Finding people through YouTube is the biggest joke in intelligence work.

But the problem is that such things are not only numerous, but also happen quite frequently, so frequently that the Americans have to split a team from the Prism Project to cooperate with the CIA.

What YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

There are endless cases of leaks and exposures, and the most ridiculous thing is that the highest leak rate is not the traditional social software, but the legendary Tinder.

According to MI6 itself, the British army can find at least two leaks on Tinder every day, and the number of undiscovered leaks is more than 10 per day.

The British side is still like this, let alone the Americans.

When the brain is full of C, those who have not really received confidentiality training can really say anything.

So, when Jackal said that Yong’s "colleague" who was probably also in the black army, Gagong, posted his own video on YouTube, he really didn’t feel strange at all.

After all, they are combat troops, not real intelligence personnel.

Moreover, their nature is quite special. Although confidentiality is extremely high, supervision is extremely weak.

If there is no strong belief to support this kind of team, once there is a leak, it will inevitably lead to collapse.

This is indeed an opportunity.

But the premise is that he has to continue to expose himself.

It is useless to know that he is in Raqqa Province. Not to mention the Jackal, I also know that he is in Raqqa now, but I can't locate the specific location, everything is empty talk.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen replied:

"You continue to follow up, we are waiting in Al-Herri."

"After an hour, if you have no progress, we will not wait and leave it to you to deal with it."


The Jackal on the other end of the phone answered immediately, and from the receiver, Chen Chen had heard the sound of the engine starting and the bolt pulling.

The reaction speed was very fast, in a sense, this also shows that they are indeed eager to wash away suspicion.

After briefly explaining the details, Chen Chen entered Al-Herri as planned.

Suhail had already arrived at the rendezvous point with his Tiger Corps, which had expanded to 200 people, in advance. At the same time, they also brought valuable supplies to the Dongfeng Corps.

When Chen Chen saw Suhail for the first time, he immediately asked:

"What is the situation of the extralegal army? Where are they?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Suhail, who was originally smiling, immediately frowned and then replied:

"We have completely lost the trace of the other party."

"When they set off, I contacted my superiors to ask them to eliminate the troops from tracking and blocking them along the way, but they were too slow."

"Two consecutive interceptions failed, and the pursuing troops were also thrown off."

"The last time we found their traces was in Kunaizir, 120 kilometers away from the city of Raqqa."

"How long ago?"

Chen Chen interrupted and asked.

"15 minutes."

"That means that the enemy should be within 100 kilometers of Raqqa now, and it will take at most one and a half hours to reach Raqqa."

"But whether they go to Raqqa is actually a big problem. We have no way to track them down based on such clues."

"Your control is too weak. Can't you install some cameras?"

Hearing Chen Chen's complaints, Suhail spread his hands helplessly, and then replied:

"Don't talk about cameras. Police cars in police stations everywhere are close to being scrapped, and even have no money to refuel. What's the use of them?"

"Now we can only rely on luck. If we can really wait for them, maybe we can catch some alive."

"Your interrogation equipment has only been used once. Anyway, it's a bit wasteful."

"It's not easy to catch live people outside the law."

Chen Chen shook his head and skipped the topic directly, but asked:

"What supplies did you bring?"

"Mortar shells, rockets, and grenades you want, all."

"But the number is not large, only a base number."

"One base?!"

Chen Chen looked up in astonishment and asked:

"Don't you know our combat style? What can one base of ammunition do?"

"We don't know when the next supply will be, and you tell me now that there is only one base of ammunition?"

"A small-scale battle can empty our ammunition, how do we fight next?"

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, Su Haier waved his hand and explained:

"It's not that I don't give you ammunition, it's just that it's not necessary."

"I have good news."

"Tabka Air Force Base has been completely opened to you."

"The Russian air defense system has just been deployed. At the latest tomorrow, two Il-76s will be deployed at this airport and begin to carry out material delivery missions."

"From now on, no matter where you are, you can get sufficient logistical supplies."

"Your supply sequence will always be the first priority. Of course, the premise is that you must continue to output battle examples that are enough to shut everyone up."

"It's us, not me."

Chen Chen corrected.

"I understand."

Suhail replied immediately, and then said:

"Take the time to rest, the next step is to move to Raqqa."

"We have detected a large number of signs of extremist armed activities. Their target is likely to be Raqqa. The next battle will be very difficult."

After Suhail finished speaking, it was Chen Chen's turn to frown.

According to the original plan, they were supposed to stay away from the main battlefield and focus on cleaning up the scattered JD armed strongholds.

But now, it's clear that plans can't keep up.

When the JD elements began to abandon the "step by step" strategy, the mission of the Dongfeng Corps had to change accordingly.

"Which team is currently stationed in Raqqa?"

"22nd Brigade."

"22 Brigade?"

Chen Chen repeated it subconsciously, and then asked:

"Why are they in Raqqa?"

"Why aren't they in Raqqa?"

Suhail asked inexplicably.

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly realized that the current 22nd Brigade was indeed not the "independent special operations brigade" that he knew, which was trained by signal flags.

At this time, they are most likely just a "relatively elite" team in the Syrian Defense Forces Army, and in many cases they will even be used as cannon fodder.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen coughed and said:

"I just heard that the combat effectiveness of this team is pretty good, and I subconsciously thought that he would not appear in a place like this."

"Yes, they are really good at fighting - that's why they are in Raqqa."


Chen Chen gave a simple reply, continued to communicate with Suhail about the specific support details of the airport, then turned around and returned to the temporary camp to continue his interrupted sleep.

It has to be said that he was also in a state of severe lack of rest during this period. Now that the external environment is a little safer, he basically fell asleep as soon as his head hit the ground.

When he woke up again, the sky had completely darkened, which even made him panic for a moment, thinking that he had overslept.

But when he raised his hand to look at his watch, he found that only 40 minutes had passed.

"what's the situation?"

Chen Chen sat up suddenly and asked.


The white dog on the side stood by the window with great interest and looked at the overwhelming yellow sand, as if he was watching some special scenery.

Chen Chen rubbed the back of his neck, stood up, and continued to ask:

"Did Jackal call?"

"No. There were no emergencies. It was quite quiet."

".If there is not even 40 minutes of silence, then we should not be here, but should be on the battlefield."

Chen Chen picked up the phone speechlessly and dialed Jackal's number without hesitation.

The two communicated about the latest progress. From Jackal's mouth, Chen Chen learned that Chaisili had tracked the Resafa area.

Not only because of their high efficiency, but also because the information exposed by the other party is indeed quite sufficient.

Most of the content of the video is mainly about scenery, and among the scenery he shot, there was even a picture of the Rezafa Castle, just three days ago.

Depend on.

If only this person had been discovered earlier.

With precise positioning, if you rush over directly, there is a high probability that you can catch the opponent in one fell swoop.


However, this is actually a paradox.

If Lao Mei hadn't taken action first, he wouldn't have been able to find Cuoyong's body, let alone find clues about the black army.

"Our next reconnaissance direction requires the cooperation of the Syrian side. This Gagong is very expressive. He is very keen on creating his own personality on social platforms."

"He will reply to comments every day. The reply speed is not fast, but the frequency is very high, and the interval between each reply is also very short."

"This means that he is likely to pay attention to the comments on his video in real time, and as long as there is an Internet connection, he will log in to check it."

"Next, we need to find all areas in Raqqa governorate that have network coverage."

"The next time he replies, based on the time and range of motion, we will be able to locate his approximate location."

"Wreck, you need to do me a favor"

Hearing this, Chen Chen gestured to Xia Xing who was standing aside. The latter immediately nodded in agreement, while Chen Chen said directly to Jackal:

"Leave the specific positioning to us, and Chaisili will cooperate with us."


Jackal made no objection and hung up the phone.

Chen Chen walked towards the door and was about to ask Suhail about the progress of the Extralegal Corps' pursuit. But at this moment, Suhail pushed open the door first and said in an urgent tone:

"There are results!"

"The sandstorm slowed down the lawlessness and they were overtaken by us near Abu Khashab!"

"The two sides are confronting each other, and there is no exchange of fire for the time being!"

"The 22nd Brigade cannot move, we need to rush there immediately!"


Chen Chen replied without any hesitation.

He knew that the so-called confrontation could not last long. Since Judicial Law appeared here and arrived without notification, how could he still talk to you?

They have a place they have to go, and the Syrian government forces have a reason not to let them go.

It is impossible for both parties to reach a settlement at this point, which means that they must have a fight!

"How many of you are there?"

"Less than 40! The support troops are rushing over there, but due to the sandstorm, they are very slow and will take at least an hour to arrive."

"Our closest distance is only 30 kilometers. If everything goes well, we can arrive there in half an hour!"

"Leave now and tell your team to set off."

"Try to keep up with us and don't be like last time!"

"I know!"

Everyone took action immediately, and in just two minutes, the Dongfeng Corps had completed all preparations.

People and equipment get on the vehicle, the vehicle starts, and the lights turn on.

In the darkness filled with yellow sand, one car after another drove out of the temporary camp and sped towards Abu Khashab.

The strong sandstorm seriously affected the driver's vision, and the visibility on the road has even been reduced to less than 50 meters. Under such visibility, as long as the speed reaches more than 60 kilometers, it is basically the same as driving blindly.

At this time, the leading car in Pofeng will face the greatest pressure and bear the highest risks.

This position was given to Lin He without hesitation.

He seems to have a natural ability to ignore risks. Even in the most extreme situations, his foot never takes off the accelerator.

Under his leadership, the speed of the convoy was basically maintained at about 70 kilometers. It only took 15 minutes for the Dongfeng Corps to drive 20 kilometers, leaving only the last 10 kilometers from the confrontation site.

At this time, they were close to the center of the sandstorm. The surroundings were dark and the visibility dropped to about 30 meters again.

The dense sand and dust posed a huge challenge to the vehicle's air intake system, and the engine had even begun to surge. Chen Chen had no doubt that as long as the accelerator was loosened, the entire team would be suffocated in the sandstorm.

Time passed by minute by second, and in the last 10 kilometers, Lin He could almost be said to be driving with his eyes closed, following the compass.

Even the GPS has failed, and all they can rely on is the most primitive equipment.

After another 15 minutes, the density of sand and dust suddenly decreased.

Then, as if a certain dividing line had been crossed, the sky suddenly became clear.


The GPS signal recovered, and Chen Chen determined the location immediately and established radio communication with the rear.

According to GPS, Abu Khashab, where the confrontation is located, is only 2 kilometers away from them.

They still veered off course, but fortunately not too much.

"Due north, keep moving forward."

"Xia Xing, through Suhail, establish contact with the local troops."

"We'll be there soon, no matter what, let them hold you back"


"Bang bang bang bang -"

Before Chen Chen finished speaking, vague gunshots and explosions came from the distance.

Chen Chen's heart tightened. Without him giving an order, Lin He had already turned the car around and headed in the direction of the target.

It only takes them less than 3 minutes to reach the distance of two kilometers.

Chen Chen followed his usual plan and stopped at a safe position around 800 meters for observation, but this was no longer necessary.

Because the battle was over and the extra-legal regiment was nowhere to be seen.


Chen Chen immediately ordered, and at this moment, his phone rang.

The phone picked up and it was Jackal.


"Gongga is in Ashamia! He was there at most 10 minutes ago!"

Chen Chen unfolded the map and quickly found the place name on the map.

The location of Ashamiyah is only a few meters away from Abu Khashab.

6 kilometers.

The lawless regular army and their black troops are finally converging.

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