I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 531 Haven’t left yet?

"Let's go directly to Ashamia, White Dog, give me the coordinates."

"Bang Li, coordinate and prepare for battle."

"The drone is ready to take off. The distance is six kilometers. Pay attention to battery life and ensure aerial visibility."

"The other side only has ground troops, and their air force will not be able to launch support in a short time. Don't be afraid!"

"Observe first when you get close, and think of ways to hold them back."

"We must wait for the support of the Syrian government forces, and if necessary, avoid large-scale frontal conflicts as much as possible!"


A series of orders were issued, and the Dongfeng Corps immediately took action.

At this time, their goal was extremely clear, which was to go to Ashamia.

This is a fairly basic judgment - if the black troops are in Ashamia, if the black troops have contact with bin Laden and at the same time with the extrajudicial forces, if the extrajudicial forces appear near Ashamia, and They also used quite extreme means to break through the siege of government troops. So, do they still need to consider their purpose?

This must be a response operation.

No matter what their purpose is, no matter whether their team members know that the person they are dealing with is bin Laden, for the Dongfeng Corps, these three forces are already tied to death.

As long as they can be stopped, even if it just buys a little time, the Dongfeng Corps can make huge contributions.

Because this can not only cause a major blow to France's strategic key nodes in Syria, but also possibly kill the terrorist leader who was supposed to die but did not die in one fell swoop!

The prestige of the entire Dongfeng Corps will be enhanced as never before. After completing this task, the foundation of the Dongfeng Corps in Syria will be completely laid.

Therefore, Chen Chen can be said to be determined to win this action.

Of course, combat determination and combat strategy are two different things.

Just because he is confident doesn't mean he can be reckless.

Considering the speed at which the extrajudicial response force can connect with the opponent, he does not think it is necessary for him to "race against time."

My purpose is not to rely on the strength of a single Dongfeng Corps team to directly kill all the opponents, but to follow them, keep an eye on them, and finally eat them away bit by bit.

The safest strategy is to maintain a safe distance and avoid possible ground-launched missile attacks from the opponent.

After all, the situation between the two sides, who both rely on vehicle maneuvers and both have "one shot into the soul" weapons, is actually quite delicate.

They are like two separate battleships on the sea. The deck is filled with glass cannons. Whoever can detect the other in advance can destroy the other in one fell swoop. The chance of counterattack by the latecomer will be very slim.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen continued to order:

"Get the anti-tank missiles ready, how many more rounds are there?"

"There are only two rounds. We have not prioritized the need for anti-ground vehicles, and the load has been freed up for anti-aircraft missiles."

"It's no problem for the Vanguard series to attack a lightly armored ground unit. As long as it can be locked and pulled out, it can be used as well."

"Be prepared first. If a conflict breaks out, focus your fire first to knock out the opponent's command vehicle!"


The team member's reply came from the headset. Chen Chen lowered his head and looked at the secondary screen in front of him that was connected to the drone's operating screen, carefully searching for traces of the outlaw regiment.

At this time, the drone has risen to a height of about 600 meters, and the field of view is extremely broad. However, at the same time, the quality of the optical imaging has also become extremely poor.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, what comes from high-altitude drone searches is a 4k quality video image that can be infinitely enlarged. Even if there is a mouse on the ground, it can be accurately captured by optical and thermal instruments.

But in fact, Chen Chen knows very well that even 10 years later, the ground search capabilities of drones will still be severely limited by two factors: weight and flexibility.

And this is actually the reason why military drones are getting bigger and bigger.

If you want to conduct effective reconnaissance on a large-scale and wide-area battlefield, the weight of the equipment cannot be that light.

Now, the Dongfeng Corps is still using a single-soldier ultra-short-range drone of less than 5 kilograms. From a distance, it is good to be able to roughly see the outline. If the opponent is camouflaged, it will be even more difficult to detect. More difficult.

Time passed by, but the drone still found nothing.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps was only the last two kilometers away from Ashamia. Chen Chen had to order the convoy to slow down to provide the drone with more search time.

This is like a minesweeper game. If the mines in front are not cleared and you move forward rashly, you will only step into the opponent's trap.

In the picture, the buildings of Ashamia Village were blurred, and the operator switched to thermal imaging mode, trying to capture moving targets that were difficult to distinguish in optical imaging.

But the problem was that at this distance, the thermal imager could only detect a faint flash of light, and he had no way of determining whether the target was there.

In view of this situation, Chen Chen decisively ordered:


"Parking on the reverse slope of the high slope on the west side, the reconnaissance team occupied the commanding heights for visual reconnaissance."


The dispersed convoy quickly began to turn, making a 90-degree turn towards a high slope.

The non-combat vehicles parked at a distance of about 100 meters at a distance of 300 meters from the high slope, while the pickup truck used for assault reconnaissance continued to rush to the top of the high slope with three members of the reconnaissance team.

Chen Chen did not participate in the reconnaissance. After getting off the car, he quickly organized everyone to carry important equipment to disperse and hide, find shelter, and establish a defense line.

It was not late at this time, and the temperature in the desert was very high, but no one questioned Chen Chen's order.

Because they all knew that when they were in a dangerous environment and the vehicle could not provide effective protection, as long as they stopped the car, it would be better to stay as far away from the vehicle as possible.

Because the enemy hiding in the dark only needed a round of heavy machine gun fire, or a rocket launcher, or an anti-tank missile to easily destroy the stationary vehicle, and you in the vehicle would be suffocated without any resistance.

This was originally just a fairly "routine" action for them, but what everyone did not expect was that it was this simple principle that saved most people's lives.

Less than 20 seconds after the personnel dispersed, Chen Chen's sight caught a "flying mosquito" falling from the sky.

It was so fast that Chen Chen almost ignored its existence, or thought it was just some kind of illusion.

But then, his command vehicle suddenly burst into a huge flame!


The explosion was deafening, and Chen Chen immediately lay down. Then, missiles fell from the sky one after another, and the Dongfeng Corps' convoy lost more than half of its vehicles in an instant!

A full six vehicles were destroyed on the spot, and the burning flames and broken fragments flew all over the ground. This round of attack was like a punishment from heaven!

"Missiles! Missiles attack the top!"

"Find their guide! He must be nearby!"

"No! No one!"

Chen Chen heard the reply from the drone operator in his headset, and at this moment, the reconnaissance team that had just reached the top also sent new intelligence.

"Found the target convoy!"

"They just crossed the sand dunes on the east side, and we lost our vision!"

"Drone fly over! Provide us with vision!"

"Received, flying!"

"Fly higher, they have anti-aircraft missiles--"


Before Yang Shu, who led the reconnaissance team, finished speaking, the drone above the Dongfeng Corps instantly exploded into a ball of sparks.

The signal on the screen disappeared, and the entire team fell into an extremely passive situation.

Blinded at the beginning of the fight, after losing the only high-altitude vision, the Dongfeng Corps has almost become a blind man on the battlefield! ——

But wait.

They just crossed the sand dunes on the east side, which means that the opponent cannot see the Dongfeng Corps convoy behind the reverse slope.

So how did they guide the anti-tank missile attack?

There is only one answer.

UAV guidance.

There is another drone above our heads!

Chen Chen subconsciously raised his head, but he couldn't find anything from the sky!

Damn, could it be Global Hawk-level?

Or the high-altitude reconnaissance balloon used by the American MPRI last time?


The opponent's convoy has been in high-speed maneuvers, and the balloon cannot keep up with their speed.

It can only be a large drone!

Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat, he knew too well what the appearance of a large drone above his head meant.

This proves that the actions of this French Legion squad are supported by the French military. If they can deploy drones, they can certainly deploy fighters and bombers!

However, they may not be able to take out fighters in a short time due to the constraints of NATO and the United States.

Time is very limited. If the party cannot immediately launch a counterattack, this opportunity will be lost forever!


"The reconnaissance team determines the approximate location and conducts a round of fire suppression first!"

"Understood! Prepare for a rapid fire!"

The order was issued, and four small-caliber mortars were deployed within 15 seconds. Then, without complex calculations, the gunner fired a round of rapid fire without hesitation, relying only on the approximate direction and distance information provided by the reconnaissance team.


The explosion sounded in the distance, and Chen Chen had no way to observe the effect of the shelling, but in fact, it didn't matter.

Now, the most important thing for the Dongfeng Corps is to complete the harassment of the French Legion as much as possible and delay it until Suhail arrives!

"White Dog! Find Su Haier! Ask him when he can arrive!"

"12 minutes! 12 minutes!"

White Dog on the other side answered immediately. Chen Chen frowned and ordered after thinking for a moment:

"The reconnaissance team takes a 4-man assault team and detours to the east sand dune to get the enemy's accurate position coordinates!"

"Take the anti-tank missiles. Once the target is found, immediately conduct a concentrated fire attack to force the leading vehicle to stop!"

"Understood! I'll go!"

Li Bang stepped forward and rolled over to sit on an undestroyed pickup truck. Lin He followed closely behind, and the other two team members followed immediately.

Yang Shu led the reconnaissance team to evacuate from the sand dune, while Chen Chen led the remaining team members to move forward on the sand dune.

The two sides met halfway up the mountain without wasting a second to look at each other, let alone "farewell".

The intense exercise made Chen Chen a little breathless. He fell to the ground and quickly pulled up his tinfoil camouflage clothes. Then, he raised the telescope and looked at the Ashhamia village below.

In the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, the village seemed extremely peaceful.

There was no sign of disorder, and no suspicious persons were on the road.

Chen Chen even believed that the Outlaws had picked up their target, or that their target was not in Ashamia at all, and that the encounter between the two sides nearby was just a coincidence.

But soon, the news from the reconnaissance team completely ended Chen Chen's suspicion.

In the earphones, Yang Shu shouted urgently:

"Encountered the enemy's main force! Retreating!"

"Damn! They are coming towards us too! We hit them!"

"The coordinates are given, the bushes on the south side! Artillery support is needed!"

"Fire the rocket first!"

Chen Chen gave the decisive order. In an instant, the deployed 107 rocket launcher was ignited. Nine fire dragons dragged clearly visible white smoke and screamed as they fell towards the bushes in the distance.

The assault reconnaissance team that had just evacuated to the bushes narrowly escaped this round of rockets. The latest explosion even occurred less than 30 meters behind their car!

Immediately afterwards, the 120mm mortar that had completed its aiming made a dull explosion.


A shell came out of the barrel and landed in the bushes nearly 900 meters away in an astonishingly high arc. The air wave from the explosion uprooted the low bushes, and was overturned at the same time as a car chasing after it. The Humvee behind the reconnaissance team of the Dongfeng Corps!

In the distance, the opponent's main convoy had been completely exposed in front of Chen Chen, and such exposure also meant that the battle between the two sides was finally entering a full-scale outbreak stage.

"Don't stop the artillery fire!"

"Automatically on!"

"There is no more automatic bomb! The automatic bomb has been blown up!"

"Depend on!"

"Bazooka! Avant-12!"

"Heavy machine gun!"

"Hit them with anything! Don't let them continue to get closer!"


With the sound of heavy machine gun fire, several lines of smoke rushed towards the Humvee convoy in the distance.

But the distance between the two sides was too far, and almost all the individual rocket launchers failed. Even two avant-12 rounds failed to lock the target!

In contrast, the enemy's first round of automatic grenade attacks arrived.

MK-19, an infantryman’s nightmare.

Continuous grenades were tilted down. Chen Chen couldn't think too much and could only order:

"Drop the heavy equipment!"

"Look for cover on the reverse slope!"

"Don't show your head yet, wait until you survive this wave!"


There were continuous explosions, and Chen Chen's arms had been scratched by fragments, but at this moment, they no longer had any ability to resist.

As Chen Chen said, the two sides are two battleships sailing on the sea. Whoever attacks first will be invincible.

There's really no chance.

We must retreat to Ashamia and use more bunkers to mediate.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately said:

"Cover the reconnaissance team!"

"Everyone disperse and evacuate in the direction of Ashamia!"


The order was issued, and the Dongfeng Corps moved again.

At this time, they were still close to two kilometers away from Ashamia, but it was almost impossible to cross these two kilometers without a vehicle.


Unless someone responds.

When everyone was retreating towards Ashamia, shells fell one after another in a certain direction behind them.

Suhail finally arrived.

They are far apart, even too far away to directly participate in the battle.

However, his round of artillery support gave the Dongfeng Corps the last chance.

Chen Chen was refreshed, and Ashamia was already in front of him.

But just when he was about to step into the village, an armed man with a gun appeared in front of him, which almost made him freeze on the spot.

Ga Gong.

He had seen pictures and videos of this man.

He hasn't left yet! ?

Bin Laden hasn't left yet! ?

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