Chen Chen quickly explained his plan to Ivan. As he expected, Ivan was more interested in the plan of "importing missiles from Iran as an intermediary" than the proposal of directly importing the Scud series.

Ivan even promised that he could open up the channel relationship from Iran to Syria, and what the Dongfeng Corps needed to do was divided into two aspects.

First, the Dongfeng Corps needed to use its own funds to guarantee the payment of the Syrian government's commission, ensuring that even if the equipment could not be delivered in time due to some force majeure, they would get the money they deserved.

Second, the Dongfeng Corps needed to settle the relationship with Iran to ensure that the export intention was achieved.

For an ordinary mercenary group, this is actually a very harsh condition.

Because in essence, the Russian side can only solve the second half of the problem, that is, the Syrian government's import, reception and deployment.

And it is not an easy thing to buy missiles from a country.

However, for Chen Chen, this is not a big deal at all.

After all, Iran was going to export Fateh-110, so Chen Chen didn't need to do anything extra to "promote the export intention".

The advantage of information gap allowed Chen Chen to pick up a big bargain. Chen Chen seemed a little embarrassed, but in fact, he was already very happy.

So, the two quickly reached a consensus. After a simple handshake, Ivan planned to return to his office to arrange the next communication.

But just as he turned around, a person hurried in the corridor.

Chen Chen looked up and saw that it was Suhail.

The other party looked a little anxious, but also happy.

Seeing Chen Chen and Ivan standing together, Suhail immediately said:

"There is progress!"

"The drone has intercepted abnormal communications in Hasakah City. After confirmation, the ciphertext used by these people is consistent with that used by the Free Army!"

"According to the content of the communication, we have confirmed that the Free Army is also tracking the same target as us."

"They exposed the location of the target, which is in the abandoned factory building on the edge of Hasakah City!"

"The drone photographed the target there, and the number of people that can be distinguished is more than 5."

"These people suddenly appeared, and their clothes are quite uniform in color, looking like some kind of uniform."

"And after identification, the guns they used are most likely HK416!"

"HK416? How can this be seen clearly?"

Chen Chen frowned, and then asked:

"Where is the photo?"


Suhail immediately handed the photo to Chen Chen. Chen Chen took it and took a look, and then found that although this photo, which was obviously taken from a high altitude, was extremely blurry, the guns held by those people really looked like HK416.

It was difficult for Chen Chen to describe this feeling. Sometimes, when you identify something, you don't rely on precise features or appearance, but on a certain "feeling".

And his feeling for that familiar rifle was so strong that he could tell it at a glance.

It should be a sure thing.

Coupled with the other party's uniform clothing, it can be basically determined that they should belong to the same organization.


But the question is, are they really outsiders?

This is 2011, and most outsiders are using M4 and FAMAS, but can't afford the expensive HK416

Could they be big fish?

1er RPIma is indeed likely to be deployed to Hasakah. Could it be that this time, I can still give them a one-shot kill?

Chen Chen couldn't help but hesitate, after all, the Dongfeng Corps has not yet completely torn its face with the other party.

But on the battlefield, it is not the time to talk about "I won't offend others if they don't offend me".

Fight first and talk later!

He immediately made a decision, and then said:

"Keep watching, prepare for air strikes!"

At the same time, in a factory building of an abandoned factory on the edge of Hasakah, a group of soldiers wearing combat equipment were making final preparations before departure.

They held the HK416, which symbolized their supreme status, and wore the most advanced dragon scale armor. Even the combat boots on their feet were customized, different from other ordinary special forces.

It can be said that, at least in appearance, this team has embodied the so-called "professionalism" and "specialization" to the extreme, and from the pre-war briefing made by the team leader, the tactical preferential treatment they received was also revealed.

". In order to avoid possible air strikes, we will walk to the Abyad area in southern Hasakah within the next two hours, where we will meet with the mobile team and continue to move towards Raqqa by civilian transportation."

"Note, due to the sensitivity of the current situation, we will no longer be able to obtain sufficiently safe air support before we reach the target location. All we can rely on are two F-16 fighters from Turkey, as well as two AH-1P and two AH-1W helicopters for cover."

"These air forces are not under our direct command, and their response may be slower than expected. We must be prepared for this."

"In contrast, the air forces that the other side can mobilize in this area are not much different from ours."

"Therefore, we must ensure complete radio silence to avoid possible exposure."

"At the same time, we must maintain high-speed maneuvers to get rid of the other side's reconnaissance sight as much as possible."

"After arriving in Raqqa, We will take a 20-minute break and then head to the target area immediately. "

"After arriving, we will destroy all air defense radars and air defense missile systems in the area within 5 minutes, and guide air forces to launch a devastating attack on them."

"The entire mission will last for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the Turkish side will send a helicopter to pick us up for evacuation."

"The most important requirement of this operation is speed."

"We must be fast enough, accurate enough, and efficient enough."

"I will not allow anyone to fall behind in this operation. If they fall behind, it means death. Do you understand?"


All the team members answered immediately, and the team leader nodded with satisfaction, and then gave an order:

"Now, get ready to go, Qui ose gagne! (The brave wins)"

"Qui ose gagne!"

A neat shout came, and the 24 team members left the factory and merged into the night like ghosts.

The mission has begun, and they have entered a complete silence.

No one made any extra noise. In this sleeping city, their departure did not disturb any trembling dream.

The leader was very satisfied with the performance of his team members. In his opinion, this was the quality that a special forces unit should have.

As for those people in the French Legion?

Yes, there were indeed GCP members among them, but they were still far behind his team.

The mobile team was 15 kilometers away. After the team boarded the vehicle, there would not be too much suspense in this operation.

He thought so in his heart, and his pace also quickened a bit.

However, what he didn't know was that there was a real "ghost" above his head, monitoring their every move through the thermal sensing reconnaissance pod.

In the distance, at Tabka Airport, two Su-27s and two MiG-29s had quietly taken off.

However, the superiors of his team had not received any warnings.

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