The appearance of Ga Gong put all speculations to rest. The black army is here, bin Laden is here, and the outlaw corps is here.

Without any extra thought or judgment, Chen Chen raised his gun the moment he saw the other person. Without any hesitation after seeing his face clearly, he pulled the trigger and fired a short shot.

The super-penetrating tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullet accurately hit the side of Ga Gong, but unfortunately, the bullet hit the angle at such a large angle that the warhead ricocheted after grazing the bulletproof insert plate and failed. Directly penetrate the body armor.

Just a stagger, Ga Gong quickly fell behind the brick wall bunker, while Chen Chen's bullets chased after him.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Debris of masonry flew across, and a smoke bomb was thrown from behind the brick wall. Chen Chen subconsciously wanted to switch to the thermal imaging mode, but the white dog on the side suddenly pulled Chen Chen, and then shouted: :

"Escape into the village and find cover first!"

After his words fell, a series of large-caliber bullets tore open the ground like a python. Chen Chen threw himself to the side and managed to avoid the machine gun fire, but was immediately suppressed by the rifles of the armed men in the village.

He tried hard to bury his head and relied on the undulating terrain to avoid this round of blows. At this time, the last four vehicles, which had always been responsible for covering the rear, finally arrived nearby and began to suppress the extrajudicial convoy pursuing from behind.

Two heavy machine guns and two light machine guns fired at the same time. The opponent's intensive firepower was suppressed for a moment. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin He, who was holding on to a Vanguard-12 and refused to let go, finally found the opportunity to lock on one of the enemy's targets. Hummer.


The missile came out and destroyed the Humvee equipped with the M-2 heavy machine gun in less than a second.

A violent explosion sounded in the distance, and at the same time, the revolving grenade launcher in Gang Li's hand was also aimed at another Humvee within the range.

This is the peak showdown between MK-19 and RG-6.

No matter how you look at it, RG-6 has no chance of winning.

With only 6 rounds of grenades, the rate of fire is slow, the range is short, aiming is difficult, and the lethality is insufficient.

On the other hand, the MK-19 is a killer weapon that has been personally verified countless times by the Dongfeng Corps itself!

The hail of bullets is a nightmare for all infantrymen. The moment it fires, all you can do is run away.


But the Li Gang did not escape.

He resolutely fired the magazine of the RG-6 in his hand, completely ignoring the grenade that fell less than 15 meters away from him.

Unfortunately, there are no miracles.

The explosion only slightly changed the path of the Humvee. In fact, if the Humvee driver hadn't been a little "cowarded", it wouldn't even have had to dodge.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Chen Chen shouted orders.

At this time, the number of Dongfeng Corps had reached 5 men. They had no chance to fight back and were completely beaten to the point of running away.

At the same time, due to the change in the enemy's position, the effect of Suhail's artillery support was also greatly weakened.

None of the shells landed exactly where it was supposed to land, and most of them exploded, which was just audible.

If you continue to struggle with the powerful extrajudicial forces in the open space, there will only be one final result, and that is the annihilation of the entire army!

Only by retreating to the village first and turning the breakout into a street battle can we have a chance to change our fate!

Chen Chen quickly ran into the nearest building, pointed at the two armed militants and pulled the trigger.

He didn't have time to identify whether these two people were JD elements. He only knew that every non-friendly target with a gun who appeared in front of him deserved to die!

"Contact Suhail!"

"Open the airport in advance!"

"We need fighter support, now, now!"

"Stop worrying about the rules and tell Mao Zi that if they don't move out now, we will blow up the airport and no one will be able to use it!"

"Pull out their Su-27! If the missile is not seen within 10 minutes, I will immediately call Jackal and ask him to blow up the airport!"

Chen Chen's tone was urgent and determined, even revealing a hint of desperate madness.

But at this moment, absolutely no one doubted his determination.

Because everyone knows that if this war reaches a desperate situation, Jackal will definitely blow up the airport according to Chen Chen's instructions.

The alliance between them is far more complicated than a simple binding of interests!


Xia Xing, who followed Chen Chen into the room and was lying on the ground, immediately answered. Chen Chen didn't look at her again, but threw away the AK-74M with an empty magazine in his hand. He took out the PKMS from behind and put it on the window sill. Suppress the convoys of extrajudicial regiments that are arriving one after another.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps once again lost a heavy machine gun pickup truck, but fortunately, most of the team members finally entered the village and began to occupy various buildings.

They clashed with the militants in the village, but with their protection, weapons, and combat qualities at the forefront, the resistance of those militants seemed particularly weak.


It is difficult to fight outside the law because they take advantage of the high-altitude drones to pre-emptively strike. When the situational awareness of the battlefield is equal, I am not going to hit you local militia casually?

In less than a minute, the Dongfeng Corps had established a firepower point in the village, temporarily stabilized the defense line, and formed a confrontation with extrajudicial, black troops and other armed elements.

The building complex on the westernmost side of the village is occupied by the Dongfeng Corps, and the building complex on the east side is the territory of the black army, where Gagong is located.

The extrajudicial regiment in the distance stopped on the outside of the sand dune 400 meters away from the village. Relying on the advantage of the reverse slope, they used curved weapons to suppress the Dongfeng Corps.

The sound of artillery continued, and their shells seemed endless.

Fortunately, with the building cover, the suppressive force caused by such artillery fire has been much weaker.

"The Su-27 is preparing. It is expected to take off in two minutes and arrive in four minutes!"

Xia Xing, who was lying on the ground, shouted a report. The barrel of the PKMS in Chen Chen's hand had been reddened. He replaced it with the last 200-round drum, and the shooting rhythm immediately slowed down.


As long as air support arrives, the Dongfeng Corps has a chance.

Not only that, the leading soldiers sent by Suhail had also arrived. They fired a round of firepower at the convoy of the Outlaw Corps from the side, and then immediately suffered a nearly devastating blow.

Chen Chen watched helplessly as the four pickup trucks that had just stopped were destroyed in an instant, and he couldn't help but curse:


"How many times have I taught you, but I still don't know how to do it!"

But at this moment, there is no use complaining.

He must stabilize his formation and even find a way to hold back the black troops.

Because according to the report of Yang Shu who quietly reached the commanding heights, the black troops had begun to gather and planned to cover a heavily protected target to break out.

After noticing this situation, Chen Chen finally figured out the other party's complete plan.

The regular troops of the Outlaw Corps did not come into contact with the black troops from beginning to end. Their real goal was to clear the way for the black troops.

No matter what the reason, no matter what form, as long as they do not directly cooperate with terrorists, everything will be explained!


The only chance to break the situation is to find a way to hold back the black troops.

Or, directly kill the target they protect!

Chen Chen immediately turned his gun, quickly rushed out of the room and got into a low building not far away with a better view.

His goal is very clear, which is to rely on building bunkers to advance quickly and bite the black troops in the butt.

The distance between the two sides is no more than two hundred meters, so the chance is very high.


The premise is that the other party does not cheat.


"White phosphorus bomb! White phosphorus bomb!"

Chaotic shouts rang out, and the next second, blazing flames appeared in front of Chen Chen's eyes.

The entire village was almost divided by a wall of fire, and the Dongfeng Corps, which had advanced to the fighting distance, had no choice but to retreat.

"Depend on!"

Chen Chen cursed angrily.

What are you doing! ?

This is obviously his specialty, but why are they using it instead! ?

Go against Tiangang! ?

Chen Chen wished he could capture all the black troops and stew them in a pot, but in fact, he had no reason and no one had any reason to question the Dongfeng Corps' decision-making in weapon selection.

The more uncertain the mission, the more versatile the weapon.

The payload and space are only so large. You can't load a lot of white phosphorus bombs and napalm bombs that are very likely to be unused. Instead, you will reduce the number of ordinary artillery shells and bullets.

On the contrary, those terrorists knew very well what they would encounter, so their weapon selection was extremely targeted and effective!

Black smoke billowed straight into the sky. Chen Chen gritted his teeth and scanned the battlefield, only to find that the only chance to cross the wall of fire was to pass through the open area in the center of the village.

But if you do that, the Dongfeng Corps will be immediately exposed to the strike range of the Extralegal Corps MK-19, and it will be impossible for anyone to cross that death line alive!

"How long until the plane arrives?!"

Chen Chen asked again.

"4 minutes! 4 minutes!"

Xia Xing's reply came from the earphone, and Chen Chen frowned. For a moment, he didn't even know how to give his next order.

4 minutes is too late.

The black troops were covering the evacuation of key targets. Four minutes was enough for them to drive several kilometers to canyons and basins with more complex terrain.

In the absence of data links and satellite tracking and locking, it is impossible for two Su-27s to find each other's position by relying on one. Even the final result may be just to "vent their anger" on the heads of the lawless convoy. Just drop a few bombs.

And if you want to change this situation, your team must limit the speed of the black troops' withdrawal.

But the question is, on what basis?

Looking at the wall of fire in front of him, Chen Chen suddenly felt blessed.

"Thermobaric bomb! Load the thermobaric bomb!"

"Understood! Prepare two rounds of thermobaric bombs!"

In just a few seconds, two thermobaric bombs went straight towards the wall of fire.

Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion swallowed up the flames, the surrounding oxygen was consumed in an almost visible range, and the fire wall was extinguished instantly.

Chen Chen didn't even know where he got these two thermobaric bombs from, nor did he know how the team members managed to carry two rocket launchers on their backs without letting go when they were already on the brink of despair, but he knew , the opportunity has come.

Without any hesitation, Chen Chen took the lead and rushed across the still hot ground with his gun in hand.

Ga Gong, who escaped from his gun, appeared in front of him again, and this time, Chen Chen did not give him a chance.

One long burst, the bullet shattered Ga Gong's entire face.

Afterwards, Chen Chen immediately lay down, aimed at the convoy of black troops who were ready to go, and emptied the magazine.

The barrel of the PKMS was already red. Chen Chen didn't even dare to stop firing because he knew that once the bullet stayed in the chamber for too long and the high temperature ignited the gunpowder, the gun would explode.

Using the fastest speed to empty the bullet is the best way to avoid exploding the chamber.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

The gunfire gradually became intensive, and more team members crossed the line of fire. They ignored the grenade suppression of the extralegal regiment and poured firepower on the really important armed squad without any scruples.

Of course, their unscrupulousness is not reckless.

In fact, at this moment, everyone has already sensed the change in the situation.

Although the Tiger Corps led by Suhail was not good enough in front of the regular extrajudicial army, their fighting will was frighteningly strong.

Their formation was completely out of sync, but they managed to stabilize their position by relying on Calabash Baby's refueling tactics to save grandpa!

Only two of the Tiger Corps' top soldiers who arrived in the first batch survived, and six of the second batch survived. By the third batch, they had begun to establish a stable firepower point, forming a standoff with the lawless.

While Chen Chen led the team to break through the wall of fire, the last large force finally arrived.

The team of two hundred people quickly expanded, and the intensive firepower put unprecedented pressure on the extrajudicial regiment in the open area.

They had to start a mobile retreat. The momentary firepower vacuum allowed the Dongfeng Corps' advantage to expand infinitely.

Yes, the Black Force is very strong, and they even really caught SEAL Team 6 off guard.

However, their strength is narrow-minded.

Just like when the Dongfeng Corps was first established, they also defeated Nuokang and swept away the largest drug trafficker in Pubei.

But was the combat effectiveness of the Dongfeng Corps at that time really that "scary"?

Actually, there really isn't.

What they rely on is their superiority in intelligence, firepower, and tactics. To put it bluntly, it is some form of "opportunism."

The victory of this black army was also based on this foundation.

When the Dongfeng Corps began to unleash all its potential and mobilized the madness from the north that had been suppressed in its blood for a long time to fight, the comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides could be said to be a judgment call.

"Surround! Surround!"

"Don't let them stick out!"

"Keep your distance! Don't rush in!"

Chen Chen resumed commanding, and at the same time as he issued the order, a series of roars suddenly came from the air.

The Su-27 finally arrived.



The timing doesn't seem right.

Only 3 minutes have passed.

Arriving early is indeed Mao Zi's style, but at this time, it is completely wrong.

Chen Chen subconsciously glanced up. Two fighter jets passing by at low altitude and high speed made his pupils shrink instantly.

"Fuck! Gust!"

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