The Dongfeng Corps, which only had 24 people, was suppressed in an instant, and even Chen Chen himself received special attention!

The team opposite is indeed not weak.

Whether it is command and dispatch, order execution, battlefield resource management, or high-value target identification, although they are not that good at it, at least they have every action!

Coupled with the numerical advantage, they can use more intensive firepower to make up for their technical shortcomings!

At this time, the JD elements that were originally scattered and advancing had gradually begun to gather together.

They were like a big bag, gradually wrapping the Dongfeng Corps in it.

And, their goals are quite clear.

They didn't even look at Tabuka behind the Dongfeng Corps. They just wanted to concentrate their efforts on killing this obstacle first, and then attack in easily!

"There are not enough people! Let Suhail give up the city first and bring people to support!"

Chen Chen loudly ordered, but at this time, the drone pilot brought him bad news.

"Small-scale conflicts broke out continuously in the city! A small number of armed elements are causing massacre!"

"Suhail is being held back, he can't get through!"

The inside should be coordinated with the outside.

Chen Chen frowned. He knew that the battle in Tabuka City would never be that intense.

It is even possible that it was the splash caused by the death struggle of two or three fish that slipped through the net.

But can you really let it go? ——

Damn, didn’t a gun just be fired? !

"What are you holding back!? Let Suhail leave a few people to organize a militia to maintain order, and bring all the others over to me!"


Xia Xing's voice came from the radio. The moment the battle broke out, she had already retreated to Tabuka City with a clear mind. At this time, she had already retreated to the camp and assumed the responsibility of central dispatch.

"How long will it take to arrive?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"15 minutes!"

15 minutes is not a long time.

But without being able to retreat, this meant that the Dongfeng Corps had to hold on for fifteen minutes.

Historical experience told him that any head-on confrontation between a special force and a large-scale infantry would have no good results, because everyone is equal under bullets. You can knock others down with one shot, and others can knock you down with one shot!

This kind of positional warfare is all about error tolerance.

And the smaller the number of people, the lower the error tolerance!

"AGS prepare, start horizontal coverage bombing of the area 150 meters in front of me in 10 seconds!"

"Received, bomb in 10 seconds, pay attention to concealment!"

"Everyone throws smoke bombs to block the enemy's sight! Delay time!"


Chen Chen gave an order and dozens of smoke bombs were thrown forward.

But it is a pity that in the current battlefield environment, the effect of smoke bombs is too small!

Not only were the insufficient number of smoke bombs unable to completely obscure the battlefield, but the increasingly strong westerly wind also greatly weakened the effect of the smoke bombs.

Fortunately, the enemy did not have much advanced observation equipment. After the smoke grenades were thrown, their range of maneuver was greatly restricted and their offensive slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, grenades began to fall intensively.

“Boom boom boom boom——”

A line of fire was drawn across the battlefield, and the enemy in the smoke received a heavy blow.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to fight!"

The suppressed Dongfeng Corps quickly launched a counterattack. At this time, the fighting distance between the enemy and ourselves was less than 100 meters.

And this distance is the distance where the gap between shooting levels is most vividly reflected!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Almost everyone tacitly adjusted the guns in their hands to single-shot burst mode, and under the rhythmic gunfire, more than 20 JD elements were killed in just one probe time!

The counterattack hit a small climax, however, they were still too far away from sealing the victory.


A large puff of smoke suddenly exploded on Chen Chen's right side, and he fell to the ground subconsciously, while a team member on his right was already groaning in pain.

"first aid!"

"Enemy mortars! Drones! Find them for me immediately!"

"Four small-caliber mortars, 800 meters away, on the reverse slope! Can't hit!"

Mortar anti-slope shooting, this tactic cannot be said to be very advanced, but when put here, it is extremely easy to use.

Because all the direct fire weapons of the Dongfeng Corps cannot hit them!

The sound of explosions continued to be recalled. It was obvious that since Zhu Yuan had already determined the situation, they did not need to conduct additional observations at all.

The advantage just established was gone, and to make matters worse, the enemy in the smoke actually took out a portable grenade!


The weird sound of the grenade sounded, and Chen Chen lowered his body subconsciously. The grenade exploded less than 20 meters behind him. The opponent's accuracy was also frighteningly high.

"Rely on the Li Gang!"

"Lead the team around the battlefield and capture the opponent's mortar positions! Quick!"


Li Gang's voice rang on the radio, and immediately after, a pickup truck rushed out, detoured several hundred meters to the west, and headed straight for the sand dunes where the enemy's mortar positions were located.

"Suhail will be here in 10 minutes!"

"Make him hurry up!"

Chen Chen quickly took aim and killed an enemy who was groping forward in the smoke. At this time, after a round of artillery fire suppression, the nearest group of enemy's top soldiers were less than 50 meters away from the Dongfeng Corps position.

This is the grenade throwing range!

The other party's ideas were a little too clear.

Scatter and advance, shrink and suppress, cover with artillery fire, followed by spearheads blasting to clear the way.

They are very aware of the gap in technology and equipment between themselves and the Dongfeng Corps. They just want to use their numerical advantage to eat up the Dongfeng Corps at the cost of high casualties!

This round of throwing objects must not be eaten forcefully!

"Hellfire retreats!"

"Keep your distance!"

Chen Chen shouted an order, and everyone immediately started moving.

The firepower of the Dongfeng Corps exploded to the extreme at this moment, and everyone emptied the magazines in their hands. And as Lao Mei said, under this round of explosion, even God can't hold it back!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

Continuous gunshots rang out. Although there were only 24 people, they fired a firepower density close to that of a company.

And at this moment, the last 8-man team arrived at just the right time, and quickly could not fill the firepower gap created by the first round of Hellfire-style shooting!

Under the echelon firepower, the Dongfeng Corps' suppression lasted for a full 40 seconds. Within these 40 seconds, they opened the distance to 100 meters again!

By this time, the number of militants on the opposite side had been reduced by more than a quarter, but their offensive had not stalled for even a minute.

Mortars continued to fall, which caused significant restrictions on the maneuverability of the Dongfeng Corps.

Of course, the Dongfeng Corps also has mortars and howitzers for cover, but the problem is that in the current battlefield environment, even if the Dongfeng Corps' artillery fire is twice that of the enemy, it will not achieve the same effect as them!

The reason is simple. In order to maintain a basic firepower unit, the 24 men of the Dongfeng Corps must shrink together in a relatively compact formation. However, as the attackers' armed elements, they can maintain a relatively looser formation!

This paradox is the curse of the defender, and it is also the key that the attacker must grasp to win in positional warfare.

And the other party obviously caught it.

The balance of the battlefield is constantly tilting, and the scale in Chen Chen's heart is also tilting.

He has already made a decision. If Suhail's reinforcements still cannot arrive during the next retreat, then he will directly abandon his position and withdraw directly to the city!

I don't care about your civilian casualties, my people have to live first!


However, the turnaround often happens in a split second.

Just as he re-stabilized his formation and prepared to defend, fierce gunfire suddenly erupted from the hills ahead.

Then, in less than 20 seconds, Li Bang's voice came from Chen Chen's headphones.

"nailed it."

"I'll attack from behind, a pincer attack!"


Chen Chen's confidence soared. He took off two grenades and threw them out, then immediately counterattacked with his gun.

The enemy's artillery support was completely defeated, and the pickup truck driven by Li Gang had a heavy machine gun on it!

Terrible suppression came from the enemy's rear. This time, they finally began to lose their position.

There can be casualties in an attack, even heavy casualties, but the rhythm must not be messed up.

But now, their rhythm is out of whack!

There was a wolf in front and a tiger behind, and the militants immediately experienced a disorder of command.

The commanders of the three main assault forces issued exactly the same instructions without timely communication, and their members turned at the same time to intercept the Li gang's machine gun pickups backwards.

The empty door is exposed.

It is impossible for the Dongfeng Corps to miss this opportunity to fight from behind, and such an opportunity is enough to determine the outcome of a battle in an instant!

Ten minutes later, Suhail's reinforcements arrived.

But by this time, the massacre in the desert had ended.

The pickup truck chased the fleeing militants, and in the middle of the battlefield, more than a hundred corpses had turned the sand completely red.

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