At night, outside Tabuka City, the Dongfeng Corps, which was ready to go, had completed its final inspection and rest.

According to the plan, they will first complete the clearing of a village closest to Tabqa in the Ressafa area, and then after occupying it, they will release news about "the Dongfeng Corps will carry out large-scale anti-terrorism operations in Raqqa Province."

At this time, he still didn't know that his mercenary team had been paid attention to by three forces at the same time, and each force wanted to put him to death.


Of course, not knowing does not mean that you are not prepared.

In fact, every combat plan of Chen Chen is based on the premise that "one's own whereabouts have been exposed and may face precision strikes from the air at any time."

Because this was originally part of the plan.

To get information about bin Laden, the Dongfeng Corps must be exposed.

Simply relying on a mouse-and-hide-and-seek strategy may allow them to "survive" smoothly in Syria, but it is absolutely impossible for them to develop and grow smoothly.

This is the risk they must take and the most difficult step they must take.

Sitting in the GAZ-2330 Tiger high-mobility armored off-road vehicle, Chen Chen gave a pre-mission briefing to other team members via radio.

".The mission this time is very simple."

"According to intelligence provided by the Syrian police, several unidentified militants appeared in Abu Fatih. They are likely to be members of the religious group who fled during previous battles."

"They occupied the local mosque and controlled its religious personnel. At the same time, they also used the threat of force to steal enough food and water from the villagers to last for several days."

"Currently, they are still in the mosque, but according to police estimates, they will leave within today."

"Because they have started repairing the only truck used for material transportation in Abu Fatih Village, and it is very likely to be repaired within 4 hours."

"What we have to do is arrive in the village before they finish repairs and leave, conduct a raid on the mosque occupied by the militants, and quickly clear out all the militants."

"The other party possesses automatic rifles, general-purpose machine guns and other light weapons, as well as a small amount of homemade grenades and homemade explosives. They have basic military skills and have a high degree of cooperation."

"Based on this situation, I decided to send two 8-person teams to carry out offensive operations, led by Lin He and Yang Shu respectively."

"You need to make your own decisions, choose your own equipment, and complete the mission within the specified time."

"That's all the information above, is it clear?"



The two people's replies came from the radio. Chen Chen nodded slightly and then continued:

"This mission is dangerous, but it is also a good exercise opportunity."

"Lin He, Yang Shu, organize your team members to protect themselves and pay attention to safety!"


The two answered again, and Chen Chen put down the radio and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at his expression, the white dog beside him asked a little teasingly:

"How is it? Do you feel like your daughter is getting married?"

Chen Chen smiled and replied:

"It doesn't mean that my daughter is getting married, but I do have the feeling that the apprentice I finally trained is about to go down the mountain and start a career."

"I'm worried because I'm afraid he'll die before he gets out of the battle, but I have to let go."

"That's right."

Bai Gou nodded in agreement, and then said:

"If the Dongfeng Corps wants to develop and grow, new blood must continue to replace the old blood."

"Speaking of which, it was only two years ago when we fought our first battle together."

"But now, our group can be considered old people."

"It's not enough for us to support you all the time. After all, we are a fighting force. Those who can fight will stay, and those who can't fight will leave. It's actually that simple."

"It's not simple at all."

Chen Chen shook his head and said:

"If it is a unit that does not need to actually enter the battlefield to fight, it is not a big deal whether to leave or to stay."

"But we are different. We are a mercenary group and we rely on war to make a living."

"There is no such thing as quitting in the mission. Those who survive can stay, and those who cannot stay will basically die."

"This is not called 'simple', it should be called 'cruel'."

"It's very cruel."

Bai Gou wiped the gun in his hand, removed the bullet and removed the receiver to observe the rifling. After confirming that the wear was not serious, he continued:

"And what's even more cruel is that when we get bigger and bigger and the number of people increases, you may not even be able to name the names of those who left."

"It's quite sad to think about it, right? After all, in Pubei or even in Indonesia, even one casualty is a big deal for us."

"Once we do, serious injuries and deaths will become more frequent and more commonplace."

"We must use constant updates and iterations to ensure our combat effectiveness. We must constantly forget the past and focus on the future."

"Compassion does not control soldiers, this sentence is to a large extent what it means."

Hearing Bai Gou's words, Chen Chen looked at him in surprise.

After noticing the slightly emotional expression on his face, Chen Chen asked:

"You seem to be quite familiar with this process."

"Nonsense, can I not be familiar with it?"

Bai Gou rolled his eyes and replied:

"Don't forget, I watched the Lion Corps grow bigger."

"When I first joined the Lion Corps, I was only 16 years old. By the time I joined the Dongfeng Corps, I was already 33 years old."

"In 17 years, too many people have died around me."

"But except for the few who died when I first joined, the death of others has long since lost their impact on me."

"Until the time our company commander dies - by the way, do you still know the name of the commander of the Lion Corps?"

".Hu Bayi?"

"Hu Kaicheng."

".Feel sorry."

Chen Chen coughed and said.

"There is nothing to be sorry for. In two years, I will also forget his name."

"But to be honest, I will never forget your name, whether it is Chen Chen or Sunken Ship."

"As for myself."

At this point, Bai Gou suddenly stopped.

After a long silence, he continued:

"Actually, my ideas are different from those of Shi Dakai and Lin He."

"They really want to do something big with you, and they really want to change the status quo that they can't stand."

"But I'm not that noble. My goals are simple."

"That is, I will follow you and leave my name. Don't be like Hu Kaicheng. Not long after his death, everyone forgot about him."

"Speaking of which, Captain, do you know my real name?"

"I want to say I don't know, can you jump up and give me a slap?"

Chen Chen asked slightly teasingly.

".That's not a big deal - but you really don't remember, do you?"


Chen Chen answered casually.

Bai Gou immediately laughed, and quickly assembled the inspected gun with his hands constantly moving, and he himself returned to his usual no-nonsense appearance.

"Captain, if I die one day, remember to write my real name on my tombstone."

".Shall I write an epitaph for you myself?"

Chen Chenwei said angrily:

"Don't talk nonsense like this. It's not about death. At least this time, I don't want anyone to die in Abu Fatih!"

At this time, the convoy of the Dongfeng Corps had already arrived at the scheduled departure position two kilometers away from Abu Fatih Village. Unable to continue teaching White Dog a lesson, Chen Chen immediately led the team out of the vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, the 48-person team quickly deployed, methodically deployed camouflage nets and set up a temporary command post.

The high-power radio station was set up, the drones were released, and the sentries spread out to guard the perimeter. The two teams responsible for the offensive task, under the leadership of Yang Shu and Lin He, began to compare the specific offensive tactical plans and began to select corresponding equipment.

20 minutes later, all team members were ready and began to move towards the target mosque in two batches of four pickup trucks.

Through drone surveillance, Chen Chen clearly saw their every move.

The four vehicles stopped in the woods near the village 600 meters away from the mosque, and quickly set up camouflage and arranged for snipers to occupy the commanding heights and favorable terrain.

Yang Shu, who was originally a sniper, did not make any mistakes. He very carefully arranged camouflage for the remaining snipers, and even placed trip mines in front of the sniper position in the direction of possible enemy attacks.

"UAV, identify the location of friendly snipers."

"Received, identified. There are new patrols outside the south wall of the target building, please stay hidden."

"Understood, there is a new patrol officer outside the south wall."

On the radio, Yang Shu’s voice was extremely clear.

After the drone operator gave the early warning, Lin He, as the commander-in-chief, immediately adjusted the combat plan.

"Group 1 continues to advance to the north, and group 2 is on standby 400 meters due west to launch an attack from the front."

"The blasters are ready to use remote-controlled unmanned vehicles to simultaneously blast the wall and check the equipment."

"Received, the equipment has been inspected and is in good condition."

"Understood. Observe No. 1 and prepare to plot the route of the unmanned vehicle."

"Observation 1 received and started to draw the unmanned vehicle route. Difficult obstacle one was identified, coordinates X36200, Y27400, piles of rocks; obstacle two that cannot be bypassed, steps in front of the square."

"Drones, assist in providing avoidance routes."

"The drone has been received and is being identified."

"You can go around the left side of obstacle No. 1. There is a slope on the right side of the square, but the slope is within the warning range of the enemy sentry."

After the situation report was completed, Yang Shu immediately ordered:

"The sighter pays attention to the movement of the unmanned vehicle, and the drone directs the attack in a synchronized manner."

"Understood, synchronized attack."

"The assault team is in position, 200 meters away, ready to launch an attack at any time."

At this time, all combatants of the two groups had arrived at their predetermined positions, and the battle was about to break out.

Chen Chen, who was standing in the temporary headquarters, finally showed a relaxed look on his face after seeing the whole process of the two men's command.

It has to be said that the veterans of the Dongfeng Corps have indeed learned the essence of modern combat through their eyes and ears over the past two years.

If it were two years ago, when they were still the most common mercenaries in Pubei, faced with this situation, they would probably have no choice but to rush forward recklessly and use their own lives or so-called "shooting skills" to kill Fight for a brutal victory.

But now, everything is different.

As soon as Lin He gave the order, the attack began immediately.

Driven by a silent motor, the crawler-type unmanned vehicle quietly bypassed the rubble and arrived at the steps of the Mosque Square.

With the help of the cover of the steps, the unmanned vehicle moved to the right and slowly entered the warning range of the enemy's outer sentry.

At this time, the remote-controlled detonation device on the unmanned vehicle was ready, and the sniper team commanded by Yang Shu was also ready to fire.

"Countdown to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

In an instant, two snipers fired at the same time.

The militants located on the highest tower and in the direction of the unmanned vehicle suddenly fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the operator of the unmanned vehicle pushed the push rod to the limit, and the unmanned vehicle tilted its head and rushed up the slope.

In 3 seconds, the unmanned vehicle arrived at the outer wall of the mosque and completed a series of actions including bomb dropping, detachment, and evacuation.

At the same time, the 12-man assault team had quickly closed the distance to fifty meters.


There was an explosion and the wall collapsed instantly.

The two groups of players attacked simultaneously from the west and north directions, while the snipers locked on the southern outer wall and knocked down the last sentry on the perimeter.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Under the silent night sky, gunfire broke out.

From the high-altitude perspective of the drone, Chen Chen clearly saw the entire process of the two teams attacking from the outside in.

After breaking through the gap in the wall, the No. 1 and No. 2 vanguards of the two teams immediately moved to the center of the square without any stagnation, and established full control of the square with cross fire.

Immediately afterwards, under the suppressive firepower of the No. 3 support finger directed at the main building of the mosque, the demolition man followed closely behind the No. 4 shield man and approached the building door, while the No. 6 auxiliary man kept a slight distance from the demolition man and stood guard on the side of the door. , always ready to clear passages that cannot be fully opened after one blast.

This configuration is different from the "orthodox" CQB combat, but placing the shield hand in position 4 instead of position 1 is extremely suitable for the current combat environment.

The Shielder provides enough cover for the Demoman, which allows him to complete the blast in less than 15 seconds and quickly throw smoke grenades for suppression.

Immediately afterwards, the Demoman and Auxiliary Personnel No. 6 exchanged positions, and the responsibilities of both parties were switched. The four team members immediately passed through the Death Hourglass Zone and began indoor combat.

The sound of gunshots and explosions rang out together. Chen Chen stared at the screen nervously, but in fact, without perspective, he couldn't see what was going on inside the room at all.

He could only see the moving flames from the gunfire through the window of the mosque.

From south to north, from west to east, from the first floor to the second floor.

In 40 seconds, the firelight had illuminated every window.

Immediately afterwards, Lin He's report came from Chen Chen's earphones:

"All rooms are cleared and safe."

"Four hostages were found in the cellar and have been taken under control."


Chen Chen couldn't help but clapped his hands. He looked at his watch again. From the beginning to the end of the attack, it only took 3 minutes and 20 seconds!

Moreover, there have been no casualties on our side!

It can be said that this is a big victory, and it is a big victory without any participation in the command!

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction and was about to order the team members to evacuate. At this moment, his satellite phone suddenly rang.

He subconsciously picked up the phone, and on the other end was Xiaoyu's voice.

"There's bad news, and there's good news."

"Let me tell you the good news first."

"In view of the current complex situation, the United States has decided to continue to extend the ceasefire beyond two months."

"Although their ceasefire with Syria does not affect the decision-making of the Free Army, it does give the Syrian government forces more time, and you also have more space to carry out the tasks you should perform."

"The progress of the airport will be accelerated, and it is expected to be delivered for use within a month."

"very good!"

Chen Chen immediately asked:

"Where's the bad news?"

The little fish opposite took a deep breath and then replied:

"The bad news is that France has just added you and the Dongfeng Corps to its extremist watch list."

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