I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 537 Reconnaissance Preparation

Walking into the combat command room, Chen Chen saw Su Haier sitting in the center.

He actually evacuated at the same time as Chen Chen, but he had a helicopter to pick him up and flew faster than Chen Chen, so he arrived earlier.

Of course, this does not mean that he was treated better than Chen Chen.

To a certain extent, it was just because he was braver than Chen Chen.

After all, in the current chaotic situation, when air supremacy was almost lost and he had just suffered an air strike from France, he dared to take a helicopter and was not afraid of being shot down by rockets flying from nowhere. That was really his head.

After seeing Chen Chen come in, Su Haier immediately stood up and greeted him warmly. Then, he pulled Chen Chen to sit down and began to introduce the people in the command room to him one by one.

In fact, there were not many people who could sit in this not-so-big command room.

Including Chen Chen and Su Haier, there were only six people in total.

Two of them were obviously confidential secretaries, and the other two had a typical Russian face and an East Asian face.

Chen Chen and the East Asian looked at each other, and they nodded knowingly.

Suhail's introduction was quite simple, with no position, no identity, no military rank, but only a simple name - or even a fake name, because Chen Chen really had never seen a northerner who named himself Grasshopper.

Similarly, the Russian's name was Ivan, which was as common as Zhang San and Li Si.

After a brief mutual understanding, Chen Chen did not waste more time, but went straight to the point.

"Where is the team of the Extralegal Corps now? How many people are left? What is the equipment configuration?"

Hearing his words, Suhail pressed the remote control in his hand, and a huge map immediately appeared on the screen.

The map has been marked with various data and line segments, and the most conspicuous one is the area circled in the Hasakah region.

"This is the location where the extralegal troops we last tracked disappeared."

"We believe that they have entered the city of Hasakah and are hiding in various safe houses."

"But we cannot determine their specific location at present."

"Because the city of Hasakah has completely fallen, our forces cannot enter to search."

"Completely fallen?"

Chen Chen asked in astonishment:

"What do you mean by completely fallen? It has only been a few days, and it has fallen?"

Hearing his words, Suhail nodded helplessly and replied:

"In just these few days, several JD armed forces have joined forces in Hasakah. We know that they include the former al-Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, the Islamic State of Iraq, and some JD elements who are temporarily without any organization."

"Their number has reached more than 4,000, and they are well-equipped. Our local garrison has no way to resist."

"How well-equipped are they? Tanks? Aircraft?"

"Not so exaggerated, but they have a lot of heavy firepower, including heavy machine guns, mortars and homemade cannons."

Speaking of this topic, Chen Chen's brows frowned instantly.

He still remembered that he had judged the source of the gas tank cannons used by the cult army, thinking that they came from the Damascus area.

But now it seems that there is more than one source of these equipment.

As long as it is a region with a certain industrial production capacity, it is the arsenal of those JD elements!


However, this problem should be solved by the Syrian government army itself.

What the Dongfeng Corps needs to do is to focus on air strikes against the French Legion.

Thinking of this, he did not continue to ask, but asked:

"Is there any way to locate their specific location?"

"This is the topic we need to discuss now."

Suhail pressed the remote control in his hand, and the map on the big screen switched to a more detailed satellite map of the Hasakah city area.

Then, he pointed to several areas marked on the map and said:

"We initially judged that the teams of the Extralegal Corps might be repairing in these locations."

"These locations correspond to hospitals, factories, residential areas and gymnasiums."

"Next, we need to use air power to conduct reconnaissance in these areas to confirm whether the target exists."

"This work will be handed over to Mr. Grasshopper. We need to discuss the specific details further."

Suhail said seriously, "MR. MAZHA" made Chen Chen want to laugh, but he quickly sorted out his expression and turned to Grasshopper and said:

"What is your plan?"

Hearing his question, Grasshopper hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Simple aerial reconnaissance cannot achieve very good results. The other party is a professional soldier and it is impossible for us to catch them so easily."

"If we want to accurately locate them, we have to force them to reveal their flaws."

"We must first organize a round of "strategic air strikes" against Hasakah, attack local key facilities, and make the local situation chaotic."

"Only in this way can they be exposed due to pressure, and we can lock them."

"Just as I thought."

Chen Chen nodded, then turned to the Maozi on the side.

"This matter needs you to do."

"No problem."

Ivan nodded decisively, and then said:

"After the runway is repaired, we can send 12 sorties of fighter jets every day to carry out non-stop bombing on Hasakah."

"Each time, we can carry at least 4,000 kilograms of bombs, which is enough to ensure the deterrence against local extremist armed forces and potential enemies."

"However, due to the overall backwardness of radar and air defense systems, such bombing must be based on comprehensive air supremacy."

"And obviously, we do not have enough power to guarantee air supremacy."

"So, the most critical issue is time."

"We must end this operation before the United States and NATO respond. The window period will not be too long, probably only two to three days?"

"Two to three days is not enough to complete the task."

Chen Chen shook his head without hesitation and said:

"The other party is not a fool, they will not be able to survive even three days."

"We must find a way to extend the ceasefire and find a way to make the Americans stop."

"But we have no way."

Ivan spread his hands and answered helplessly.

Seeing his expression, Chen Chen shook his head and said:


"We do."

"To be precise, you don't, but I do."

"You do?"

Ivan sat up in surprise, and then asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Chen coughed and replied:

"I plan to exchange some things with them."

"This war has been going on for so long, and we have accumulated some chips in our hands."

"And now, it's time to cash in these chips."

A few hours later, in a room in the White House.

Craven sat in front of the most powerful black man in the world, accepting his questioning with a serious face.

In fact, this should have been a "commendation talk". After all, although their actions were not perfect, they successfully completed the predetermined goals.

It's a pity that a sudden news destroyed all their achievements and made everyone involved fall into a panic.

".So the current situation is that the Dongfeng Corps captured Bin Laden, killed him, and got his body right under our noses and under the siege of the Extralegal Corps?" Hearing the black man's words, Craven nodded slowly and replied: "From the intelligence in my hands, it is indeed the case." "This mercenary group has a very accurate grasp of the fighter plane, and they must have strong intelligence support behind them." "They watched the entire process of our operation, and we misjudged them." "At first, we thought they were just a newly established special operation led by Suhail. "After our operation, they continued to pursue the remaining militants and eventually found Bin Laden, and then..." "No need to say so much." The black man interrupted Craven's explanation with a wave of his hand, and then continued to ask: "I just want to know, why can they find the real Bin Laden, but we can't?" "Also, our team suffered heavy losses in the raid, what happened?" "It's still an intelligence issue." Craven sighed and replied: "Andrea's death made the CIA The intelligence network in the Middle East has been hit hard, and the entire Syrian intelligence department is in a chaotic. " "Some strikes" "Of course, this is not a fatal issue." The B program B was launched, annihilated the vast majority of armed personnel, cut off the connection with all JD organizations, and warned it by the special personnel. The two sat opposite each other, and after a few seconds of silence, the black man continued:

"It seems that now, in order to ensure the implementation of the strategy, we must trade with the other party."

"Not necessarily, we can"

"Not necessarily."

"The core issue is not Bin Laden, not his body, but a series of strongly connected evidence they have accumulated."

"You can say that Bin Laden's body is fake, but once the other party discloses all the details of the action, we will have no way to refute it."

"The other party's thinking is very clear. From the beginning, they exposed themselves to the public, and this is the best endorsement of the authenticity of their actions."

"And they made full use of all the conditions they created-maybe even Andrea's death was in their plan."

"Their fighting power is terrible, but their vision, their determination, and their execution are even more terrible."

"As you said, there must be a strong think tank behind them."

At this point, the black man shook his head and sighed:

"There is no doubt that this is a powerful enemy."

"We have tried to completely eliminate them several times, but failed again and again."

"Next, we can't make the same mistake again."

"I authorize you that all future actions against the Dongfeng Corps will no longer be constrained by resources."

"As long as the clues are clear, you can mobilize all forces within the scope of JSOC's authority."

" There is only one goal, to eliminate the Dongfeng Corps. "

"Even if you want to send out an armored division or an aircraft carrier battle group, I can approve it."

"But you must guarantee success once, you only have one chance, understand?"


Craven immediately stood up and answered firmly, and the black man waved his hand and said:

"Okay, that's it."

"Next, I'm going to clean up the mess you left behind."

"This transaction must be completed, but fortunately, the other party doesn't want much."

At the same time, just when the two people in the White House had just reached a consensus on the issue of the Dongfeng Corps, two armed leaders were meeting in the city of Hasakah.

Standing on the left side of the room was the representative of the Outlaw Corps who had just been defeated, and standing on the right was the leader of 1er RPIMa who had arrived half an hour ago.

No matter in terms of temperament or equipment, the two people at this time were very different.

The one on the left has dried blood stains on his clothes, and there is an obvious bullet hole on his bulletproof insert. His face is depressed, his beard is untidy, and his eyes are bloodshot.

The one on the right is heroic, his movements are clean and neat, and his posture is upright. Even the equipment he uses is a complete replica of the equipment of SEAL Team 6.

HK41733, silencer, tactical eyepiece, monocular-binocular modular night vision goggles, personal PDA, and even a crossbow for stealth assassination.

At a glance, even the most ignorant person can see the gap in "combat effectiveness" between the two sides.

And the fact is that the representatives of the Extralegal Legion do not have any extra "respect" for the leader of 1er RPIMa.

He just silently handed the summarized and classified intelligence to the other party, and then said:

"The next step is up to you."

"Don't underestimate your enemies. They are not just some random mercenary groups that popped up from nowhere. They are real special forces."

"If you are not careful"

"It doesn't matter."

The leader of 1er RPIMa interrupted the man and said:

"We are the real special forces, and we specialize in fighting the so-called special forces."

Hearing this, the representative of the law showed a subtle mocking smile on his face.

But he did not refute it, but put on an "eager" look and said:

"Then, the next step is up to you."


The leader of 1er RPIMa answered simply.

Looking at his high-handed nod, the representative suddenly felt a sense of "pleasure".

Because he knew that if the other party continued to be so arrogant, then the one who would suffer would not be the law alone.

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