I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 527 Who is the opponent?

Of course, Chen Chen would not do something stupid like having a "frontal conflict" with the opponent. In fact, the Dongfeng Corps had already formed an almost standardized three-axe in combat.

The mortar explodes. After the mortar explodes, it automatically explodes.

Automatic bombing, automatic bombing and RPG bombing.

The RPG explodes, and the smoke bomb explodes after the RPG explodes.

After these three axes are taken, more than 50% of the opponent's effective strength can be basically eliminated, and most of the solid bunkers and strongholds can also be pulled out.

At this time, the infantry can use the advantage of thermal imaging night vision devices to observe the enemy's position through smoke, close the distance and kill them accurately, which can achieve a very high battle loss ratio, even when facing relatively low-level opponents. 0 casualties is not impossible.

This tactic is very stable and very unsolvable.

If you want to crack it, the enemy must have almost the same firepower delivery capabilities, battlefield situation awareness capabilities, and individual combat capabilities as the Dongfeng Corps.

But obviously, there are no enemies in front of him.

After a round of procedures, the three 12-man assault groups had reached a point less than fifty meters away from the central battlefield.

The Dongfeng Corps used the infantry-artillery coordination tactics to its extreme. When the last grenade exploded, the smoke grenades thrown by the assault team had also blocked a large area of ​​the battlefield.

"The drone lowers its altitude and locks on high-value targets!"

"Look for their missiles! Those are not ordinary JD elements!"


Chen Chen's instructions were quickly implemented, the height of the drone was lowered, and immediately after, the operator's reply came from the earphones.

"No high-value targets were found, and no missile launch sites were found!"

"did not find?!"

Chen Chen looked confused. At this time, his eyes had locked on an armed man 30 meters ahead who was knocked down by the explosion and was struggling to get up.

Raise the gun, aim, and fire, all in one movement.

Within a second, the bullet had penetrated the militant's head.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen quickly pulled his gun to the left and knocked down the enemy who was trying to escape the battlefield with a short burst of fire.

At this time, it was meaningless to pursue the so-called "hit rate". All he could do was to knock down all the moving targets in front of him with the highest efficiency and fastest speed, and then quickly complete the identification!

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Gunshots came one after another, and all the team members were like whack-a-mole, accurately harvesting the militants who appeared from time to time, and at the same time began to search and advance forward in a dispersed four-four formation.

The battlefield was completely surrounded, and the enemy fled very quickly, but the Dongfeng Corps pursued them even faster.

Less than two minutes have passed since the first gunshot, but the enemy's resistance has been almost completely eliminated!

This was originally good news, but the more Chen Chen fought, the more he felt something was wrong.

How can this be? !

The militants who used two portable individual missiles to accurately destroy two vehicles would not be able to resist at all?

Even if they really couldn't defeat them, it wouldn't be such a one-sided situation.

Where are your missiles?

What about your RPG?

Where are your machine guns?

Totally wrong.

"Have you found the opponent's missile position? Where is it!?"

"did not find!"

The drone operator's tone was also a little nervous. Compared to Chen Chen, the situation he saw was more "complete", and it was this "complete" presentation that made him feel an indescribable weirdness. .

The opponent is too fragile, and his will to fight is too low.

Of course, it is normal for them to feel fear after two consecutive rounds of high-volume bombings.

But no matter what, they shouldn't behave like this. They shouldn't even resist and run away like headless flies!

Most of the equipment has been abandoned. Overall, the opponent's "equipment usage efficiency" is probably not even 20%.

What went wrong?

At this time, due to the tense situation, Luotuo had directly connected to the radio communication of the Dongfeng Corps. Just when Chen Chen completed the final cleanup of the entire area and eliminated the last enemy in sight, his voice also reached Chen Chen in the ears.

"The helicopter has already departed and is expected to arrive in 15 minutes."

"The Turkish border is 120 kilometers away from me. How can they get there in fifteen minutes?"

Chen Chen questioned.

"They have been flying for at least five minutes! We have lost their vision, and you can only rely on your own judgment next."

"Withdraw or not withdraw, you decide for yourself."

"FA-18 will be at your head soon, you don't have much time!"


Chen Chen gritted his teeth and ordered:

"Check the battlefield and search for targets!"

"If we can't find it within 5 minutes, we will evacuate immediately!"


Everyone immediately dispersed, scattered gunshots continued to ring out, Chen Chen ran towards the center of the bombed convoy, trying to find his target near the so-called "high-value vehicle", and at this glance, he immediately saw Here comes the man who makes the old beauty "miss him day and night".

Big beard, white robe, and iconic gold AK.

At this time, his body had been torn to pieces by the shock wave of the explosion, but fortunately, the precision-guided bomb dropped from a high altitude did not directly hit the vehicle, which left him with a barely identifiable "remnant body".

"Suspicious target found!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

Several team members immediately gathered around, quickly picked up the items next to the body and threw them directly into the back seat of the pickup truck that had arrived.


Chen Chen waved his hand, and the convoy quickly started and drove onto the highway in a hurry.

Their first evacuation point was 4 kilometers away, where there was a rugged canyon with many religious historical sites inside. To some extent, it was the best place to avoid possible air attacks. .

The United States is unwilling to bomb cultural relics, and it is difficult to cause effective damage under the terrain cover.

As long as they delay, they will have the opportunity to confirm the identity of the target, abandon their vehicles, disperse and break out, and retreat after the support of the Suhail Tiger Corps arrives.

At this time, 4 minutes of the 15-minute countdown mentioned by Camel had passed, and the sonic boom of the roar of fighter jet formations could be heard in the air.

Chen Chen was already prepared to encounter an air attack, and was even prepared to abandon the vehicle on the spot and evacuate on foot.

But what he didn't expect was that the air raid that was bound to happen in theory did not happen at all.

Instead, there were two giant bombs falling from the sky.


The target where the bomb fell was in the small courtyard in the fighting area.


The ground behind him bulged with an arc visible to the naked eye. Chen Chen's heart moved and he suddenly realized what the other party was doing.


Made of nickel-cobalt steel alloy, the drilling depth is 60 meters for general reinforced concrete, 40 meters for hard rock, and 8 meters for super reinforced concrete.

If two bombs are dropped like this, the underground fortifications of the entire courtyard will be completely destroyed!

In other words, the real target may still be underground?

So what is this body that I snatched back?

Chen Chen suddenly felt a huge sense of powerlessness. He picked up the radio and asked:

"Can you confirm your identity? Do you have any credible proof of identity?"

"I have everything, but my face is ruined!"

Pingchuan's voice came from the radio, and then, before Chen Chen could ask further questions, he continued:

"This high probability is not the target we are looking for."

"The appearance is very similar, but his teeth have signs of rest!"

"The enamel is too thin and he just had his teeth cleaned."

"Wait, I have to cut open his chest and see if the knife is given to me."

"The lungs are wrong. Does Bin Laden smoke?"

".No smoking."

Chen Chen answered immediately.

"That's not right. There are obvious brown deposits in his lungs, which should be the remnants of incomplete metabolism after quitting smoking in a short period of time."

"This is a stand-in! He's not here!"

"Depend on!"

Chen Chen couldn't help but curse.

After working on it for a long time, is this an error?

But this doesn't seem to make sense. Even if he was deceived, could the CIA also be deceived?

Would they not be able to tell the difference between the substitutes? Would they not know that bin Laden had been prepared?

Judging from the resolute actions they initiated, they must be quite confident in the results.

How could they miss such a detail? How could they not even be prepared for this?

Underground fortifications, this is the only blind spot.

Is it possible that the convoy on the ground is just a cover, and the real target has already evacuated from the underground?

This can also explain why, after pushing through, I clearly felt that there was a serious gap in the strength of this group of militants.

Maybe the real elites, after eliminating what they considered the "biggest threat", had already followed the target and evacuated?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately said:

"Drone Raise Up!"

"See if there are any unusual targets around."

"The range is about two kilometers in radius!"

"No, if you put it out you can't take it back."

"No! Just take a look!"


The order is given and the operator executes it immediately.

A minute later, the drone climbed to an altitude of about 150 meters. However, at this altitude, it was still too much to complete the reconnaissance of an extremely wide area.

"No abnormalities visible."

"The signal is unstable and the plane is going out of control."

"Fly to the limit, if you lose control, you will fall!"

The "unmodeled" drone used by Chen Chen had no risk of leaking secrets. Now that it was given to him, Beibei was already prepared for losses.

So when you really need to use it, there is no need to worry about it.

And it was Chen Chen's persistence that made this reconnaissance finally pay off.

"About two kilometers to the east, moving targets were found, more than 20 people! No vehicles!"

"Not sure if there is a connection. The target disappeared!"

"That's right."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The biggest problem is the lack of vehicles.

Although most of Rezafa does not belong to no-man's land, the distance between each residential area is very far.

In the desert, a distance of 1 kilometer is considered too long. If you really want to travel, even if you don't have a car, you must at least have a donkey cart, right?

If not, that person will most likely not go out.

And they appeared two kilometers away on the east side. There was nothing worth going to in that location!

"Turn around and prepare to chase after him."

"Don't get too close. I guess there are people chasing us above us."



Before Chen Chen finished speaking, two consecutive explosions were heard outside the car window.

When he turned his sight to the direction of the explosion, he saw two FA-18s flying at low altitude, launching ground-to-ground missiles at the position just discovered by their own drones!

As expected.

No chance.

Chen Chen sighed, he knew that in this situation, he no longer had to fight.

The American plan was indeed very thorough, and the error tolerance rate was frighteningly high.

They did make mistakes, but after making mistakes, their highly robust system immediately corrected the deviation caused by the mistakes, and pulled the mission back on track at a very fast speed.

Now, whether it was the sudden appearance of the Dongfeng Corps or the obstacles created by Bin Laden himself, they had been completely eliminated, and their route of action had returned to a very simple trajectory.

Keep an eye on the militants who appeared in the desert, suppress them with air firepower, limit the opponent's range of action, wait for the helicopter to arrive, and the special forces to enter the field to harvest, and return quickly with the target's body.

All this can be done within 15 minutes, and under the suppression of the JSTARS system, the Syrian military is simply unable to make any effective interference.

"No need to go, find a place to watch the show."

Chen Chen said.



Everyone answered in turn, and the convoy turned to the evacuation point as planned, and then stopped on a relatively high sand dune to disperse and hide.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps was about 3 kilometers away from the target location, and the target's location could still be clearly seen using a large-magnification telescope.

The explosion continued to occur. As Chen Chen expected, the American air firepower steadily suppressed the target in a very orderly rhythm, completely restricting the target's actions.

At this time, 11 minutes had passed, and the helicopter that Chen Chen had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared in the air.

MH-X, MH-47E.

Exactly the same as what he remembered.

But what was different from his memory was that this time, the number of helicopters dispatched by the other party was a full 8!

Is it that exaggerated?

Chen Chen even felt that the other party was overreacting. After all, the most difficult part of this "hunting" mission was not the "killing" process, but the "searching" process.

As long as the target's position can be accurately locked, it seems that not so many people are needed to complete the mission, right? ——

However, Chen Chen soon found out that he was wrong.

The expected scene of "heavenly soldiers descending and descending on the wind" did not appear at all.

The American air assault team encountered strong resistance, and Chen Chen even saw smoke and dust from the explosion of anti-aircraft shells in the air!

What a joke? !

This is not a portable equipment!

How did they predict the American action plan, accurately avoid the first round of attacks, and launch a targeted counterattack?

Something is wrong.

Who is my opponent, the American opponent? !

Chen Chen's mind was a little confused, and at this moment, a missile shot from nowhere dragged the smoke and dust towards the MH-47E that had just entered the hovering state.

There was a loud bang and flames rose.

Chen Chen was stunned.

He subconsciously said:

"Damn it."

"I feel like the Americans are going to suffer a big loss this time."

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