I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 519 Depleted uranium muzzleloader?

"You guys came too late."

"Our position is less than 1 kilometer away from the city, but it actually takes you 15 minutes to get there?"

"The organization is so poor that there may even be problems with grassroots command."

"At this level, it is impossible for you to grow in battle and become bigger and stronger."

"Practice more, nothing else matters, at least let your team members learn to execute orders as quickly as possible!"

Standing in front of Suhail, who had arrived late, Chen Chen's words sounded quite resentful.

But in fact, you can't blame him.

Because in the battle just now, the Dongfeng Corps paid the price of three casualties and 10 minor injuries.

If the protective equipment was not far superior to that of the enemy, coupled with the continuous fire support from the rear at all costs, the expected casualties might even be greater.

This blame can definitely be placed on Suhail's head, and it must be placed on his head.

If the functions of the two parties were exchanged, and the Dongfeng Corps would be responsible for public security in the city, Chen Chen would immediately give up on public security maintenance and support the Tiger Corps as soon as he discovered that the number of enemy troops exceeded expectations and they possessed heavy weapons such as rocket launchers. !

This kind of battlefield decision-making and fighter opportunity control are the most intuitive standards for measuring a commander's true ability.

Obviously, Suhail failed to do it.

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Suhaier nodded slowly, sighed and said:

"That's my problem."

"You know, those people in Tabuca, they are all my compatriots."

"I can't choose to give up on them so easily, especially when I know you can handle it."

"You can never make that assumption."

Chen Chen shook his head seriously and continued:

"What if we fail to resist? What if we withdraw?"

"At that time, the entire Tabuca City will be undefended, and all the residents in the city will be their hostages. You will not only throw a trap, but you will even be implicated by the panicked people."

"Clear your priorities. If you still want to cooperate with us further, I hope this kind of thing will not happen again."

"Otherwise, we can each do our own thing, and I can make plans in advance!"

"There won't be a next time."

Suhail assured.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he actually felt a bit ridiculous.

After all, he is a well-known young officer in the Syrian government army, and he even has high hopes.

But in front of you, why am I just like a primary school student?

But there's nothing you can do about it. They won the battle, and it was an incredible victory. What else can you say?

30 people blocked 200 people, annihilated more than a hundred enemies, destroyed a large number of enemy heavy weapons, and suffered only 13 casualties on our side, and only 1 person was killed.

It's still positional warfare, not special operations with an advantage!

This kind of description is a classic battle example that can be used in textbooks. Can you not be convinced?

Therefore, no matter how serious Chen Chen's words were, he could only accept them.

What's more, he was indeed right.

Although our own Tiger Corps is said to be a corps that is "capable of independent operations" organized to compete with the Dongfeng Corps, the gap with them in terms of combat effectiveness and organization is still too far.

Thinking of this, before Chen Chen could speak, Suhail continued:

"After this time, I will reorganize the training outline and carry out training in full accordance with your standards."

"In this regard, I also hope you can provide some help - of course, this is an additional supplementary contract, and I will pay accordingly."

"My people don't have time, so I will recommend other candidates to you."

Chen Chen said decisively.

The so-called other candidates naturally refer to Jackals, and Chaisli planned his deployment in Syria, largely because of this type of contract.

As one of his most important partners, Chen Chen couldn't let him go away empty-handed.

Of course, the other reason is that I really don't intend to spend too much energy in this area.

Now his goal is very clear.

The short-term goal is to kill bin Laden before SEAL Team 6 does.

The long-term goal is to quickly clear out most of the JD forces in northeastern Syria and establish their own power.

When these two goals are achieved, my layout in Syria can basically be declared achieved.

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Suhaier asked with some doubts:

"Other candidates? Are they qualified? How do they compare with you?"

"They are our training services contractors."

"You didn't do your training yourself?"

Suhail is shocked.

"Of course not - we don't have that many people organizing training yet. Our combat effectiveness comes from fighting."

"As long as they survive, my team members will become stronger and stronger."


Suhail nodded solemnly. He originally thought that the combat effectiveness of the Dongfeng Corps came from some mysterious and killer training methods.

But I didn't expect that the final result would be so mediocre.

The exchange between the two ended quickly, and at this time, the battlefield cleaning work had been completed.

All the weapons and equipment of these JD elements were collected together. Chen Chen looked at them one by one, and a solemn expression gradually appeared on his face.

The appearance of a large number of M4s has basically proved the identity of this group of militants, but what was even more beyond Chen Chen's expectation was that they had more than just M4s in their hands.

A large number of individual soldier communication equipment, active noise-cancelling headphones, high-power radios, projectiles including smoke grenades, complete equipment, and level 3 or 4 body armor.

To be honest, these things may not be difficult to obtain.

But the problem is that what these things show is not only the improvement of "equipment level", but more importantly, the improvement of tactical thinking.

What kind of terrorist would pay so much attention to instant communication on the battlefield?

Even the religious legion would not do this!

Most of the time, they invest funds in personnel recruitment and weapon upgrades, while ignoring so-called information technology capabilities.

Because in fact, this is also the choice that is in their best interests.

But now, what Chen Chen saw was completely different.

Then there is only one answer.

Or, their strength has grown to the point where they can carry out "reform and upgrade."

Or, they were manipulated and trained by those behind the scenes.

Think of the previous attack on the prisoner handover site, think of the indirect bombardment with gas tank cannons

The truth is self-evident.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen took a deep breath.

Just when he was about to talk to Suhail about his thoughts, his eyes suddenly glanced at a strange weapon in the weapons pile.

The shape of that thing is just an ordinary steel pipe, but behind the steel pipe is welded a grip that is probably removed from the AK series of guns.

At first glance, this is an ordinary homemade grenade.

But as a grenade, its caliber is too small.

What can this thing do?

Chen Chen curiously picked up the steel pipe, unscrewed the threaded seal behind it, and poured out the ammunition inside.

The moment the ammunition hit the ground, Chen Chen stood up on the spot.

Damn it.

5mm caliber depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile, M919!

This is a miniaturized and only stable discarding sabot armor-piercing projectile. After being fired, the shell of the warhead will automatically fall off, exposing a slender depleted uranium rod as the killing part.

It is often used on various types of large-caliber machine guns. The most typical usage scenario is the M242 heavy machine gun on the M2 infantry fighting vehicle.

But now, these religious regiment troops have directly removed the bullet chains and used individual bullets to create single-shot anti-armor weapons.

I have to say that these people have really big brains and can even think of this method.

And you can't even fault it - it doesn't even need rifling!

What minimalist version of a recoilless rifle? !

A two-dollar steel pipe can be turned into a launcher by just welding it. In extreme cases, you don't even need to weld it. You can shoot it by just lifting it up. It can be said that the cost-effectiveness ratio is maximized!

Chen Chen rummaged through the pile of weapons, and it didn't take him long to find four identical steel pipes and nearly 20 rounds of M919 armor-piercing bullets.

If we really hit them all, we might even be able to kill an armored vehicle with this little thing!

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Chen Chen shook his head and asked the white dog beside him in a slightly amused way:

"How about it? Seeing these things, have you regained some of the feeling you had back then?"

"What is this?"

White Dog asked curiously:

"Armor-piercing bullets?"

"Depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile."

"?? They changed this thing into a single-shot muzzleloader?"

"That's pretty much it. Do you want to give it a try?"


Bai Gou immediately became interested, and then, under Chen Chen's guidance, he quickly assembled the "depleted uranium armor-piercing gun" and filled the gun's chamber with bullets.

"hit what?"

"The pickup truck's engine needs to be replaced anyway!"

"no problem!"

Bai Gou immediately pulled the trigger, and then


The armor-piercing projectile shoots out with an extremely stable trajectory, and even the accuracy is quite high!

At a distance of 50 meters, the bullet hit the engine compartment of the pickup truck, then passed through and exploded with a large cloud of sparks on the other side!

"Fuck. Such penetrating power."

Bai Gou stared blankly at the gun in his hand, subconsciously reached out to touch it, and then immediately retracted his hand due to the burn.

"Can we use it?"

he asked expectantly.

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"It can be used, but it's not necessary."

"To fight tanks, we have portable missiles, and to fight armored vehicles, we have rocket launchers and heavy machine guns. There is no need to use these things."

"But it's a really good idea."

"We only have so many missiles, and it is difficult to get timely replenishment in a short period of time."

"Under the premise of losing the right to control electromagnetic fields, the infrared environment is complex, and there are no other means of response."

"If this thing can be changed into burst mode and used to fight helicopters, it might be miraculous."

On the other side, in an office in the DGSE building in France.

Eric Widod was sitting behind his desk, and sitting across from him was Desena, the current DRM director.

The two of them held the same piece of information in their hands, with the same "failure" written on it, but there was no expression of loss on their faces.

After drinking the cup of cool coffee in his hand, Widod pushed away the documents in his hand, leaned back on the chair for a moment, and then said:

"The failure of this operation was expected. Morris' ability is still too poor. Even among the newcomers in the same batch, he seems too reckless."

"He was so eager to express himself that his identity was completely exposed, and even the corrupt British people seized on the flaws he showed."

"But fortunately, our actions were quite timely."

"If he really falls into the hands of the Americans, I am afraid that our alliance will have broken down in advance."

"This incident is a lesson. We should be slower and more graceful in our subsequent actions."

"We should not be directly involved in things that should not be directly involved."

"Like Lerner, wouldn't it be possible to achieve good results by just focusing on technique and training?"

After hearing his words, Desena smiled helplessly, spread his hands and replied:

".But in reality, Lerner also failed."

"We just received the news that the Temporary Command Center of the Order Army in Tabuka has been confirmed to have been destroyed, and the two hundred armed personnel of the Order Army who originally planned to go to Tabuka for rescue have also been dispersed."

"We once again lost an important stronghold, and the strength of the Order Army was also severely damaged."

"In the next few weeks, we must select a new base as soon as possible and establish a new temporary command center in order to start the next step."

"At this point, I think Lerner was being too negative."

"He actually has the ability to prevent the defeat in Tabuka - he obviously already has information about the movements of government troops. As long as he arranges the evacuation in advance, things will never turn out like this."

"You're wrong to think that."

Widod shook his head, interrupted Desena and said:

"Lerner is an experienced operator who knows exactly what he is doing."

"If, according to what you said, he really leaked the plans of the Syrian government forces to the religious group, then his identity will definitely be exposed."

"It doesn't do us any good."

"What's the point of a short-term victory? What we want to achieve is the final strategic victory."

"Such a setback will not affect the overall situation at all. In some respects, it will even be beneficial to the implementation of our strategy."

"After all, how can those terrorists realize our importance if they don't suffer losses?"

"How can we completely control them if we can't make them completely dependent on us?"

"So, De Sena, there is no need to worry about a short-term failure."

"Judging from the results, we did fail."

"But judging from the process, we have verified many things and obtained more intelligence - for example, the locations of the Dongfeng Corps and the Tiger Corps, as well as their true combat effectiveness."

"In the face of these two key pieces of information, what do those people lost count?"

"That's true."

Desena nodded slowly, and after a few seconds of silence, he continued:

"So we can now basically confirm that the government army is going to use the power of foreign mercenaries to stabilize the situation in the east and northeast."

"From this perspective, maybe we should get rid of them first?"

"That's right."

Widod replied in agreement, and then said:

"Destroy the Dongfeng Corps first, and then the Tiger Corps."

"After that, all our plans will be smooth sailing."

"Mobilize GCP - now, it's time for them to fulfill their oath."

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