I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 520: Shooting Rabbits in the Grass

After the religious regiment's army was dispersed, the situation in Tabuka City quickly stabilized.

The reason is simple, the Dongfeng Corps has joined the security maintenance work.

Their hands are much darker than Suhail's Tiger Corps. No matter you are a good citizen or a vassal of the JD elements, as long as you do not cooperate with the martial law and surrender your guns, you will have a gun butt in your backhand.

In a sense, this is indeed a rather barbaric method, but Chen Chen also knows very well that when facing extreme situations, only this method can solve the problem in the shortest time.

Moreover, they indeed carried out an operation of "killing chickens to scare monkeys".

After discovering that a large amount of JD propaganda materials and a small amount of unassembled explosives were hidden in a certain house, Chen Chen decisively emptied the magazine without giving the other party a chance to surrender or resist.

Such crude means send out an obvious signal, that is:

Either you surrender now, or when I find you, I will send you directly to see your God.

There is no in between, live or die, it's your choice.

The Dongfeng Corps, wearing desert camouflage, rushed into the city like an unstoppable violent machine, and then swept away the entire city with a whirlwind attitude.

But when the reinforcements called by Suhail finally arrived, everyone had even finished work and had dinner.

The square in the center of Tabuka city was already filled with the corpses of JD elements.

This operation cannot be considered a 100% success, but obviously, it is definitely not a failure.

After handling the evacuation of the wounded and bodies, Chen Chen quickly began to arrange the next action plan.

Sitting in the temporary command post, facing the team members who had completed repairs and taken care of their injuries, he said:

"The mission in Tabuka is basically over. Unfortunately, we have lost a comrade and a brother here."

"We are grateful for his dedication and sacrifice, as well as those of his fellow soldiers who have had to withdraw from operations due to injuries, and they will be duly rewarded."

"But at the same time, we cannot stop."

"We have to stay the course if we want to reap all the expected returns."

"So, going forward, we will continue to carry out the scheduled tasks."

"We will continue to pursue the fleeing JD forces of the Islamic Legion in the area around Tabqa, with the goal of completely clearing out the Islamic Legion in Raqqa Province within a month."

"At the same time, based on the clues that have been discovered so far, we judge that the Order Army and ISI have merged and established a solid base in Raqqa Province."

"Their base must have basic industrial manufacturing capabilities and external supply channels."

"We must attack it to curb the other party's further development."

"So our mission agenda is very clear."

"We will use Tabuka as a starting point in the next period of time to explore, search and clear the surrounding areas."

"The first target is Rezafa."



Everyone answered immediately, but Bai Gou's expression was a little strange.

Because he knew exactly what he wanted to do when Chen Chen said the place name Rezafa.

According to the information Chen Chen revealed to him before, the world-recognized leader of the most "famous" terrorist organization, Bin Laden, is there!

Finally, after solving the problem of Tabuka, the Dongfeng Corps finally got to do some serious business.

Yes, you can make money by fighting for the Syrian government, and you can even get many special benefits from the north that cannot be bought with money.

But in all fairness, who can refuse an opportunity to leave a mark in history?

If the Dongfeng Corps really kills bin Laden, everyone will remember the name "Dongfeng Corps" in the next few years, ten years, or even decades!

Thinking of this, Bai Gou couldn't help but get excited.

After everyone dispersed and returned to the barracks to repair, he quietly came to Chen Chen and asked:

"Captain, should we have a small group meeting?"

Hearing this, Chen Chen looked at Bai Gou in surprise and asked:

"how do you know?"

"Hey hey hey"

The white dog laughed twice and replied:

"You underestimate my determination to make progress. Shall I call them here?"

"Just call them Lin He and Li Gang."


Bai Gou immediately ran out of the headquarters, and just a few minutes later, Li Gang and Lin He walked in behind him.

Chen Chen did not pretend to be sophisticated in circles, nor did he hide it. Instead, he straightforwardly explained the true combat goal of this mission.

"We will use the convenience of this clearance to directly launch close fire reconnaissance in the Ressafa area."

"Except for the core group, there is no need for all other team members to know our real beheading target. Their information is limited to the 'terrorist leader' level."

"In addition, before each mission briefing, we do not disclose any operational targets and reconnaissance directions to ensure the highest confidentiality."

"You guys must remember that this time, our opponent is not bin Laden, but the CIA and SEAL Team 6."

"Unlike in the past, we must try to avoid direct conflict with them."

"Because we have to get ahead of them."

"And any unplanned conflict may lead to the failure of the operation, do you understand?"



The three of them answered in turn. Chen Chen let out a breath and then asked:

"Do you have any ideas about this mission?"

"Currently our difficulty is quite clear, and that is the lack of reliable intelligence."

"My current strategy is to sweep through it bit by bit."

"Our operational rhythm will simultaneously affect the operational rhythm of SEAL Team 6. As long as they take action, we will have a chance to seize the flaw."

"There should be no problem with this general direction. Do you have anything to add in terms of details?"

After the words fell, Bai Gou immediately raised his hand.

After Chen Chen nodded at him, he said impatiently:

"The area of ​​Rezafa is too large. Even if bin Laden is there, it is impossible for us to use the 'search' method to find him."

"In fact, the only thing we can rely on is intelligence from the United States."

"At the same time, it is impossible for us to obtain intelligence from the inside."

"This is a paradox - if they don't take action, we can't find the target; but once they take action, it will be too late for us to find it."

"We have to resolve this paradox."

"And the only way to do that is... they have to fail, right?"

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"That's right."

"But the premise is that we cannot have direct armed conflict with them."

"The United States often does not do anything with people, but this operation is a clear-cut and clear-cut beheading of a terrorist leader."

"Moreover, this terrorist leader has indeed carried out horrific terrorist attacks. It can be said that he is recognized as a 'public enemy' regardless of race or camp."

"In this case, if we have any action or even intention to obstruct the operation, it will push us into the abyss of no return."

"At that time, no matter what we do, even if we really kill bin Laden, it will be impossible to clear his name."

"So, that's a basic requirement."

"If the method you're talking about is that we kill SEAL Team 6 first and then go after Bin Laden, then there's no need to mention it at all. Do you understand?"

"I understand very well!"

Bai Gou nodded solemnly and then said:

"Captain, don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

"I mean, there could be a lot of reasons why they failed, and it doesn't necessarily have to be because of us."

"Intelligence deviations, command errors, execution failures. Or is the intention exposed in advance?"

"This may cause their mission to fail, and what we have to do is to pick up the missing piece after they fail."

"Tell me more specifically."

Chen Chen became interested. Looking at Bai Gou who looked confident, he couldn't help but wonder what unexpected plan the other party could come up with.


In fact, although White Dog looks unreliable, he is after all a figure similar to a think tank in the former Lion Corps.

The path is definitely wild, but most of the time it is useful.

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Bai Gou coughed and replied:

"Cuddle the grass and hit the rabbit. If you don't hug it hard, the rabbit won't run away."

"So, my idea is very simple."

"We can't just 'clean up', we need to be aggressive and have clear goals."

"The most important thing is that we need to let bin Laden know that we are looking for him - wrong, not looking for him, but looking for an equally important target."

"We need to make him realize that this operation will never end simply."

"He has to have a sense of crisis, he has to be afraid, and he has to understand that our actions are likely to 'accidentally hurt' him."

"Only in this way will he become the rabbit that bursts out of the grass."

"And once he breaks out, the hunting dogs will immediately follow him."

"We just have to keep up with the hound and get ahead of it."

"Good plan."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, but then asked:

"But have you ever thought about how we're going to keep up with the hounds?"

"The CIA's surveillance of bin Laden must be top-secret, and we can't find any traces at all."

"To be honest, finding them may be harder than finding bin Laden - they are not hunting dogs, but eagles."

"They just fly in the sky until they lock onto their prey."

"When they launch an attack, they must kill with one hit."

"How do you go after him? Can you catch him?"

"You may not be able to catch up."

White Dog answered honestly:

"But there's a chance."

"How to do it exactly?"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

"We need Suhail's cooperation to monitor all buildings in the Rezafa area."

"The number is not large, only a few thousand buildings. If we count it in terms of police and military strength, dozens of people can handle it."

"How can it be!"

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and replied:

"If it can be done in this way, we can just search it. Why do we need to spend a lot of time?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

“We don’t need to monitor everything going on in every building, and we don’t need to have all the information.”

"There's only one thing we need to know: which building is suddenly empty."

"That's right, even if Bin Laden evacuates, it won't be as obvious as 'the building will be empty of people'."


"Where are the people watching him?"

When Bai Gou said these words, Chen Chen was stunned.

Yes, this is indeed a good idea.

This may even be the method with the highest success rate.

Although it is possible that the final success rate of this plan is less than 50%, this is enough.

On the other side, in an ordinary office in the White House.

Opposite the black president sat JSOC Commander Craven, who sat upright and introduced his "suggestions" to the president.

"Currently, there are three options available to us."

"First, directly use B-2 bombers to carry out high-altitude precision bombing of the compound; second, use multiple cruise missiles to directly fire; third, send commandos to conduct helicopter attacks."

"There is actually no political risk in the first two. After all, we have carried out multiple rounds of bombings against Syria before."

"However, it carries the risk of mission failure."

"If we use small-yield explosives, we can't guarantee that the other party will be eliminated in one fell swoop; if we use large-yield explosives, we won't be able to recover the subject matter that is enough to prove the opponent's identity."

"This is essentially a paradox, and one that cannot be resolved under any circumstances."

"So, my suggestion is still to directly send commandos deep into Raqqa Province and into the Ressafa area to conduct beheading operations."

"We can start from Türkiye and deploy halfway stations at the border."

"Subsequently, air support was provided by FA-18 Super Hornets in the air, with RQ-4 Global Hawks and RQ-170 Sentinels providing real-time video surveillance and audio communications relay and backup when necessary, with AH-64A, Warthog, Attack aircraft provide necessary fire support and retreat cover."

"The attack will be launched by MH-47E and MH-X helicopters. The team will rappel into the target building and immediately launch a raid on the building."

"Perimeter intelligence officers will provide necessary intelligence support to our commandos and provide necessary cover during retreat."

"When this is all over, we'll go back to the border and use Chinooks for body transport."

"Within two hours, the target's body would have been flown from Türkiye to Washington."

"Within 16 hours after the operation starts, we will complete the identity verification and meet the conditions for news release."

"That's the whole plan."

After Craven finished speaking, the president nodded slightly.

He didn't make any rebuttal, but simply asked:

"What do we need to do with the radar of the Syrian government forces?"


Craven replied simply.

Hearing this, the president breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Ten years, it's time to end."

"--Go and do it."

"I hope you can bring me good news as soon as possible."

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