I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 533 Beyond visual range strike

The French arrived before Mao Zi, which was not unexpected for Chen Chen.

After all, after confirming that the opponent must have high-altitude drone reconnaissance, he already knew that it was only a matter of time before the opponent's combat aircraft arrived.

However, he did not expect that the opponent sent over would be Rafale series fighter jets.

The reason is very simple. According to the historical trend of the previous life, at this point in time, France should be able to mobilize only fighter jets from Jordan or UAE airports in the Middle East, and these two bases do not have Rafale, but only the Mirage-2000 that has not been eliminated!

According to this logic, Rafale cannot take off from the Middle East.

Their only source was Egypt.

This means that France's action not only affected the balance of power within the Middle East, but also involved North Africa.

The Rafale deployed in Egypt is about to take off, and the Egyptian military is at least aware of it, if not acquiescence.

The situation is further complicated. If France really does not know about this operation in advance, the United States will be in serious trouble.

But of course, Chen Shen now had time to think about these things, because before the Rafale fighter jet appeared above his head, the first A2SM precision-guided missile had already landed on its target!


A huge explosion sounded, and the already stable Tiger Corps position was instantly torn apart. A T-62 tank that had just arrived was immediately blown to pieces!

Seeing the fire rising in the distance, Chen Chen could be said to be stunned.

Using missiles to hit T-62 is not much different from using missiles to hit tractors.

You say how stupid it is, it’s out of the question.

But when you say waste, it is definitely waste.

However, this was the only high-value target that Rafale could find, because his next precision-guided bomb actually aimed directly at the Dongfeng Corps' machine gun pickup truck parked outside the village!

The explosion sounded again, and the pickup truck was destroyed without any accident, but in fact, there was no one on it.

The bullets have been fired. The Dongfeng Corps has already entered the stage of close combat with the black troops. What's the use of going back to hit my car?

Not caring about so much, Chen Chen immediately ordered to step up the encirclement and offensive against the black troops.

He must take advantage of the short window period during the confrontation between the Tiger Corps and the Outlaw Corps to accomplish his goal. Only by annihilating all the black troops can the Dongfeng Corps have a chance of survival!

"Smoke bomb cover, prepare to shrink the encirclement!"

"Pay attention to ammunition management and don't stop suppressing fire!"

At this time, more than 40 members of the black army had been trapped in a small building on the east side of the village by the Dongfeng Corps. The convoy that had been preparing to evacuate was destroyed by two consecutive rockets and the lead vehicle was destroyed. Unable to break through quickly, They can only switch to a shrinking defense.

The situation is developing in a direction favorable to the Dongfeng Corps, but the problem is that the Dongfeng Corps is almost running out of ammunition and food.

The machine gun bullets have been exhausted, and the average ammunition carried by the combatants is less than half a base. If the battle cannot be ended quickly, Chen Chen can only watch the opponent rush out of the encirclement, and then face the enemy that may appear next with bare hands. !

Killing efficiency became the most important factor, and in order to ensure killing efficiency, Chen Chen had no choice but to adopt an extremely risky strategy.

Shrink the encirclement, shorten the fighting distance, trade casualties for casualties, and use the fastest speed to penetrate into the enemy!

"Bang Li, follow me!"

"The machine gun firepower point on the second floor on the left, kill him!"

Crouching behind a low wall, Chen Chen threw a smoke grenade away from the machine gun fire point.

The smoke did not obscure the machine gunner's vision, but completely attracted its firepower.

Continuous short bursts of bullets continued to penetrate the smoke. Chen Chen's little idea really worked. The moment the opponent's machine gunner's sight was attracted, he threw a second smoke bomb forward.

This throwing method not only ensures that the assault path is completely obscured by smoke, but also prevents the opponent from immediately suppressing fire after discovering the starting point of the smoke bomb, ensuring your own safety to a greater extent.

You know, low walls can block infrared rays and visible light, but they cannot block large-caliber machine gun bullets!

A few seconds later, the smoke dispersed. Without any hesitation, Chen Chen followed Li Bang and climbed out of the low wall, and then quickly moved towards the firepower point.

This is a standard fortress attack, and Chen Chen and Li Gang have practiced this kind of offensive coordination countless times.

At that time, they were even borrowing the camp in Chaisili.

The two men's movements were extremely smooth, advancing, pausing, looking for bunkers, and clearing peripheral targets.

Li Bang's round of firepower output attracted the attention of the enemy machine gunner. Under his cover, Chen Chen successfully rushed under the machine gun firepower point, then took out a grenade and threw it at the second floor window at a very small angle.


The small cannon exploded the moment it hit the window sill, sending shrapnel and masonry fragments flying. Chen Chen felt a chill on the side of his face, and blood dripped instantly.

The skin on his cheekbones had been completely cut open, and when he casually touched it with his hand, the wound was a little scary.

But fortunately, such injuries do not affect movement at all.

At the moment when the machine gunner on the second floor fell due to loss of center of gravity, the AK-74M in Chen Chen's hand almost pressed against his head and fired.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly took two steps outward and aimed the second cannon at the window.

This time, the grenade fell deeper into the window.

With a round of explosions, the machine gun fire point was completely destroyed.

"Gang Li! Follow us! Establish a firepower point!"


After receiving the order, Gang Li immediately ran towards Chen Chen's location. He did not pause at all, nor was he alert at all, he just ran forward with all his heart.

Chen Chen's gun was pointed behind him. The moment an enemy appeared, the AK-74M's crosshair had already locked onto the opponent's head.


An extremely simple burst shot, and the enemy 30 meters away was shot in the head.

At this time, Li Bang finally joined Chen Chen and immediately took his place.

"Cover me and keep pushing!"


Chen Chen continued to advance towards the building ahead, while Li Gang had already picked up the general machine gun that fell on the ground.

But there were not many bullets left in the gun chamber.

From beginning to end, neither of them entered the building.

This is not only for efficiency reasons, but more importantly, for safety reasons.

Who knows if I will step on a booby trap after opening the door?

Instead of betting on this probability, it is better to control the peripherals!

The gunshots throughout the village became more intensive, but also shorter.

When Chen Chen advanced to 20 meters in front of Li Gang, Lin He, who was advancing step by step, took over the covering position.

Not all enemies have been cleared cleanly, but all potential firepower points have been controlled.

In the center of the battlefield, only a courtyard surrounded by high walls remained. From Chen Chen's perspective, at least two heavy machine guns were deployed on the roofs of the buildings in the courtyard!

That's probably where the target is. If they want to attack, the Dongfeng Corps will definitely pay heavy casualties.

"Plane! Where is my plane?!"

Chen Chen shouted on the radio, and the next second, Xia Xing's reply came.


"Turn back?? Are you kidding?!"

Chen Chen asked in shock.

"What's going on? Why turn back?!"

"Tabka Airport suffered a stand-off cruise missile attack!"

Xia Xing replied briefly, while Chen Chen's brows immediately furrowed.

Standoff cruise missile.

Without a doubt, it must be Scarp!

This cruise missile, called Storm Shadow, can be said to be the pride of Europe, and has even been regarded as an upgraded version of the Tomahawk missile for a long time.

Ultra-long range, ultra-low penetration height, and ultra-precise guidance system.

The combination of a series of cutting-edge technologies is indeed beyond what the Syrian military or the Maozi who "did not fully intervene" can handle!

Once it hits, its double armor-piercing warhead will quickly destroy all fixed targets. No matter it is an airport runway, a fortress, a bridge, or other solid fortifications, it is almost impossible to withstand the strike of this missile!

Therefore, when Xia Xing mentioned "off-zone cruise missiles", Chen Chen's first thought was that the airport was finished.

But this is not just because of the lethality of this missile;

This missile is actually a symbolic deterrent.

Every time it is launched, it means that France has fully intervened in a certain incident, and that their attack and retaliation methods are about to escalate.

Even if Mao Zi really wants to fight, they must think again in the face of such a warning.

This is not just a problem of ability, but has risen to a zz problem.

From this perspective, the Su-27's turnaround is indeed understandable.

No matter what, they must prioritize the safety of the airport.

If the airport really suffers a large-scale attack, the two Su-27s in the air are likely to be their only countermeasures before the attack is over.——

By the way, what on earth are the French doing? !

The things they do can even be said to be more complicated than those in the United States.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and then continued:

"Let the Russian side confirm the situation as soon as possible and provide support as soon as possible."

"We still have French Rafales above us, but they are equipped with ground attack weapons."

"As long as the Su-27 can come over and force them back, we can still fight!"

"I understand, we are communicating!"

After finishing his words, Chen Chen looked at the center of the battlefield again.

At this time, most of the black army militants had retreated into the last fortress. The Dongfeng Corps, which lacked explosives, could hardly fight hard, and the two sides once again fell into a stalemate.

On the other side, Suhail's Tiger Corps was completely at a disadvantage after suffering continuous attacks from Rafale fighter jets.

Their number was not too large to begin with, with less than 500 people dispatched. In the past half hour, they had already lost more than 50 people, and the amount of equipment they had lost was even more astonishing.

There is no way for the remaining 450 to take advantage of the extrajudicial forces. The gap in technical and tactical levels is clearly reflected at this moment. Even if the superiority of the extrajudicial equipment in equipment is not taken into account, the battle damage of both sides can be reached by just shooting with rifles. 1 to 3 or more!

If this continues, Suhail's Tiger Corps may really be completely swallowed up in this battle.

Chronic death.

What's worse is that even if you want to withdraw now, I'm afraid you won't be able to withdraw.

What other power do you have that you can use?

It must be able to arrive in a short time, it must be able to destroy the target accurately, and it must be able to bring a strong enough deterrent to the French army.

Chen Chen's brain was running rapidly, but for a while, he couldn't think of any solution.

The time was too short, the incident was too sudden, and the preparations were too hasty.

This is not a lesson, but it is an inevitable "headwind" in a battle.

"What other equipment is there!?"

Chen Chen shouted and asked.

"No more! No need!"

Bai Gou's slightly anxious reply came over the radio, and then he continued:

"We have to find a way to rush! I'll find a car, press the accelerator and rush over!"

"make life difficult for!"

Chen Chen immediately denied it because he had already seen the pile of sand built up at the main entrance of the courtyard.

Rushing over rashly will serve no purpose other than wasting ammunition and wasting human lives.

We have to rely on fighter jets, but Su-27


The straight-line distance between my location and Tabuka Air Force Base is only 100 kilometers.

This distance is completely within the detection range of the N001 radar, and also completely within the range of the AA-10 air-to-air missile!

Can't they just fire two missiles here? !

Chen Chen immediately became energetic, but before he could shout on the radio, right above his head, one of the two Rafale fighter jets that were still looking for fighters and conducting air strikes suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a group of sparks higher in the sky.

The dazzling firelight disappeared fleetingly in the air, leaving only tiny fragments dragging smoke and dust as they continued to fall.

The missile hit the Rafale. This is the true form of modern air combat.

What dog fights, what tail biting, what scalpels?


A hundred kilometers away, the over-the-horizon strike after radar detection is the real killer move!


Bai Gou's excited voice came from the radio. The moment the fighter plane crashed, the entire battle situation also changed strangely.

The offensive of the extrajudicial mercenaries confronting the Tiger Corps suddenly became visibly "slow" and even "hesitant". Suhail decisively seized the opportunity and launched a fierce counterattack!

Those desperate soldiers rushed towards the temporary positions set up outside the law as if they were determined to die, while their enemies lost the confidence to continue to fight and instead began to retreat under the cover of armored vehicles.

At the same time, the defense of the black army also wavered. Someone tried to break out of the courtyard, but was killed by a long-awaited sniper from the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen was refreshed, and he knew that some things had changed.

Extrajudicial is about to withdraw.

They are giving up this black army!

"Hold them off!"

"Don't let them get away!"

Chen Chen ordered loudly.

And the moment his voice fell, a violent explosion suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

A missile fell from the sky and completely exploded the entire building into smithereens!

The long-awaited air support finally arrived.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and then said:

"Push forward."

"Get ready to finish!"

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