Chen Chen was very sure that the corpse in front of him was bin Laden.

The reason is very simple, not only because of those "powerful" black troops, but more importantly, it may not be difficult for you to find a substitute, but if you want to find two substitutes at the same time, and they are very similar, then It couldn't be simpler.

Chen Chen didn't believe he could have this ability. In fact, he didn't think it was necessary.

Jin Chan's plan to escape can only be used once, it will either succeed or fail, and once it fails, it means that it will never be possible to recover.

After dragging the body out of the ruins of the collapsed building, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the white dog with an excited expression on his face, he said:

"Don't be too happy too early."

"Killing him does not mean that we have won. To confirm our results, it will require quite complex political mediation and secret deals."

"The extent to which we can achieve this depends on how capable our friends are."

As he spoke, he looked at Xia Xing, who was standing and crouching aside taking photos of the corpse.

After hearing his words, Xia Xing put away the camera, raised his head, and then said:

"It's almost certain that this was the target."

"But you are right. Killing him is only the first step. If we want to obtain more benefits, we will need more time."

"If you don't beat everyone to death, sir, why do you still need time?"

Bai Gou complained in disappointment, while Xia Xing replied calmly:

"this is the truth."

"Military is always just a continuation of politics, and politics represents the purest interests."

"In the final analysis, the game in this matter still comes back to the exchange of interests."

"It's so frustrating."

Bai Gou shook his head helplessly, and his reaction made Chen Chen want to laugh.

"Is this called frustration?"

"Then you obviously have never experienced being threatened by someone choking your neck and pressing your head."

"You may not think that this is just a terrorist leader, but the waves he can cause in the Middle East are actually at a level that we are far from reaching."

"Without us, the solution to the problems he caused would have to go through a long cycle, and it might not even be settled in the end."

"And now, we have been extremely lucky to have solved most of this problem in the most brutal way, which is already good."

"Is it possible that you still want to storm into the United Nations venue and point a gun at the representatives' heads to force them to recognize our achievements?"

, ".That's not the case."

Bai Gou sighed and then said:

"I just think this is so unfair. We have done something, and if we want to benefit, we have to get their approval first. Isn't this just kneeling down to beg for food?"


Chen Chen snorted coldly and then said:

"That's it. How many people want to kneel down but don't know how to do it?"

After a moment of pause, he changed the topic and continued:

"But we can't kneel forever."

"One day, we will stand up."

"But before that, I do have some things to deal with."

As he spoke, Chen Chen walked towards several prisoners who were kneeling on the ground with guns pointed at them.

He glanced around for a week, and sure enough he found an extremely obvious East Asian face among the prisoners.

Chen Chen waved to Gang Li to take the man away. When he reached a quiet and uninhabited place, he said bluntly:

"Now, there are three possible endings for you to choose from."

"First, give it up happily. I will find a way to ensure your safety and you can survive."

"Second, don't say anything until you kill me. I'll think of a way to make you speak."

"Third, I'll hand you over to the Americans and see what they say."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, a look of shock appeared on the prisoner's face.

Perhaps he knew the methods of the Dongfeng Corps and was prepared for the torture he might suffer.

What really made him unbelievable was the calm manner in which Chen Chen said the sentence "Leave it to Lao Mei".

There is no doubt that if it really comes to that step, it is really possible for these lunatics of the Dongfeng Corps to directly destroy themselves regardless of the consequences or future development.

Once it falls into the hands of the United States, there will be no room for redemption for many things.

That's right, the methods used by the United States may not be as cruel as those of the Dongfeng Corps.

But the problem is that it is absolutely impossible for the Dongfeng Corps to complete this action "obscurely".

They will definitely publicize it in a big way, but just like the previous series of incidents, they will enter the scene with a high profile and make this whole thing a big deal.

At that time, the answer to the question of whether he can survive is actually no longer in suspense.

It is impossible for his "boss" to fail to obtain the information, and it is impossible for him to retain him even though he knows that he is at risk of leaking secrets.

Anyway, to them, he is just a consumable.

Although this black force did receive a lot of support from the extra-legal corps, the reason why they were willing to provide funds was not essentially a black force composed of high-combat mercenaries.

What they want is to use their own brothers as a blueprint to build or test a black army with a unique combat system.


A black army based on the Dongfeng Corps.

But now, the trial and error of the system has been basically completed, which means

It is very likely that my own value has fallen below the safe level and become even less valuable than a gun.

Thinking of this, the captive raised his head and said to Chen Chen in Chinese:

"I choose one."

"I can tell you anything you want to ask!"

"But you have to keep me safe."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then asked:

"Are you from Chaisli?"

"No, I'm from Vietnam."

The man's answer surprised Chen Chen a little, but it was also reasonable.

"Who is your boss?"

"Extralegal GCP, and 1er RPIMa."

After the voice fell, Chen Chen was stunned.

"The First Parachute Regiment?! What is your relationship with them!?"

"We were trained by 1er RPIMa. I don't know what specific connection we have with them, but..."

"How do you know that the one who trained you is 1er RPIMa?"

Chen Chen interrupted him and continued to ask.

"Their characteristics are very obvious. I think anyone who has been trained can tell them apart."

The man's answer was very vague, but in fact, such a vague answer is more credible.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and did not ask immediately.

He has always believed that this black army should only be related to the lawless. After all, such a separation is more conducive to a series of "illegal" activities organized by France.

But think about it carefully, GCP may not be able to complete such a training task, because although they are indeed a special force, their training is more inclined to large-scale operations, dealing with special situations on non-limited battlefields.

This is obviously not in line with the positioning of the black army, because what the Dongfeng Corps does is not "cooperating with large forces".

On the contrary, it is "letting large forces cooperate with Dongfeng Corps operations"!

Therefore, to achieve this goal, the most suitable "training unit" is really 1er RPIMa!

This thing has a deep connection with the British SAS. They have been deployed in Africa and the Middle East for many years, laying a very solid foundation, participating in many wars, and countless special operations of all sizes.

It is said that France is the emperor of many African countries, and 1er RPIMa can be said to be the strongest sword-carrying guard of this emperor.


Yes, I should have thought of it earlier.

The French Rafale fighters were transferred from Egypt. Who else has such a strong influence in North Africa?

It must be the joint command center of 1er RPIMa.


Pulling out the carrot brings out the mud. Chen Chen originally thought that GCP was the boss of the French copy, but unexpectedly, this boss battle was from twins!

After the black army suffered a heavy blow, especially after the fighters were shot down, 1er RPIMa had no reason not to directly participate in the war.

And their target must be the Dongfeng Corps.

But the good news is that the plane was shot down by the Russians.

A large part of the pressure faced by the Dongfeng Corps will be borne by the signal flag.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen continued to ask:

"What is your purpose? Why are you connected with Bin Laden?"

"We didn't know that the target of protection was Bin Laden at first. Today is the first time we have seen his face."

"To be honest, if we knew he was Bin Laden, we would not dare to take this kind of job even if we had a hundred courage!"

The man's face was a little regretful, and his answer was indeed logical.

Good guy, it seems that they have been used as cannon fodder.

From this point of view, the French are much more "gentle" than the Americans.

After all, if they want to do dirty work, they will specially pull out a team that is not their own, while the Americans will kill people to silence them after letting their own people do the dirty work.

"What is your purpose? Answer me this question!"

"We only care about the mission, and we don't know anything else."

"Our mission is to protect the safety of the target and cooperate with the actions of local armed forces."

"At the beginning, our mission was to send him to Raqqa, but after you appeared, the mission was adjusted, and we have to send him to Hasakah."

"Hasakah? Why?"

"Not sure."

The man shook his head decisively.

"You don't know?! A team that can use youtube can keep secrets so well?"

". These are two different things."

The man spread his hands helplessly and replied:

"We are a mercenary team. We are only responsible for the mission and the employer."

"Bin Laden is not our employer, and he has no control over us."

"But of course, we are not qualified to inquire about their affairs."

It makes sense. The last doubt in Chen Chen's mind was also eliminated. He had completely figured out how this black army operated.

This was a rather rough but also quite clever way of cutting. In the absence of strong supervision, this black army was prone to leaks like the YouTube video, but similarly, they were completely isolated from the "strategy".

They were just cannon fodder. Even if they were really captured like now, it would not cause too much loss to their employer.


"Your employer is not actually outside the law, right?"

"No, but we all know it is, sir, you know it too, don't you?"


Chen Chen nodded slowly. He knew that this was the limit of the information he could get from this man.

Seeing Chen Chen's reaction, the man opposite him also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't understand this "legendary man", he had another feeling, that is, he believed that he was indeed safe.

"So, we're fine, right?"

"It's okay with me."

Chen Chen answered casually.

The man immediately became nervous and asked:

"What do you mean?! You want to send me to the Americans?!"

"of course not."

Chen Chen shook his head without hesitation.

In fact, he had no intention of giving this person to Lao Mei from the beginning.

He would never have been able to do this kind of thing of giving up his chips if he hadn't come to the last moment and needed to trade his chips for his own life.

However, this does not mean that he should keep this hot potato in his hands.

Based on the current situation, only one force can properly handle this matter.

That is, Chaisili.

Chen Chen took out his satellite phone and dialed Jackal's number.

The phone was quickly connected, and Jackal's slightly urgent voice came.

"Shipwreck, we're almost there!"

"Give me half an hour, hold on!"

"No, the battle is over."

Chen Chen replied calmly:

"Suhail's support has arrived, the enemy has retreated, and we are finishing."

"I have captured the prisoner, and I must hand it over to you."

".Chaisili's team members?"

"No, Vietnamese."

"Vietnamese? Then why. I understand."

Jackal stopped mid-sentence. It was obvious that he understood what Chen Chen meant.

But what he didn't understand was how complicated the prisoner's involvement was, so that Chen Chen had to throw him out of his hands?

"What did they do? Who are you fighting?"

Jackal asked tentatively.

By this time, Chen Chen had nothing to hide.

He answered bluntly:

"We just killed bin Laden, the real bin Laden."

".I knew it!"

Jackal sighed heavily, and then said:

"A few terrorists are simply not worth your efforts. I should have thought of this a long time ago."

"We'll arrive in half an hour. Let's talk about what we need to do in person."

"no problem."

Chen Chen hung up the phone. At this time, Xia Xing, who had been contacting his superiors, also came over.

She glanced at Chen Chen, and after seeing him nodding, she said:

"Prepare to evacuate, the first phase of the mission is over."

"We need to get back to Tabuka, to Tabuka Air Base."

"The airport will be a key target in the next phase, and you need to strengthen airport security."

"Is the airport still usable?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

After all, there are airports that can still be used after being hit by anti-runway missiles, but in Syria.

It's really not common.

"It works. There is only one runway left."

"The engineering team has arrived and will be able to repair it soon."

"That's not the point."

"The point is, there are things you need to receive at the airport."


Chen Chen immediately became interested.

"A batch of drones."

"A real drone."

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