An air-to-surface missile almost destroyed the entire building, causing more than half of the three-story building to collapse.

However, people still kept popping up from every corner in the yard, trying to break through the Dongfeng Corps' blockade.

Now, the confrontation situation between the Dongfeng Corps and the Black Force has been completely reversed. The Black Force, who originally planned to rely on the extra-legal Corps not far away and determined to continue the confrontation with the Dongfeng Corps, is completely anxious.

It was obvious that from the moment the French fighter jet was shot down, they were aware of their dangerous situation.

The expected reinforcements will not come because they have a stronger enemy.

And his enemy has become the Dongfeng Corps that once made many mercenary groups fearful!

Yes, under the current circumstances, our side still seems to have the advantage.

Whether it is in ammunition supply, defenses, or the number of personnel, the contrast between the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides is obvious.

However, under such an obvious contrast between strengths and weaknesses, one thing is more obvious.

That is, as long as the Dongfeng Corps does not face systematic attacks, they will definitely be able to pull out a tactic that shocks everyone from the corners that you can't imagine, and then completely reverse the decline and tear their enemies into pieces. !

This is an experience that has been proven by countless battles. To a certain extent, this can no longer be said to be experience, but a "law"!

No one dares to question such a law, because the price of questioning may very well be their own life!

Therefore, instead of fighting to the end, it is better to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

Although it may not be successful, compared to the inevitable ending, the chance of survival is obviously much greater.

So, just as the Dongfeng Corps began to advance, the black troops in the yard also began to move.

Their defense quickly collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a snow mountain crushed by a snowflake, forming a desperate but irreversible avalanche!

Chen Chen keenly noticed this change, so he immediately ordered:

"Everyone stop moving!"

"Hold the perimeter!"

"Groups 1 and 2 continue to defend, while groups 3 and 4 withdraw from the village, support the Tiger Corps to the north, and pursue the mercenaries of the Outlaw Corps!"


Chen Chen's order was issued, and Bai Gou and Yang Shu immediately led two combat groups to begin maneuvering to the outskirts of the village. Chen Chen, who stayed behind, led the last two groups of 18 combatants to continuously carry out precise attacks on the militants of the black army. Roll call.

"Left machine gunner!"

"Be careful of rockets, keep your head down! Lie down!"

"Smoke bomb! Smoke bomb!"

"Are there any grenades? There is a rocket launcher behind the bunker, shoot him down!"

"Lee Gang! Li Gang!"

"The distance is 70 meters! Throw it over!"


After Chen Chen's order was given, Li Bang raised his hand and threw a grenade.

A few seconds later, the grenade accurately exploded above the enemy's head, and Chen Chen came to the conclusion of the enemy's fate without even thinking.

The shrapnel scattered from the air must have completely penetrated his body, and this firepower point had been completely destroyed before it took effect.

At the same time, Chen Chen had already put on the AK-47 he picked up from the ground.

The appearance of this gun surprised him. After all, the so-called "pure blood" AK-47 has long been difficult to find in the Middle East, and was replaced by the 56 and Bayi.

"Bang Bang Bang——"

The iconic gunshot of AK-47 sounded. The not too big recoil, the extremely stable muzzle jumping rhythm, and the extremely appropriately adjusted trigger force proved that this gun was unique.

The three bullets rushed toward its target like meteors, penetrating the skull, upper trunk, occipital bone, and cervical spine in sequence, and then passed out from under the shoulder blade.

The tumbling bullet shredded all muscle and bone, causing a horrific wound.

The enemy who was hit fell down immediately. Chen Chen gently turned his gun and aimed at another enemy who was aiming at him.

The man was wearing a heavy dragon scale body armor, and the muzzles of both sides were pointed at each other almost at the same time, but just a second before the shot was fired, Chen Chen lowered the muzzle of his gun by half an inch.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

"Bang bang bang——"

The gunfire rang out and Chen Chen's body stumbled back. At the same time, his bullet had passed through the enemy's thigh.

The enemy's body suddenly fell, his thighs twisted strangely to the outside of the body, and then a huge amount of blood spurted out.

Chen Chen fell backwards and fell to the ground. Seeing this scene, Li Bang immediately asked:

"Captain! How is it?"

"Not penetrated!"

" Faith Shot”.

The enemy that had just emerged from the wall was pushed back instantly. At the same time, the Li Gang, who noticed Chen Chen's predicament, also completed their replacement, and Chen Chen's pressure was instantly reduced.

"Continue to suppress, enter the building directly opposite the gap in the wall, and control the overall situation."

"Understood, enter immediately."

Lin He was just in place and kicked open the door of the three-story building. His movements were extremely skillful and even his strength was astonishing.

After a moment, continuous gunfire erupted in the room, and Chen Chen's radio also received a reply from Lin He.

"The building is under control."

"The enemy is evacuating from the northeast corner, and the firing range cannot be covered. We request mobile support."

"Copy that, a group of two people are going to support."

"Arrived in 10 seconds!"

"Encounter, encounter!"

"A team member fell to the ground and needs first aid!"

"Bang bang bang bang -"

There was another round of chaotic gunshots. Chen Chen was not disturbed by the tense situation. He calmly threw the last smoke grenade into the ruins of the small courtyard, and then switched the night vision device to thermal imaging mode.

"Get ready to go in, Li Gang, cover me."

"Copy that, I'll break the door."

A round of C4 explosive was stuck to the iron gate of the small courtyard. A few seconds later, there was a "boom" and the iron gate fell down.

Group 1 members filed in. This time, they did not make the same mistake again.

The formation spread out quickly, with no one moving laterally, no one stopping to take aim, and no one trying to do anything beyond the scope of their duties.

In a sense, they don't move very fast.

If you take away the guns and equipment from their hands, it would even be like "taking a stroll."

But what does that say?

In CQB, stability means speed.

There are no flaws in their tactical moves, and they don't need to think or change too much.

After 20 seconds, the small courtyard was completely emptied, and the enemy who had just escaped to the northeast corner was stolen by Chen Chen's team.

Under intense crossfire, four militants fell instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen began to lead a team to search the ruins and quickly found a reasonable "entry route."

In fact, most of this small building has been destroyed. Most of the wall on the west side has collapsed. The three rooms on the far left have become "solid". As far as Chen Chen can reach, only the east wall is left. 6 rooms on the side.

The collapsed masonry made the Dongfeng Corps' operating range extremely narrow, which also greatly increased the difficulty of CQB operations.

"Watch out for the narrow corridors!"

"We don't have shock bombs, just lower your heads and let the Li Gang carry them!"


Groups of columns followed closely behind Li Gang, who was holding an arm shield. Chen Chen's gun muzzle extended from Li Gang's armpit, and he was ready to fire at any time.

Turning the first corner, a black figure flashed in front of Chen Chen. Chen Chen's crosshairs followed him closely. At the last moment when his figure disappeared, the bullet hit his thigh.

The black shadow immediately fell to the ground. Li Bang, who was walking in front, shot continuously at the target's exposed thigh without hesitation. The target's left leg was instantly separated from the body, and the target fainted due to the body's protective mechanism.

On the battlefield, what is fatal is not necessarily gunshots to the torso and head. When both sides have body armor, pedicure is also a very efficient killing strategy.


"Get ready to enter the room on the right!"

"Personnel Nos. 3 and 4 are on alert!"


As the No. 2 top soldier, Chen Chen should not have issued such an order.

However, among everyone present, no one had as much CQB experience as him, and no one's marksmanship was as deadly as his. Therefore, he successfully changed the role configuration of the team's CQB operations.

This has proven to be very effective.

Li Gang quickly entered the room on the right, and Chen Chen followed closely and completed the control of the two corners behind him. Several gunshots were fired, and the militants in the room fell on the spot before they even had time to react.

"Safe, No. 3 and No. 4 continue to advance!"

The roles were reversed, and the two players in positions three and four filled the vacancies of Li Bang and Chen Chen, ensuring the team's advancement at the most aggressive speed.

"Enter the room on the left!"

"Empty, safe!"

The positions were changed again, and the Li Gang returned to position No. 1, and just 10 seconds later, they completed the search and cleaning of the third room.

Their speed was almost exaggerated. In less than 30 seconds, all three rooms on the first floor had been cleaned.

The stairs were on the side of the hall, and the team continued to advance without any pause.

"Help Li, come on, the rest of you will wait where you are!"

With all the projectiles exhausted, Gang Li could only brave the risk of being ambushed and step onto the stairs.

The facts were just as Chen Chen expected. At the moment when Gang Li showed up, there was loud gunfire on the stairs. Several bullets hit the arm shield and body armor on Gang Li's hand one after another. Then, a grenade was fired in the direction of the group. Come flying.

"Lie down!"

Chen Chen suddenly pulled Li Gang down and threw them down. The two of them fell straight down the stairs, and the grenade hit the ceiling and exploded before rolling down the stairs.

This was a grenade that was thrown from the bottom up. The explosion fragments swept almost half of the stairs, but because Chen Chen had been prepared, the damage caused by this grenade was almost non-existent.

Shrapnel embedded itself in the bulletproof panel on Chen Chen's back, and the shock wave pressed him hard to the ground.

At the same time, without his instructions, the players in positions 3 and 4 who were waiting on the spot quickly pressed forward and completed the cleanup of the enemies on the second floor.


"There are 4 rooms on the second floor, not 3!"

The structural information observed from the outside is actually not accurate, so Chen Chen is not surprised at all about "an extra room".

He just dragged Li Gang's body armor to pull him up, then raised his feet and rushed to the second floor.

After the height difference disappeared, the gap between the offensive and defensive sides was finally reduced to a controllable range.

There were almost no accidents during the cleaning of the first three rooms. The bulletproof panels of two team members, including Li Gang, were penetrated, but their injuries were completely controllable.

A total of 6 militants were killed, and after quick identification, Chen Chen determined that there was no target among them.

The real bin Laden was not killed.

That means that he can only be in the last room.

"Check ammo."

Chen Chen calmly ordered, and then continued:

"Leave one magazine and use the other bullets to pierce him!"


Four rifles fired at the same time, and the door to the last room was instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, gunfire began to extend toward the wall, and bullet holes gradually appeared, even revealing the sunlight from the blown-out windows.

Nearly 20 seconds later, the group's gunfire finally stopped, and by this time, the fighting on the periphery had ended.

Most of the black troops who tried to break out were killed, while the remaining few simply chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

"News of victory" kept coming from Chen Chen's radio, but he knew that as long as the target was not confirmed dead, his battle would not be considered a victory.

"Open the door."

Chen Chen spoke calmly, and Li Gang kicked open the already dilapidated door.

Four people quickly entered and controlled every corner.

There are a total of 6 "bodies" on the ground, two of which are still moving.

The action of refilling the gun has almost become instinctive. The two guns fired at the same time, and the two corpses truly became corpses.

"Check if there is a secret room."

"Check under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom."

"Don't worry about the body yet, eliminate the risk first!"


The four people quickly dispersed and launched a comprehensive search in this overly large bedroom.

The secret room that Chen Chen expected did not appear - of course, this is normal.

After all, this building was not the palace of bin Laden in his previous life, it was just a temporary place to stay.

It is normal that there is no secret room, and at the same time, no one made any new discoveries in the hidden corners of the room.

Chen Chen's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit. He knew that his target was probably among these corpses.

He took a deep breath and finally ordered:

"Turn over the bodies and identify them one by one."

"Be careful and check for booby traps first."


After a few long minutes, all the bodies were finally turned over.

Chen Chen stepped forward, took off his night vision goggles, and inspected each one carefully.

The first one is, not, an Asian face.

The second one, neither, is that she is a woman.

The third one, no, the appearance does not match.

the fourth.

Chen Chen raised his head and straightened his waist.

This is it.

After a moment of pause, Chen Chen said to the radio:

"Xia Xing, inform Luo Tuo."

"Target killed."

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